The Council’s Human Resource Strategy Update October 2005 Improving People’s Lives

The Council’s Human Resource
Update October 2005
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Focus and priorities
• Pledges
• Community plan themes
• Cabinet work plan
• Balanced score card (HR)
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Reward and Recognition
Undertaken ‘best practice’ review and staff focus groups
Framework for R&R agreed by Directors
Each Director to implement framework in their services.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Succession Planning
Undertaken good practice review
Linked to Competence framework development
Competences being piloted in Customer & Support Services
Evaluation and roll-out to follow
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Attendance Management
Improvements made to recording process leading to more accurate and
meaningful data to managers.
Policy revised to provide tighter trigger points and more immediate
Health and well-being activities e.g. flu jabs, counselling, physio, stress
policy, and redeployment policy linked.
Review of Occupational Health Service to report in December.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Recruitment and Retention
Established ‘menu-based’ approach to recruitment through ‘Options’
Recruitment Open Day on 13th Sept. Over 600 people attended. A
number of applications and interviews held on the day (full data to
Other similar initiatives to continue.
Created a ‘pool’ of quality-assured admin. and clerical applicants to
‘slot’ into future vacancies.Thereby saving advertising costs.
‘Young Ambassador’ programme established to use young employees
as ambassadors in schools, colleges etc.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Recruitment and Retention
Links with regeneration agenda
Discovery day for care leavers
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Health and Wellbeing
Health and well-being activities e.g. flu jabs, counselling, physio,
stress policy being delivered.
Review of Occupational Health service report in December.
Officer group established to identify further initiatives.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Health and Safety Improvement Plan
An ‘outstationed approach to the deployment of
specialist resources established in all Directorates.
All H&S policy reviewed and updated on the intranet.
Performance monitoring arrangements being
Managers online checklist developed .
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Workforce Statistics
Major Audit of SAP organisational structure complete
BVR SAP improvement Plan being implemented
Quarterly provision of workforce profile, sickness absence
statistics etc to management teams
Personal data audit to be carried out from November
Additional resources allocated to system maintenance and
management information provision
Workforce planning model developed for Community Health and
Social Care Directorate. Participating in NWEO/AGMA
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Workforce Development Plan
Initial Development Plan submitted to NWIN
New appraisal / PDP methodology using competencies being
piloted and integrated into SAP allowing for better collection and
management of development needs.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Diversity and Inclusion
Level 2 Equality Standard Achieved
Action Plan for Level 3 agreed (target 2008)
Plan for adaptations of Council Buildings for 3 years agreed
subject to further consultation
Training for all employees underway
Consultation arrangements with BME groups, disabled people
groups and women's groups developed
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Customer Care
Pilot training courses for front-line staff and their supervisors being
Roll-out subject to evaluation
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
E-induction package complete and live.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
1st Line Managers
100 managers a year achieving ILM First Certificate in Supervisory
Relevant managers in social care achieving NVQs to meet national
Training in enhanced people management skills started using blended
learning approach.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Middle and Senior Managers
3 cohorts of Transform In Salford to run in 2005/6 (110 managers)
11 managers undertaken AGMA programme
4 Leadership Roadshows in 2004/5
Masterclasses organised for January 2006
Service Transformation programme to commence in November 2005
Area/Neighbourhood Working training in November 2005 onwards
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Approximately 1000 hours of study p.a. at current usage.
New IOSH-certificated programme (H&S at Work) being piloted.
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Progress to date:
Other related projects
Policy review – redeployment, capability & attendance management
Pay & Grading review
Skills for Life
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford
Human Resource Strategy - Outcomes
• A motivated workforce with the right skills,
knowledge and attitudes to deliver customerfocused quality services
• A workforce fit for purpose - now and in the
Improving People’s Lives
IN Salford