EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FORUM MEETING Present: Councillor Hinds – Chair Councillors Dobbs, Devine, MacDonald, Grey, Smyth, McIntyre Tim Sigsworth, Director of Fundraising, LGF Samia Barkatli – Salford Link Project In attendance: David Horsler, Sarah Farmer, Zahrah Mir, Stephen Durbar, Jim Wheelton (Salford Disabled Motorists and Access Association), William McKay (NPHL) 1. APOLOGIES Councillors Perkins, Hudson, Pooley, Mullen, Warmisham Jean Carter, Paul Budis, Bhupendra Mistry, Joanne Drinkwater (Salford Women’s Centre) 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations were made 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 25TH MAY 2005 The minutes were agreed as a true record 4. ACTION PLAN AND MATTERS ARISING An update on activities detailed in the Matters Action Plan was given. Item 1. Briefings for the Customer and Support Services Scrutiny Committee had been arranged for October and November. It was agreed to evaluate this model and see if it was effective to develop Members’ skills and knowledge. Item 2. This has been placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the LJCC. Item 3. Mr Wheelton requested further information on the progress made with transport 5. REPORT – ACCESS TO COUNCIL BUILDINGS AND CONSULTATION ON THE 5-YEAR STRATEGY Steven Durbar (representing the Director of Housing and Planning outlined the issues regarding improving access to Council buildings. The Council has agreed for £250k to be allocated for improvements in the current year and was looking to make similar sums available in subsequent years. Currently 44 of 99 Council owned buildings with public access areas are fully accessible. The report proposed that each year there will resources for buildings from each service area to be adapted (ensuring that all DDA/BVPI 156 issues are addressed). The importance of consultation with disabled people was recognised and the plan is not set in stone but will evolve each year. Consultation will take place with disabled people to ensure buildings do meet needs. From this years allocation £25k has been set aside for additional works, £25k for works around buildings not included in the BVPI definition and £5k for additional survey works. It was resolved: THAT the report be noted. Jim Wheelton discussed issues around motorised scooters and public housing stock. This item would be considered at the next consultation round on 8th November. 6. REPORT – ACTION PLAN FOR LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES – Tim Sigsworth LGF Tim Sigsworth identified progress in the last 12 months, since the “Invisible Minority” report was discussed. He noted that Salford City Council had supported the Pride Games and it was massively successful. He also commented that There are 5,500 calls to LGF help line of which 25% are from Salford. Hate crime is not going away and reporting needs to be improved. The Commission of Equality and Human Rights will be set up in 2006 this will be placing duties on Public Authorities in respect of sexuality. It was recognised that some of the issues raised could have cost implications but many could be achieved within existing budgets. It was resolved: THAT the report be noted and that the details of the Action Plan would be further discussed with relevant officers with a further report to come to the Forum in due course. 7. REPORT – THE CONSULTATION AND INVOLVEMENT OF WOMEN IN SALFORD – Sarah Farmer Two events were held at Salford Women’s Centre and Salford Link Project regarding addressing the needs of women who live and or work in Salford. The Women’s Centre event had 23 participants who agreed to set up a inclusive women’s forum (through the completion of a ‘PATH’) to address the needs of all women within Salford as well as planning for International Women’s Week on 8th March 2006. The event at Salford Link Project had 55 women from varying communities with 5 separate interpreters (Arabic, Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu, Cantonese). The women benefited from being able to express their genuine views through the completion of a ‘PATH’ and were enthralled by the Bangra Music supplied and the introduction in five different languages. The outcome was the setting up a of Women’s Forum for the Asian community and eventually to work together with Salford Women’s Centre to ensure an inclusive forum for women of all ages and cultures. It was resolved: THAT the report be noted. 8. REPORT – EMPLOYERS ORGANISATION ADVISORY BULLETIN – A BRIEFING AND CONSULTATION ON THE DRAFT EMPLOYMENT EQUALITY (AGE) REGULATIONS The report was circulated for information prior to discussion at the next meeting of the Forum It was resolved: THAT the report be noted. 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE The launch of DisabledGo in Salford is on Wednesday 6th October 2005 from 11.30am to 1.30pm. This is an initiative that the Council has undertaken with DisabledGo to publicise access to a variety of venues around Salford via a website. Members of the Forum had been invited to attend the launch at the Civic Centre. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 23rd November 2005 10 :00 am It was further agreed that the Forum would meet on the following dates in 2006: 25th January, 22nd March, 24th May, 26th July, 27th September and 22nd November.