ITEM No. 5 1st Budget Scrutiny Meeting September 2004 Action Sheet Present Members: Councillors Jolley (Chair), Dawson, B. Murphy, MacDonald, Clague, Pennington and Salmon and Councillors Hinds and J.Murphy (invitees) Officers: John Spink (Corporate Services), Russell Bernstein, Peter Kidd (Scrutiny Support) Apologies: Councillors Garrido and Jones. ITEM Action Sheet and Matters arising. Revenue Budget Outturn Report Presented by John Spink Revenue Budget monitoring 2004/05 Presented by John Spink ACTION REQUIRED The Action sheet was accepted. John Spink mentioned that this committee’s suggestion that the use of schools budget be redistributed to Community Committees aligned with population statistics was accepted by Cabinet and will be implemented with the proviso that adjustments will be phased in over the next few years to smooth the impact. Reports of the Director of Corporate Services Following the provisional outturn presented to the Committee in June, this report detailed the final revenue position, which showed a net underspend across services. Overall the performance is satisfactory, on target with the medium term financial strategy. A slightly higher than planned contribution was made to reserves. The underspend on the Delegated Schools Budget will be available for use in future years. The DSO trading account was in surplus and although the Housing Revenue Account showed a deficit this is largely due to a repairs commitment carried over from the previous financial year. The report also identified the carry forward of underspent balances by Directorates in line with the scheme reintroduced this year. Similarly the Community Committees underspend will be carried forward as normal. John provided detail of the current revenue budget monitoring, the key budget risks and the progress on previously agreed budget savings 2004/05. The majority of services are performing well, inline with the budget or more favourably than expected. Community and Social Services – the Committee recognised and praised the work that has been done to reduce the number of children taken into care, the area is a 1 RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER John Spink – Community Committee budgets will be adjusted accordingly John Spink John Spink TIMESCALE This is an annual report Regular reporting Item ITEM ACTION REQUIRED significant risk and continues to be monitored closely. Expenditure on agency staff was highlighted as another area needing close monitoring, this led to a request from the Committee for a report into agency staff costs across the city council. Education – as well as previously raised concerns around the costs of IT equipment, advertising vacancies and the lack of income from Lledr Hall, (when closed for refurbishment) the report identified overspend within the Pupil Referral Unit, LEA schools and the central services budget. Members requested that the Director of Education & Leisure provide detail of the steps being taken to contain spending and minimise the impact on services. More detail on the creation of a separate budget for Marketing and Communications will come to the committee as soon as it is completed. DSO’s and DLO’s are generally favourable and there are a number of favourable corporate issues emerging. Capital Outturn 2003/04 Presented by John Spink The final position shows a significant reduction in both resources and expenditure since estimates were reported in March. The main reason for this was outlined in the report, chiefly this could be put down to timing, the slippage of both expenditure and matching resources. Members were pleased to hear that Education and Leisure were taking steps to improve the management of their capital programme. They were concerned however that pledged funding from English Partnerships had not materialised to replace council resources invested in the Private Sector Housing programme. A report on the consequences of the shortfall in funding is due to Cabinet shortly, Members requested that more detail should come to the next Budget Scrutiny committee. 2 RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER John Spink TIMESCALE October / November Jill Baker / Cllr Mann October John Spink October ITEM ACTION REQUIRED Capital Programme monitoring 2004/05 Presented by John Spink As a consequence of the capital outturn and a capital receipt deferred to 2005/06 there is a shortfall in resources. This size of this shortfall will be significantly reduced if the funding for the Private Sector Housing programme is resolved. The programme will however require careful monitoring throughout the year Support Services and SLAs - a progress report Presented by John Spink Following a request by Members in June, John presented a report updating the progress against savings proposals to be made by Corporate Services in relation to the review of Support Services and Service Level Agreements. For 2004 the only saving which is behind target is related to the anticipated income from citizenship ceremonies. This will continue to be monitored and should it fail to reach its target additional income sources have been identified to make up any shortfall. The Directorate has already taken steps to identify additional savings in 2005/06 Full details of these proposals will come before the Committee in due course, as part of the budget process. This report outlined the key issues from the CSR and other summer announcements from the Government. Parts of the CSR, changes to the Formula Spending Share (FSS), and the level of Aggregate External Finance, and the possible impact on Local Government Services were outlined. The effect of the introduction of 3-year revenue and capital settlements in 2006 will help authorities develop long term plan. The rationalising of some government funding, the establishment of Regional Centres of Excellence to drive efficiencies and the continuation of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund to 2007/08 are seen as positive steps. Other announcements ; The Gershon Efficiency Review – a major challenge for local government to make savings. Currently Corporate Services are considering a “Think Efficiency “ initiative to identify and promote efficiency in line with the areas identified in the review. Education Funding – Schools funding will switch from FSS to specific grant from 2006/07. The impact of this will only become clear later in the year, further details will follow when available. The Balance of Funding Review – an independent enquiry Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and other announcements Presented by John Spink 3 RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER John Spink John Spink Further reports will be presented as situations develop TIMESCALE Regular reporting Item Programmed as appropriate ITEM ACTION REQUIRED RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER TIMESCALE into local government funding to be established, reporting in 2005, to look at, among other things, Council Tax reform and implications of possible elected regional assemblies. Local Area Agreements – there will be a closer alignment of funding streams though it will be 2006/07 before it impacts on Salford. Among other announcements the use of Census data has been postponed to 2006/07 for the purposes of calculating the FSS Further reports will come to Budget Scrutiny as more detail on the effects and impact of these various announcements become clear. Budget Consultation Presented by John Spink Following discussion between the Chair and the Lead Member for Corporate Services, a report was submitted outlining the initial proposals for this year’s public consultation on the Budget. Having agreed in principal to this there will be a more detailed report on the process at the next Budget Scrutiny meeting. Workplan A draft workplan was circulated to Members for approval this will be amended to incorporate issues raised at today’s meeting and prepared in more detail for the next meeting. Any Other Business There was no other business meeting closed at 12.30 Chairman Assistant Director Scrutiny Support Officer Cllr. D. Jolley Russell Bernstein Peter Kidd 0161 787 7259 0161 793 3530 0161 793 3322 4 John Spink / Geoff Topping / Russell Bernstein / Peter Kidd October Peter Kidd Regular reporting Item If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Peter Kidd. Date of Next Meeting: 6th October 2004 - 9.30am 5