PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. 9a REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES TO THE BUDGET SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 3RD MARCH, 2004 TITLE : SUPPORT SERVICES REVIEW AND SLAs - PROGRESS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS : Members are requested to note the progress made to date. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This report identifies the progress made to date in implementing the savings targets for the 2004/05 revenue budget in respect of the review of support services and SLAs. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : 2004/05 Revenue Budget report to Council 18/2/04 (Available for public inspection) Reports to Budget Scrutiny Committee 5/11/03 and 9/12/03 ASSESSMENT OF RISK : The risk to achievement of the 2004/05 revenue saving is low. SOURCE OF FUNDING : 2004/05 Revenue Budget LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED : Not applicable FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED : This report has been prepared by the Head of Finance CONTACT OFFICER : 793 3230 John Spink WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) : None KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : Budget Strategy DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 1 E-mail : REPORT DETAILS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1.Members will be aware that the savings proposals included in the 2004/05 revenue budget contain the following :2004/05 £000s 300 285 585 Support Service Review SLAs (collective total proposed by directorates) Total 2005/06 £000s 500 285 785 2006/07 £000s 500 285 785 1.2.Members will also recall that initial details of how these two proposals would be implemented were reported last November and December. 1.3.With regard to the Support Services Review members requested that periodic progress reports be submitted on the means of achieving this saving. 1.4.These two proposals are being reported together because, following a decision conferencing exercise undertaken by the Corporate Services Directorate to review its budget, services, priorities and performance requirements for 2004/05, it was identified that there was a degree of overlap in the areas of service from which the total saving would be derived, and accordingly would be best considered together. 1.5.This report therefore considers the progress with these two proposals as a single entity. 2. DETAILS 2.1.Proposals for savings in 2004/05 A summary of the specific areas where the total proposed saving of £585,000 for 2004/05 is to be made is as follows :Service Area Saving £000s Finance Payroll - reduce by 4 posts Purchasing - reduce by 2 posts Treasury Management Accountancy - reduce by 1 post Supplies and services (A) (A) (B) (A) (A) Sub-Total I T Net Reduce annual maintenance and leasing costs of various systems (A) c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Progress to date 70 Implemented July 2003 ( 3 VERs, 1 post left vacant) 34 Implemented April 2003 (2 posts left vacant) 16 Additional income from external debt management Implemented - budget adjusted 30 Restructure Development Servs Team - implemented 73 SAP hardware lease expiry, reduced printing, stationery and postage on FSG services and reduced contingency 223 Covers Education Mgt System, SIMS, Broadband, Council 157 Tax and mainframe. Implemented 2003/04 2 Replace bulk printers by fewer, more suitable printers Lose 1 post Sub-Total Salford Advance Terminate Shareware software Reduce external consultancy Lose 1 Trainer post Sub-Total Law and Administration Income generation - NPHL board meetings - Committee room charges - Citizen ceremonies (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) 13 Implemented - agreement lapsed 8 Implemented - budget reduced 20 Implemented (1 post left vacant) 41 (A) (C) (D) 14 Implemented - SLA charge adjusted 10 Increase in charges implemented 26 Commences 1st April - additional income will require monitoring 31 Budget adjusted to reflect current level of fee generated Implemented - budget adjusted 70 Budget adjustment to reflect agreement to recharge full 60 cost Budget adjusted - misc. income anticipated 1 3 Implemented - budget reduced - Legal fees - various initiatives (C) - CPOs - additional fee income NALV (C) (A) - Sale of equipment (C) Reduce car allowances (C) Strategic Development Team - lose part post (A) Sub-Total Grand Total Less : Reallocated to fund ICT in the Community Reallocated to Customer Services savings target Net Saving 36 Implemented 2003/04 30 Implemented (VER approved wef 31/3/04) 223 5 Implemented - reduced hours working 220 707 - 82 Required to replace time-expired grant funding from ERDF and SRB Required to meet shortfall in achieving savings target and - 40 avoid cuts in service 585 From the table above, it can be seen that steps have already been taken to implement the majority of the above-mentioned proposals, and that, consequently, members should have a high degree of confidence that the savings target for the year will be achieved. 2.2.Proposals for savings in 2005/06 and beyond Members will note that there is a requirement to deliver an additional saving of £200,000 in 2005/06 and will recall that various initiatives had been identified to deliver future savings from a review of certain areas of support services. Some of these areas have already enabled some of the above-mentioned savings to be realised. The current progress with ongoing areas of review which are expected to deliver further savings for future years are as follows :- c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 3 Payroll - Employee/Manager Portal Preparatory work and testing nearing completion for pilot to be implemented in Corporate Services for 100 - 200 employees during March to provide facilities to view personal data and payslips, and input leave and car mileage data. Subject to successful pilot, a phased roll out would follow to bring on all 5000 desktop users during 2004/05. Purchasing Review Pilot web-based ordering set up for Corporate Services with Lyreco in November 2003. Currently being rolled out to other directorates with training support. Top 10 suppliers targeted for wider roll-out of web-based ordering. Discussions held with banks and quotations invited for proposals for the use of purchasing cards. E-procurement Team in process of being established. Income Initiatives Internet and debit/credit card payment facility to be implemented for identified service activities, eg Development Services, Social Services, Museums, Swimming Baths. SAP & HR Developments Cross-directorate working group reviewing the accuracy of staffing structures and work patterns with a view to ensuring the base data is sufficiently accurate to roll-out planned improvements to adopt best practice in the recording of sickness absence and linking in eventually to the employee/manager portal. Target implementation date for new sickness reporting procedures is April 2004. Schools Broadband - development of e-mail communication VMS back office systems Grounds Maintenance back office systems The above-mentioned proposals are awaiting the appointment to a newly-created post of Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) Analyst in Salford Advance from existing budget resources, which will support directorates in identifying opportunities for implementing backoffice efficiencies and development of the supporting business case for change, which will mainly be targeted at achieving real and lasting budget savings. The appointee begins in March. Review underway for a future replacement for VMM (Tranman) and Highways (Consol) back office systems, including examination of possibility of using SAP as a replacement. Social Services case management - computerisation c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 4 Approval in principle to use of unsupported borrowing on an invest to save basis to fund initial investment in ICT for mobile computing in social care Report in preparation for consideration in March by the Lead Members for Social Services and Corporate Services on the detailed business case and preferred supplier/system. Document management A survey for roll out has identified 62 potential service areas where this could be applied. Services which are currently being worked on and will be expected to go live in the first quarter of 2004/05 are Planning, Legal, Licensing and Education Personnel. A second "wave" of services for later implementation during 2004/05 include Chief Executive, Sundry Debtors, Creditors and I T Net orders. Services interested in later implementation are Register of Electors, Registrars, Special Educational Needs, PFI for Secondary Schools and Supporting People. Enterprise XP This is a new initiative being promoted by I T Net which aims to significantly reduce I T hardware support and costs through the standardisation of hardware and software used on PCs across the Council, the centralisation of data storage on a number of core data centres (currently 6) and the development of the concept of shared workstations. A pilot is currently being operated in NPHL. A business case is currently being evaluated for implementation in Corporate Services, subject to the outcome of the NPHL pilot. 3. CONCLUSIONS 3.1.There is a high degree of confidence that the savings target for 2004/05 can be achieved as a result of the actions already taken. 3.2.Steps are already being taken which will lead to the identification of further savings for 2005/06 from the review of support services. 3.3.Whilst the initial savings for 2004/05 have been concentrated on the Corporate Services Directorate because of initiatives already underway, savings in 2005/06 and later years will emerge from other directorates as further initiatives are implemented. 3.4.A further decision conferencing exercise has already been timetabled into the Corporate Services senior management group meetings for September 2004 to review the directorate's budget, service and performance plan for 2005/06 and will be taking into account the progress made with the review of support services to date and the prospects for future savings. 3.5.Members may be interested in a further report on the principle of how decision conferencing operates as a means of budgetary review. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 5 4. RECOMMENDATION 4.1.Members are requested to note the progress made to date. ALAN WESTWOOD Director of Corporate Services c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 6