` ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEADER TO THE CABINET ON TUESDAY 14th March, 2006 TITLE : QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW- Analysis of the Council’s Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators contained within the 2005/06 Best Value Performance Plan based on data for the 3rd quarter of 2005/06. RECOMMENDATIONS : (1) That consideration be given to the Council’s performance against the Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators based on data for the 3rd quarter of 2005/06; and that detailed consideration of performance take place at the individual meetings to be held between the Chief Executive, Leader and Deputy Leader and the respective Director and Lead Member. (2) That the action to be taken to improve service performance arising from the 2nd quarter, 2005/06 round of QPE meetings be noted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This report (a) provides a brief analysis of the Council’s performance in respect of the Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators contained in the 2005/06 Best Value Performance Plan as at the 3rd quarter of 2005/06 and (b) refers to the key issues raised in the 2nd quarter 2005/06 round of Quarterly Performance Evaluation (QPE) meetings held with each Director and Lead Member. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection Directorate Comparator Action Plans – 3rd Quarter, 2005/06 QPE Agenda and Minutes – 2nd quarter, 2004/05 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Not applicable SOURCE OF FUNDING: Any additional funding to bring about performance improvements is being met from Directorate budgets. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : None 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : None PROPERTY (if applicable): Not applicable HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Not applicable CONTACT OFFICER : Neil Watts 0161 793 3446 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All wards KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Best value and Performance management INTRODUCTION OF ‘NEW’ DIRECTORATES 1. With the introduction of the ‘new’ Children’s Services and Community, Health and Social Care Directorates as from 1st September, 2005, this quarterly report has now been amended to take into account the new responsibilities of the two Directorates. PIs relating to children, which were previously within the former Community and Social Services Directorate are now assigned to the Children’s Services Directorate and Leisure/Culture PIs, which were previously within the former Education and Leisure Directorate are now assigned to the Community, Health and Social Care Directorate. However, it should be noted that responsibility for the Children’s and Leisure/Culture PIs is being retained within the ‘former’ directorates for 2005/06, with PI production/reporting being undertaken by the ‘new’ directorates with effect from 2006/07. (A) ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE 2. This report provides members with an overview of the Council’s performance based on data for the 3rd quarter of 2005/06 (October to December, 2005) compared with the performance in the 2nd quarter of 2005/06 (July to September, 2005). 3. Within the 2005/06 Best Value set of PIs specified by the Government, there are151 individual indicators. (This includes indicators which are referred to by the Government as one indicator but which are in fact, divided into a number of sub-PIs such as those relating to Road Traffic Accidents). The Council also set itself 42 local PIs to be monitored for 2005/06. 4. Of those 193 LPIs / BVPIs, there are 110 for which performance can be presented at this stage for the 3rd quarter of 2005/06. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE 5. The following table provides a brief summary of performance in the 3rd quarter of 2005/06 compared with performance in the 2nd quarter, 2005/06. C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet Quarter No. of PI’s Improving No. of PIs for which performance has fallen No. of PIs static No. of PIs on Target No. of PIs below target No. of PIs in the Upper 2 quartiles No. of PIs in the lower 2 quartiles 3rd Quarter 2005/06 56 (50.91%) 37 (33.64%) 17 (15.45%) 54 (52.94%) 48 (47.05%) 33 (60%) 22 (40%) 2nd Quarter 2005/06 51 (45.94%) 48 (43.24%) 11 (9.90%) 56 (55.44%) 45 (44.55%) 23 (54.76%) 19 (45.23%) 6. Performance Compared with Previous Quarter The greater proportion of PIs are improving (50.91%) and the overall direction of travel appears favourable when compared with the 2nd quarter of 2005/06, when 45.94% of PIs were improving. 7. Performance Against Targets 52.94% of the PIs are on target in the 3rd quarter, 2005/06, compared with 55.44% of PIs on target in the 2nd quarter, 2005/06. For the 2005/06 BVPP, and in accordance with Audit Commission recommendation, many of the PI targets have been set at a more realistic level. It is anticipated that a greater proportion of targets will be achieved by year end. 8. Performance Against Quartiles The direction of travel in respect of performance against the quartiles is favourable in that 60% of the PIs for the 3rd quarter 2005/06 are in the upper 2 quartiles compared with 54.76% in the 2nd quarter 2005/06. The quartile comparison is made with the 2003/04 Audit Commission data. 2004/05 quartile data has now been received and will be used in the next quarterly report at year end. 9. PIs For Which Performance has fallen There are 37 Pls for which performance has fallen from Quarter 2, 2005/06 to Quarter 3, 2005/06. It is important however, to establish the severity of the fall in performance of these PIs. Although a fall in performance may have occurred, this is not necessarily a cause for concern as many of the PIs have shown only a minor ‘dip’ in performance with the causes of this being clear. Table 1 does however provide details of the key service areas where it is acknowledged that performance may need to be addressed. Comments from Directors are included in the table against the respective PIs. (B) KEY ISSUES ARISING FROM QPE MEETINGS 10. Table 2 attached provides details of the key issues arising from the meetings held for the 2nd quarter, 2005/06 and of the action to be taken by Directors to improve performance. 11. Table 2 is submitted for information. Directors are reporting back to their respective QPE meeting in respect of the action points listed in Table 2. (C) PERFORMANCE AGAINST CPA DATA C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet 12. Table 3 attached provides details of the performance data within the CPA service blocks (Culture, Housing & Environment) which is at (or just above) the lower threshold. The table also provides details (where available) of the position as regards the performance measure as at the 3rd quarter, 2005/06 in order to determine whether action needs to be taken to improve in respect of specific performance measures. 13. It is stressed that table 3 contains only those PIs which are at (or just above) the lower threshold. Monitoring will be undertaken of all the performance measures within the CPA service blocks. Any performance measure which deteriorates to a level at or just above the lower threshold will then be brought within the table for remedial action to be consider. C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet TABLE 1 BVPI/LPI No. Directorate Q2, 2005/06 performance Q3, 2005/06 performance Degree of variance Comments BVP 128 Higher/lower PI title figure preferable Vehicle crimes per 1000 population Lower Chief Executive 21.29 23.54 10.56% LPI 24 Lower The % of streetlights not working Housing and Planning 0.41 0.77 87.8% BVPI 215a Lower Average number of days taken to repair a street lighting fault Housing and Planning 6.02 days 15 days 149.16% LPI 28 Lower The % variation in outstanding debt greater than 30 days old. Customer and Support Services -22.4% -4.3% 411.62% BVPI 183b Lower The average length of stay in hostel accommodation of households which include children or a pregnant woman Housing and Planning 6 weeks 8 weeks 33.33% The partnership has provided funding in the Trinity area for the imposition of parking restrictions. This will harmonise with the CCTV project being undertaken by the Chapel Street Group. This work is scheduled to be complete by June, 2006. Although there has been a fall in performance from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3, this performance is still top quartile and is above the end of year 2004/05 performance. This is a new indicator from April 2005. Monitoring systems are still being developed, so results maybe somewhat volatile until a robust methodology is established. Debt for the 3rd quarter involved a number of debts which could not be closed until January 2006 (outside the period). There are still very high value accounts that are currently being pursued and hopefully settled by year end. Although performance has deteriorated from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3, performance is still on target. TABLE 1 BVPI/LPI No. Higher/lower PI title figure preferable Lower Average time taken to re-let council dwellings Directorate Q2, 2005/06 performance Q3, 2005/06 performance Degree of variance Comments Housing and Planning 47.54 days 59 days 24.1% Performance has been affected by the review of category B, C, AR and AX voids as they have been included. In addition, a number of long-term sheltered scheme voids have been brought back into use and will continue to affect this indicator in future months. High refusal rates also affect performance. Much action is being taken to improve including improved use of management reports, earlier accompanied viewings, introduction of a ‘Support Identification Matrix’ and a review of the Allocations Policy and all related procedures to reduce refusal rates. LPI 98 Higher The number of business support enquiries for advice and information p.a. Chief Executive 178 110 61.81% Partly cyclical due to the imminence of the Christmas holiday period. Also due to reduction in staffing and the tailoring off of grant funding. LPI 97 Higher The number of new business startups supported in the local area Chief Executive 47 31 51.61% Cyclical reduction due to the imminence of the Christmas holiday period. BVPI 212 TABLE 2 Key Issues arising from QPE meetings 2nd Quarter 2005/06 QPE MEETING Environment, 20th October 2005 KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) Concern about devolving Neighbourhood Management to estate level and the delegation of mainstream service budgets to Neighbourhood management Teams This is to be considered further and reported back to the Leader Councillor Lea Dave Tinker Mark Reeves Dave Robinson Developing the workforce A report is to be produced from each Directorate on developing the workforce Dave Tinker Mark Reeves Clarification of Street Scene Management The Leader is to arrange with appropriate officers and members The Leader No development with the use of day release prisoners/probationers in Environmental maintenance The Chief Executive is to progress with this Chief Executive Recycling BVPI will not now be a ‘killer’ PI in the CPA Environment Block but still a key determinant. Update at next meeting Peter Chew Resource needs This will be reported on at Cabinet Councillor Lea Consideration was given to the role of the Trading Standards Officer A report as requested on this and other case history examples to highlight the benefits of the service RP Nutritional standards in schools The Swinton High initiative is to be pushed as a system of good practice JF/NJP The Tracker Report, in relation to street cleansing performance, was considered. Further consideration of this system in future meetings. Dave Robinson QPE MEETING KEY ISSUES RAISED ‘Ask the Lead Member’ a regular item to be featured in the Salford Advertiser Satisfaction with Councillor enquiries (NPHL) Benefits system/NPHL performance on rents Housing and Planning, 7th November 2005 Community Safety, 18th November 2005 ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) This needs to be managed and evaluated very carefully. Quarterly survey is to be undertaken Bruce Jassi NPHL and Salford Direct to investigate system regarding rental calculations and the impact on performance Colin Mayhead Long term voids NPHL to investigate guidelines for calculating lengths of voids Colin Mayhead Directorate targets for corporate BVPIs Directorates should set targets against corporate BVPIs Graham Oldfield Diversity Research BME job applicants to ensure that diversity policies are being correctly applied Kathryn Evans Speed camera signage Investigate scope for additional signage as members feel that these have a positive effect on reducing traffic speeds Steven Lee/Andy Devine Member training and assessment Progress Chris Findley/Mike Bleese Heritage workplan Progress Chris Findley Chat Moss and possible airport expansion Is there a potential conflict? Chris Findley Disabled facilities at pedestrian crossings Post of the Anti-Social Behaviour Manager Investigate scope for improving this BVPI The advert for this will go out in due course Steven Lee The Head of Community Safety Colin Mayhead QPE MEETING KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) Alleygating Policy This is still to be resolved Deputy Director of Customer and Support Services PCSO’s Needs to be discussed further at local and GMPA level The Head of Community Safety Security at the Watersports Centre Progress on action will be monitored by Leisure Services The Head of Community Safety Youth provision Councillors Merry and Lancaster are to provide feedback on the report and recommend action to be taken next. The Head of Community Safety BVPIs 174/175 These BVPIs have now been transferred to Human Resources Violent crime SCCF funding Definition of ‘Business Crime’ BVPI 11a BVPI 12 A member of GMPA is to attend the next meeting of the tactical groups This issue is to be included on the agenda for Leader’s Briefing Working with Stuart Kitchen in Economic Development on this Need to ensure that this will be compliant with equal opportunities A robust sickness management system is now in place The Head of Human Resources The Head of Community Safety The Head of Community Safety The Head of Community Safety The Head of Community Safety The Head of Community Safety QPE MEETING Customer and Support Services, 21st November 2005 KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) The Head of Community Safety LPSA targets Circulate details of the web-site where data is available to members Thefts from vehicles have increased Consideration is being given to writing to all registered owners informing them of the need to take crime prevention methods This will continue to be closely monitored Common assaults on the general public and the police – increased by 20% BBC relocation Councillor Merry wants to see any proposals made before the end of the week Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services BVPI 9 What is the planned recovery process? Additional resources are to be used, ensure report recommendations are being followed. Martin Vickers BVPI 179 – will this PI be upper threshold for CPA? Will be upper threshold if averages are used that are similar to family averages. Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services LPIs 27a/b These PIs are to be monitored closely in the future Martin Vickers BVPI 2a – the council needs to be made aware of community activities This will be raised at Diversity meetings The Head of Human Resources BVPI 11a Trends in performance within the last 3 years are to be made available The Head of Human Resources The Head of Community Safety The Head of Community Safety QPE MEETING Children’s Services, 8th December 2005 KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) BVPI 11c Look to see if information is rigorous as it should be The Head of Human Resources BVPI 12 The Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services is to analyse the age bands for sickness The Head of Human Resources BVPI 16a Look at trend information for Manchester as a whole The Head of Human Resources BVPI 17a Look at the way the information is split The Head of Human Resources ‘Think Customer’ The Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services and Martin Vickers are to meet with Councillors Merry and Lancaster to discuss this. Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services and Martin Vickers The Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services is concerned that people start the leadership development training programme and do not finish it Look at the political interface with this programme and maybe include it as a module The Head of Human Resources Recruitment open day Need to analyse the number of minority ethnic population who attended this day The Head of Human Resources No key issues were raised PERFORMANCE AGAINST CPA DATA TABLE 3 This table identifies; Those PIs which fall at or below the lower threshold in CPA 2005; and Those PIs that are showing a deteriorating performance as at the 3rd Quarter of 2005/06, where information is available Service ref Ref (1) CULTURE C9 PI title (2) BVPI 119e Lower threshold (3) Resident satisfaction with parks/open spaces Upper threshold (4) 66% 2004/05 performance (5) 77% CPA PI Score Dec 2005 (6) (7) 63% +/- 2.72 Lower 2005/06 Q3 performance Action/comments (8) 3 yearly survey. Next survey September, 2006 This PI is part of the 3 yearly statutory survey. This survey is due to be repeated late 2006, and should be available for CPA 2007. Therefore nothing can be done to improve the score in 2006, although much is being done to improve parks and open spaces, and public perception, which should be reflected in the next survey. Service ref Ref (1) HOUSING H1 H13 PI title (2) Lower threshold (3) Upper threshold (4) 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q3 performance (7) Action/comments (8) BVPI 184a The proportion of non-decent LA homes 53% 21% 65% Lower Annual The target for 2005/06 is 60%. This still positions Salford below the lower threshold. Salford is at a major disadvantage with this PI as we are an ALMO without funding and therefore we will not achieve the targets until we are funded. Funding is subject to a successful inspection and this is not due until September 2007 at the earliest. BVPI 75a Satisfaction with opportunities to participate 68.2% 77.5% 45% Lower 3 yearly survey. Next survey September, 2006 The figures for this were taken from the 2004/05 Status Survey. This is a 3 yearly survey. However New Prospect has now decided to do this annually and may with A/C agreement be able to use Service ref Ref (1) PI title (2) Lower threshold (3) Upper threshold (4) 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q3 performance (7) Action/comments (8) H18 HSSA sectio ns A5 & A6 The % of total private sector homes vacant for more than 6 months 1.14% (North West) 0% (North west) 4.78% Lower Annual H6 BVPI 66a Rent collection and arrears 96.18% 98.2% 96.42% Mediu m 95.76% the annual figures. These are showing improvement and the actual figures for 2005/06 will be available soon. Housing are currently in negotiation with the Audit Commission regarding this indicator and ways that we can report it to improve performance. Outcome to follow in due course. The current performance is below the CPA lower threshold. As this is a cumulative PI the actual performance will not be firmed up until the end of the year. The year end figure is anticipated to be above the lower threshold. Service ref Ref (1) H8 ENVIRONMENT E10 E18 PI title Lower threshold Upper threshold (2) (3) (4) BVPI Average re- 54.5 days 34.2 days 212 let times BVPI 97a The condition of principal classified roads 2-year average greater than or equal to 25% BVPI Condition of 2-year 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q3 performance (7) Action/comments (8) 47 days Mediu m 59 days Performance is below lower threshold at 59 days. The 2005/06 target is 40 days. Action is in place to improve against this indicator such as the improved use of management reports, increased use of reality checks and a review of the allocations policy. 2-year average less than or equal to 12% 36.86% Lower Annual Condition of roads and footways being addressed by Urban Vision through increased investment generated by efficiencies and service improvement. Improvement required to reach lower threshold is very significant and the improvement needed will take a number of years. 2-year 38.1 Lower Annual Additional investment through Service ref Ref (1) PI title Lower threshold Upper threshold 2004/05 performance (2) (3) (4) (5) 187 footways average average less greater than than or equal or equal to to 18% 38% E22 BVPI 179 The % of standard searches carried out within 10 days E6 BVPIs Recycling 82a & and (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q3 performance (7) Action/comments (8) Urban Vision should improve this indicator year on year, and it is currently on the cusp of the lower threshold, so we are hopeful that this will move into the middle band by next year. 94% 99.8% 86.63% Lower 95.79% Performance improved to 95.79% at 3rd quarter 2005. (Lower threshold is 94%). Actions taking place to secure performance – see comparator action plan in SPIN. Actual 2003/04 Actual 2003/04 12.15% Mediu m 17.06 % Numerous improvements in kerbside recycling and in Service ref Ref (1) PI title (2) b Lower threshold (3) (4) composting performance performance less than or equal to both individual 2003/04 SPS (capped at 30%) and low cut off point set at 13% Upper threshold (5) performance met or exceeded both individual 2003/04 SPS (capped at 30%) and national 17% target for the year. Any council which has already met its 2005/06 SPS in 2004/05 will also be deemed to be at or above the upper threshold. 2004/05 performance (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 (7) 2005/06 Q3 performance Action/comments (8) engaging more citizens in recycling. 2004/05 recycling rate (12.15%) increased to 17.17% by November 2005. (Lower threshold 13%). Further detail available in CPA context and information profile. Although we achieved midtable performance in the 2005 service assessments, we await the amended SPS. Targets to determine where our performance currently falls.