Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO.6 REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR HEAD OF ICT SERVICES TO THE Customer and Support Services Lead Member Briefing ON Monday, 21 May, 2007 TITLE : ICT Services Annual Report: Performance for 2006/7 and Plans for 2007/8 RECOMMENDATIONS : That the report be noted EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The attached report sets out the detailed achievements within ICT Services for 2006/7 and plans for 2007/8 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) annual report attached ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Risk management is an element of each of the initiatives contained in the service plans which go to make up this overall report on last year's performance and this year's plans SOURCE OF FUNDING: iCT revenue budget where applicable COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by :NA 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by :NA 3. ICT STEERING GROUP IMPLICATIONS Provided by:NA PROPERTY (if applicable): NA HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): NA c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc CONTACT OFFICER : Mike Willetts WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Not Applicable KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Best Value; Information Society Strategy; Modernising Local Government; e Government; DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc ICT Services… Making a Difference ANNUAL REPORT TO CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES LEAD MEMBER BRIEFING Results for 2006/7 Plans for 2007/8 May 2007 c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc CONTENTS Introduction 2006/7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Main highlights Service performance results Balanced scorecard results Major project outcomes Conclusions 2007/8 6. Balanced scorecard targets 7. Major projects development plan 8. BPR work plan c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc INTRODUCTION The report summarises how ICT Services has performed against plans during 2006/7 and sets out service improvement targets and ICT development plans for 2007/8. 1. MAIN HIGHLIGHTS The following summary shows just some of the headlines for 2006/7 One Salford transformation programme developed in conjunction with CEO office Re-designed Intranet site for easier access and self help for customers Launched management leadership programme with 11 ICT staff currently undertaking “Transform” Data Centre completed and opened Embedded risk management and implemented new business continuity plan Enterprise project well developed (2,200 PC’s to date) Devised E-Learning environment and piloted on Risk Management National BPR user group now comprises 200 members, 350 formally trained (50 within Salford) 10 ICT staff qualified as Prince Practitioners 5,707 ICT training delegate days delivered against target of 5,056 Budget savings targets achieved and overall spend within £20,000 on main ICT budget Operational performance improvements are being sustained, indeed improved (see section 3) Excellent progress made on Balanced Scorecard actions (see section 4) New online facilities went live September for easier service access and control Achieved MOS academy status giving us free access to training materials Building schools for the future strategy developed Budget savings for 2007/8 identified Huge accommodation moves continue with over 1,000 officers now relocated in past 12 months IIP achieved – assessment took place 20th April Big push on Think Efficiency particularly Support Services Review Outstanding audit recommendations lowest ever Sickness absence sustained at low level (3.16%) Digital challenge - potential beyond the decision c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 2. SERVICE PERFORMANCE RESULTS Performance Indicator Customer satisfaction rating - ICT training - Help desk Council wide fault - Network down - Corporate system unavailable Local fault - Directorate system down - Single site down - Part of corporate system unavailable Single item fault - PC / printer down Minor fault - PC application not working - Faulty printer Inconvenience fault Help desk - % Of calls answered immediately - % Of all calls/faults fixed immediately Service Standard (Target for 2006/7) Performance (Apr 06 – Mar 07) 90% 90% 93% 98% Target exceeded Target exceeded 90% of faults fixed within 4 hours 100% (2 faults) Target exceeded 85% of faults fixed within 8 hours 89% (214 faults) Target exceeded 90% of faults fixed within 2 working days 92% (2,375 faults) Target exceeded 95% of faults fixed within 4 working days 95% (13,904 faults) Target hit 95% of faults fixed within 10 working days 96% (1,730 faults) Target exceeded 75% 88% (49,238 calls) 59% Target exceeded 60% Comments Target just missed COMPARISONS ON PERFORMANCE OVER THE LAST 3 YEARS Performance Indicator Customer satisfaction rating - ICT training - Help desk Council wide fault - Network down - Corporate system unavailable Local fault - Directorate system down - Single site down - Part of corporate system unavailable Single item fault - PC / printer down Minor fault - PC application not working - Faulty printer Inconvenience fault Help desk - % Of calls answered immediately - % Of all calls/faults fixed immediately 2006/7 2005/6 2004/5 93% 98% 93% 95.5% 100% (2 faults) 100% (6 faults) 98% (43 faults) 89% (214 faults) 88% (238 faults) 83% (196 faults) 92% (2,375 faults) 80% (1,874 faults) 80% (1,560 faults) 95% (13,904 faults) 93% (12,860 faults) 92% (12,534 faults) 96% (1,730 faults) 93% (2,156 faults) 94% (1,117 faults) 88% (49,238 calls) 59% 87% (49,769 calls) 61% 85% (47,825 calls) Not monitored 92% Not monitored Project contained in 2007/8 BSC to raise standards and performance further now the current targets are consistently being met c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 3. BALANCED SCORECARD RESULTS This section summarises progress on the individual service improvement initiatives within the ICT Services Balanced Scorecard for 2006/7 including the high level Action Plans and individual milestone targets within the Action Plans. Total high-level actions Total completed to date Total outstanding 72 65 7 Total all actions (milestone targets) Total completed to date Total outstanding 294 280 14 Performance against all actions is shown graphically below Progress to date against all actions Total outstanding 5% Total completed to date Total outstanding Total completed to date 95% c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc the following schedule summarise progress on the individual actions / milestones Main actions completed Action Result Ensure effective corporate governance of ICT Corporate governance steering group established with current agenda based around corporate information and Service transformation/ ICT strategy (One Salford) Create 2006/7 Staff Training plan Staff training plan agreed and published on intranet flowing from appraisals Introduce management development for team leaders 11 officers are now on the council’s leadership (Transform) and 10 have undertaken first-line manager’s course in 2006. Monthly meetings of ICTMT/Team Leaders in place at which management topics are developed Develop staff appraisals programme All appraisors have undertaken training in new appraisal format and all appraisals throughout the service are now completed Competency framework Corporate competency framework delivered as part of appraisal process with all ICT staff undertaken in 2006. Will be included in ICT Succession Planning Strategy for 2007/8 Address all high category audit recommendations on an ongoing basis through effective tracking One of the responsibilities of the new Service Standards Manager is to monitor and track all recommendations made by the audit commission and internal audit. On a monthly basis outstanding recommendations are followed up (with a particular focus on H) to ensure that planned progress matches what was agreed. Lowest ever number of outstanding recommendations Deliver sickness management targets Latest figures available for the whole of ICT Services for 06/07 are 3.16% overall (short and long term sickness). Deliver budget savings targets as agreed at decision conference Savings targets achieved Develop budget efficiency statements for leadership evaluation Develop corporate rewards and recognition strategy Statements developed and provided to Director in readiness for review Develop customer relationship strategy Strategy devised and uploaded onto intranet. Now being implemented Ensure compliance with H & S legislation H & S committee established, safety reps appointed. Intranet updated with H & S information. Safety risk assessment completed, inspections and training analysed and addressed. Improvement plan done, issued to senior staff and published online Create single project manager pool of resources Established as part of the ICT Services restructure Introduce project success index Developed draft success index form and function and being applied to the Enterprise project Review risk management methods To ensure that the ICT risk management standards remain fit for purpose, they were reviewed and updated in September 2006. The revised framework and standard have now been published online. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Local initiatives have been developed including local suggestion scheme whilst corporate initiatives are developed and rolled out Review project management methods Project Management methods were reviewed in line with the new ICT work process methodology which has recently been introduced to improve work prioritisation, allocation, change management and risk management Continue PRINCE 2 accreditation for staff 10 ICT staff now Prince Practitioners Action Result Develop income generation plan Plan drawn up for target income this year principally from consultancy and training services to other councils, outcome of around £120,000 Produce 2006/7 SLAs All SLAs for 2006/7 drawn up and published. Implement automated tool to support programme management VQSM selected as part of the work process method – went live Sept. 06 Enhance service standards based around ITIL Business case made and implementation plan devised for 2007/8 based around Change, Release and Configuration management. Establish Corporate Information resource unit Established as part of ICT service restructure Develop Corporate Information Strategy Developed as far as possible for the moment pending outcomes of Agile Working, EDRMS, Records Management and One Salford Introduce internal ICT staff newsletter Designed, editorial board established with regular newsletters now being published on Intranet (M@D) Maintain and monitor risk registers on a bi-monthly basis All ICT Services staff completed in house developed e-learning course. Work being done on a number of operational risk registers. Strategic risk register maintained by ICT management team. Complete ISO 27001 analysis and implement improvements High-level gap review completed. Work in progress on prioritising areas of non compliance Support the delivery of customer care training plan through development of elearning offering Course developed and piloted and will be offered as part of the 2007/8 training portfolio Determine council-wide ICT training needs Customer ICT training plan devised following consultation via SLA process. Plan in delivery throughout the year Delivery of CRM work-plan Prioritised service areas agreed and work plan produced. Project governance and management arrangements established and resources reviewed Develop review and maintain corporate complaints system Issues and system performance reviewed in conjunction with customer services Delivery of PMF training plan Course developed, pilot and initial training undertaken. Delegates for training agreed and being rolled out during 2006/7 Reports being produced via crystal and business objects. Develop and maintain PMF software including performance reporting Support Housing services in development of stock options c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Issues paper presented to Board, Draft SLA developed. Work will be ongoing in 2007 Review third party contracts Commitments reviewed – some terminated as part of efficiency review Develop web casting facilities Pilot tested on broadcast for Enterprise project and CEO/Leaders address In overall terms, excellent progress was made during 2006/7 with the majority of targets delivered. The targets that are ongoing and the few being carried forward into 2007/8 are shown in below. Actions that are ongoing or being carried forward into 2007/8 Action Progress Devise e-learning strategy to support council training and development programmes Draft strategy document produced and consultation has taken place. Launch of strategy delayed whilst joint activities are taking place between HR and ICT revised expected date of completion is August 2007 Resolve ICT training accommodation needs Accommodation steering group have agreed planned activities and costs. Scheduled to commence around July, 2007 Develop corporate ICT strategy based around councils service transformation agenda ONE salford strategy document produced and agreed with CEO office in principle. Further alignment to 2007/8 scorecards needed. Expected delivery date is June, 2007 Support to Thinks Programme: o Customer Ongoing with BPR work in the locality teams, elderly persons and ASB o Efficiency Ongoing with CEO commissioning office to review common business processes / support function throughout council o Democracy Ongoing with e-surgeries expanding and case management facilities o Business Achievement of appropriate e-Gov priority outcomes and take-up campaign Ongoing with focus on Single business account Of the 25 outcomes 22 are achieved. Outstanding activities are around Single Business/Customer account. Expected completion date Sept 2007. Implement Enterprise project Project rollout well in hand – 2,200 devices done to date. Expected target date is Sept 2007. Support Building Schools for the future strategy Present position statement of current ICT services to schools done. Production of strategic and outline business case done. Work in hand 4. MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES Project CRM Programme Current Position Welcome to Salford went live Customer profiling – marketing additional services BCDC development live c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Chief exec. Customer request handling system Bailiffs – awaiting customer acceptance Valuations – ready to go live All other outstanding requests completed E- Billing in development Supplies team e-invoices implemented Councillor Info Web Content management Community service directories Integration with CRM Further change affecting the Allocations policy requested. Go live scheduled August 07 Implemented from pilot to live New wards included Roll out programme scheduled Centralised Service directory implemented 13-19 Service directory live, WUU2 website and text messaging service implemented Data Centre All major services now relocated to the new facility IT Training courses delivered as and when required PMF upgrade complete PMF documentation to be completed by 3rd party All outstanding request completed Project is currently being rolled out across the council and we have now completed approx 55% of the user base Contact point – child index data validator Process and organisational review completed and facilitated go live in Sept 06. Concurrent with this work a similar investigation will be carried out within the Duty & Investigation Admin team. Continued to work on information sharing protocols and opportunities. Identification and analysis of existing and potential incoming contacts to the proposed adult services teams, to enable access via one point of contact, and to contribute to the development of the teams – Report and recommendations complete Summer 06. Simplification of the Domiciliary Care / Procurement process Identification, data collection and analysis of admin roles, activities and costs of service, on the Civic and Minerva Campus. Complete April 07 Process and service delivery review – completed Sept 06 Process and service delivery review – completed Sept 06 BPR consultancy, including process review and structural options. SX3 Council Tax and Benefits Electronic Trading and Procurement Choice base lettings Project PMF & Report Writing Enterprise Children’s Services Locality Teams (BPR) Current Position Adult Services Service review Admin Review SIMS Lift Housing Stock Options IT Training MOS Academy E-Learning Programme 5970 delegate units trained 54Registered for Equalskills 197Registered for ECDL 89 Registered for ECDL Advanced ‘A’ Audit received from British Computer Society - Highly commended by Auditor New Courses developed and delivered for : Customer Care, Work Process Methodology, Mind Genius, Residential Care Workers Pilot testing and procedures established by Training Team MOS Academy status confirmed for 2007/8 Risk Management course undertaken by all ICT Services staff E-learning package produced for Child Protection Team ‘snippet’ courses produced to supplement Enterprise training IiP Questionnaire completed for ICT Services Supplementary module for Customer Care course completed Programme of Work being developed for 2007/8 E-Learning Accreditation achieved by Training Officer c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Sims .Net Enterprise Training GIS SAP WPM Training courses being delivered to customers (approx 1 course per month) Personnel Module training underway Other modules scheduled for 2007/08 Training offered to other local authorities Training undertaken in conjunction with Desktop roll out Over 40% of planned training completed Established a public facing mapping site that scored 3/3 in the SOCITM Better Connected Audit 2006. Developed an internal mapping system which gives access to a wide variety of map based data to any user within the council. Built a GIS vendor independent Spatial Data Warehouse (Oracle) which can store and serve spatial data to the various GIS systems within the authority, and make current and accurate data available to the internal and public facing web sites Project Solomon – Implementation of Sap Plant maintenance module VQSM live , upgrade planned 5. CONCLUSIONS The service has worked hard and creatively in 2006 to achieve a range of important and worthwhile targets and initiatives as set out in this report. ICT is increasingly seen as central to the council’s strategic change agenda and in improving organisational efficiencies. We will continue to focus on strengthening our capabilities to support the council in its efforts during 2007. 2007/8 6. BALANCED SCORECARD TARGETS Learning & Growth Develop and deliver competency framework for ICT specialisms Implement succession strategy and plans for key posts Achieve IIP accreditation Continue leadership development with further staff on transform programme Hold ICTMT/Team Leader team building event Undertake all staff appraisals Devise and deliver staff training plan Develop and deliver e-learning strategy and plan (with HR) Develop and deliver knowledge management methods and tools (with CEO) Develop and deliver information observatory (with CEO) Introduce ECDL/MOS as core competency for officers Resolve long term accommodation for training service Customer Support ONE Salford Transformation strategy (through Information and ICT strategy) Support the emerging worklessness strategy with CEO Develop BSF strategies and plans including transitional arrangements Raise ICT operational standards and performance for technical support Implement 3 key ITIL modules (Change, configuration & release management) Undertake bi-annual regional benchmarking with SOCITM Review management PI’s for improved value management Reduce incidence and impact of spam Introduce compliance assessment framework Revise loss control strategy Update risk management strategy, host risk management forum with team leaders Roll out risk management tool corporately c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Finalise strategic business continuity plan and complete BIA’s with customers Develop and rollout customer care e-learning tool corporately Deliver health and safety improvement plan Provide CRM and infrastructure implementation and support for LIFT project Develop on-line community consultation, opinion polling and petitioning solution Develop and implement Equality Impact assessments Continue developments to support choice based lettings Devise corporate customer contact strategy and encourage use of on-line transactions (with CEO) Develop and deliver Web site improvement plan (with CEO) Investigate e-citizen national project Support development and roll out of CCTV facilities Finance Develop business cases from decision conferencing (for wireless, telephony and mobile facilities) Conclude Enterprise Project Undertake efficiency review of ICT services Raise ICT product awareness throughout council Scale-up sweating the assets programme Deliver agreed target budget savings from decision conferencing Investigate open source solutions Investigate case for rationalising enterprise systems Develop energy savings ICT ideas Support agile working developments through products and infrastructure Develop marketing and income generation plan Process Revise SLA’s for MOS offerings, e-learning and impact of Enterprise project etc Produce and maintain consolidated ICT order book Support the planning and delivery of the LAA action plan Develop the ICT Customer relationship strategy including customer contact Help develop the capacity of corporate change team and governance model Implement the corporate EDRMS strategy Establish the NOESIS programme Implement the ICT file plan Embed use of WPM / VQSM tool into ICT service including reporting facilities Review and improve the effectiveness of ICT governance (Project challenge process) Review and improve the benefits management process 7. MAJOR PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT PLAN (Key examples) Project Expected outcomes One Salford Transformation Programme Think Customer Themes Employability/worklessness Provide greater service access, Eligibility personalisation and choice to citizens. Being Born Raise customer care levels within the council Becoming disabled for improved service delivery and Locality Teams standardisation of quality and approach. Older persons Improve efficiencies through development of Lift Centres shared service model c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Community Service directories Customer profiling Bereavement services CCTV Common Assessment framework Contact Point Increase e-services take-up & web site improvement, including service requests via GIS mapping. Develop a Customer Contact Strategy Think Efficiency Themes Admin Review. Standardised HR processes. Procurement & Payments. Agile Working Think Democracy Themes Develop online community consultation, opinion polling and petitioning solutions Cross Cutting ICT Enablers Single Customer. Business accounts Contact Point – Information sharing Index Electronic Records Management Strategy Research & Information Observatory E-learning courses and guidelines Information Management and Security Implement SMS text messaging services LLPG Integration Process tracking and workflow Increase e-services take up by citizens, communities and business Empower local people to take control over their health and support healthy lifestyles Improve social housing by 2010 Giving children the best start at birth Improve the safety of children and young people Raise educational achievement in Salford. Review core business processes and transactions with a view to reducing support service costs through greater exploitation of ICT products Implement budget proposals and develop further efficiencies Greater use of Corporate Assets Measures to equip the communities with capacities to engage and exploit new initiatives Implement and enable the corporate Change Agenda Provide greater service access, personalisation and choice to citizens. Supporting the continuous learning and growth of the organisation and its employees Raise customer care levels within the council for improved service delivery and standardisation of quality and approach 8. BPR WORKPLAN (Key examples) Project Think Customer Employability Expected outcomes Think Customer Link Age Think Customer Being Born In Salford Think Customer Becoming disabled In Salford c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Expand Skills for Life line to encompass more employability services Referral service for Construction Partnership, JobShop +, JobShops, New Direction Joint Learning Difficulty Service Improved access to available services and benefits for which they are eligible Improved efficiency in terms of number of contacts elderly person has to make by us providing multi agency referrals More joined up service delivery by enabling agencies to work together All Salford citizens who have recently or about to give birth/adopt a baby to know about relevant services and entitlements Options for joint service delivery and information sharing between the authority and the PCT All Salford citizens whose lives are affected by a disability* to know about relevant disability-related services and entitlements All Salford citizens whose lives are affected by a disability to receive appropriate service(s), delivered in a manner best suited to their needs Options for joint service delivery and information sharing between the authority and the PCT Think Customer Lift service redesign and service delivery Think Customer Information Sharing within Locality teams Think Customer Eligibility assessment and service collaboration Think Efficiency Admin and Support Services review across all campus’s Think Efficiency Free School meals review and collaboration of services Think Efficiency Educational Admissions and Exclusion administration Think Efficiency Complaints handling in Children’s Services Report detailing requirements of people going into LIFT buildings and relationships between them To identify how information can be shared to enable effective working within the Locality Teams, and between the Locality Teams and partners. To include information documented electronically or manually, using IT systems or paper, and personal knowledge, which may currently be shared formally or informally, in writing or verbally Increase take up of benefits for those eligible and more effective termination where no longer eligible Review the range of administrative and support services and associated management functions within all directorates at each complex and to devise an authority-wide support service model possibly based on a single campus arrangement. Review the current process for processing FSM and implement new solutions, leading to improve eligibility, access to the services and an improved efficiently managed operation. Not yet defined Not yet defined c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc