Strategy Monitoring Report 2nd Quarter July to September 2004 SALFORD CRIME AND DISORDER PARTNERSHIP CRIME & DISORDER REDUCTION STRATEGY 2002 – 2005 STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Key: . Not on Target = Not on target for delivery and unlikely to be achieved in next quarter . Near to Target = Not on target for delivery, but may be achieved in next quarter On Target = On or exceeding target for delivery 1 OBJECTIVE 1. RESPONDING EFFECTIVELY TO NUISANCE AND DISORDER TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET From October, Salford one of 50 TOGETHER Action Areas, which represents a new driveby and2005 TARGET:Reducewill thebe number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 commitment to tackle anti-social behaviour as a partnership The Nuisance Link Team is now fully operational with 4 Nuisance Link Officers, 2 ASB officers and a supervisor 6 school based police officers are on hand to tackle anti social behaviour both on and off school premises Further funding has been found for the ‘alternative response’ sports development teams Community sector teams continue to take early intervention action to tackle youth disorder through ASBO warning letters and interviews and through the Youth Inclusion Support Panel (YISP) (for 8 – 13 year olds at risk of committing anti social behaviour) A Youth Strategy for the City has been prepared by a consultant for Education & Leisure The Think Customer Theme 2 project to provide a central telephone number for reporting anti-social behaviour in the city is being progressed – due July 05 Formation of a public transport crime action plan for 2004/05 – awaiting approval from bus operators Juvenile Nuisance Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 3000 2568 2555 2542 2259 2182 2529 2516 2503 2476 2552 2521 2490 2478 2465 2294 2378 2452 2439 2500 2426 2000 1500 2353 1000 2017 2007 500 0 QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figures Target Figures Juvenile Nuisance Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 12000 10323 9910 10117 9704 10000 8000 6000 10323 9270 8576 8790 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 4000 2000 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES TARGET FIGURES 2 OBJECTIVE 1. RESPONDING EFFECTIVELY TO NUISANCE AND DISORDER TARGET:- Reduce the number of Malicious Calls to Greater Manchester County Fire and Rescue Service By 10% to 537 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET The Fire and Rescue Service have been active in working with schools and youth organisations in TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 relation to hoax calls The Fire and Rescue Service has entered into partnership with mobile phone providers to bar phones that are used to make hoax calls The Fire and Rescue Service is negotiating with land line telephone providers to replicate the mobile phone barring service for land lines The Call Challenge Initiative, whereby 999 calls are challenged in more detail if a caller is phoning from a telephone box in order to discourage hoax callers, has been developed further Malicious Calls to Fire Service Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 180 160 148 147 146 144 143 142 141 139 72 68 138 137 77 79 140 136 135 120 100 80 160 159 129 60 95 96 83 40 20 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Malicious Calls to the Fire Service Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 700 597 576 537 555 600 500 400 300 200 597 483 352 310 YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 100 0 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES TARGET FIGURES 3 OBJECTIVE 1. RESPONDING EFFECTIVELY TO NUISANCE AND DISORDER TARGET:- Increase the participation of young people in sporting activities by 25% from 56.3 to 70.3% by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS An Equity Officer has been appointed to increase participation in sporting activity from women and TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 minority ethnic groups Postholder produces an annual work programme and has been developing innovative programmes that are increasing sports participation rates for under represented groups such as girls The SAYO (Sport, Arts and Youth in Ordsall) project has been in operation in Ordsall for 18 months. The project is working closely with the Lads Club to encourage greater participation from young people SAYO project runs a wide range of activities in the Ordsall area for young people A weekend activity programme is continuing on Friday and Saturday evenings to encourage young people into sporting activities and there is a more extensive activity programme across the City Weekend activity programmes operate at various localities in the City. In addition, pilot work in two areas by the Raid Response Teams (Sports Development) has resulted in significant drops in juvenile nuisance (e.g. 25% reduction in Eccles) In 2003-04 300 young people participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at the Watersports Centre. The target identified in the 2002/2005 Crime & Disorder Reduction Strategy was set before a baseline was established. A survey of young peoples participation in sporting activities was conducted in May 2002. The survey identified a baseline of 56.3% participation and the Education & Leisure Directorate has agreed a PSA target to increase the participation of young people in sporting activities by 25% from the baseline. The new target is as follows:Increase the participation of young people in sporting activities by 25% from 56.3% to 70.3% by 2005. A follow up survey to confirm if this target is met will be conducted at the end of the PSA period. 4 OBJECTIVE 2. TACKLING VIOLENT CRIME TARGET:- Reduce the number of Violent Crimes by 12% to 4,576 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS NOT ON TARGET Purchase of hand held video cameras to target offenders TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 Implementation of ‘safe routes’ around the University area, supported by the Police and Community Wardens Alcohol Reference Group established and alcohol coordinator appointed. The focus of the group includes alcohol related violent crime and domestic violence Operation Etna – high visibility policing aimed at reducing violent crime in and around Eccles Town Centre – is ongoing The CDRP pooled funding group has made £30k available for capital projects aimed at reducing violent crime Trading Standards are to target problems on licensed premises using covert tactics, with the aim of reducing violent crime and ASB Violent Crimes Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 1800 1600 1400 1200 1281 1120 1103 1260 1273 1086 1069 1396 1341 1261 1242 1222 1203 1183 1164 1144 1000 800 600 1573 1410 1397 1350 1442 1358 400 200 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Violent Crimes Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 6000 5200 4888 5000 4547 4274 4000 5600 3000 5200 5200 2000 1000 4547 0 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 5 OBJECTIVE 2. TACKLING VIOLENT CRIME TARGET:- Reduce the number of Robberies by 38% to 699 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS NOT ON TARGET There has been a substantial reduction in robberies this quarter TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 In June, a GMAC meeting was convened to look specifically at robbery in the city. The purpose of this meeting was to provide a problem profile produced by a strategic analyst and to bring together representatives from all partnership agencies to apply intelligence led problem-solving approach to robbery. Provision of advice and support to victims / potential victims of robbery Police operations and targeting of offenders, including Operation Marne, identifying safe routes for students around the University Trading standards have been working to identify and take action against the market for stolen property A behaviour improvement programme has been developed and schools-based police officers are now in post Community wardens continue to patrol the robbery ‘hot spot’ along the A6 corridor Robberies Other Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 350 300 279 264 255 246 250 237 228 219 210 201 192 200 150 184 175 295 260 225 100 228 238 227 246 244 193 149 50 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Robberies Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 1200 1127 980 1000 834 699 800 600 1127 1008 904 786 400 200 0 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 6 OBJECTIVE 2. TACKLING VIOLENT CRIME TARGET:- Reduce the number of Repeat Domestic Violence Incidents by 7% to 1,148 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS NOT ON TARGET Work continues on a local level to raise domestic violence awareness e.g.through contact with Neighbourhood TARGET:Reducedevelopment the numberworkers of Juvenile Nuisance incidents by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 Managers, community and the One Stop Shop incitywide Little Hulton. The first meeting of the multi-agency domestic violence forum is scheduled for the 2 nd December. The launch will take place at the Red Cinema. This completes the 3rd tier of the multi-agency strategy. Continued liaison with neighbouring areas and a GMP group has been set up to pull together officers from GM domestic violence units and domestic violence coordinators. Jackie Bell from Salford alcohol services now sits on the implementation group, ensuring continuity whilst alcohol coordinator’s post is advertised. A multi-agency training programme has been launched, with a pool of 21 trainers. They will be delivering three half-day sessions and three full-day sessions between 13th October and 17th November 2004. The 21 trainers come from 12 different agencies. There are 42 people booked on the half-day sessions and 55 booked on the full-day sessions, and there is already a waiting list for places. The DV Outreach Scheme in the New Deal area is now operational Repeat Domestic Incidents Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 500 450 400 350 306 303 300 441 436 298 295 456 467 292 300 250 176 200 150 292 176 175 318 313 431 173 289 287 408 293 100 50 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Repeat Domestic IncidentsShowing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 2500 2000 1500 1000 1234 1191 1148 717 692 717 1234 1234 2069 1750 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) YEAR 1 2002/2003 (New Baseline) YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 500 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES TARGET FIGURES 7 OBJECTIVE 3. REDUCING VEHICLE CRIME TARGET:- Reduce the number of Vehicle Crimes (both theft of and theft from) by 20% to 6,278 by 2005 COMMENTS ON ACTIONS Vehicle Crime Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 2500 1929 2000 1896 1864 1831 1798 1765 1733 1700 1667 1634 1602 1570 1500 1000 2070 1884 1652 1622 1697 1676 1366 1446 1322 1133 500 Actual Figure 00 5 Q U A R TE R 4 20 04 /2 00 5 00 5 20 04 /2 Q U A R TE R 3 20 04 /2 00 5 Q U A R TE R 2 20 04 /2 00 4 Q U A R TE R 1 20 03 /2 00 4 Q U A R TE R 4 20 03 /2 00 4 Q U A R TE R 3 20 03 /2 00 4 Q U A R TE R 2 20 03 /2 00 3 1 R R TE U A Q Q U A R TE R 4 20 02 /2 00 3 00 3 20 02 /2 R 3 20 02 /2 R TE Q U A R TE R 2 20 02 /2 00 3 0 1 R U A Q R TE U A £5000 has been given to Swinton Youth Project for their car crime initiative. This is the engaging of TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 volunteers with car crime offenders and steering them away from offending. A beat sweep began on the 22nd October 2004 in Little Hulton, as part of the Arson Reduction Implementation Program. Operation Revlon is currently ongoing within Little Hulton, targeting the persistent vehicle offenders. An anti vehicle crime campaign is to begin from December 2004 using various media and marketing techniques. Salford`s Car Clinic, whereby cars that have been tampered with can be dropped in and will be fingerprinted, is being promoted to increase its use and number of detections. A private company is now managing Swinton Precinct Car Park and its levels of security is to be increased to Secured by Design Standards. GMAC is to focus on the Trinity area. Consultation is being conducted with Highways to reduce the cost of the traffic survey to enable the possible introduction of parking restrictions on streets in the Trinity area. Q ON TARGET Target Figure Vehicle Crimes Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 9000 7848 8000 7299 6749 6278 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 7848 7228 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) 6061 5158 2000 1000 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 8 OBJECTIVE 3. REDUCING VEHICLE CRIME TARGET:- Increase Detection Rate in relation to Vehicle Crimes by 10% to 5.72% by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS NEAR TO TARGET Training is planned for the owners and managers of motor salvage companies. This will ensure TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 compliance with the new Motor Salvage Operators regulations. Operation Marwari began 1st October 2004. This is a dedicated Crime Scene Investigator attending vehicles to remove forensic evidence and increase the possibility of detections. An advice booklet on purchasing a used vehicle has been distributed. Implementation of legislation and prosecution of unregistered motor salvage operators began September 2004. Vehicle Detection Rates Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 8 7 6 5.24 5.33 5.29 5.37 5.42 5.46 5.5 6.3 6.2 5.63 5.59 5.55 5.67 5.72 5 4 6.9 6.7 3 5.3 4.9 5.65 5.2 5 4.5 2 1 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Vehicle Detection Rates Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 6.2 6 5.72 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.2 5 5.2 5.3 6.1 5.3 YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 4.8 4.6 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES TARGET FIGURES 9 OBJECTIVE 3. REDUCING VEHICLE CRIME TARGET:- Reduce the number of Malicious Vehicle Fires by 20% to 940 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET The hotspot areas for malicious vehicle fires are Blackfriars, Little Hulton, Winton and Broughton TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 A beat sweep operation is being carried out in Little Hulton identifying and removing abandoned vehicles Greater Manchester County Fire Service and the Local authority have now been granted funding for the Arson Control Forum Implementation Fund An initiative in Walkden has just been completed to advise the public about securing their cars Educational work is being carried out with young people about deterring them from car crime Malicious Vehicle Fires Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 350 299 284 300 279 274 269 264 259 255 250 245 250 240 235 200 150 218 100 235 215 215 221 207 215 178 173 135 50 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Malicious Vehicle Fire Rates Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 1400 1175 1200 1093 1011 940 1000 800 600 400 1175 815 872 648 200 0 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 10 OBJECTIVE 4. REDUCING BURGLARY DWELLING TARGET:- Reduce the number of Burglary Dwellings by 21% to 3,479 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET Salfords alley gating scheme has now been implemented. TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 A burglary development officer is now based with victim support and is the point of contact for burglary victims. Operation Tahiti is focusing across Salford, on the division’s most persistent burglary criminals. Operation Audley is continuing focusing on bogus officials and rogue tradesman. `Beat The Bogeyman` training package has been delivered to 24 trainers, who are proactively seeking older people to reinforce the message on how to avoid becoming the victim of a bogus official. The Burglary Reduction Initiative is continuing to target harden premises within Salford. A pack containing advice on how to reduce the risk of being a victim of burglary has been produced and is being delivered in hotspot areas. GMAC activity is continuing in Winton. Burglary Dwellings Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 1200 1082 1062 1043 1024 1005 985 1000 966 947 928 908 889 870 800 600 1035 1016 1090 998 970 926 928 923 814 400 679 200 0 QUARTER 1 2002/2003 QUARTER 2 2002/2003 QUARTER 3 2002/2003 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 QUARTER 1 2003/2004 QUARTER 2 2003/2004 QUARTER 3 2003/2004 Actual Figure QUARTER 4 2003/2004 QUARTER 1 2004/2005 QUARTER 2 2004/2005 QUARTER 3 2004/2005 QUARTER 4 2004/2005 Target Figure Burglary Dwelling Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 5000 4404 4500 4096 3787 4000 3479 3500 3000 2500 4404 4129 3747 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) YEAR 2 2003/2004 2986 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 11 OBJECTIVE 4. REDUCING BURGLARY DWELLING AND BURGLARY OTHER TARGET:- Reduce Burglary Dwellings so that no area of Salford has more than 3 times the National Average Rate of 55.8 Burglary Dwellings per 1,000 households COMMENTS ON ACTIONS No ward based report this quarter as work has been commissioned to recalculate population and TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 household counts by new ward boundaries. Work due for completion in early November. 12 OBJECTIVE 4. REDUCING BURGLARY DWELLING AND BURGLARY OTHER TARGET:- Reduce the number of Burglary Other by 15% to 2,989 by 2005. COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET Analysis of commercial burglary shows the hotspot as Swinton A local authority policy for burglary other, which includes burglaries in schools and commercial premises is being developed and will include a dedicated officer to support security in schools Current actions to tackle burglaries against commercial and local authority properties include the dedicated mobile patrol service, Eccles Town Centre CCTV monitoring scheme and crime prevention advice from GMP Monitored CCTV systems have been installed at five schools. These are Buille Hill, All Souls, Moorside High, Hope High and Marlborough Road High. TARGET:- Reduce the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 Burglary Other Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 1200 1000 868 857 846 835 824 813 802 791 780 661 623 769 800 758 747 600 999 400 956 993 895 787 714 704 565 200 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Burglary Other Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 4000 3517 3500 3341 3165 2989 3000 2500 2000 3517 3637 3072 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) YEAR 2 2003/2004 2376 1500 1000 500 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 13 OBJECTIVE 5. EFFECTIVELY RESPOND TO HATE CRIME TARGET:- Implement an effective third party reporting network for Hate Crimes by March 2004 COMMENTS ON ACTIONS NEAR TO TARGET TARGET:The policeReduce Community Cohesion Unit’s Race Relations Officer has established a number of new the number of Juvenile Nuisance incidents citywide by 6% to 9,704 by 2005 reporting centres. The new multi-agency reporting form has been widely distributed A drop in centre for asylum seekers has been established in Broughton to provide support and assistance Diversity Leadership Forums are in development to strengthen community cohesion The local authority’s protocols on reporting incidents is being strengthened The Think Customer project to provide a central point for reporting anti social behaviour is in development 14 OBJECTIVE 5. EFFECTIVELY RESPOND TO HATE CRIME TARGET:- Increase the number of reports of hate crime incidents by 30% by March 2005 COMMENTS ON ACTIONS ON TARGET TARGET:Analysis shows areasofofJuvenile Eccles,Nuisance Broughton and Blackfriars Reducethat the the number incidents citywide have by 6%the to most 9,704 incidents by 2005 of reported hate crime. Across the city the majority of reports are race related The Police Community Affairs Unit has increased capacity by one officer who will be specifically monitoring hate crime reports on the police system Training, awareness and support programmes are being implemented through the police Community Cohesion Unit Salford is participating in a hate crime reporting scheme ( which includes self reporting forms and online reporting The introduction of new reporting methods and a new multi-agency reporting form is expected to increase the number of reported hate crimes further. Hate Crimes Trends Graph Showing the Comparisons between the Target Figure and the Actual Figures per Quarter 160 140 120 100 78 80 82 86 84 88 90 92 82 86 96 94 98 99 80 136 60 99 40 108 105 99 83 97 68 20 0 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 Actual Figure Target Figure Hate Crime Showing the Comparisons between the Yearly Target and the Actual / Projected Yearly Figures 450 398 367 400 337 350 306 300 250 200 306 357 BASELINE YEAR 1 2002/2003 (Actual) 150 407 404 100 50 0 ACTUAL / PROJECTED FIGURES YEAR 2 2003/2004 PROJECTED YEAR 3 2004/2005 TARGET FIGURES 15 Public Service Agreements Monitoring Report 2nd Quarter July to September 2004 Target end date - March 2005 16 PUBLIC SERVICE AGREEMENTS (P.S.A’S) ON TARGET TARGET Reduce Burglary Dwelling by 29% by March 2005. ACTUAL FIGURES / RATE FOR DELIVERY On Target 2001/2002 Number of offences 4,404 2002/2003 4,129 QUARTERLY FIGURES 2004/2005 2003/2004 3,747 1ST QTR 814 2ND QTR 679 Baseline: 1998/1999 figure of 5,703 Burglary Dwellings. Rate of 59.34 offences per 1,000 households. 3RD QTR 4th Qtr TARGET FIGURES / RATE 2004/2005 Target to be reached by March 2005 - 4,049 burglary dwellings. Projected year figure is 2,986 Baseline: 2000/2001figure of 4,187. Rate of 43.57 offences per 1,000 households Rate per 1,000 households 45.83 42.97 38.99 33.88 31.07 Target to be reached by March 2005 - rate of 42.13 offences per 1,000 households. Current rate is 31.07 Reduce Vehicle Crime by 36.5% by March 2005. On Target Number of offences 7,848 7,228 6,061 1,446 1,133 Baseline: 1998/1999 figure of 10,791 Vehicle Crimes. Rate of 47.77 offences per 1,000 population. Target to be reached by March 2005 - 6,852 vehicle crimes. Projected year figure is 5,158. Rate per 1,000 population 34.74 32.00 26.83 25.6 22.83 Target to be reached by March 2005 - rate of 30.33 offences per 1,000 population. Current rate is 22.83 RMB Oct 04 17