SALFORD CITY COUNCIL Environmental Scrutiny Committee SUBJECT: 15 July 2002 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR RESULTS FOR 2001/2002 REPORT OF: DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Part 1 (Open to the Public) ITEM No PERFORMANCE REVIEW MATTER FOR CONSIDERATION 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To inform members of the results of the nationally set Best Value Performance Indicators for the year 2001/2002. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That the performance indicators be considered by the Scrutiny Committee. 3.0 SUMMARY 3.1 This report sets out how well the Directorate has performed against key nationally set performance indicators. Good performance against these indicators is important as it demonstrates to independent auditors, customers and stakeholders that the Council is performing well in key Best Value areas, for example: 3.2 It is providing good services in areas having a high interaction with the community. It compares well against similar local authorities in nationally set indicators. It is driven by the desire for continuous improvement. The information is presented in the form Comparator Action Plans (CAP’s) and a Status Report. The CAP’s relate to individual indicators and show: Historic trends over the last three years. Benchmarking information against other Greater Manchester Councils, “family” authorities, Metropolitan Councils, and all authorities. Salford’s current position against current and five year targets. 1 A commentary on current performance showing barriers to improvement (if any). Current and proposed actions. 3.3 The City Council’s “family authorities” are determined by the Audit Commission and are currently: Bolton, Coventry, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Kingston-upon-Hull, Middlesbrough, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North Tyneside, Oldham, Redcar and Cleveland, Rochdale, St Helens, Sandwell, Sheffield, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees, Sunderland, Tameside, Wirral, Wolverhampton. 3.4 A summary of the Council’s current performance is shown in the status report which lists all Development Services indicators. The information shows whether the performance is above or below target. Graham Oldfield Quality and Performance Manager 2 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Cost of highway maintenance per 100km travelled on principal roads BVPI No 93 Family Trend 0.70 Salford's Targets 0.63 0.57 0.60 Pounds (£) 0.50 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.34 0.31 0.25 0.30 0.16 0.20 0.10 0.00 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 1st out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Joint 3rd out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0.2 - 2.16 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 0.39 Q2 - 0.39 Q3 - N/A Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: The latest figure is estimated and is subject to finalising of the accountancy figures to be reported to the DTLR. However, the estimate shows that Salford is maintaining its position in the 1st quartile for this indicator (if lowest figure is preferred). Barriers to Improvement: None. (if lower figure is preferable). Current / Proposed Actions: None. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Achieved. Ian Crook Ext: 3893 3 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Average cost of a working street light BVPI No 95 Family Trend 75.50 80.00 70.00 62.18 58.62 75.50 56.28 60.00 Pounds (£) Salford's Targets 75.50 51.04 46.04 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Average 00/01 5 out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 10 out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 27.4 - 133.41 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - N/A Q2 - N/A Q3 - N/A Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: This figure has reduced as a result of reduced staffing levels, reduced energy costs as a result of competitive tendering and some accountancy adjustments. It can be observed that Salford is in the 2 nd quartile for this indicator. Extensive consultation undertaken during the best value review of highways/streetcare shows that the street lighting service is consistently rated as one of the best performing services of the City Council by a wide range of highway users. Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to reduce its street lighting costs by approx £136,500 if it was to attain top quartile level. Current / Proposed Actions: None. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Unlikely to be achieved. I Crook Ext: 3893 4 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Condition of principal roads BVPI No 96 Trend 8% 6% 4% No survey undertook Percentage 10% Salford's Targets 12.58% No survey undertook 12% Family 14.10% 14% 8.00% 8.00% 7.80% 8.00% Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 4.60% 2% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 6 out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 9 out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0.0 - 50.9 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS ON TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 10% Q2 - 8% Q3 - 8% Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: The condition of the principal road network has remained static in the past 12 months. Salford is currently in the 2nd quartile on this indicator. Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to get this figure down to 4.6% if it was to move into the top quartile. The main barrier to improvement is the level of resource invested in the principal road network. It is envisaged that full SSA monies and LTP monies would be needed to achieve top quartile levels in the medium / long term. Current / Proposed Actions: The best value review improvement plan for highways/streetcare does not envisage any improvement on this indicator due to the City Councils current commitments to other priorities. Existing monies are being prioritised to the city’s pavements to reduce the level of tripping accidents and the value of third party claims being paid out by the City Council. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Will not be achieved at current funding levels I Crook Ext: 3893 5 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Condition of non-principal roads BVPI No 97 Family Trend Salford's Targets 19.00% 20% 19.00% 18% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 10.40% 8.66% 3.10% 2% Survey to be undertook of a 1/4 of the network No survey undertaken Percentage 14% No survey undertaken 16% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 7) Ranking against family authorities (of 13) Range for all Mets Councils Met Average 00/01 5th out of 7 11th out of 13 0.0 - 55.7 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ON TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - N/A Q2 - N/A Q3 - N/A Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: In the last 12 months a survey has been undertaken to ascertain the condition of non-principal roads. This showed that 19% of non-principal roads are in need of urgent planned maintenance. This figure puts Salford in the 4th quartile compared to other metropolitan authorities. Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to get this figure down to below 11.3% if it was to move into the third quartile. The main barrier to improvement is the level of resource invested in the non-principal road network. It is envisaged that full SSA monies would be needed to progress towards third quartile levels. Current / Proposed Actions: The best value review improvement plan for highways/streetcare does not envisage any improvement on this indicator due to the City Councils current commitment to other priorities. Existing monies are being prioritised to the city’s pavements to reduce the level of tripping accidents and the value of third party claims being paid out by the City Council. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Will not be achieved at current funding levels I Crook Ext:3893 6 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage of street lights not working as planned BVPI 98 Salford's Targets Family Trend 2.0% 1.42% Percentage 1.40% 1.04% 1.00% 1.0% 0.81% 0.79% 0.78% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 0.78% 0.78% 0.0% Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 6 out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 6 out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0.4 - 3.4 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 0.89 Q2 - 0.87 Q3 - 0.92 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: This is a key Best Value Performance Indicator. Performance has slipped since last year due to the increased number of street outages reported, however Salford is still in the top quartile for Metropolitan authorities. Barriers to Improvement: The long-term absence of a street lighting inspector hampered the planned bulb replacement process in 2001/2 thus leading to more reports of street lighting outages, particularly in the final quarter. Current/Proposed Action: A new street lighting inspector will be appointed in the next few weeks and it is hoped the 2002/3 performance will return to previous levels. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Achieved Ian Crook Ext 3893 7 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - Pedestrians killed/seriously injured and slight injuries per 100,000 population BVPI No 99a Family Trend 120 112.32 106.00 88.00 94.96 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 84.00 80 Count 97.00 96.06 94.73 100 Salford's Targets 70.00 60 40 20 0 1994/98 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Joint 3rd out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 20) Joint 13th out of 20 Range for all Mets Councils 58 - 151 Quartile level for Mets 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 3rd Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 17.38 Q2 - 43.69 Q3 - 64.19 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is in the 3rd quartile for this indicator. 2001 performance at 94.96 casualties per 100,000 is a substantial improvement on 1994/1998 average figure of 112.32. The 2001 target has also been bettered Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to achieve a figure of less than 70 if it was to attain top quartile status. The Local Transport Plan explains the strategy of achieving such improvement over the longer term. It is vital that the LTP allocation is spent on key improvement projects as quickly as possible in order to maintain progress. Current / Proposed Actions: Undertake key improvement projects in accordance with detailed statistical analyses showing projects, which would potentially achieve the greatest reduction in accidents. As from 2002/03 reporting of this indicator will change. Separate performance figures for slight injuries and killed/seriously injured will be published. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: End of 2006 Steven Lee Ext: 3800 8 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - Pedal cyclists killed / seriously injured and slight injuries per 100,000 population BVPI No 99b Family Trend 60 51.57 49.14 50 41.61 40.00 40 Count Salford's Targets 37.00 36.00 34.00 34.33 27.00 30 20 10 0 1994/98 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Joint 2nd out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 20) Joint 10th out of 20 Range for all Mets Councils 19 - 54 Quartile level for Mets 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 - 7.57 Q2 - 16.49 Q3 - 27.64 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is in the 3rd quartile for this indicator. 2001 performance at 34.33 casualties per 100,000 is an improvement on 1994/1998 average figure of 51.57. 2001 performance has also improved on 2000/01 figures and the improvement target set for 2001/02 has also been achieved. Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to achieve a figure of less than 27 if it was to attain top quartile status. The Local Transport Plan explains the strategy of achieving such improvement over the longer term. It is vital that the LTP allocation is spent on key improvement projects as quickly as possible in order to maintain progress. Current / Proposed Actions: Undertake key improvement projects in accordance with detailed statistical analyses showing projects, which would potentially achieve the greatest reduction in accidents. As from 2002/03 reporting of this indicator will change. Separate performance figures for slight injuries and killed/seriously injured will be published. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: End of 2005 Steven Lee Ext: 3800 9 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - 2 wheeled motor vehicles killed / seriously injured and slight injuries per 100,000 population BVPI No 99c Family Trend Salford's Targets 45 32.75 35 Count 30 40.12 38.96 40 28.00 25.26 24.00 25 25.00 24.00 22.00 20 15 10 5 0 1994/98 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 10th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 20) 19th out of 20 Range for all Mets Councils 13 - 41 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 7.13 Q2 - 19.6 Q3 - 29.4 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is now in the 4th quartile in this indicator. At 40.12 casualties performance has worsened significantly from the 1994-1998 average figure of 25.26. Furthermore performance has failed to meet the target of 25.0 set for 2001/02. Barriers to Improvement: The environmental scrutiny committee received a detailed report in April 2002 explaining that this was a national trend and identifying the reasons for the increase. Current / Proposed Actions: Salford will need to achieve a figure of less than 27.19 if it were to move back into the 2 nd quartile. As from 2002/03 reporting of this indicator will change. Separate performance figures for slight injuries and killed/seriously injured will be published. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Salford’s primary aim is firstly to reverse the current trend pattern. Steven Lee Ext: 3800 10 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - car users killed / seriously injured and slight injuries per 100,000 population BVPI No 99d Family Trend 600 541.05 514.37 520.58 Salford's Targets 489.00 475.00 500 438.25 373.00 Count 400 312.00 301.00 Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 300 200 100 0 1994/98 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 9th out of 10 Ranking against all family authorities (of 20) 19th out of 20 Range for all Mets Councils PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 214 - 570 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 111.90 Q2 - 203.29 Q3 - 325.01 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is in the 4th quartile (mets) for this indicator. Performance at 438.25 casualties per 100,000 has significantly improved on 2000/01 figure of 520.58. Salford has also achieved its target of 489.00 set for the year Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to achieve a figure of less than 30 if it was to attain top quartile status. The Local Transport Plan explains the strategy of achieving such improvement over the longer term. It is vital that the LTP allocation is spent on key improvement projects as quickly as possible in order to maintain progress. Current / Proposed Actions: Undertake key improvement projects in accordance with detailed statistical analyses showing projects, which would potentially achieve the greatest reduction in accidents. As from 2002/03 reporting of this indicator will change. Separate performance figures for slight injuries and killed/seriously injured will be published. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: End of 2004 Steven Lee Ext: 3800 11 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - other vehicle users killed seriously injured and slight injuries per 100,000 population BVPI No 99e Family Trend 70 63.11 60 54.89 53.02 46.00 50 Count Salford's Targets 42.00 44.58 41.00 39.00 40 31.00 30 20 10 0 1994/98 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 6th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Joint 13th out of 20 Range for all Mets Councils 5 - 157 Quartile level for Mets 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 3rd Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 13.37 Q2 - 23.62 Q3 - 34.32 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is in the 3rd quartile for this indicator having last year been in the top quartile, however additional casualties relating to public service utilities are now included in this category therefore like for like comparisons are not meaningful. Performance at 44.58 is a substantial improvement on the 1994-1998 average figure of 63.11. Salford has failed to achieve its target set for 2001. Barriers to Improvement: Salford would need to achieve a figure of less than 31 if it was to regain top quartile status. The Local Transport Plan explains the strategy of achieving such improvement over the longer term. It is vital that the LTP allocation is spent on key improvement projects as quickly as possible in order to maintain progress. Current / Proposed Actions: Undertake key improvement projects in accordance with detailed statistical analyses showing projects, which would potentially achieve the greatest reduction in accidents. As from 2002/03 reporting of this indicator will change. Separate performance figures for slight injuries and killed/seriously injured will be published. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Salford has now achieved the target for 2010 set out in the LTP and must now seek to maintain this level of performance against the projected increase in traffic growth over the next 8 years. Steven Lee Ext: 3800 12 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Temporary controls / road closures per km of traffic sensitive road BVPI No 100 Trend Salford's Targets Family 9.98 9.98 9.98 10 9 8 Count 7 5.50 6 5 4 3.10 2.81 3 2 0.90 1.24 1 0.10 0 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 10 out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 21 out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0.0 - 5.5 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 2.1 Q2 - 5.1 Q3 - 5.1 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: This indicator has dropped from previous years due to the smaller number of major highway projects being undertaken. The indicator is not felt to be particularly good in that it seems to reward those authorities that do not invest significantly in improving the highway infrastructure. It is also apparent that many other authorities calculate the figures on a different basis than Salford. The District Auditor has confirmed that Salford’s method of calculation is the correct one, however, it seems very likely that most other authorities do not count traffic controls on traffic sensitive routes if they are only in place outside peak times. Furthermore it is also suspected that some authorities do not count road closures which are longterm. Indeed almost half of Salford’s reported figure for 2001/2002 was due to temporary but long-term closure of one street, Hampson Street during the construction of the new Inner Relief Route. Barriers to Improvement: The City Council is currently in the 4th quartile in this indicator,. If the City Council were to move to the 3 rd quartile the number of days disruption would have to drop from 5.5 days to less than 1.3 days per km. Although Salford’s figure in 2002/3 is expected to drop further it is unlikely to achieve a figure as low as 1.3 days and indeed for a large urban metropolitan council with an extensive principal road network leading to a major city i.e. Manchester, such a low figure could hardly be expected. Current / Proposed Actions: The City Council’s decision to delay a large number of highway projects funded from capital will reduce the number of days traffic is disrupted through traffic controls or road closures from that of 2001/2. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Unlikely to be achieved Lead Officer: Ian Crook Ext: 3893 13 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan The percentage of dangerous roads repaired within 24 hours BVPI 105 Family Trend 99% 98% 100% 95% 93% Salford's Targets 99% 98% 99% 96% Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 90% Percentage 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Average 00/01 5 out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 12 out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 33 - 100 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Family Average 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 96 Q2 - 96.6 Q3 - 94.9 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: This is a key Best Value Performance Indicator. The top performers achieve 99%. Salford is currently in the 2nd quartile (met authorities) with a slight improvement on last year’s percentage. Performance is not quite achieving the target set for the year. Barriers to Improvement: The system in place between the highway maintenance client and the highway contractor. Current/Proposed Action: Proposed actions to bring this performance to 99% is set out in the Best Value Review Improvement Plan, which has been approved by Cabinet. It is envisaged that there will be no significant improvement on the 2001/2 performance in 2002/3. However, the merger of the Highways Client and DLO and the appointment of a partner contractor in accordance with the Rethinking Construction principles are expected to improve performance to 98% (2nd quartile) by 2003/4. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2004/5 Ian Crook Ext 3893 14 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land BVPI No 106 Family Trend 100% 87% 90% 90% Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target 84% 80% Percentage Salford's Targets 92% 69% 69% Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 97% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 1st out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 2nd out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 24 - 100 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st Met Top Quartile 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 - N/A Q2 - On target Q3 - N/A Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is already in the top quartile on this indicator. Barriers to Improvement: None. Current / Proposed Actions: None. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Already achieved David Evans Ext: 3641 15 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Planning cost per head of population BVPI No 107 Family Trend Salford's Targets 6 £7.76 £6.63 £6.55 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 £6.55 £5.14 No target set Pounds (£) £8.05 £7.44 * 8 Est 10 4 £2.05 2 0 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 4th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 5th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 3.85 - 12.92 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st Family Average 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 3.70 Q2 - 3.70 Q3 - 3.70 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: The top quartile figure for this indicator is £6.63 and below. The City Councils revenue outturn forms are still being finalised by the City Treasurer, however an estimation of the figure at this stage shows that Salford is likely to be within the top quartile for this indicator. * Note the audited outturn figure was given as £19.07 but benchmarking has revealed that some costs were allocated differently for 2000/01, resulting in an unrealistic total. The figure of £7.44 gives a truer picture. Barriers to Improvement: None. Current / Proposed Actions: In 2002/3 Development Services intends to partner with a facilities management company with a view to replacing the existing paper based systems with electronic systems. It is envisaged that such a change will produce a much more robust service which is capable of achieving top levels of performance on a consistent basis, it will also be less reliant on administrative staff to manage the process and this should have the effect of reducing the costs of the Development Control service which contributes to this indicator. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Already achieved Paul Mallinder Ext 3606 16 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 108 Percentage of applications advertised as departures from the statutory plan (UDP) Family Trend Salford's Targets 1.2% 1.01% 0.95% Percentage 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.30% 0.17% 0.2% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 0.0% Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 2nd out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 5th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0 - 4.69 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 0.30 Q2 0.27 Q3 0.20 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Good performance has been maintained and the City Council is in the top quartile on this indicator as it is below the figure of 0.3% Barriers to Improvement: The City Council’s current UDP is now over 5 years old and for this reason departures are beginning to occur. However, the City Council’s new UDP is expected to be published in 2002/3 and it is envisaged that the number of departures will reduce to none and therefore matching the City Council’s performance in previous years. From 2002/03 this BVPI is being deleted and therefore no future targets are set. Current/Proposed Action: To publish the new UDP. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Achieved Dave Jolley Ext: 3631 17 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage of planning applications determined within 8 weeks BVPI 109 Family Trend Salford's Targets 100% Percentage 80% 77% 80% 70% Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 65% 60% 60% 69% 80% 69% 52% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 4th out of 10 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Joint 10th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 47 - 89 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Salfords Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 76.4 Q2 - 76 Q3 - 71.34 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: This is a key Best Value Performance Indicator. Performance has dipped slightly in recent months but a near top quartile position is still being maintained. Barriers to Improvement: Process and capacity difficulties and a small number of large or complex applications has held back performance. In the period October - December, staff sickness and resignations had a considerable impact on the ability to manage workload and staff were diverted to Development Control from other duties in the Directorate in an attempt to maintain performance Current/Proposed Action: The filling of staff vacancies is now underway. In 2002/3 Development Services intends to partner with a facilities management company with a view to replacing the existing paper based systems with electronic systems. It is envisaged that such a change will produce a much more robust service which is capable of achieving top levels of performance on a consistent basis, it will also be less reliant on administrative staff to manage the process and this should have the effect of reducing the costs of the Development Control service which contributes to this indicator. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: By March 2003 Dave Jolley. Ext: 3631 18 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Average time taken to determine all applications BVPI No 110 Salford's Targets Family Trend 12 10.0 Time taken in weeks 10 9.0 8.0 9.2 8.4 8 6 4 2 0 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 3rd out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 13th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 00/01 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET 6.7 - 16.6 Quartile level for Mets Met Top Quartile 00/01 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 7.4 Q2 - 8 Q3 - 9 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance has dipped slightly in recent months but a near top quartile position is still being maintained. Barriers to Improvement: Process and capacity difficulties and a small number of large or complex applications has held back performance. In the period October - December, staff sickness and resignations had a considerable impact on the ability to manage workload and staff were diverted to Development Control from other duties in the Directorate in an attempt to maintain performance. Current / Proposed Actions: In 2002/3 Development Services intends to partner with a facilities management company with a view to replacing the existing paper based systems with electronic systems. It is envisaged that such a change will produce a much more robust service which is capable of achieving top levels of performance on a consistent basis, it will also be less reliant on administrative staff to manage the process and this should have the effect of reducing the costs of the Development Control service which contributes to this indicator. From 2002/03 this BVPI is being deleted. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: By March 2003 Dave Jolley Ext: 3631 19 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage satisfied with planning service BVPI 111 Family Trend 100% 87% 80% Percentage 80% 81% Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 77% Salford's Targets 90% 90% Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target 87% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Average 00/01 4th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 4th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 63 - 92 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 87 87 Q2 87 87 Q3 87 87 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: The survey shows excellent levels of public satisfaction with the service. The target of 90% was perhaps too ambitious, however it is very pleasing that Salford is in the top quartile for this indicator. Barriers to Improvement: None. Current/Proposed Action: Although the target has not been met, Salford is one of the very best performers in this area when measured against all known data. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Achieved Dave Jolley Ext: 3631 20 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage score against the planning checklist BVPI 112 Family Trend Salford's Targets 100% Percentage 80% 70% 56% 60% 60% 54% 44% 44% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Average 00/01 6th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Joint 14th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 00/01 20 - 90 Quartile level for Mets 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 3rd Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET 2000/01 Q1 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2001/02 50% Q2 N/A Q3 44% Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is in the 3rd quartile for this indicator. The score has remained the same as 2000/1and we are below the target set for the year. However, the DTLR has announced that this indicator is being deleted from April 2002. Barriers to Improvement: None – this indicator is to be deleted. Current/Proposed Action: None. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: N/A Dave Jolley Ext: 3631 21 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Authority building open to the public accessible by disabled BVPI No 156 Family Trend Salford's Targets 16% 13.28% 14% 13.58% Percentage 12% 10.00% 10% 8% 6.60% 6% 4% 6.60% 4.20% 2.10% 2.10% 2% N/A 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 5th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 13th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 0 - 82.35 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - N/A Q2 - 4 Q3 - 4 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is currently 22nd out of 36 metropolitan authorities. This is a very difficult indicator to achieve as it is judged strictly on Part M of the Building Regulations. For this reason the figure does not fully reflect how accessible buildings are to disabled people, for example 17 social services buildings have been improved substantially in the past year and offer very high standard accessibility, however because of issues such as signage, switch heights etc they do not comply with the precise Part M definition. Performance has improved on 2000/01 due to the sales of Vulcan House and the Education offices at Chapel St, and the acquisition of the ‘compliant’ Minerva House Barriers to Improvement: Resources are being prioritised to areas of major need rather than to improve performance against the strict definition of this indicator. Close collaboration is taking place between Development Services, Building Surveyors and the City Council’s access officer in order to prioritise the City Council’s limited resources in the most effective way. Current / Proposed Actions: Extensive collaboration between Development Services, Building Surveyors and the City Council’s access officer, using the results of surveys of buildings and users as far as possible. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Eric Wilson Ext: 3690 22 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled BVPI No 165 Family Trend Salford's Targets 100% 87.0% 90% 80% Percentage 60% 73.0% 70.0% 70% 65.0% 59.0% 54.0% 59.4% 56.0% 45.0% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 5th out of 10 Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 16th out of 21 Range for all Mets Councils 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Current 2001/02 Target Position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET 33 - 100 Quartile level for Mets Family Average 00/01 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - 59.4 Q2 - 59.4 Q3 - 59.4 Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is currently in the 3rd quartile for this indicator. Performance on this indicator has remained static in the last 12 months and as a result of the City Council’s decision to spread the LTP capital allocation over 18 months it is envisaged that little progress will be made in 2002/3. However the best value review improvement plan shows that performance will increase to 75% by 2005/6 and achieve top quartile level in 2006/7. Barriers to Improvement: Resources to invest in pedestrian crossing facilities. Current / Proposed Actions: It is envisaged that little progress will be made in 2002/3, however extensive survey work of each crossing is currently taking place in order to ascertain the most effective way of phasing improvement works. The best value review improvement plan shows that performance will increase to 75% by 2005/6 and achieve top quartile level in 2006/7. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2006/7 Steven Lee Ext: 3800 23 P.I. Ref Full Year 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage of footpaths and rights of way easy to use by the public BVPI No 178 Family Trend 73% 80% Percentage Salford's Targets 92% 100% 60% 69% 70% 65% 60% 60% 50% 40% 20% 0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 8) Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Met Average 00/01 7th out of 8 15th out of 18 Range for all Mets Councils 0 - 100 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2001/02 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 - N/A Q2 - N/A Q3 - 50% Date: 15/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Salford is currently in the 4th quartile on this indicator. The definition of this indicator has changed from previous years hence the drop in the score. Salford would have to achieve a score of above 92% to attain top quartile status. The main reason for poor performance is signage Barriers to Improvement: None. Current / Proposed Actions: New footpath signs have now been ordered and will be installed over the next two years. It is envisaged that by the end of 2003/4 the City Council will be in the top quartile for this indicator. All actions are set out in the Highways/Streetcare Best Value Improvement Plan. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2003/4 Ian Crook Ext: 3893 24 PLEDGE 2 : QUALITY HOMES FOR ALL We will help ensure every person in Salford lives in a decent home P.I. PERFORMANCE INDICATOR REF 2.23 Plan the construction of over 630 new homes each year to ensure 6,400 new homes are built between 2201 and 2011 (LPI) 2.24 Complete the design and external repair and painting to over 3,000 Council Dwellings (LPI) 2.25 Manage the design and improvement of 140 private dwellings in renewal areas in the City and 20 shops in Seedley and Langworthy (LPI) STATUS On target Target changed by client Target changed by client LEAD DIRECTORATE Development Services REPORTING FREQUENCY Half-Yearly Development Services Half-Yearly Development Services Half-Yearly REPORTING FREQUENCY Quarterly PLEDGE 4 : A SAFER SALFORD We will make Salford a safer place to live and work P.I. REF 4.7 4.8 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR STATUS Damage to roads and pavements – The number of all reported incidents of dangerous damage to roads and pavements repaired or made safe within 24 hours of the authority becoming aware of the damage (BVPI 105) The % of streetlights not working as planned (BVPI 98) Road Accidents The number of road accident casualties per 100,000 population: Children killed/seriously injured (LPI) Pedestrians-slightly injured/Killed and seriously injured (BVPI 99) Below target LEAD DIRECTORATE Development Services Below target Development Services Quarterly Below target Development Services On target Development Services 4.22 The % of pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled people (BVPI 165) On target Development Services Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly (Dec and Jan) Half-Yearly 4.23 The % of planning applications for which we are assessed by Greater Manchester police against Crime and security Policy (LPI) The number of fatalities or injuries on site or demolition projects supervised by Building Control (LPI) On target Development Services Half-Yearly On target Development Services Half-Yearly 4.9 4.11 4.12 Pedal-cyclists-slightly injured/killed and seriously injured (BVPI 99) On target Development services 4.13 Two wheeled motor vehicle-slightly injured/killed and seriously injured (BVPI 99) Below target Development Services 4.14 Car Users-slightly injured/killed and seriously injured (BVPI 99) On target Development Services 4.15 Other vehicle users-slightly injured/Killed and seriously injured (BVPI 99) On target Development Services 4.24 25 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 The % of the total length of footpaths and other rights of way which were easy to use by members of the public (BVPI 178) Condition of Principal roads-% of principal road network at a point where repairs are needed to prolong residual life (BVPI 96) Condition of non-principal roads (BVPI 97) The number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive roads caused by local authority road works per km of traffic sensitive road (BVPI 100) The cost of highway maintenance per 100km travelled by a vehicle on principal Roads (BVPI 93) Average cost of maintaining streetlights (BVPI 95) Target no longer applicable On target Development Services Half-Yearly Development Services Annually On target On target Development Services Development Services Annually Half-Yearly On target On target Development Services Development Services Annually Annually REPORTING FREQUENCY Quarterly PLEDGE 5 : STRONGER COMMUNITIES We will help to make Salford a better place to live P.I. REF 5.4 5.16 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR STATUS The % of new homes built on previously developed land (BVPI 106) The cost per passenger journey of subsidised bus services (BVPI 94) On target LEAD DIRECTORATE Development Services Not yet known Development Services Annually REPORTING FREQUENCY Quarterly SUPPORTING THE PLEDGES Measuring Our Efficiency and statutory responsibilities P.I. REF 7.1 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.15 7.16 7.48 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR STATUS The % of planning applications determined within 8 weeks (BVPI 109) Planning cost per head of population (BVPI 107) Below target LEAD DIRECTORATE Development Services On target Development Services Annually The number of advertised departures from the statutory plan approved by the authority as a % of total permissions granted (BVPI 108) The average time taken to determine all planning applications (BVPI 110) Score against a checklist of planning best practice (BVPI 112) The % of applicants and those commenting on planning applications satisfied with the service received (BVPI 111) The % of building regulations given a decision within a statutory period of 5 weeks or 2 months (LPI) Below target Development Services Half-Yearly Below target Development Services Half-Yearly Below target Development Services Half-Yearly Below target Development Services Half-Yearly On target Development Services Half-Yearly 26 7.49 The % of authority buildings open to the public in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled people (BVPI 156) 27 Below target Development Services Half-Yearly