So Seductive Step Team Constitution

So Seductive Step Team
Article I
This organization shall be known as the So Seductive Step Team.
Article II
The primary purpose of the Westfield State University’s So Seductive Step
Team is to foster an active interest in the historical African-American art of
stepping. The club will strive to promote a welcoming environment where
only practice can lead to the organization’s success. The club will engage in
activities including fundraisers, group outings, performances and
competitions. Through practice and working together as a team, all
members of the organization will be encouraged to increase their skill level
in stepping while still being able to enjoy themselves and have fun.
Article III
Section 1: Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time
undergraduate students of the university who have paid their student activity
Section 2: Practices will be held three (3) times a week and members are
only allowed three (3) excused absences during the academic school year.
Section 3: Repeated absences within one (1) week or continual absences
after the first three (3) will be grounds for the member in question to be
considered inactive.
Section 4: Members who do not abide by any rules or regulations listed in
the student handbook regarding student code and conduct are also subject to
being made inactive.
Section 5: Inactive members must pay full price to attend all Step Team
events and will not be allowed to perform or compete in events. Although
inactive members are not obliged to pay member dues during their period of
inactivity, they still must continue to attend as many practices as they are
able each week to remain up to date on any new steps made. Once being
made inactive, a member will remain inactive for the remainder of the
semester. In the following semester, if agreed upon by the executive board,
said member may regain status as an active member.
Section 6: All active members are required to pay monthly dues of five
dollars ($5.00) a month for the months of October, November, December,
February, March, April, and May for a total contribution of thirty-five
dollars ($35.00) each year per member. Dues will be due by the last practice
date of each month.
Article IV
The organization shall consist of the following Officers which make up the
Executive Board of the organization:
Section 1: The board shall consist of the following executive board
positions: Captain, Co-Captain, Secretary, Accountant, and Media Arts
Section 2: Officers will be elected at a regular club meeting prior to the
week of final exams in May.
Section 3: Any member of the club shall be eligible to hold an office. It is
preferred that juniors and seniors occupy the position of Captain and CoCaptain.
Section 4: The terms of office will begin at the start of the following
academic year. Each officer’s term is one (1) complete academic year.
Section 5: The duties of each executive officer are as follows:
Captain: The Captain shall preside over club and executive board meetings.
Captains are to supervise the affairs of the club to ensure a smoothly running
organization. They shall act as a leader or supervisor of the team during
practice. The Captain is responsible for running the practice and coming up
with details for shows/performances.
Co-Captain: The Co-Captain shall assist in the supervision of the club’s
affairs and executive board meetings; as well as assist in the supervision
during practice. They shall act as the public relations manager or liaison for
the team. The Co-Captain is responsible for the arrangement of booking
shows and upcoming events for the team; as well as, handling all contact
information for the team.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of
the practices, meetings, and activities of the club. The Secretary will keep
attendance records and manage the output of any written documents
representing the club.
Accountant: The Accountant shall be responsible for all the monies the club
account (vouchers, petty cash, bill payments, etc.) They must keep accurate
and balanced records of all receipts and expenditures.
Media Arts Manager: The Media Arts Manager shall oversee all of the
artwork, designs, and themes used for step team performances. They will be
responsible for documenting and archiving step team practices & shows. The
Media Art Manage shall be responsible for costume design and details for
each step team performance. They shall be responsible for the creation of
step team fliers and other promotion artworks such as: step team banner,
costume budgeting, event programs, etc.
Section 6: In addition to the official duties of each officer, the executive
board as a whole is in charge of making large decisions in the best interest of
the organization such as but not limited to uniforms and inactivity of any
Article V
Section 1: Nominations have to be proposed before electing a member to be
become an officer. A majority team vote will decide which members hold an
executive board position.
Section 2: No election may be held if there is not a quorum of fifty-percent
(50%) plus one (1) of the active present at the meeting.
Section 3: All active members have the power to request that a member be
voted off of the team. Requests for removal should be emailed to the
members of the executive board.
Section 4: Grounds for a member’s removal are the lack of the member’s
ability to effectively handle his/her duties and/or the mistreatment of step
team members.
Section 5: Ex-communicated members can appeal a removal from position
or team by going before the executive board members and stating his/her
Section 6: Executive board members have the ability to reinstate a member
with reasonable cause.
Article VI
Section 1: The advisor can be any faculty, staff, or administration, or who is
an employee of Westfield State College.
Section 2: The advisor will be appointed by a majority vote of the
organization’s members.
Section 3: The role of the advisor will include the following responsibilities:
Advisor: The advisor will be responsible for overseeing the eligibility of all
activities within the organization (events, community service, outings, etc.)
The advisor shall advise the club in the planning of activities for the club. In
addition, the advisor shall attend all executive board meetings, and have
input in final decisions concerning the organization. As a university
representative, the Advisor shall assist the executive board in their
promotion and planning of activities.
If an office is vacated for any reason, nominations will be made at least one
(1) meeting in advance to fill the vacant position. Nominations and voting
procedures shall be decided by a consensus of the club.
The constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
active voting members of the club and if approved by the Rules and
Regulations committee of the Student Government Association.