Westfield State University Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association November 2014 ARTICLE I NAME Section 1: The Name of this organization shall be the Westfield State University Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. ARTICLE II PURPOSE Section 1: The purposes of this organization shall be those as set forth in the National Constitution of the American Choral Directors Association, and are state as follows: 1. To foster and promote choral singing which will provide artistic and spirited experiences for the participants. 2. To foster and promote the finest types of choral music to make these experiences possible. 3. To foster and encourage rehearsal procedures conducive to attaining the highest level possible in musicianship and artistic performance. 4. To foster and promote the organization and development of choral groups of all types in schools, colleges, and churches. 5. To foster and promote the organization and development of choral societies in cities and communities. 6. To foster and promote the intelligent understanding of choral music as an important medium of artistic expression. 7. To foster and promote significant research in the field of choral music. 8. To foster and promote composition of superior quality in both music and text for all choral combinations. 9. To cooperate with all organizations dedicated to the development of musical culture in America. 10. To disseminate professional news and information about choral music. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of Westfield State University who have paid their student activities fee for the current academic semester. Section 2: Members are considered to be active if they attend and participate in 70% (i.e. seventy percent) of club meetings and activities. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1: The officers of this chapter of the American Choral Directors Association shall be: President, Vice-President (President Elect), Secretary, and Treasurer. (We request that you remove president elect from this title, simply to keep the democratic process more open and allow the student to choose if they would like to run to be president if a vacancy occurs) Section 2: The duties of the president shall be: to preside at the meetings; to appoint committees of the chapter (unless otherwise provided for in the By-Laws); to represent this organization when necessary; and to administer the policies as laid down in this constitution and its ByLaws. Also as an officer, he/she will be in charged of a programmed event. The duties of the vice-president (president elect), shall be to preside at meetings when the president is absent or incapacitated to perform the duties of the office; and to assist in administering the affairs of the chapter serving on such committees as are designated in the By-Laws. Also as an officer, he/she will be in charged of a programmed event. The duties of the secretary shall be: to keep the records of membership; to record the minutes of the meetings; to carry on the necessary chapter correspondence; and to pass on to the secretary succeeding him/her all records. Also as an officer, he/she will be in charged of a programmed event. The duties of the treasurer shall be: to keep a record of all financial matters pertaining to this organization; to collect and preserve the chapter’s funds; to pay out of the chapter’s funds the necessary and designated monies to meet the financial obligations of the chapter; and to pass on to the treasurer succeeding him/her all records and funds remaining in the treasury. Also as an officer, he/she will be in charged of a programmed event. Section 3: Change this section to become Article IX: Removal from Office A member of this chapter of the American Choral Directors Association may be dropped from membership if he/she fails to pay annual membership dues as required by the National Organization. A student so dropped from membership may be reinstated provided he meets the financial obligations of the National Organization. Section 4: Any candidate for the above mentioned positions shall have been a member of this club for no less than one academic year. Section 3. Each officer shall assume office at the completion of the spring term and shall remain in office until the completion of the following spring term. Section 5: Move Sections 5 and 6 to be Article VI: Elections Elections 1. Any person interested in being on the Executive Council needs to be nominated for the position. 2. All students are eligible to nominate those who they feel would be a good candidate for the position. 3. After the nomination period there will be a mandatory meeting for all nominees to accept their nomination. 4. Once the nominees are compiled all music students can fill out a ballot and cast their vote. Section 6: No candidate for the above mentioned elections should be on academic probation. ARTICLE IV: Advisor Section 1: The advisor shall be a full-time faculty member of the Music Department’s faculty, with choral music background. (The advisor must be any faculty, staff, or librarian.) (Though the club will choose a person probably from the music department, the options of who can be an advisor must remain unrestrictive) Section 2: The advisor shall be elected at the same time as the Executive Council Members, following the same guidelines as mentioned in Article III, Section 5. Section 3: The advisor, a non-voting member of the Executive Council, shall provide guidance and recommendations in the development of musical activities and programs, and shall serve as a liaison with college personnel in conjunction with the club President. ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES Section 1: The committees of the Westfield State University Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association shall appointed by the executive board as needed. In addition, the president may appoint special committees to attend to and report upon any specific matter that it may become necessary for this chapter to consider. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1: Regular meetings will be held on a monthly basis, a minimum of 7 times a year. (Write seven (7) for number of meetings) Section 2: The president may call special meetings after consultation with and the approval of the other officers. ARTICLE VIII AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION Section 1: This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the club and if approved by the Rules and Regulations Committee of the Student Government Association. (Add (2/3) after “two-thirds”) ADD ARTICLE ON REMOVAL FROM OFFICE OFFICERS AND ADVISORS ADD ARTICLE ON FILLING OF VACANCIES OFFICERS AND ADVISORS BY-LAWS OF THE Westfield State University CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS The chapter members shall decide the time and place of meetings of the Westfield State University Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association only after consultation with, and upon approval of, the chapter’s faculty advisor. The time and place of the meetings of this chapter of the American Choral Directors Association shall be specified in a previous meeting as well as posted on the music department board. ARTICLE II QUORUM A quorum of this organization shall be constituted by a majority of the active membership. No action may be taken which is binding upon the membership unless a quorum is present. However, certain matters such as a discussion of means of taking in new members, the presentation of a program, etc. may be carried on at a regular or special meeting without a quorum being present. ARTICLE III STANDARDS OF MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be of two classes: active and inactive. Each member shall acclaim his membership class at the beginning of each quarter. Active members have voting privileges. Inactive members do not have voting privileges. ARTICLE IV NATIONAL DUES AND ASSESSMENTS The individual members of the local chapter of the American Choral Directors Association shall pay specific National dues. Assessments may be made upon the membership to defray the costs of special undertakings by a majority vote of a quorum, which was informed at the previous meeting. ARTICLE V AFFILIATION AND CO-ORDINATION This Student Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association is an integral part of the National American Choral Directors Association, and shall be governed by the professional and financial policies laid down in the National Constitution of the American Choral Directors Association. Its official insignia shall be that of the National American Choral Directors Association. ARTICLE VI AMENDING THE BY-LAWS The By-Laws of this chapter of the American Choral Directors Association may be amended by a majority vote of the active membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the chapter at a previous meeting.