EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 Broughton D@tabase Camp Street Salford Meeting commenced: “ ended: 6.30 p.m. 9.06 p.m. PRESENT: Mike Smith – in the Chair Councillors Connor, J. Holt, Humphreys, King, Merry and B. Murphy MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY: F. Rimmer M. Kelly M. Preston D. Prince } } } } R.I.T.A D. Crowcroft - Wellington Street West Residents’ Association J. Murphy - C.F.H. C. Sumner J. Williams } } Broughton Trust S. Carson - H.B.A.C B. Moore - Lower Kersal N. Kestenbaum - Interlink G. Singh - Solution Gray H. B. P. Ball - Friars Tenants’ Association B. Hawke - Albert Park Residents’ Association A. Facer - Cliff Resident’s Association G. Cooper - St. George’s Residents’ Association R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 L. Smith - V.O.I.C.E. L. Craven - Cromwell Residents’ Association M. Connor - Golden Years A. McCormick - A.P.V.B.S.C. M. Thorpe - Broughton Action Group C. Brett - HBHG Development Trust / Broughton D@tabase J. Thomson - T.E.T.R.A S. Adolphe - Salford Community Organiser K. Coakley - St. Sebastian’s S. Cohen - Salford CAB D. Nicholas - Hill Street Residents’ Association B. Taylor - Area Co-ordinator C. Skinkis - Neighbourhood Manager R. Jolly - Assistant Neighbourhood Manager V. Hamnett - Community Development Worker M. Saboor - N.D.C / G.M.P. Z. Whiteside - Housing Services J. Regan A. Surtees } Environmental Services K. Kaur - Salford PCT L. Turnbull - Child Action Northwest OFFICERS: R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 2 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 35. N. Mawson A. Thwaites } } Housing Services A. Burnett - New Deal for Communities L. Brown J. Burns } } Youth Service M. McHugh - Committee Administrator APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Hulmes, J. Murphy and Wilson and J. Bailey, E. Cox, B. Heywood, E. Hughes, D. Moore, D. Nicholas, I. Peel, N. Sheik, J. Sheldon, L, Sheldon and K. Woodward. 36. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 18th November, 2004, were signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the following amendments – (i) The deletion of the duplicate version of the following in Minute 29(b) – (Budget Sub-Committee). The Broughton Trust £4800.00 For hire of Space Building Approve (Community Use of Schools) (ii) The inclusion of an additional item being included after Minute 30, as follows: 31. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN RESOLVED: THAT, in the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, P. Ball be elected as Chairman of this Committee for the remainder of the meeting. “P. Ball – in the Chair” and accordingly, the renumbering of minutes 31 through 33 to reflect the inclusion. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 3 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 37. MATTERS ARISING (a) Response from Councillor Wilson M. Smith referred to the response submitted by Councillor Wilson in respect of the issue raised at the meetings of this Committee held on 30 th September and 25th November, 2005. He indicated that whilst individuals might feel that they have personal concerns over the issue, it was felt important that the Community Committee now consider this matter resolved and move forward in partnership to participate and share in the work that was required within the area. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (b) Report of the Strategic Director of Environment (i) Dog Fouling Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Environment which provided details relating to – the number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) issued within the city in respect of dog fouling since 1st December, 2003; the fact that the majority of the 62 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) had been issued by Dog Wardens employed by Environmental Services; and the employment from 1st January, 2005, of two additional Enforcement Officers. Discussion ensued in relation to a number of issues, including – a perceived increase in the instances of dog fouling within the Neighbourhood Management Area; the need for residents to report instances of dog fouling to the Environmental Services Customer Contact Centre on telephone number, 0161 909 6500. a question relating to the number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) for which payment had been received; the need to ensure effective enforcement in respect of dog fouling within the city; and R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 4 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 a request that the possibility of the production of a newsletter within the Neighbourhood Management Area be examined; and that appropriate contact telephone numbers be included within any such newsletter. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT the Strategic Director of Environment be requested to provide an update report at the next meeting of this Committee in respect of the number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) issued, for which payment had been received. (3) THAT the possibility of producing a newsletter within the Neighbourhood Management Area be examined. (ii) Community Clean-Ups Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Environment which provided details relating to – the support currently provided by Environmental Services in respect of Community Clean-Ups, including the provision of a ‘Community Skip’ each weekday throughout the year to ‘constituted’ community groups; the additional support provided to community groups via the loaning of additional equipment including, brushes, shovels and gloves; and proposals for future provision of a skip to each Neighbourhood Management Area, with Community Committee taking the decision regarding to which group or clean-up the skip would be allocated; Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including – the provision of a ‘free’ bulk waste removal service within Single Regeneration Budget (S.R.B.) Areas; regular instances of ‘fly tipping’ on Albert Park; RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT update reports in respect of this issue be submitted at future meetings of this Committee. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 5 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 (c) Albert Park Update Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Environment which provided details relating to – (i) a successful bid for Capital Funding for the improvement of parks within the city (ii) details of prioritisation of the Capital Funding to parks within the city (iii) proposals to undertake work within Albert Park that would change the status of the park from Neighbourhood Park to District Park (iv) consultation events to be held in respect of the funding for Albert Park RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT the Strategic Director of Environment be invited to attend the meeting of the East Salford Community Committee to be held on 17th March, 2005, as part of the consultation process for the development of Albert Park. 38. COMMUNITY ISSUES (a) Oliver’s Gym RESOLVED: THAT this issue be considered further as part of the New Deal for Communities Update (Minute 42(a) below refers) (b) Albert Park Councillor B. Murphy reported that a presentation detailing proposals for the development and regeneration of Albert Park had been shown outside the Council Chamber at the Salford Civic Centre. Discussion ensued in respect of making the presentation available at a site in the vicinity of Albert Park. RESOLVED: THAT the possibility of making the presentation detailing proposals for the development and regeneration of Albert Park available at a site in the vicinity of Albert Park, be examined. (c) Site of 276 Great Cheetham Street West and 210 to 232 Great Clowes Street, Salford 7 C. Sumner indicated that work had re-commenced on the abovementioned site and requested details of the plans for the development. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 6 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 B. Taylor undertook to provide C. Sumner with a copy of the plans that had been submitted in respect of the development. (d) Delivery of ‘Salford People’ P. Ball reported that several properties within the Neighbourhood Management Area were not receiving copies of the ‘Salford People’ publication. A number of members confirmed that this was the case. RESOLVED: THAT details of the properties in question be passed to the Marketing and Communications Team and that the issue be examined. (e) Audit Commission – Comprehensive Performance Assessment G. Cooper provided information in respect of the Audit Commission Annual Comprehensive Performance Assessment for Salford, indicating that the result had indicated that Salford remained a ‘Weak’ Council. He requested a response from the Council in respect of this issue. Councillor Merry provided an update in respect of the work that had been undertaken by the Council and its staff to improve the services provided. He reported that the Council had requested that the Audit Commission reexamine two Housing Strategy documents, and that had the re-marked documents been included in the final assessment, Salford would have improved to a ‘Fair’ Council. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 39. BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE (a) Membership R. Jolly reported that two vacancies for membership of the Budget SubCommittee remained for members of the Community Committee within the Kersal Ward. RESOLVED: (1) THAT B. Moore be elected as a member of the Budget SubCommittee for the remainder of the 2004 / 2005 Municipal Year. (2) THAT any Community Committee Member from the Kersal Ward wishing to be considered for membership of the East Salford Budget Sub-Committee contact R. Jolly, Assistant Neighbourhood Manager. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 7 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 (b) Meeting held on 11th January, 2005 RESOLVED: (1) THAT the undermentioned applications for funding be dealt with as follows: - APPLICANT Talents-Peninim After School Activity Scheme APPLICANT Chasdei Devorah Sadya Schmuel Liberow Children’s Library Number One Youth Club TOTAL GRANT SOUGHT £3827.05 TOTAL GRANT SOUGHT £2941.08 £2259.99 £5472.50 RESUBMITTED Community Services £206.25 RESUBMITTED St. John’s Drop In £749.00 PURPOSE DECISION Laptop and accessories. Copier, Printer. Yoga Mats. PURPOSE Defer Mothercare items. Prams / carrycots / playmates Assorted new books and Book repairs. DECISION AMOUNT AMOUNT Defer Approve £1000.00 Rent / Insurance / Tools and Equipment Community cohesion project Approve £2562.50 Approve £206.25 Table and Chairs / Kitchenware and heaters. Approve £749.00 (2) THAT a request be made to the Community Affairs Section to include greater detail in future reports for the purpose of the grants. (c) Budget Statement – Community Use of Schools R. Jolly submitted a budget statement showing the financial position of the community use of schools budget as at 21st December, 2004. RESOLVED: THAT the statement be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 8 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 (d) Budget Statement – Devolved Budget R. Jolly submitted a budget statement showing the financial position of the devolved budget as at 21st December, 2004. RESOLVED: THAT the statement be noted. (e) Budget Sub-Committee Training R. Jolly provided details of a training programme to be undertaken by members of the Budget Sub-Committee. Councillor Merry indicated that this training would facilitate a more strategic approach to budget allocation by Community Committee with an emphasis being placed upon those issues contained within the Community Action Plan. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 40. GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE UPDATE M. Saboor, Greater Manchester Police / New Deal for Communities, addressed the Committee in respect of a number of issues, including – the appointment of an additional four officers to undertake undercover work within the area, specifically to address issues within ‘Hotspot’ areas’ support gained from the local community within the Lower Kersal area in obtaining two Anti Social Behaviour Orders; a request for residents to report crime, anti social behaviour via the ‘incident sheets’ which had been posted to all addresses within the Neighbourhood Management Area; the proposed closure of Park Lane Police Station and the relocation of officers to the new policing facility at Salford Precinct; work undertaken in and in the vicinity of Albert Park to address the issue of Youth Nuisance and Anti Social Behaviour; and work which had been undertaken in the Greengate area over the Christmas period which had resulted in a number of arrests RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 9 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 41. BEACON CENTRE J. Burns, Youth Service, addressed the Committee regarding the Beacon Centre, providing details in relation to – The history of the development of the Beacon Centre as a replacement for the former Charlestown Youth Centre; Progress being made in relation to the building work of the Beacon Centre; An overview of the building, including details of how each area would be used; Consultation exercises that had been undertaken to ensure that facilities within the building were those that would be used by young people; The proposed Management Committee of the Beacon Centre; Facilities in place to allow Community use of the Beacon Centre; and The proposed opening date of the Beacon Centre Discussion ensued and a number of questions were raised, including – (a) The accessibility of the building. J. Burns indicated that the building had been designed to be fully accessible and was compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act. (b) The number of existing facilities for young people in the area and the need to ensure that duplication of services did not occur. J. Burns indicated that a co-ordinated approach was being developed to ensure that duplication of services did not occur. (c) The need to ensure the involvement of young people in the management of the Beacon Centre J. Burns reported that young people would be involved in the management structure of the Beacon Centre. (d) The catchment area of the Beacon Centre J. Burns indicated that work was being undertaken to ensure that this issue was effectively addressed. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 10 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 (e) North Salford Youth Centre J. Burns reported that it was the intention to maintain and develop the current service provision. (f) Countryside Properties J. Burns indicated that work being undertaken by Countryside Properties would complement the work of the Youth Service. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 42. REGENERATION UPDATE (a) New Deal for Communities A. Burnett, New Deal for Communities addressed the Committee to provide an update report in respect of work being undertaken within the New Deal for Communities area, including – start of construction work on the site of the Sports Village on Littleton Road; work being undertaken to shortlist potential Developer Partners for New Deal for Communities, including details of an Open Day to be held on Saturday, 12th March, 2005 at the Lower Kersal Activities Centre between 10.00am and 1.00pm work which was being undertaken in respect of Alleygating schemes within the area; a planned Household Security Open Day to be held on Thursday, 24th February, 2005 at the New Deal for Communities offices, Cromwell House, Cromwell Road between 9.00am and 5.00pm Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including – (i) Oliver’s Gym G. Cooper raised concerns in respect of proposals that had been agreed at the last meeting of the New Deal for Communities Board. He indicated that the Board had approved the demolition of Oliver’s Gym. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 11 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 Concern was raised that it appeared that the views of members of the local community expressed in the resolutions approved at the meeting of this Committee held on 25th November, 2004 (below) in respect of Oliver’s Gym had been ignored. RESOLVED: (1) THAT New Deal for Communities be informed of this Committees objection to the demolition of Oliver’s Gym. (2) THAT this Committee supports the development of Oliver’s Gym as a Community and Youth Facility for the people of the Neighbourhood Management Area. Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including – a request that a commitment be given by New Deal for Communities that the community facilities currently provided from Oliver’s Gym would be found alternative premises within the local area. a perceived lack of accountability in the decision-making processes within New Deal for Communities; and a perceived lack of consultation in respect of (a) the proposal to demolish Oliver’s Gym and (b) the decision-making process in which the proposal to demolish Oliver’s Gym was agreed. In response to the issues raised, representatives of the New Deal for Communities Board provided information in respect of – the consultation process which had been followed in respect of the New Deal for Communities Framework document, which included the proposal to demolish Oliver’s Gym; a commitment that work would be undertaken with the owner to ensure that the services currently provided within Oliver’s Gym remained within the local area; RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT update reports in respect of the future provision of services currently provided within Oliver’s Gym be submitted at future meetings of this Committee. (3) THAT New Deal for Communities be requested to examine their current consultation procedures in light of the concerns raised by the local community in respect of Oliver’s Gym. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 12 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 (ii) Community Bowling Green – Lower Kersal Social Club Members expressed concerns regarding the Community Bowling Green adjacent to, and which was now under the management of, Lower Kersal Social Club. Concern was raised that individuals wishing to use the facility were being requested to take membership of the Lower Kersal Social Club before use of the bowling green was permitted. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT the issue be examined and an update report be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee. (b) Central Salford Partnership No report. (c) Countryside Properties A report was submitted in respect of the development of a Masterplan for work being undertaken by Countryside Properties in the Broughton area. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (d) Housing Market Renewal Fund RESOLVED: THAT an item be included on the Agenda for future meetings of this Committee in respect of Housing Market Renewal Fund. 43. THE CLIFF – WORK TO ESTABLISH A LOCAL NATURE RESERVE J. Regan and A. Surtees addressed the Committee to provide an update report in respect of work being undertaken to establish a Local Nature Reserve in the Cliff Area, including – Discovering Nature in Salford o Salford is 60 % green space o The Cliff represents a significant informal green area o L N R’s offer a commitment by the Local Authority to long-term management R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 13 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 Issues to be tackled o o o o o o The Cliff Local Nature Reserves o o o o o o Developing a Site Management Plan Involving Local Children Promoting Local Interest Developing Environmental Education Engaging Local Communities Proposed Projects o o o o o o A Place for Wildlife A Place to Walk A Place to Talk A Place to Relax A Place to Play A Place to Learn Projects so far o o o o o Reputation Unwelcoming Tipping and Rubbish Poor Access Anti-Social Use Invasive Species Children’s events programme Outdoor pursuits Refugee project LNR celebration National Curriculum linked school projects Young Roots Creating a space for people and wildlife alike in Salford RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted; and that J. Regan and A. Surtees be thanked for their interesting and informative presentation. 44. LANDLORD LICENSING Z. Whiteside addressed the Committee to provide an update report in respect of work being undertaken in respect of Landlord Licensing within the city, including – R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 14 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 Why Introduce Licensing o o o o o o Anti social behaviour Vandalism Empty Properties Risk of Fire in Houses In Multiple Occupation Inexperienced landlords Unsatisfactory landlords Landlord Licensing: What is it? o Housing Act 2004, expected to come into force in December 2005 o Will require landlords to obtain a license and adhere to license conditions: o Mandatory licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation with 3 or more storeys, 5 or more people and 2 or more house holds o Additional licensing of H. M. O’s o Selective licensing of other private dwellings where the local authority considers it will benefit tenants and communities, areas of low demand and/or areas with problems of anti social behaviour. Application Criteria – ‘Fit and Proper’ Status o Consideration to be given to: o Unspent convictions which may be relevant to an application in particular: o (a) Any offence involving fraud or other dishonesty, or violence or drugs or any Schedule 3 to the Sexual Offences Act o (b) Any unlawful discrimination on grounds of sex, colour, race, ethnic or national origins or disability in, or in connection with, the carrying on of any business; o (c) Contravention of any provision of the law relating to housing or of landlord and tenant law; (including any civil proceedings) Other Application Criteria o o o o o o Provide written statements of tenancy obligations & inventories Gas & electrical safety certificates Declaration of furniture safety Provision for dealing with Anti Social Behaviour Fee payable Houses In Multiple Occupation-additionally physical standards, maximum number of occupants R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 15 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 Benefits of Licensing o o o o o o o Salford’s Approach to Licensing o o o o o o Reduce Anti social Behaviour Support & training for responsible landlords Exclude rogue landlords Halt area decline Better housing standards for private tenants Benefit to wider community & business Contributes to creation of sustainable communities Intend to make full use of powers Selective Licensing expected to be introduced from December, 2005 Selective licensing combined with proactive inspection HMO Licensing from December 2005 Links with Accreditation Multi agency approach Progress & Action Plan o o o o Consultation with private landlords Ongoing consultation with all those affected by Licensing Confirm areas for selective licensing Accurately identify accurate details of properties & landlords who will require a license o Link with legal services and the police on information sharing. o To develop protocols & procedures on licensing in liaison with Office of Deputy Prime Minister Have your say o o o o Do you agree with the proposals? Would you like more information about landlord licensing? Would you like to be involved in developing the scheme? Please complete the consultation sheet attached and return in the prepaid envelope RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted; and that Z. Whiteside be thanked for her interesting and informative presentation. 45. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Vanessa Hamnett – Community Development Worker R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 16 EAST SALFORD COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 27th January, 2005 The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, welcomed Vanessa Hamnett, Community Development Worker, to her first meeting of the East Salford Community Committee. (b) Stock Options Team – Consultation C. Skinkis reported that the third phase of the consultation process in respect of work being undertaken regarding Stock Options would take place between Monday, 28th February and Friday, 11th March, 2005. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (c) Salford Community Radio Councillor King thanked members of the committee and of the local community for the support with had been shown regarding the submission of an application to OFCOM for a ‘Permanent Radio Licence’ for the Salford Community Radio project. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (d) Petition Councillor Jane Murphy provided details of a petition to be submitted to the Council relating to an incident in Broughton, in which a Latvian Man had been murdered, and requested that members of the local community give their support by signing the petition. (e) Douglas Green Park Members expressed concern in respect of work that had taken place on Douglas Green Park to remove play equipment. Members were concerned that the play equipment had been in the park for less than 12 months. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be examined; and an update report be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee. 46. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Committee be held on Thursday, 17 th March, 2005 at St. George’s Day Centre, Cromwell Road, Salford at 6.30pm. R:\status\working\admin\omin\esccm270105.doc 17