The Wounded Warrior Constitution Article I Name: Article II

The Wounded Warrior Constitution
Article I
Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Wounded
Warrior Club.
Article II
Section 1: This club was created to help honor veterans who
have served the United States of America. This
club will help honor veterans by raising money
through physical competitions and community
service. This club will work to help educate
students about what they can do to help veterans
and as well as those veterans in the community
Article III
Section 1: Membership shall be open to all full-time and parttime undergraduate students of Westfield State
University who have paid their student activities fee
for the current academic semester.
Section 2: Members are considered to be active if they attend and
participate in fifty percent (50%) of the club
meetings and activities.
Article IV
Section 1: The officers of the club shall be one (1) President, one
(1) Vice-President, and one (1) Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2: The duty of the President shall be to oversee meetings,
the clubs goals, training for events the club wishes
to participate in, and funding of the club. The duty
of the Vice-President shall be to help the President
with whatever tasks that are delegated to them. The
duty of the Secretary/Treasurer will be too take
minutes of all meetings while maintaining updated
information of the financial status of the club.
Section 3: The officers will be selected no later than one (1)
month after the start of the fall academic semester.
Section 4: Any active club member is eligible to hold office.
Section 5: The term of office for each officer will be one (1)
academic year.
Article V
Section 1: The advisors will be selected by the club members at
the first meeting of the academic year.
Section 2: The advisor’s duties will be too oversee the clubs
Article VI
Section 1: All members of the club can nominate another active
club member to office. Once a member is
nominated they will be listed on the ballot in
alphabetical order.
Section 2: Votes will be cast using a paper ballot which will be
folded by the voter and put into a hat. The club
advisor will tally the votes.
Section 3: No election may be held if there is not a quorum of
fifty percent (50%) of the club members plus one
(1) present at the meeting.
Section 4: A tie will be broken by a runoff election between the
top two candidates. This runoff election will follow
the same style as the original election.
Article VII
Section 1: The club will meet no less than one (1) time a month.
Section 2: Officers may hold separate meetings with only the
officers or meetings without the club advisor.
Section 3: Special meetings may be called by either the President
or Vice-President, if they are needed.
Article VIII
Section 1: If a vacancy occurs during the year by an officer
resigning a new election will take place following
the same regulations as a normal election. If an
advisor leaves during the year the club will
nominate new names for consideration as club
Article IX
Amending Procedure:
Section 1: This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds
majority vote of the voting members of the club and
if approved by the Rules and Regulations
committee of the Student Government Association.
Article X
Removal from office:
Section 1: If an officer is not performing their duties to the
satisfaction of the club the members must hold a
meeting with all members present including the
advisor but excluding the officer in question and
cast votes signifying “Yay” too vote the officer out
of office or “Nay” signifying they wish to keep the
officer in office. An officer will only be removed
from office if two-thirds of the members vote
Section 2: If an advisor is not performing their duties to the
satisfaction of the club the members must hold a meeting with all
members present excluding the advisor but including all officers
and cast votes signifying “Yay” too vote the advisor out of office
or “Nay” signifying they wish to keep the advisor in office. An
advisor will only be removed from office if two-thirds of the
members vote “Yay”.