PART I (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF HEAD OF HOUSING SERVICES TO Lead Member for Customer and Support Services – 19th December 2005 TITLE : Exception to Contractual Standing Orders – Alpha Street / Spring Gardens Community Garden, Seedley and Langworthy. RECOMMENDATIONS : That Lead Member approves the waiving of contractual standing orders in relation to the appointment of a preferred contractor to undertake the provision of the internal landscape works to the above community garden. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The waiving of contractual standing orders will allow Urban Vision Ltd, following negotiation, to enter into an “exchange of letters” contract with Groundwork Landscapes Ltd to undertake the final stage in the development of the Alpha Street / Spring Gardens community garden i.e. the completion of the internal landscape works. The estimated cost of these works is £17,000.00 (incl fees). BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Not available for public inspection) The relevant documents contain exempt or confidential information by virtue of paragraph 9 Part 1 of the Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 and are not available for public inspection. ASSESSMENT OF RISK : LOW – the scheme is the community’s preferred option for the redevelopment of the site and will provide a safe, secure and landscaped green space for use by the residents of both Alpha Street and Spring Gardens. Failure to progress the scheme will impact on the ability to achieve 2005 – 2006 forecast spend. SOURCES OF FUNDING : Private Sector Housing Capital Programme 2005 – 2006. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative) 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : Paul Scott ext 3051 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by Nigel Dickens ext 2585 CONTACT OFFICER : Terry McBride 212 4476 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : Housing, Regeneration 1.0 Details. 1.1 The property at 1 Alpha Street, Seedley and Langworthy, was acquired by the City Council on 28th March 2000. Following inspection of the property it was agreed that the most satisfactory action for dealing with the unsatisfactory condition was to demolish. 1.2 Resident consultation on the future use of the derelict site informed the Living Environment Team that the community’s preferred use of the site would be the provision of a community garden that could be located within the proposed alleygating scheme. 1.3 A community garden will enhance the property improvements already undertaken within the Langworthy North neighbourhood and provide a secure, safe and landscaped green space for use by residents of both Alpha Street and Spring Gardens, 63 households in total. 1.4 Provision for the demolition of the property and the building of the community garden boundary wall was made within the budget for the Langworthy North Enveloping contract. The demolition of the building was carried out on 1st July 2004 and work to construct the boundary wall and alleygating scheme has recently been completed by Groundwork Landscapes Ltd as the first phase. 1.5 To complete the scheme it is now necessary to commence the negotiation process for the internal landscaping works to the garden area with the original contractor. 2 Contract Approach. 2.1 The City Council has recently entered into a Partnering arrangement for the provision of all value landscaping works. The partner contractors are Horticon and Casey’s. However, the wall to the community garden was recently completed by Groundwork Landscapes Ltd and is still within the defects liability period 2.2 The negotiated approach to this contract is felt to be the most practical method to complete the delivery of the scheme and ensure that there are no conflicts of responsibility between contractors with regards to future work required to the wall to resolve any issues in relation to defects and / or damage. 2.2 In order for the contract to be delivered in this way there is a need for the waiving of contractual standing orders that require a minimum of three written quotations for contracts with a value of below £20,000 but above £10,000. 2.3 Urban Vision Ltd have confirmed that they are satisfied that Groundwork Landscapes Ltd offer value for money in terms of both quality of work and costs. 3 Financial Implications Colleagues within the Landscape Design section of Urban Vision Ltd have estimated the costs for the internal works to be approximately £. £17,000.00 (incl fees). Provision exists within the Environmental budget for Seedley and Langworthy, funded through the Housing Private Sector Capital Programme 2005 - 2006. 4 Conclusion That Lead Member approves the waiving of contractual standing orders in relation to the appointment of a preferred contractor to undertake the provision of the internal landscape works to the Alpha Street / Spring Gardens community garden.