PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES TO THE QUALITY & PERFORMANCE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 25th NOVEMBER 2002 TITLE : BEST VALUE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2002/03 PERFORMANCE FROM 1 APRIL 2002 – 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 RECOMMENDATIONS : That Members consider and comment upon the Directorate’s performance for the second quarter of 2002/03. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : To present the Directorate's performance for the second quarter of 2002/03 against the Best Value Performance Indicators contained within the Best Value Performance Plan. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : Working files available across the Directorate. (Available for public inspection) CONTACT OFFICER : Allison Lobley 0161 793 3171 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) KEY COUNCIL POLICIES (Continued Overleaf) 1 sdt/AL2105 1. DETAILS 1.1 Attached as appendix B to this report are the comparator action plan graphs for the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI’s) monitored by the Corporate Services’ Directorate, which are currently performing below target for the second quarter of 2002/03. 2. DIRECTORATE STATUS REPORT 2.1 The Directorate’s status report showing how well we are performing against all of the Performance Indicators contained within the BVPP 2002/03 is attached at Appendix A. This report shows at a glance where we are on target to achieve top quartile performance, and where we are not currently meeting our targets. 3. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS WHERE NO PERFORMANCE IS REPORTED FOR THE SECOND QUARTER 3.1 Performance will not be reported for this quarter on the following indicators: 78a 78b 78c 79a 79b 3.2 The average time for processing new claims The average time for processing notification of changes in circumstances The % of renewal claims processed on time The % of cases for which the calculation of the amount of benefit due was correct on the basis of the information available for the determination of a sample of cases checked post-determination The % of recoverable overpayments (excluding Council Tax Benefit) that were recovered in the year Following recent examination of the Authority’s Benefit PI’s by District Audit several observations have been made which suggest that existing measures of performance within the area of benefits administration haven’t fully complied with the definition of the statutory performance indicator. These discrepancies have included some of the following items; The benefits overpayments recovery performance indicator had not been amended following a change in the definition of the PI in February 2002 which was applied retrospectively by the Audit Commission to the 1 st April 2001. NB. District Audit have suggested that due to the timing of this change, Salford is not the only Authority to be faced with this situation. With respect to the processing of benefit claims performance indicators Salford had not included claims received prior to the commencement of the financial year, which were processed within the financial year. Salford’s performance measure had included claims received only during the period of the financial year. 2 sdt/AL2105 In all cases, Salford’s working practices had been verified in the past by District Audit and these issues had not been brought to our attention. Considerable work is now being undertaken to respecify computer systems to ensure that the correct information is being reported upon. It is anticipated that this information will be available during December 2002 when performance monitoring reports will recommence. To give Members some indication of present workload positions within benefits administration, I have set out at Appendix C details of present levels within the Service which you will note represent a large improvement upon previous years performance. Members may also be aware that following the recent inspection of the Benefits Service in October as part of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment process the Service received the top rating of 4 on a 4 point scale. 4. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS WHERE PERFORMANCE IS UNDER TARGET Revenues and Benefits Costs of Council Tax collection, benefits administration Business Rates Collection Financial Support Group (FSG) Prompt payment of invoices Legal Section % of standard land searches carried out in 10 working days 5. REVENUES AND BENEFITS 5.1 The comparator action plan graphs for the following indicators are shown at Appendix B: 5.2 Cost LPI 29 – The average cost of collecting Council Tax for every home that has to pay Performance 2nd quarter 2002/03 Target 2002/03 3 £10.93 £9.59 sdt/AL2105 LPI 30 – Average cost of handling a Housing benefit or Council Tax benefit claim, taking into account differences in the types of claim received Performance 2nd quarter 2002/03 Target 2002/03 £91.96 £78.43 Current performance In both cases performance is not on target although at this stage within the financial year prior to budgets being closed and claimant numbers being clearly established, we are not clear whether current performance will be typical of the likely performance for the remainder of the year. The experiences of other Local Authorities implementing Verification Framework tell us that through tighter controls at the benefit gateway, claimant numbers do reduce. Whatever the total costs of benefits administration in real terms therefore, any decline in claimant numbers will adversely affect performance in this area. This situation will need to be monitored closely. Barriers to improvement The implementation of Verification Framework has led to increases in staffing resources within benefits to tackle the additional workload this entails. Whilst such investment has been supported by Government funding, as stated above it is anticipated that Verification Framework will reduce claimant numbers. Proposed action There will be continued monitoring of costs levels/claimant numbers to ensure that the recent performance trends are maintained and costs continue to reduce. 5.3 Business Rates Collection BVPI 10 - The % of non-domestic rates due for the financial year which were received by the Authority Performance 2nd quarter 2002/03 Target 2002/03 4 57.23% 97.10% sdt/AL2105 Current performance I would remind Members of previous comments made in respect of the effects on the service of the conversion to the new Business Rates software package from April 2002 Barriers to improvement In the short-term implementation of the Pericles Business Rates computerised system will continue to create some “teething” problems as users familiarise themselves with new procedures and indeed new procedures/documentation are designed. Current action As previously stated the recovery timetable is currently brought up to date and it is anticipated that from January 2002 collection improvements will then follow. 5.4 Legal Section BVPI 179 – The % of standard land searches carried out in 10 working days Performance 2nd quarter 2002/03 Target 2002/03 87.97% 95.00% Current performance The level of performance is due to the introduction of the new Con 29 form introduced in July 2002. Staffing problems in the Traffic Section led to considerable delays in returning the forms to us. This of course had a knock on effect on our figures. These problems have now been largely resolved. Current action We are starting to look at the possibilities of more electronic searches, which should speed up things, and a new part time member of staff has been appointed. 5.5 Prompt Payment of Invoices BVPI 8 – The % of invoices which were paid promptly Performance 2nd quarter 2002/03 Target 2002/03 5 80% 100% sdt/AL2105 Current performance Performance during the second quarter of 2002/03 improved from the position in the first quarter due mainly to the return from long-term sickness absence of several staff members, in the latter part of the first month of the quarter. The four agency workers who had been engaged towards the end of the first quarter continued their employment until mid September in order to tackle the backlog which had built up due to sickness in the first quarter. It had been decided that the structure, anyway, was inadequate to undertake the workload and two extra posts were approved during the first quarter and filled from late September. Payment within 30 days of invoices which do not have a computer generated order was 95% during the quarter (accounting for around 56% of all invoices paid). Payment within 30 days of invoices with a computer generated order improved to 69% from 55% in the first quarter. Difficulties with SAP goods receipting continued and queries in that regard were, for most of the quarter, being referred to the FSG Purchasing Section. Vacancies on the Purchasing Section led to such queries not being promptly addressed. These issues account for the overall target not being met. Queries in relation to goods receipting are now being dealt with by Creditor Officers although queries of other types still need to be referred to the Purchasing Section. Barriers to improvement It is felt that goods receipting is improving as users become more accustomed to requirements. It is still, however, not working as efficiently as required, causing delays in processing invoices and adversely affecting the indicator. The process does seem over complicated. Staffing resources had not been adequate to cope with workload. This has now been addressed but inexperienced staff are still being trained. Lack of adequate SAP training due to lack of resources on the e-Merge team. Lack of resources on the e-Merge team led to cancellation of training scheduled for mid June 2002 which has not yet been re-scheduled. Delays in implementing a short-term document imaging system, which would enable a review of resources due to time saved not having to file invoices. This resulted from having to change proposed suppliers to bring us in line with the corporate approach, in mid-negotiation. 6 sdt/AL2105 Work surrounding the creation of New Prospect Housing Limited (the Housing ALMO) diverted key resources from mainstream work. Proposed action Training to address complications of invoice verification processing still to be rescheduled. This has been referred to the e-Merge Team as a priority. The implementation of a short-term document imaging solution should release additional resources for invoice processing. This is being progressed with Anite Public Sector. Longer term to implement an at-source imaging solution which would provide Directorates with access to invoice images, and hopefully reduce delays in transportation of documentation. Continuing to build close working relationships with Directorates and suppliers to improve the procedures for processing. Enquiries are in hand with providers of Customer Care training (including potential in-house providers) with a view to all FSG staff attending courses to improve their customer care skills. Telephone greetings have already been standardised, in which staff state their first name and area of work. Continued SAP support to requisitioners and authorisers to improve the workflow processes to enable more efficient processing. Refresher training provided recently. Findings from the review of procurement to enable a more simplified process by the consideration of purchase orders that do not require goods receipting for certain services / goods provision, need to be implemented. Longer term - the investigation of the potential for purchase cards for certain goods/service provision. This could alleviate the pressures of processing high volume invoices such as provisions. Staffing levels have been reviewed and staff appointed to fill new vacancies. Longer-term strategy for the creditors group to be compiled. A start will be made on this during the third quarter. More experienced staff are now concentrating on paying invoices which result from computer generated purchase orders, leaving less experienced staff to pay other, easier invoices. The Senior Creditor Officer is mentoring the less experienced staff. 7 sdt/AL2105 A system has been introduced to identify disputed invoices which should be excluded from counting within the calculation for this indicator. This will manifest itself within the next quarter’s analysis but will not be retrospective to the beginning of this financial year. Directorates have been instructed to inform the Creditor Team of any disputed invoices. The e-Merge Team has been asked to re-configure SAP to include only “commercial” payments within the calculation for this indicator. 6. RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Members’ comments and questions on our performance are welcomed. 8 sdt/AL2105