EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 The Albion High School London Street Salford Meeting commenced: “ ended: 6.30 p.m. 9.20 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor Bernard Murphy – in the Chair Councillors Humphreys, King, Merry and Wilson MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY: A. Ryan - Kersal Cell Residents’ Association C. Waite - Cliffside Residents’ Association M. Narus - Salford Nazarene Church F. Reggimenti M. Evans } } Salford Youth Club J. Murphy - CFH, Salford L. Smith - VOICE K. Coakley - St. Sebastian’s M. Kelly M. Preston C. Gray D. Prince F. Rimmer } } } } } R.I.T.A C. Sumner - The Broughton Trust T. Curran - Ukraine Road J. Bailey - Salford C.V.S J. Williams - The Broughton Trust R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 A. Iqbal - HBHG Development Trust A. McCormick - Albert Park Bowling Club B. Hayward C. Woodward } } Albion Residents’ Group M. Thorpe - Broughton Action Group L. Craven - Cromwell Residents’ Group M. Breen - Norton, Gainsborough and Kimberley Street Group G. Cooper - VOICE and St. George’s Residents’ Association C. Moores - Change Way H. Kavanagh - Kimberley Street J. O’Rouke - Norton Street S. Carson - H.B.A.C B. Jones - Brindleheath Road D. Jones - Brindleheath Residents’ Association A.M. Pickup - CREST G. Pickup - Local Resident P. Ball - Friars Tenants’ Association B. Duran - Camp Street K. Groves - Cliffside Residents’ Association D. Nicholas - Hill Street Residents’ Association V. Pawson L. Knowles } } Devonshire Street Please note that the attendance list may have not been signed by all those present which may have resulted in the omission of a number of names from this list. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 2 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 OFFICERS: C. Skinkis 47. - Neighbourhood Manager A. Hadi - Community Development Worker B. Winchester - Community Development Worker V. Hamnett - Community Development Worker K. Kaur - East Salford Health Improvement Team B. Elder - New Deal for Communities A. Rafferty - Salford Primary Care Trust B. Taylor - Area Co-ordinator A. Stockton - Urban Vision R. Threlfall - Assistant Neighbourhood Manager H. Barker - Groundwork Manchester, Salford and Trafford N. Mawson - Housing Market Renewal Team S. Puffett - Community Safety Unit M. McHugh - Committee Administrator APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Connor, Hulmes and Joe Murphy and S. Adolphe, C. Broadbent, L. Carr and B. Hawke. 48. POLICING UPDATE R. Findlow, Greater Manchester Police, addressed the Committee and provided an update report in respect of work being undertaken by the Greater Manchester Police and its partners within the area. Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including – The deployment of police officers and police community support officers within the Neighbourhood Management Area. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 3 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 Changes within the staffing structure within the Greater Manchester Police. The anti-social use of quad bikes within the Neighbourhood Management Area and work being undertaken by the Greater Manchester Police and its partners to address the issue. Work being undertaken to address the ongoing issue of the sale and use of illicit drugs within the area. The anti-social use of alcohol by young people within the Neighbourhood Management Area. Work being undertaken in the area by the Broughton Action Team. Problems being experienced with the sale of alcohol to young people across the Neighbourhood Management Area. The availability of contact numbers for local police officers. Work being undertaken to address the issue of vehicle crime within the Neighbourhood Management Area. The role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) within the Neighbourhood Management Area. The need to develop Home Watch Schemes within the Neighbourhood Management Area. The need for local people to report crime. A perception that police presence within the area was low. A perception that slow response times from the Greater Manchester Police were causing a number of residents to cease reporting crimes and instances of Anti-Social Behaviour within the Neighbourhood Management Area. Work being undertaken to facilitate the commencement of Alleygating schemes within the area. Proposals for the development Neighbourhood Management Area. A request that the Right Honourable Hazel Blears, M.P., be invited to attend the next meeting of this Committee to provide an update report in respect of – (a) of ‘Policing Surgeries’ within the work being undertaken within the area in respect of the services provided by the Greater Manchester Police; and R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 4 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 (b) issues raised at meetings held within the Neighbourhood Management Area in the Summer 2005 period. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT update reports on work being undertaken in the area, be submitted at future meetings of this Committee. (3) THAT an invitation be extended to Right Honourable Hazel Blears, M.P., to attend the next meeting of this Committee to provide an update report in respect of – 49. (a) work being undertaken within the area in respect of the services provided by the Greater Manchester Police; and (b) issues raised at meetings held within the Neighbourhood Management Area in the Summer 2005 period. WITNESS OUTREACH SERVICE S. Puffett, Principal Community Safety Officer, addressed the Committee to provide details regarding the Witness Outreach Service. She indicated that as part of a new initiative from the Government called 'No Witness No Justice' more support for witnesses was being provided in a number of areas. She indicated that one of the most significant was the Witness Care Unit. She provided details, as follows – The aim of the unit was to support witnesses through the process from giving a written statement to the police, to giving evidence in court. The work of the unit's specially trained officers to provide practical and moral support to victims and witnesses of crime by phone. The aim for one officer to support the same person from the start to the finish of the process She provided further detailed of the Witness Outreach Service, and indicated that the service was available to anyone who had been affected by crime, disorder or antisocial behaviour. She indicated that the contact details for the service were – Telephone: (0161) 793 3590 Email: witness.outreach@salford.gov.uk RESOLVED: THAT S. Puffett be thanked for her informative and interesting presentation. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 5 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 50. COMMUNITY ISSUES (a) Douglas Green G. Cooper addressed the Committee and provided details of his concern in respect of the lack of progress being made in respect of the development of Douglas Green. He indicated that the matter had now been ongoing for a long period and required conclusion. Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, and it was – RESOLVED: (1) THAT a meeting be arranged at which the matter would be considered further, and that the meeting involve the following individuals – Councillor John Merry Graham Cooper Ann Marie Pickup Bill Taylor Dave Tinker (2) THAT an update report be submitted at a future meeting of this Committee. 51. FAIRTRADE – UPDATE Councillor King gave a presentation – (a) describing how the purchase of Fair Trade mark products ensured a better deal for growers in developing countries by guaranteeing fair prices and an additional social premium; (b) indicating that, as a result of actions taken to promote the purchase of such goods, Manchester and Salford had been awarded joint “Fair Trade Town” status; (c) outlining ways in which individuals could participate by purchasing fair trade goods or encouraging their employers or groups to do so and raising awareness by displays and articles; and (d) outlining events which would be held within the city during ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ between 6th and 19th March, 2006. Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including – suggestions that fair trade goods were more expensive than other produce details of other organisations within the city which support Fairtrade R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 6 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee thanked Councillor King for his informative and interesting presentation. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. 52. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 24th November, 2005, were signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendment to Minute 46 – Date and Time of Next Meeting The deletion of – RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of the East Salford Community Committee be held on Thursday, 26th January, 2006, at 6.30pm, in a venue either Kersal or Irwell Riverside. And the insertion in its place of – RESOLVED: (1) THAT the next meeting of the East Salford Community Committee be held on Thursday, 26th January, 2006, at 6.30pm, in a venue either Kersal or Irwell Riverside. (2) THAT individuals wishing to stand as Chairman of this Committee for the remainder of the 2005 / 2006 Municipal Year, provide details of their intention to Mike McHugh, Chris Skinkis or Rebecca Threlfall. 53. MATTERS ARISING (a) Landlords, Housing and the Immigrant Population (Previous Minute 39(c) – 24th November, 2005) N. Mawson, Housing Market Renewal Team, provided details of work being undertaken by the Council and it’s partners within the area to address problems within the area. He provided details of (a) the Landlord Accreditation Scheme that had been introduced and (b) the Landlord Licensing Scheme that was to be piloted in Higher Broughton and the New Deal for Communities area. Councillor King indicated that the council and it’s partners were aware of the issues within the area and were working to resolve them. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 7 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 (b) David Lewis Playing Field (Previous Minute 41(a) – 24th November, 2005) A. Stockton submitted a report providing details regarding the ownership of David Lewis Playing Field. He indicated that the David Lewis Playing Field was in the ownership of Salford City Council. He also reported that the covenants placed upon the land detailed the use to be for only public recreation. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (c) East Salford Community Action Plan (Previous Minute 42(3) – 24th November, 2005) R. Threlfall addressed the Committee informing Members that it was the intention to include three members of the East Salford Community Committee as community representatives on the East Salford Executive Group. She provided details of the role associated with membership of the East Salford Executive Group and also of the frequency of the meetings. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT Members of this Committee wishing to as community representatives on the East Salford Executive Group contact either C. Skinkis or M. McHugh. (C. Skinkis – 0161 708 9455) (M. McHugh – 0161 793 3011) 54. BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE (a) Budget Sub-Committee – 10th January, 2006 RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations of the Budget Sub-Committee for the applications for funding as detailed below be approved – APPLICANT 1. Swinton Amateur Swimming Club TOTAL GRANT SOUGHT £1807.74 PURPOSE Coach Hire, Ferry Costs and Hostel costs R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc DECISION Approved BUDGET £1807.74 8 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 2. Friends of St. John's £1820.00 Transport/Outdoor Pursuits Approved venture £1820.00 3. Broughton Amateur Boxing Club £2038.76 Boxing equipment/Travel Costs/Room Hire/Fees Approved £2038.76 4. The Beanstock £4257.00 Home Management Co. Limited Reading materials/cultural videos etc./Arts and crafts/transport Approved £2200.00 5. Albert Park Vets Bowling Club 6. Mary Burns Organisation £1161.05 Approved £1161.05 £1596.00 Alarm System and Stove Printing and Distribution 7. Creative Medium £2006.50 Running costs/Salaries Deferred 8. East Salford Neighbourhood Management Team 9. CREST £565.59 Room Hire/Refreshments/ Childcare and play materials. Advice Worker Approved Meetings / training / equipment / Water boiler / misc. Staffing/equipment And transport Approved £5000.00 Approved £751.00 10. Broughton Database £5000.00 11. Salford Community Leisure Limited. Sports, Health and Community Leisure Team (b) £2500.00 £751.00 Deferred £565.59 Refused Financial Position Statement – 13th December, 2005 R. Threlfall submitted a budget statement showing the financial position of the devolved budget as at 13th December, 2005. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (c) Budget Sub-Committee – Review Session R. Threlfall provided details of a Budget Sub-Committee Review Session to be held on Wednesday, 1st March, 2006. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted; and that an update report be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 9 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 55. BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP RESOLVED: THAT Members of this Committee wishing to replace B. Moore as a representative of the Kersal Ward on the Budget Sub-Committee contact either R. Threlfall or M. McHugh. (R. Threlfall – 0161 708 9455) (M. McHugh – 0161 793 3011) 56. COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LOCAL NETWORK TEAM Submitted a report in respect of the Community Foundation Local Network Team Funding available for children’s projects in Salford. It was noted that the funding available was in the sum of £190k and also that this funding needed to be allocated by the end of the 2005 / 2006 financial year. RESOLVED: THAT Members of this Committee wishing to receive further information in respect of the Community Foundation Local Network Team Funding contact R. Threlfall. (R. Threlfall – 0161 708 9455) 57. NEW DEAL FOR COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP BOARD B. Elder provided details of the two community representative vacancies for membership of the New Deal For Communities Partnership Board. RESOLVED: THAT this item be deferred for consideration at the next meeting of this Committee. 58. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK GROUP – UPDATE H. Barker, Groundwork Manchester, Salford and Trafford, provided details of the issues considered at the meeting of the Environmental Task Group held on Tuesday, 10th January, 2006, including – Derelict Land / Sites within the area; Flood warning literature distributed by the Environment Agency Proposals to distribute information in respect of flood warnings in the form of a mail-shot later in the year RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 10 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 59. REGENERATION UPDATE (a) Neighbourhood Management Team R. Threlfall addressed the Committee and provided an update report in respect of a number of issues, including – Details of a Money Wise Roadshow to be held at the Albion High School, London Street, Charlestown, on Tuesday, 21st February, 2006. Information received from the Primary Care Trust relating to public consultation regarding the future of Hope Hospital. The appointment of Ameen Hadi as a new Community Development Worker within the Neighbourhood Management Area RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (b) Chapel Street Details were provided in respect of the appointment of Chris Farrow as the new Chief Executive of the Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company (URC) RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (c) Lower Broughton Regeneration Partnership Submitted an update report in respect of work currently being undertaken by the Lower Broughton Regeneration Partnership. (Appendix 1 refers) RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (d) New Deal for Communities Concerns were raised in respect of a perceived continued lack of communication between New Deal for Communities and the residents of the Whit Lane estate. Details were repeated relating to lack of information provided to residents following the provision of ‘Demolition Orders’ almost two years ago. General concerns were raised in respect of the levels of consultation and communication between New Deal for Communities and the local community. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 11 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 26th January, 2006 Details were provided of the consultation process which had been undertaken in the area, and also of an offer open to all residents that they were welcome to attend the offices of New Deal for Communities to discuss their concerns at any time. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. 60. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Broughton Hub – Broughton Library Concerns were raised in respect of the future use of the Broughton Library building following the library being moved into the new Broughton Hub. Councillor Merry indicated that an Options Appraisal was currently being undertaken in respect of this issue. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 61. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT M. McHugh provide members with details of the date, time and venue for the next meeting of the East Salford Community Committee, in due course. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm260106.doc 12