The purpose of this brief is to provide guidance for the development opportunity at the
former Greenwood Primary School, Stafford Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles.
This brief sets out the requirements relating to the form of development expected, in
order to assist developers in formulating their detailed proposals and to provide a
reference document against which the submitted proposals can be considered.
The brief details the submission requirements and procedures which all interested
parties will be expected to follow. Further details are provided in Section 7.
Outline planning permission has been granted for the residential development of part of
the former Greenwood School site, Ellesmere Park, Eccles. The remaining part of the
School site (a former playing field) will be incorporated into the adjoining Three Sisters
SBI. The conditions applied to the outline planning consent are appended.
Ellesmere park is principally a residential area, parts of which date back to the Victorian
era. Many of the properties in the area lie within a nearby Conservation Area and the
site immediately adjoins a larger area subject to the “Ellesmere Park Development
Control Policy” (Policy DEV 9) in the adopted UDP. This policy is to be reviewed, and will
subsequently be reissued as Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to the revised
UDP which is currently at pre-enquiry stage. The purpose of the policy is to maintain and
enhance the special quality of the residential environment in Ellesmere Park, and it is
anticipated that the developed part of the former Greenwood school site will be
incorporated into the area covered by the SPD. In this context, it is recognised that the
site lies within an area primarily composed of detached and semi detached dwellings set
within relatively large grounds including numerous mature trees, and it is anticipated that
new development will compliment this wider environment.
Description of the Site
The overall area of the site is approximately 1.5ha. The land, although relatively flat,
incorporates a gradual slope up to Stafford Rd and Allington Drive. The site currently
contains a derelict temporary one-storey classroom, the foundations of the former
school, a tarmac former playground area/ car park, a portion of the former school’s
playing fields, and mature trees lining the Stafford Rd and Allington Drive frontages
and Cavendish Road boundary.
The site is bounded by Allington Drive to the south west, the Three Sisters SBI to the
north east, Stafford Rd to the south east, and the backs of dwellings fronting onto
Cavendish Rd to the north west. The Stafford Rd boundary is lined with railings, the
Allington Drive boundary by a wall, the Cavendish Rd boundary by fencing, and the
frontage to the Three Sisters site is open.
Residential uses and open space abut the former Greenwood School site, and the
surrounding area is composed of residential uses, with some public open space and
educational elements.
General Development Principles
The site is suitable for residential development. It is anticipated that this will be
predominantly 2 storey family/executive style housing which respects the height,
massing and scale of the surrounding area and environmental constraints within the
site. It is considered that the minimum PPG3 guidance of 30 dwellings/hectare will in
this special circumstance be treated as a maximum density requirement. This
equates to a maximum of 45 dwellings on the site.
The development must be designed to incorporate satisfactory levels of residential
living conditions. On a level site between facing two storey properties the minimum
distance required between habitable room windows is 21m and a minimum distance
of 13m is required between a habitable room and non-principal window or blank
Vehicular access is anticipated to be taken from Stafford Road as is the access to the
former school.
Car parking should comply with the City Council’s normal standards.
The Building Line, which respects the established housing on the Stafford Road
frontage, should preferably be maintained, whilst recognising the need to protect
established trees and provide a well-designed frontage.
To ensure the scheme harmonises with its surroundings, and to prevent it being inward
looking, some new dwellings must front onto Stafford Rd. The properties should
preferably be two storeys in height, and could potentially be accessed from the
respective streets so long as every effort is made to retain the trees along both
To the north west boundary, new dwellings should abut the backs of properties on
Cavendish Road. In this location 2 storey development would generally be appropriate,
so as to minimise any residential amenity issues the development could impose, such as
the overlooking of properties on Cavendish Road. (Please refer to distances quoted in
Any development will necessitate the provision of a replacement playing pitch on the
nearby Ellesmere Playing Fields (refer to 6.4).
There is an additional requirement to provide for open space in new developments of
family housing where there are more than 50 bedspaces (the level of provision being
dependent on the total number of bedspaces). This is to provide for facilities either on or
off-site. In this instance the Planning Authority have advised that they will require a
financial contribution towards the provision of off-site facilities, which would include the
integration of the remaining school playing field into the adjacent Three Sisters SBI.
The Stafford Rd and Allington Drive frontages are lined with mature trees. It is
essential that, where possible, the mature trees are retained. This would aid the
integration of the development into the local area. If a proposal includes the felling or
lopping of trees a tree report and detailed bat survey will be required. The tree report
should include details of replacement species and their location. At least two
replacements will be required for every tree felled.
Additional landscaping will be a key element of any scheme. It should be used to help
maintain a distinction between public and private space, such as between the
development and the Three Sisters site, and to ensure the scheme blends in well with
the local area.
Precautionary amphibian protection works are required in order to minimise the threat to
amphibians at the site.
Japanese Knotweed is known to exist on part of the site and will require removal.
During construction, construction vehicles shall not park on surrounding roads and
suitable compound arrangements shall be made to minimise disruption in the local
Local Employment
The Salford Employment Charter, incorporating the Construction Charter, brings together
the expertise of all Salford partners to provide a suitably trained and motivated
workforce. The Charter team is available to discuss with developers and contractors the
most effective strategy for filling job and training vacancies with local people.
Developers and contractors are advised to obtain a copy of the Salford Employment
Charter. Further information can be obtained from the Employment Charter Team on Tel.
No 0161 745 7844).
Disposal Terms
The site is available on the basis of a Building Agreement followed by a 250 year ground
lease, subject to a single Premium payment which will be payable on completion of the
Agreement for Lease. The Agreement (detailed in Appendix 2) will require development
to commence within 6 months and to be completed within 18 months of its
Site Conditions
Site investigations have not been undertaken and interested parties are advised to
satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the site for the proposed development.
Consideration may have to be given to foundation design and remedial works, if
contamination is found to be present. Should developers wish to undertake investigation
works, indemnity forms to enter the land and undertake works can be obtained from the
Development Services Directorate's Property and Development Division.
Vacant possession will be given on completion of the Agreement for Lease.
Works to Ellesmere Playing Fields
The developer will be obliged to undertake an Improvement scheme at the nearby
Ellesmere Playing Fields both to satisfy the requirements of the planning consent and
as a condition of sale. A detailed specification of the works required is provided in
Appendix (4) which essentially comprises the provision of a new block of six changing
rooms to Football Foundation/Sport England standards, drainage of the playing fields
and the marking out / grassing of three football pitches. The City Council has applied
for planning consent for the scheme (ref
It will be the responsibility of the developer to determine the existence and suitability of
services on and around the site. Developers should make their own enquiries with the
relevant statutory undertakers.
The site must be drained on a separate drainage system. Developers will be required to
enter into a Section 104 agreement under the 1991 Water Industry Act in order for
sewers to be adopted by United Utilities (formerly North West Water). We are aware
drainage of the site will require careful consideration and developers should liase with
United Utilities prior to submitting an offer for the land.
Site Inspection Services
It is anticipated that the successful developer will utilise the Council's Building Control
Service in respect of Building Regulations Approval and site inspection. Confirmation of
this would be appreciated.
The developer will be responsible for the payment of the Council's surveyors' fees and
proper legal costs. Surveyors' fees will be calculated at 1.50% of the Premium.
Although considerable care has been taken in the preparation of this brief, the accuracy
of the information is not guaranteed. When preparing proposals, developers are
responsible for satisfying themselves that the information upon which they rely is correct.
The Council is not bound to accept any bid put forward by any potential developers. This
brief shall not form part of any contract.
Submission Details
Tenders are invited for the long leasehold interest. The closing date for submission of
tenders will be 2.00pm Friday
The enclosed Tender form (Appendix 3) must be completed and returned in a plain
sealed envelope or parcel, not bearing any indication as to the identity of the Tenderer,
and clearly marked "Tender for the purchase of the site of Greenwood Primary School,
and addressed to:
The Director of Corporate Services
Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5DA
Tenders must be received no later than 2.00 p.m. on Friday 2004. Failure to comply will
result in the tender being declared null and void.
If the Royal Mail's "Guaranteed Delivery" service is used, the sender's name must not be
recorded on the envelope or parcel. It is not a condition of the service that such
identification is shown.
In order that the Tenders can be given full consideration, the following information must
be provided as part of the tender submission:
a) plans indicating size, layout and elevations of the proposed development, including
external works and boundary treatments, together with a general description of the
works, including details of drainage;
b) a design statement describing the architectural principles adopted and how they meet
the requirements of the design brief;
c) full details of the developer/company, including address and registered address;
d) details of previous schemes, including general description, location and nature of
development. Prospective purchasers must demonstrate to the Council that they are
experienced in carrying out the type of development proposed;
e) details of proposed development period and timescale for commencement and
completion of works;
f) details of the assumptions and allowances made in respect of ground conditions;
g) assumptions as to sources of finance and the timing and availability of such funds.
As referred to in paragraph 6.1, it is critical that the Premium is payable on completion of
the Agreement for Lease. Developers who anticipate any problems in meeting this
requirement should express their concerns in writing as part of the Tender submission.
The developer is actively encouraged to discuss ideas with the following officers from the
Council at any time during the submission process:
Site Investigation &
Site Disposal Issues
Andrew Cartwright
0161 793 3716
Building Control
Phil Mahoney
0161 793 3677
Unitary Development Plan
Graham Gentry
0161 793 3662
Development Control
Helen Ashworth
0161 793 3765
Appendix 1 - Location Plan - Development Site
Appendix 2 - Principal Heads of Terms of Agreement for Lease and Lease
Appendix 3 - Tender document
Appendix 4 - Specification; Works to Ellesmere Playing Fields
Appendix 5 - Outline Planning Permission Decision Notice