Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO.6 a REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE DIRECTORATE TO the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services on Monday 12th February, 2007 TITLE : Facility Improvements at Fit City Eccles RECOMMENDATIONS : Lead Members for Culture and Sport and Customer and Support Services are recommended to: 1. Approve the remaining funding of £283,000 from the Local Public Service Agreement 1 Reward Grant for sport and leisure facilities (£500,687) for facility improvements at Fit City Eccles EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : In April 2005 Lead Members for Culture and Sport and Customer and Support Services approved the allocation of £500,687 from the Local PublicService Agreement 1 Reward Grant for a programme of capital improvements to sport and leisure facilities to be approved by Lead Members. Lead Members for Culture and Sport and Customer and Support Services have previously approved funding from the LPSA1 Reward Grant for swimming pool improvement schemes at Fit City Irlam and Fit City Cadishead. The scheme at Fit City Eccles is predominantly around required DDA works Improve changing provision in terms of quality and access Redesign the main entrance and foyer to improve access The scheme will be undertaken by Urban Vision in accordance with the City Council’s agreement. There is £283,000 remaining of the £500,687 LPSA Reward Grant to fund the scheme at Fit City Eccles. (The remaining funding has been identified by Salford Community Leisure and the City Council Corporate DDA pot). BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) Report to Lead Members for Culture and Sport and Customer and Support Services (April 2005) on the Local Public Service Agreement 1 Reward Grant for Sport and Leisure ASSESSMENT OF RISK: c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 1 Low SOURCE OF FUNDING: LPSA 1 Reward Grant for Sport and Leisure Facilities COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by :N/A 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by :Keith Darragh Funding of £60k loss of income required from the City Council (through the Management Agreement) 3. ICT STEERING GROUP IMPLICATIONS Provided by:N/A PROPERTY (if applicable): Ken Whittick HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A CONTACT OFFICER : Andy Howitt Assistant Director Culture and Leisure (Community, Health and Social Care Directorate WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Eccles; KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Community Strategy; Cultural Strategy; Health; Regeneration; Social Exclusion; DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 2 Details The proposed scheme for Fit City Eccles has been planned for a number of years due to the requirement to ensure the site is DDA compliant and the problems associated with the existing design of the reception area. The proposed scheme aims to address a number of customer critical issues that have been identified through research and experience of managing the facility. In addition there are also statutory requirements under the DDA. There are three components to the scheme although they are all inter linked under the overarching DDA requirement: Improved changing provision in terms of quality and access. The current changing provision will be refurbished and new changing areas adjacent to the fitness suite and sports hall will be created. Redesign of the main entrance and foyer to improve mobility of customer access/egress. DDA works: mechanical entrance doors, accessible reception counter, widening of access doors to all changing areas and sports areas, modification of easy access changing area adjacent to the pool and general improvements to toilet facilities. Fit City Eccles has the largest membership of any of SCL sites and is an absolutely critical site. The scheme will bring this prestigious and busy facility up to modern standards. The improvement will increase customer retention. Current changing provision falls short of Sport England requirements in terms of size. Current facilities are cramped particularly during the day when schools are sharing with adult customers of the pool and fitness suite. Creation of new dry changing will facilitate independent use of the pool changing rooms by the primary schools, which has been identified by schools and Children’s Services as an important factor regarding safety and supervision. Changing rooms are inaccessible to wheelchair users. Wheelchair access to the pool is currently achieved via a fire door off the pool itself. The scheme has been assessed by an independent DDA consultant commissioned by the City Council and has been revised to meet all the requirements of the assessment. Timetable The project timetable is for a 17-week programme delivered over 2 phases. Phase 1: duration, 9 weeks. Creation of dry changing rooms. No reduction in activity programme. Phase 2: duration 8 weeks. Works to reception and wet changing rooms. The pool will be closed during this phase and admission to fitness suite will be to members only through a temporary entrance. The decision deadline for Seddons to start work on site for the Eccles scheme is 12th February (the work would commence in March so that the centre can open ready for the school holidays). SCL will have to start cancelling bookings as soon as possible and try to relocate the programme, particularly the school swimming programme. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 3 Funding Lead Member for Culture & Sport has previously approved (April 2006) the use of the LPSA 1 Reward grant for capital improvement schemes for leisure facilities managed by Salford Community Leisure Limited. Proposed project costs Salford Community Leisure Limited LPSA 11 DDA (City Council) Total scheme costs (including fees) £47,466 £283,000 £87,944 £418,410 Loss of income Loss of income for phase 2 period (8 weeks) £60k (includes reduction through staffing efficiencies). 1 This is based on £217,500k of the LPSA 1 funds being spent on tiling for Fit City Irlam & Fit City Clarendon (figures provided by N.Doyle from Urban Vision) c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 4