SALFORD CITY COUNCIL Environmental Scrutiny Committee SUBJECT: 26th Feb 2003 Part 1 (Open to the Public) ITEM No PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: RESULTS FOR APR – DEC 2002 PERFORMANCE REVIEW MATTER REPORT OF: DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR CONSIDERATION 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To inform members of the interim progress regarding the nationally set Best Value Performance Indicators and key Local Performance Indicators for the period April to December 2002. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That the performance indicators be considered by the Scrutiny Committee. 3.0 SUMMARY 3.1 This report sets out how well the Directorate has performed against key performance indicators. Good performance against these indicators is important as it demonstrates to independent auditors, customers and stakeholders that the Council is performing well in key areas, for example: 3.2 It is providing good services in areas having a high interaction with the community. It compares well against similar local authorities in nationally set indicators. It is driven by the desire for continuous improvement. The information is presented in the form of a Status Report, listing: whether indicators are improving or deteriorating, and which indicators are on target and which are not on target. 3.3 Where performance is not on target, Comparator Action Plans, (CAP’s) which contain more detailed information and comment, are appended. 3.4 A note of caution should be applied when looking at the results for the road traffic accident casualties. This simple analysis is based solely on information for the first nine months, and as such, seasonal variations and other random elements associated with any accident could influence the overall year-end performance. In addition it should be 1 noted that these figures are based on January to September performance and not April to December as is the case with all other indicators. 3.5 The other point to note in respect of the road accident casualty figures is the fact that whilst I am able to report current, i.e. this year’s figures, the government definition of these BVPI’s requires the previous year’s data to be reported. Accordingly, when the Best Value Performance Plan for 2003/2004 is published in June 2003, the Council must publish the figures for 2001 and not the more up to date information. 3.6 With most indicators, the trends are encouraging with improved performances being recorded. However, the rate of improvement is such that not all indicators are currently on target. 3.7 The City Council’s “family authorities” are determined by the Audit Commission and are currently: Bolton, Coventry, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Kingston-upon-Hull, Middlesbrough, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North Tyneside, Oldham, Redcar and Cleveland, Rochdale, St Helens, Sandwell, Sheffield, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees, Sunderland, Tameside, Wirral, Wolverhampton. Graham Oldfield Quality and Performance Manager 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS – CURRENT STATUS AFTER 3rd QUARTER: 2002/2003 BVPI No. 99a (i) 99a (ii) 99b (i) 99b (ii) 99c (i) 99c (ii) 99d (i) 99d (ii) 99e (i) 99e (ii) Local PI 109a 109b 109c 188 Local PI Local PI PERFORMANCE INDICATOR The number of road accident casualties per 100,000 population for the following categories: Pedestrians killed / seriously injured. Pedestrians slightly injured. Pedal cyclists killed / seriously injured. Pedal cyclists slightly injured. 2 – wheeled motor vehicles users killed / seriously injured. 2 – wheeled motor vehicles users slightly injured. Car users killed / seriously injured. Car users slightly injured. Other vehicle users killed / seriously injured. Other vehicle users slightly injured. Children killed / seriously injured. 60% of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks. 65% of minor planning applications determined in 8 weeks. 80% of other planning applications determined in 8 weeks. The number of planning decisions delegated to officers. The % of streetlights not working. The number of fatalities or injuries on sites supervised by building control. IMPROVING/ STATIC/ DETERIORATING ON TARGET/ NOT ON TARGET PLEDGE IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING DETERIORATING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING IMPROVING DETERIORATING STATIC ON TARGET ON TARGET ON TARGET ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON TARGET ON TARGET ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON TARGET 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford 5 - Stronger Communities 5 - Stronger Communities 5 - Stronger Communities 5 - Stronger Communities 4 - A Safer Salford 4 - A Safer Salford Notes: 1. The improving / static / deteriorating column compares current performance with performance in 2001/2002. 2. The on target / not on target column compares projected year-end performance with year-end targets as set out in the BVPP. 3. All other Development Services indicators which are not included in this table can only be measured at year-end. 3 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 115 Road Safety - 2 wheeled motor vehicles killed / seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI No 99c(i) Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 10 7.60 8 8.00 8.00 7.00 Count 6.00 6 4.50 4.30 3.80 4 2 0.00 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) Joint 4th Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) Joint 6th Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 01/02 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET 3 - 17 Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st Met Top Quartile 01/02 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 0.4 1.3 Q2 3.6 3.1 Q3 6.2 4.5 Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Please note that all data in respect of road accident casualties is expressed in terms of casualties per 100,000 population as required by the government’s Best Value guidance, unless otherwise stated. Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. The current performance of 4.5 casualties per 100,000 population (10 actual) is an improvement on performance in previous years. At the same point last year, 6.2 casualties were recorded. This translated into a year end figure of 8 per 100,000 population. If the same trend were to be replicated this year, the year end figure would be 5.7 casualties which, although it would fall short of the target of no more than 4.3 per 100,000 population would still give Salford a top quartile performance against known data. The last known Metropolitan average figure in this category was 8 casualties per 100,000 in the year 2001/02. Barriers to Improvement: Accident data can be analysed to reveal trends and accident black spots, and appropriate accident reduction measures can be planned and implemented. In addition, road safety campaigns can be targeted at specific groups in order to make the biggest impact. However, any measures that the City Council may deploy in an attempt to reduce road accident casualties can only influence this indicator. They cannot determine the occurrence of all accidents which are also influenced by random elements and behaviour. In addition, the City Council is not the highway authority for trunk roads or motorways even though the accident statistics for these highways are included within Salford’s figures. Current / Proposed Actions: Continue to analyse data to prioritise areas of greatest need or areas where largest returns can be made. The main delivery mechanisms identified to address the issues are: i) education/training, ii) minor improvement works and iii) highway maintenance. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Salford’s primary aim is firstly to consolidate the recent encouraging trend. Lead Officer: Steven Lee Ext: 3800 4 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 116 Road Safety - 2 wheeled motor vehicles slightly injured per 100,000 population BVPI No 99c(i) Trend 35 31.60 Benchmarks Salford's Targets 32.10 30 24.00 Count 25 19.00 20 21.00 20.10 20.10 19.60 Met Top Quartile 01/02 Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 15 10 5 0.00 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) Joint 5th Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) 17th Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 01/02 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET 11 - 36 Quartile level for Mets 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 6.7 7.6 Q2 16.0 14.3 Q3 23.2 19.6 Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Please note that all data in respect of road accident casualties is expressed in terms of casualties per 100,000 population as required by the government’s Best Value guidance, unless otherwise stated. Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. The current performance of 19.6 casualties per 100,000 population (44 actual)) is an improvement on last year when 23.3 casualties were recorded at this point in time. This translated into a year-end figure of 32.1 per 100,000 population. If this trend were replicated this year, the year-end figure would be 27.2 casualties, falling short of the target of no more than casualties 20.1 per 100,000 population. The last known average figure in this category for the Metropolitan authorities was 24 casualties in the year 2001/2002. Barriers to Improvement: Accident data can be analysed to reveal trends and accident black spots, and appropriate accident reduction measures can be planned and implemented. In addition, road safety campaigns can be targeted at specific groups in order to make the biggest impact. However, any measures that the City Council may deploy in an attempt to reduce road accident casualties can only influence this indicator. They cannot determine the occurrence of all accidents which are also influenced by random elements and behaviour. In addition, the City Council is not the highway authority for trunk roads or motorways even though the accident statistics for these highways are included within Salford’s figures. Current / Proposed Actions: Continue to analyse data to prioritise areas of greatest need or areas where largest returns can be made. The main delivery mechanisms identified to address the issues are: i) education/training, ii) minor improvement works and iii) highway maintenance. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Salford’s primary aim is firstly to reverse the current trend pattern. Lead Officer: Steven Lee Ext: 3800 5 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan Road Safety - car users killed / seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI No 99d(i) Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 19.00 20 16.00 16.90 14.00 15 12.00 Count P.I. Ref 117 12.80 11.40 10.30 10 5 0.00 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) Ranking against all family authorities (out of 21) Range for all Mets Councils Met Average 01/02 Family Average 01/02 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET 8th Joint 10th LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 8 - 39 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 1st Met Top Quartile 01/02 Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 2.2 1.8 Q2 6.2 5.8 Q3 12.5 10.3 Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Please note that all data in respect of road accident casualties is expressed in terms of casualties per 100,000 population as required by the government’s Best Value guidance, unless otherwise stated. Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. The current performance of 10.3 casualties per 100,000 population (23 actual) is an improvement compared with the same time last year when 12.5 casualties were recorded in this category. This translated into a year end figure of 16.9 casualties per 100,000 population. If the same trend were replicated this year, there would be 13.9 casualties compared with the target of no more than 12.8. The last known Metropolitan average figure in this category was 19 casualties in the year 2001/2002. Barriers to Improvement: Accident data can be analysed to reveal trends and accident black spots, and appropriate accident reduction measures can be planned and implemented. In addition, road safety campaigns can be targeted at specific groups in order to make the biggest impact. However, any measures that the City Council may deploy in an attempt to reduce road accident casualties can only influence this indicator. They cannot determine the occurrence of all accidents which are also influenced by random elements and behaviour. In addition, the City Council is not the highway authority for trunk roads or motorways even though the accident statistics for these highways are included within Salford’s figures. Current / Proposed Actions: Continue to analyse data to prioritise areas of greatest need or areas where largest returns can be made. The main delivery mechanisms identified to address the issues are: i) education/training, ii) minor improvement works and iii) highway maintenance. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): End of 2004 Lead Officer: Steven Lee Ext: 3800 6 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 121 LPI22 Road Safety - Children killed / seriously injured per 100,000 population Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 14 11.60 12 9.80 Count 10 8.80 8.50 8 7.00 6 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Met Average 01/02 Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 1.3 0.4 Q2 4.9 4.9 Q3 7.1 8.5 Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Trend: Performance is deteriorating and not on target. The current performance of 8.5 casualties per 100,000 population (19 actual) is slightly higher than at the same time last year when 7.1 (16 actual) were recorded. This translated into a year end figure of 11.6 per 100,000 population (26 actual). If the same trend were replicated this year, there would be 13.8 casualties compared with the target of no more than 8.8 casualties per 100,000 population. As this is not a BVPI there is no benchmark data available. Barriers to Improvement: Accident data can be analysed to reveal trends and accident black spots, and appropriate accident reduction measures can be planned and implemented. In addition, road safety campaigns can be targeted at specific groups in order to make the biggest impact. However, any measures that the City Council may deploy in an attempt to reduce road accident casualties can only influence this indicator. They cannot determine the occurrence of all accidents which are also influenced by random elements and behaviour. There are many factors beyond the control of the Council which have a bearing on the number of road accident casualties throughout the City. In addition, the City Council is not the highway authority for trunk roads or motorways even though the accident statistics for these highways are included within Salford’s figures. Current / Proposed Actions: Continue to analyse data to prioritise areas of greatest need or areas where largest returns can be made. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): N/A Lead Officer: Steven Lee Ext: 3800 7 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 125 Percentage of street lights not working Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 2.0% Percentage 1.66% 1.04% 1.0% 0.79% 1.00% 0.78% 0.78% N/A N/A N/A Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 0.0% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 0.89 0.97 Q2 0.87 0.95 Q3 0.92 1.66 Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Trend: Performance is deteriorating and not on target. This is now a local PI, having been dropped from the BVPI list by the Audit Commission and as such benchmark data is no longer collected and published. After a mid-year improvement on the first quarter, performance has dipped in the third quarter. This is usual in the annual pattern of streetlight failures as lamps burn longer in the winter months and more failures are revealed. Other reasons for a downturn in performance could include increases in vandalism, a defective delivery of lamps, incorrect repairs and deteriorating equipment etc . The last known benchmark performance puts Salford in the 1st quartile for Metropolitan authorities. Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: Analyse data to investigate if there are any specific causes or patterns to lamp failures. Maintain good levels of performance. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): N/A Lead Officer: Stuart Collins Ext. 3869 8 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 162 BVPI 109a Percentage of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks Trend Benchmarks Salford's Targets 100% 80% Percentage 63% 60% 54% 60% 60% 54% 47% 40% 44% 33% 20% N/A 0% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) 7th Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) 14th Range for all Mets Councils Quartile level for Mets Quartile level for all Authorities 22% - 79% 3 Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE N/A Salfords Target 2002/03 Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 - 52% Q2 - 45% Q3 - 44% Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. This is a new indicator introduced by government for 2002/03 and as such benchmark data is not as comprehensive as with other more established indicators. However, the Audit Commission has calculated the effect of the new indicator on historic data for the period 2001/2002. The current performance would put Salford in the third quartile for Metropolitan authorities. Due to the relatively low numbers of applications in this category (only 4% of all applications are classified as “major”) performance can be quite volatile. Just a small number of complex applications requiring amendments or negotiations can easily depress performance levels. In 2000/01, Salford achieved 63% but this fell to just 33% in 2001/02. A top quartile performance for Metropolitan authorities would be 54% but even this would fall short of the government’s target of 60%. An analysis of where improvements in the system can be made is currently (Jan 2003) being undertaken and it is anticipated that these will result in an improved performance in the latter half of the year. Performance in December alone was 50%. Barriers to Improvement: None, providing staffing levels can be maintained. Current/Proposed Action: From the beginning of October a revised system of working has been adopted in the administration team to ensure a more streamlined process. I anticipate that this will improve processing times. Further system analysis is also being undertaken. Monitor the quarterly figures closely to see if there are any long-term trends that may need addressing. Maintain current staffing levels. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): By March 2003 Lead Officer: Dave Jolley. Ext: 3631 9 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 163 BVPI 109b Percentage of minor planning applications determined within 8 weeks Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 100% 72% Percentage 80% 60% 56% 57% Met Average 01/02 Family Average 01/02 60% 65% 65% 65% 62% Met Top Quartile 01/02 Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 40% 20% N/A 0% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (out of 10) 5th Ranking against family authorities (out of 21) 8th Range for all Mets Councils Quartile level for Mets Quartile level for all Authorities 26% - 81% 2 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE N/A Performance Indicator Action Plan 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 - 52% Q2 - 57% Q3 - 62% Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. This is a new indicator introduced by government for 2002/03 and as such benchmark data is not as comprehensive as with other more established indicators. However, the Audit Commission has calculated the effect of the new indicator on historic data for the period 2001/2002. The current performance would put Salford in the second quartile for Metropolitan authorities. Salford’s performance has improved quarter on quarter throughout the current year and is now just 3% short of the 65% target. Performance in December alone was 89%. Barriers to Improvement: None, providing staffing levels can be maintained. Current/Proposed Action: From the beginning of October a revised system of working has been adopted in the administration team to ensure a more streamlined process. I anticipate that this will improve processing times. Further system analysis is also being undertaken. Monitor the quarterly figures closely to see if there are any long-term trends that may need addressing. Maintain current staffing levels. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): By March 2003 Lead Officer: Dave Jolley. Ext: 3631 10 3rd Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan P.I. Ref 168 BVPI 188 - Planning decisions delegated to officers a % of all decisions Benchmarks Trend Salford's Targets 100 90.00 90.00 83.00 Percentage 80 60 69.00 58.00 74.00 72.00 68.00 62.00 40 20 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 8th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 15th Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 00/01 56% - 97% Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS NOT ON TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target 2001/02 Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2002/03 Q1 74% Q2 72% Q3 72% Date: 21/01/03 Comments on Current Performance: Trend: Performance is improving but not yet on target. This is a new BVPI for 2002/2003. Salford has traditionally performed poorly against this indicator, preferring to leave a large proportion of direct decision making to elected members. However, in recent years the drive for modernisation has led to a number of revisions to the scheme of delegation and these have seen performance increase from 58% in 1999/2000 to the current level of 72%. Nonetheless this still falls considerably short of the government target to ensure that 90% of decisions on planning applications are taken at officer level. Despite significant improvements in recent years, the last comparative data puts Salford in the 4th quartile for Metropolitan authorities. The most recent comparative information relates to the last quarter of 2001which shows that the majority of similar authorities are achieving a greater degree of delegation than Salford. Bradford (91%), Dudley (91%), Kirklees (92%), St Helens (93%), Wakefield (90%) and Stockton-on-Tees (93%) are already exceeding the national target. For 2000/2001 Kirklees reached 97%. Whilst the year on year trend is improving, the performance in December alone had dipped to 69%. Another more radical revision to the scheme of delegation is currently being considered. Barriers to Improvement: This indicator only measures the level of delegation. The current scheme of delegation is the only reason the target is not being achieved. Current / Proposed Actions: The existing scheme of delegation is currently being reviewed by the City Council to consider a range of proposals. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): 2003 Lead Officer: Dave Jolley. Ext: 3631 11