RECORD OF CABINET BUSINESS MEETING HELD ON 11TH JULY, 2000 AGENDA ITEM BUSINESS 1. Record of Business (Contact: P.D. Templeton 793-3018) AGREED: THAT the record of the meeting held on 20th June, 2000, be approved. 2. Housing Green Paper (Contact: H. Seaton 925-1201) Councillor Warmisham, Lead Member for Housing Services, submitted a report containing details of the Council’s response to the Government’s Green Paper which had been published in April, 2000. AGREED: (1) THAT the Council’s response to the Housing Green Paper “Quality and Choice: A Decent House For All” as now submitted be approved for submission. (2) THAT the letters sent to the three local M.P.’s requesting their support for an early day motion on Housing Investment, be endorsed. THESE DECISIONS ARE FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL 3. Salford Annexe to the Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan. (Contact: S. Lee 793-3800) Councillor Wallsworth, Lead Member for Development Services, submitted a report containing details of the Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan which was divided into three parts:• A summary of the Plan setting out aims and objectives • the detailed strategies • the Local Annexes and monitoring of the schemes. AGREED: THAT the detail outlined in the Local Annexe be approved. THIS DECISION IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL 4. Centralised Financial Processing Unit (Contact: J. Spink 793-3230) D:\219513067.DOC Councillor Antrobus, Lead Member for Corporate Services, submitted a report containing details of proposals to amend the establishment of Corporate Services by the creation of a centralised Financial processing unit within the Finance Division. AGREED: THAT the establishment of Corporate Services be amended accordingly. THIS DECISION IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL. 5. Best Value Performance Indicators (Contact: P. Lowe 793-2550) Councillor Hinds, Leader of the Council, submitted a report recommending that the undermentioned three best value indicators within the BVPP five year targets which were currently not in line with the targets set nationally by the Government. AGREED: THAT the Government targets for the undermentioned indicators be adopted; but that the District Auditor be advised that the City Council will have difficulty in achieving those targets within the five year period. • Cost of services for Children looked after • Cost of intensive social care for adults • Ill health retirements as a % of the total workforce THIS DECISION IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL. 6. Manchester Airport plc (Contact J. Willis 793-3400) The Chief Executive submitted a report on proposals for the review of the operational and governance strategies of the Manchester Airport plc. (M.A. plc). AGREED: (1) THAT approval in principle be given to the resolution of the M.A. plc Board being used as the basis for the development of detailed proposals for revision of the constitutional and organisational arrangements of M.A. plc by the Chief Executive of the M.A. plc in consultation with the ten Local Authority shareholders. (a) the creation of trading subsidiaries with particular responsibilities for appropriate areas of M.A. plc’s operations with a group Function being retained within the M.A. plc holding companies. (b) a smaller group plc Board with a much enhanced shareholder Committee. (c) the inclusion of paid external nonexecutive directors on both the Group Board and those of the trading subsidiaries. (2) THAT the Chief Executive in D:\219513067.DOC consultation with the Leader of the Council be authorised to work with the Chief Executive of M.A. plc and the Chief Executives of the other Local Authority shareholders in the development of detailed proposals in order to protect the Council’s interests as shareholders. (3) THAT a further report be submitted in due course on the detailed proposals. THESE DECISIONS ARE FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL The Leader of the Council did not take part nor vote on this item. 7. Single Status (Contact: M. Smith 793-3500) Councillor Lea, Lead Member for Personnel Services, reported on the current position regarding Single Status. 8. Tackling Youth Crime and Disaffection (Contact: Councillor Ullman) Submitted a report of the Economic and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee on Tackling Youth Crime and Disaffection. AGREED: (1) THAT tackling crime, disaffection and anti-social behaviour among young people, and promoting their social inclusion, be identified as a key priority for the City Council, and recognised as such in budget strategies. (2) THAT it be acknowledged that there is a need for a higher level of investment in young people, in initiatives which involve early intervention to tackle disaffection and its associated risk factors, including work with socially excluded young people. (3) THAT such investment be:• Linked to development of a Youth Strategy • based on Partnerships with all agencies to maximise resources, including external resources such as SRB and New Deal for Committees • properly co-ordinated, monitored and evaluated, so that any such resources are used effectively on initiatives which can be shown to work. THESE DECISIONS ARE FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL 9. Community Strategy D:\219513067.DOC Councillor Merry, Deputy Leader of the Council, submitted a report containing proposals for the (Contact: S. Thompson 793-2287) way forward for the development of the Community Strategy in Salford following on from the public consultation exercise which had recently been undertaken. AGREED: THAT the recommendations as now amended for the development of the Community Strategy within Salford be approved. THIS DECISION IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY COUNCIL 10. National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal (Contact: C. Devine 7932917) The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a report containing details of proposed responses to the Social Exclusion Units, National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal and the 18 Policy Action Teams. AGREED: THAT subject to reference being made to “Faith Communities” and to incentives to attract the private sector the response be approved for submission. THIS DECISION IS SUBJECT TO POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL Bed Blocking (Contact: E. Murphy 7932224) Councillor Connor, Lead Member for Community and Social Services, reported that Salford NHS Trust had offered short term funding in the sum of £300K to eleviate the current problem of bed blocking. AGREED: THAT the offer from Salford NHS Trust be accepted. THIS DECISION IS SUBJECT TO POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL Street Cleansing Improved Mechanisation (Contact: M. Thorpe 9251005) Councillor Lancaster, Lead Member for Environmental Services, submitted a report detailing the work undertaken to-date with regard to (a) the development of the use of minimechanical sweepers to improve the street cleansing in the City and (b) the action required to progress the matter. AGREED: THAT approval be given to go out to tender for the supply and maintenance of six minimechanical sweepers. THIS DECISION IS SUBJECT TO POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL D:\219513067.DOC D:\219513067.DOC