 Customer & Support Services Scrutiny Committee – 26 Action Sheet

Customer & Support Services Scrutiny Committee
Action Sheet – 26th September 2005
Councillor G. Compton
Councillor J. Dawson (Chair) A
Councillor P. Dobbs
Councillor K. Garrido
Councillor T. Harold
Councillor J. Holt
Councillor J. Kean
Councillor J. King
Councillor B. Miller
Councillor Jane Murphy
Councillor J. Pooley
Councillor R. Powell
PresentApologies received A
Invitees and Officers: Russell Bernstein, Peter Kidd, (Scrutiny Support).
Responsible Member
In Councillor Dawson’s absence it was agreed that Councillor Harold Chair the
The Committee would like to send their best wishes to Councillor Holt, who was
unable to attend today’s meeting due to ill health.
Reports of the Strategic Director Customer & Support Services
Complaints Presented
by Alan Eastwood,
Deputy Director
Customer & Support
As well as the annual letter on complaints from the Ombudsman, Alan updated
the meeting on the progress on the City Council’s computerised complaints
The Ombudsman’s letter detailed the complaints received decisions made and
response times as well as performance information. Members were pleased to
hear see Ombudsman’s positive comments on the declining numbers and the
speed and quality of responses. They congratulated Alan and his team of
complaints officers on the efforts made and in particular the excellent working
relationship Alan has developed with the Ombudsman.
A new Ombudsman will be in post soon and hopefully improvements will
continue, Members reflected that it was not beyond the scope of this committee
to invite the ombudsman to discuss any issues in the future.
Required By
Customer & Support Services Scrutiny Committee
Action Sheet - 26th September 2005
ICT Strategy and
service update –
presented by Mike
Willets, Head of ICT
and David Rogers,
Assistant Director
The new computerised complaints system is about to be launched, October 1st. It
has been delayed to technical considerations to ensure the product meets
Complaints officers are in place and adequately trained and the scheme will be
re-launched across the City. An increase in the numbers of complaints is
inevitable, it may well be that there is a subsequent increase in complaints made
to the Ombudsman as the resolution framework confirms this as an option.
Because of the increase it would be a more appropriate measure of the schemes
effectiveness if it can be used to demonstrate that the council is learning from its
complaints and that the same subjects are not repeated.
The data held on the system will not be open access, however access will widen
as the report writing process is better defined to requirements and the recipients
become accustomed to acting upon reports.
As far as making a complaint goes the procedure will be open to everyone, there
will be options and help for all, no-one should be afraid of making a complaint.
Eventually it is hoped to improve the culture within the council to help people
realise the complaints procedure exists to help improve services.
Alan will return in December with a progress update on the new system, including
a process map, a comparison with other authorities, a report on training delivered
and a break down of complaints by directorate, which will be passed to the
relevant Scrutiny committee. Simple instructions on complaints reporting and a
list of complaints officers will be passed to all Councillors as soon as available.
Members thanked Alan and agreed that the procedure will, provided the
commitment is cultivated, help improve the city councils services.
Mike gave a presentation on the findings of the consultation exercise part of the
recent best value review of ICT (Information Communication Technology)
Services. Whilst ICT have made progress in many fields and are leading the way
in certain areas, they have found they need to be more customer orientated, for
example use less jargon, focus on customer requirements and be more
interactive with the customer for example providing feedback. Councillor Garrido
was on the Challenge panel and was pleased that 99% of recommendations had
been taken on board and was confident the service would improve.
There followed a question and answer session on the future of the service.
The new computer room is cooled by DX and not fresh air supplemented by DX
Alan Eastwood
Alan Eastwood
As soon as
Customer & Support Services Scrutiny Committee
Action Sheet - 26th September 2005
Race Equality Scheme
– A presentation by
David Horsler, Assistant
Director, HR
because the required sealed environment could not be cooled by fresh air alone
combined systems increase costs and there is a danger environmental hazards
pollute the system.
The hardware procurement contract with Dell has been re-negotiated on the best
terms available, the 3-year term provides more flexibility than the previous 5-year
contract and will facilitate a provision more responsive to needs.
Whilst we are moving toward a paperless office it is currently not practical, though
steps are being taken to introduce more hi-speed, networked printers across the
authority to reduce costs and improve service.
Following the decision to switch off the RDNS (Reverse Domain Naming System)
protection, which prevented spam, entering the network but also prevented
contact from a number of other network providers, the network is still protected
though not to the same degree and some increase in spam has been
unavoidable, but no where near the 110,000 a week that attempts to access the
Voice Over Internet Protocol is a tool that the section is investigating for the
It was agreed that Mike returns to this committee to;
report on the progress with the E-surgery pilot.
to present detail on the Total Cost of Ownership - a business case for future
network developments
and bring a comparison with other authorities.
David introduced the revised Race Equality Scheme (RES), which is currently in
draft form and is out to consultation. It is a legislative requirement, the content of
which is largely prescribed, it is available on the internet but because of the
requirements it is a lengthy document and difficult to summarise. It’s purpose it to
make equality central to any service and sets out smart targets to achieve
Members asked if the RES met requirements and deadlines, what were the
consequences of failing to meet these, whether it fitted in with the Councils
Performance Management Framework, and how it ties in with the Equality
Standard for Local Government.
Some discussion took place as to the future when the Commission for Race
Equality (CRE) merges with other equality organisations and whether the RES
Mike Willetts
Customer & Support Services Scrutiny Committee
Action Sheet - 26th September 2005
The Forward Plan
Action sheet from the
previous meeting
Any Other Business
Next meeting:
could be the basis for one all encompassing equality scheme.
Members also discussed Scrutiny’s role in the Equality agenda, how each
Scrutiny Committee should monitor progress and which body ensures that it is
given the attention it requires and that it is driven forward to secure equality
improvements and achieve level three of the Equality Standard.
It was agreed that this committee would take the lead on monitoring the RES and
that training for members of this committee would take place as a priority. The
Chairs of other Scrutiny Committees would also be invited.
The Forward Plan was previously emailed to Members for comment /
observation. There was no action required on the monthly Plan.
However Members would like to see a report on the write-off from Sundry
Debtors in the near future.
Following a query after recent notification of a decision on the structure of the
council’s third and fourth tier management, Members were reminded that the
report relating to the Strategic Review of Corporate Governance had been
considered previously.
The action sheet required no further action, though Member commented on the
non-attendance of Lead Members, an issue, which will be followed up by the
Scrutiny Support Team.
It was flagged by members that complaints about Housing featured prominently in
the Ombudsman Report and this should be looked at by Environment Housing
and Planning Scrutiny Committee and also that delays in renting houses out as
they become available represent a loss of income and may hamper the ability to
deliver other services should also be referred as an issue. This will be shared
with the Environment Scrutiny Committee and Members will be advised how and
when it will be considered.
David Horlser
Monday October 24th 2005 1.00 pm. Committee Room 1 at the Civic Centre.
Please note the change in time
Assistant Director (Scrutiny Support)
Scrutiny Support Officer
Councillor J Dawson
Russell Bernstein
Peter Kidd
0161 793 5014
0161 793 3530
0161 793 3322