Key objectives for the Directorate

Key objectives for the Directorate
Key Objectives
Re-instigate negotiations with customer directorates to determine the
level of services required, based upon actual need
Achievements / Comments
To increase the frequency with which performance is monitored in
order to take action to rectify any areas which are performing poorly as
soon as possible
Each service area to undertake process benchmarking, with results
being developed into actions to feed into the following year's service
planning process
A draft SLA guiding principles has been prepared for consideration by
Directors team with a view to establishing ground rules for the operation of
delegated budgets for SLA's from 2003/04 and resurrecting the SLA
process. Draft SLA's will be provided to directorates by 30th November,
A dedicated account manager has been nominated from within Corporate
Services as the focus for customer liaison
Operational performance Improvement plans are monitored electronically
with exceptions reported monthly to senior managers and quarterly reporting
on actual performance. This monthly monitoring includes most of the BVPI's
as they are incorporated into the operational PIPs
Strategic performance improvement plans and management PI's are
monitored via electronic forms on a quarterly basis and reported to senior
Best value performance indicators are reported quarterly via pro formas to
senior managers and Q & P Scrutiny Committee
ALL performance on an exception basis is reported quarterly to Directors.
Performance briefings with the Chief Executive / Leader of the Council /
Lead Member for Corporate Services and the Director of Corporate Services
take place on a quarterly basis
Corporate Services and Housing will be piloting the new electronic system
for monitoring performance throughout the City Council (SPIN)
Ongoing as part of Best Value Reviews
Some operational PIPs include benchmarking as a target
Variable success as benchmarking information is very difficult to obtain
Reports are produced on the latest Best Value reviews to provide
information on current best practise
Develop an annual consultation plan and customer satisfaction index
Develop service specifications
More effective use of the councils Intranet site
All service areas to have team meetings on at least a monthly basis
All members of staff to be appraised by 31st December each year
Biennial staff satisfaction survey to be conducted
Continue the co-ordinated roll out of the customer contact strategy in
accordance with the 5 year plan
Work in collaboration with national, regional and sub-regional groups to
develop and influence E-Government policy and lever Local
Government online funds to maximise potential for delivering Electronic
Service delivery
Legal Services partnership – draw up specification, invite to tender,
evaluate and monitor contract
Explore potential for partnerships across the Directorate
Develop a corporate business case for tele-working
Annual consultation plan included in the 2002/03 Service Plan as a rolling
programme. Publication of first Directorate customer satisfaction index is
due December 2002
Service specifications are being included in service level agreements from
Significant increase in the use of the Intranet within the directorate some
examples include: Senior Management Group minutes, team leaders
minutes, project specific details eg. strategic partnering initiative,
newsletters, grapevine
Appraisals are taking place and being scheduled in but there is a need to
New survey due June 2002 held in abeyance pending the outcome of the
strategic partnership initiative
Target date end of 2005 currently the programme is on target
Successfully achieved further Pathfinder funding for E-Government
Awaiting outcome for allocation of national E-Government project
Achieved, partnership now operational
This is now being reviewed as part of the strategic partnering initiative
Paper to Directors setting out the position. Pilot within Corporate services
2002 further rollout expected during 2003
SAP recruitment implemented. Training and event management on target to
be implemented January 2003. Property management awaiting report by
Development Services on the way forward. Stores – a detailed proposal
submitted to Social Services for evaluation for their Aids store
Continuing via the strategic partnering initiative
Further development of the SAP system
Engage in further soft market testing with alternative providers /
potential partners for service improvements
Job descriptions, person specifications and selection procedures to be
reviewed for all future team leader appointments
Consider potential for establishing a recruitment pool for temporary
Rolling programme of staff training to be compiled each year
Quarterly newsletters to be issued to staff about developments in the
Implement delegated budget management
Devise a methodology for successful change management
Produce a discussion document putting forward proposals to
strengthen the roles of senior and middle managers
Finalise the development of a project management tool (Prince 2) as
part of the change management process
Implementation of the benefits verification framework
Undertake a fundamental review of support to democratic services
Ongoing, job descriptions and person specs are now electronic. As posts
are vacated line managers review and update and personnel update with
latest policies eg. health & safety
Not achieved, discussions to continue between senior management and
Achieved in some areas but closely linked with staff appraisals which there
is a need to reinforce
Regular newsletters are sent to staff relating to any new initiatives for eg.
strategic partnering. Team leaders attend quarterly meetings with senior
management group from which they disseminate information. An intranet
site has yet to be established linked to the quarterly team leader meetings
Not yet achieved - Some budget managers have been identified but needs
to be formally agreed for the Directorate. Training taking place for identified
budget managers
Achieved, documented and circulated to senior management
Report to cabinet on Peer review. This element is now incorporated into the
Peer review action plans
Achieved, circulated discussion paper on corporate approach to project
management to senior management group. Project management training
courses devised and ready to be rolled out
Near completion, final report to be submitted to cabinet November, 2002
Removal of mainframe and Sequent 2000 series machines
Implementation of call centre support for Registrars
Implement, train and pilot new IT help desk system
Integration of an active directory into the help desk system to improve front line service
Establish and implement a project management support office
Implement new methods of project management within IT Net and Salford Advance
Implement new business rates system
SAP recruitment implemented
Production of: 5 year financial capital strategy, financial plan / budget strategy and 3 year revenue strategy
Purchasing savings of £250k
Customer care training for all FSG and Emerge staff dealing with enquiries
Legal services partnership
Emergency planning – 3 staff per Directorate trained
Implement electronic performance monitoring
Final accounts closure by 31/8/02
Launch and roll out European Computer Driving Licence qualification training
Implementation of a 5 year framework agreement on procurement of IT hardware and services
Development of accountancy consultation plan
Establish regular meetings with legal services and key directorate staff
Payroll system issues
Support Services Benchmarking:
Out of hours emergency, postal
service, reception, switchboard
Support Services central
Legal Services administrative
Land charges
Initial discussions took place April 2002, but due to other priorities of payroll and ALMO and a high level of staff
turnover on the Emerge team work on E-Procurement has been deferred
A considerable amount of work has been undertaken to alleviate issues:
- The link between SAP HR and financials: new reports have been developed and in the final stages of testing
and amendments already made are resulting in easier reconciliation
- Management reporting requirements: specific report providing information for schools has been developed,
training on the running of the reports has taken place, other report requirements are being developed
- Review HR training and schedule courses: delayed due to Emerge staff turnover now scheduled to
commence November 2002
- Security access to SAP: Delayed due to Emerge staff turnover and other priorities ie. ALMO
- Multiple employments: Initial testing undertaken target date amended to January 2003
Comparable data is very difficult to obtain and as a result these targets may not be achieved
Target superseded by the agreement with Development Services to take over responsibility for the provision of
the service which is now completed and the receptions are combined
Delayed while awaiting outcome of the review of word processing support which could result in spare capacity
Salford Advance business process re-engineering team have produced draft report reviewing land charges
processes and action plan can now be formulated
Initiatives relating to democratic awareness for pupils are delayed until after October due to a member of staff
being on maternity leave. Targets relating to community links are delayed mainly due to involvement in the Ward
Boundary review