Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 18 August 2005 Action Sheet Agenda Item 4 Councillor V Burgoyne Councillor Clague Councillor Gray Councillor Heywood Present Apologies Councillor B Murphy Councillor Jane Murphy Councillor Perkins Councillor Wilson Councillor Kean (Chair) Councillor Lindley A A A A A Co-opted Members:, Mrs S Brearley, Apologies, Mr J Wheelton, Mrs M Dixon Cllr Sheehy, Lead Member, Adult Social Services, Cllr E Burgoyne, Executive Support Member, Adult Social Services 1 Member of the public. Invitees and Officers: Anne Williams, Strategic Director, Alan Bunting, Principal Officer, Strategic Planning and Rae O’Farrell, Customer Care Manager, Community and Social Services; Alan Campbell, Salford PCT; Russell Bernstein and Karen Dainty, Scrutiny Support Team. Item Responsible Member Officer Cllr Doris Fernandez Discussion Members observed a minute of silent reflection following the death of Cllr Doris Fernandez. Members commented that her common sense contributions to the work of the committee would be greatly missed. 1 Action Required By Timescale Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 18 August 2005 Action Sheet Agenda Item 4 Action Sheet from Previous Meeting Community and Social Services Service Plan 05/06 . Cllr Sheehy – Lead Member. Alan Bunting, Principal Officer, Strategic Planning MRSA/Infection Control It was agreed to write to SRHT to clarify whether there had been further progress in implementing the actions identified and if not, a timescale for their implementation. Cllr Sheehy presented the service plan for Community and Social Services for 2005/06, which set out what would be delivered, in order that this could be monitored by scrutiny. Following the establishment of the Children’s Services Directorate, an interim plan for the new directorate would be produced for the period Sept 05 – March 06. Members asked whether the report could indicate which were local and which national targets. Where a percentage figure was given, members asked that when progress was reported back, the number be given as well for comparison. It was requested that greater publicity be given to the community payback scheme as this would be of particular interest to local communities. In response to a question about the level of school non- attendance by Looked After Children, Anne Williams outlined the new monitoring 2 Karen Dainty Aug 2005 Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 18 August 2005 Action Sheet Agenda Item 4 arrangements in place to target this. It was suggested that a more detailed review of outside placements be undertaken by Scrutiny. This would be referred to the Corporate Parenting Commission. Karen Dainty Members commented that they were pleased with the plan and the links shown to the Council’s pledges and acknowledged the work which had gone in to the production of the document. It was agreed that a report highlighting any areas of concern be scheduled in 6 months time, with a full update in 12 months. A separate issue was raised in connection with problems being experienced in the community with a private children’s home which had recently opened. Anne Williams would investigate this matter further. Report on the Cllr Sheehy stated that Community and Social Services was the only operation of the directorate that produced a complaints and compliments report. This Community and Social was part of the business planning cycle and provided feedback as to Services Directorate’s where performance could be improved. The majority of issues were Complaints Procedure resolved as near to the frontline and as quickly as possible. April 2004 –March 2005 Rae O’Farrell outlined some key findings from the report. Members felt it positive to see such a rise in the number of compliments received 3 Lead Member Anne Williams Feb 2006 Aug 2006 Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 18 August 2005 Action Sheet Agenda Item 4 and felt this reflected the hard work of the staff. Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust Patient Responsiveness Report April 20042005 Work Programme 2005/06 Members agreed to write a letter of thanks to Anne Roberts in appreciation of her role as independent chair of the review panel. Members received this report for information, following a meeting held in April in connection with reports from the North West Independent Complaints Advocacy Service. The following information was requested: Whether cases referred to the ombudsman had been found for or against. What actions have been identified, what are the timescales and how will these be monitored? How many have been found to be legitimate complaints? What proportion vexatious complaints? More context would be helpful – for example, how do the number of complaints compare with other similar sized hospitals? How are broader issues being dealt with – for example, communication What learning has there been from PALS contacts? Could more information/timescales be provided on the integrated care pathway for miscarriage Karen Dainty outlined the proposed work programme for the committee. This would need further updating once scrutiny chairs had considered the evaluation of the current public consultation on work 4 Karen Dainty Karen Dainty/Deputy Director of Nursing and Clinical Governance, SRHT Aug 2005 Sept 2005 Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 18 August 2005 Action Sheet Agenda Item 4 programme issues at the beginning of September. The outline programme was approved. Forward Plan Date of next meeting Alan Campbell stated that the PCT produced complaints reports and these could be incorporated into the work programme if required. Palliative Care – It was agreed that the figures as requested be reported for information at the September meeting, with a more detailed presentation by the appropriate officer on the draft strategy for Supportive and Palliative Care in January 2006. Foundation status – Anne Williams agreed to draft a briefing report for members outlining the key points from discussions in cabinet and in the context of the Choice Agenda and Patient Led NHS. SHIFT/LIFT – It was suggested that future reports should focus on the service changes that were in progress. No issues arising. Thursday 15 September 2005 at 1:30pm Karen Dainty Chair Councillor Joe Kean 0161 775 7821 Assistant Director of Scrutiny Russell Bernstein 0161 793 3530 Principal Scrutiny Support Officer Karen Dainty 0161 793 2513 5 Sept 2005