World Aids Day/Safe Sex Marketing Plan Aims To raise awareness of World Aids Day To raise funds for HIV/AIDS charities working locally To improve the sexual health of Salford residents (Improving health in Salford pledge) To run an effective campaign that highlights brand values – innovative, pragmatic and caring. Objective To reduce the rate of increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). To reduce the number of Salford residents, becoming infected with HIV Background The incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is growing rapidly, particularly in the late teens to early 30’s age group. The number of new cases of HIV is growing rapidly in Salford. World Aids Day presents a great opportunity to run a sexual health campaign, which will help to achieve our pledges, while showing Salford to be innovative, enterprising and caring. The strap line ‘Getting it on IN Salford’ is proposed. This relates to both sexual activity as well as getting a condom on. It also allows for humorous delivery of a very serious message - sex is fun, but without protection the results may be deadly (Appendix 1). Key Audiences The national World Aids Day message is that anyone can be affected by HIV/AIDS. Audiences are: Salford citizens. Young to middle aged adults. Employees of the Council. Getting the message across The campaign will run from 15 November to 3 December Proposed initiatives include: Three bridge panels on East Lancashire road displaying the message ‘Getting it on IN Salford’ (Appendix 1). These will also the URL Information stalls run jointly with the PCT providing literature on HIV and Aids as well as free contraception and advice Beer mats in pubs, the University and FE colleges with ‘Getting it on IN Salford’ and safe sex message/HIV statistics on reverse to target younger people Condoms in pubs, the University, FE colleges and some health centres with ‘Getting it on IN Salford’, URL and telephone numbers of George House Trust and National Sexual Health Help line. Short case studies of people living with and working with HIV and Aids for local media, briefing documents and website Red Ribbons World Aids Day posters Wallet sized information cards on HIV/AIDS and support services available Casual Clothes Day on December 1st where Council employees are asked to donate a nominal fee of £1 for the George House Trust An online auction for goods donated by companies in Salford to raise money for the George House Trust AIDS charity Web pages about HIV/AIDS and with safe sex advice, links etc. There are approximately 180 pubs in Salford. We would like to distribute beer mats and condoms to the majority of these. Distribution will be by Avanti 55 Promotions. A covering letter will be provided. Given the number of pubs, we are trying to identify pubs with a younger clientele, around the University and Worsley as people in these geographical areas are deemed to be at higher risk. For more detailed information please see appendix 1. Performance targets The world Aids Day project will help to deliver Pledge 1 - to ‘Improving health in Salford’, as well as supporting some of the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI’s) Sub pledge 4 BVPI 197 BVPI 12 BVPI 198 Encouraging greater engagement with young people on issues that affect their lives Change in the number of conceptions to females aged under 18, resident in the area per thousand females aged 15 – 17 resident in the area, compared with the baseline year of 1998. The number of working days/shifts lost due to sickness absence. The number of problem drug misusers in treatment per 1,000 head of population aged 15-44 Performance Measures Money raised Media coverage Number of hits on relevant web pages Number of enquiries from Salford residents to George House Trust & National Sexual Health Help line Budget The Equal Opportunities Forum has an allocated annual budget of £5,000. Historically this has been evenly distributed between World Aids Day and International Women’s Week, with small sums being allocated to other projects. The options available are: 1) To agree to £2,500 funding for the budget for World Aids Day 2004. In this circumstance it is recommended that the following activities be undertaken: Attach national World Aids Day leaflets to employees’ pay slips Use bridge panels to display strap line ‘Getting it on IN Salford’ Information stands on Swinton and Salford precinct On-line auction to raise funds for the George House Trust Distribute 2500 condoms with the strap line to pubs, universities, health centers and along with information leaflets on Salford and Swinton precincts. Total £682 £650 No cost No cost £1,125 £ 2,457 2) To fund further activities and reduce the allocation to International Women’s Week, up to a total expenditure of £4500 on World Aids Day 3) Seek additional finance Sending a positive message & issues Since 1996 statutory services in Salford have been reduced from 6 full time staff to 1 member of staff. Voluntary sector services continue to be funded. In Salford, the city council and primary care trust are targeting services more effectively and the statutory services provided are about enabling, not disabling people affected by HIV/AIDS – we provide services when they are necessary and we enable people to remain socially included. Gay men are at much greater risk of being infected with HIV than the general population and there is an argument that a campaign should be targeted specifically at this group. Salford does not have a gay social scene making it very difficult to target gay men within the city’s boundaries. ‘Getting it on IN Salford’ may be seen as either provocative or amusing. Young people are a particularly difficult audience to communicate with and the safe sex message is particularly difficult to get across. The strap line has been chosen to raise questions. On bridge panels, it will be supported by the url; on beer mats it will be supported by safe sex advice/HIV & AIDS figures and it will also be supported by information on the condom packaging. The strap line therefore gets tied to a serious message. The age of consent is 16 years old. However some statutory services have a legal duty to provide advice and contraception to young people where staff know that they are engaged in under-age sex. Salford City Council must take a responsible approach to safe sex and branded condoms and beer mats will only be available at locations where people are at least the age of consent – pubs, the University and FE colleges. Beer mats will also be distributed to Youth Centres, for use as coffee coasters. Staff on stalls will ask for id of anyone they suspect of being under 16 years old, before giving condoms out. Prior to distribution, relevant spokes-people will be given a briefing paper, outlining the key objectives of the campaign, key messages of and decisions behind the campaign and current facts and figures about HIV/AIDS and other STIs.