PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR EDUCATION AND THE LEAD MEMBER FOR ARTS AND LEISURE TO THE LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEISURE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 12th February TITLE : BEST VALUE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2002 / 03 3rd QUARTER OUTTURN RECOMMENDATIONS : That the committee review the indicators in the context of scrutinising service performance. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The report details the performance of the Education and Leisure Directorate as measured by the statutory performance indicators for the third quarter of 2002 / 2003. Few indicators can be reported at quarterly intervals. Following the recent release of Performance Tables for GCSE and Key Stage 2 information, it has been possible to include the indicators relating to these results. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) Previous quarterly Best Value PI reports to Scrutiny Committee Strategic Best Value Performance Plan CONTACT OFFICER : Matt Varley TEL 778 0147 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) All Wards KEY COUNCIL POLICIES Securing improvement and Best Value Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 1 7/16/2016 INTRODUCTION 1. This is the third quarterly performance indicator report for the Education and Leisure Directorate for 2002 / 2003. It provides details of quarter-end performance as measured by the statutory Best Value Performance Indicators for 2002 / 2003. 2. A limited number of Performance Indicators can be reported quarterly, the data for the great majority of indicators being available on an annual basis only. Annual pupil attainment performance indicators have been included. 3. On balance, performance has improved since 2001 / 02, but is either unchanged or has declined slightly since the previous quarter. GUIDE TO CHARTS 4. The trend in performance is shown by figures for the five years from 1997 / 1998 to 2001 / 2002, quarters one and two 2002 / 2003 where available, and the Current performance for quarter three 2002 / 2003. 5. Performance indicator measurements must be compared with benchmarks to be turned into useful information. National data for 2000 / 2001 has been used, but will be updated with national data for the 2001 / 2002 year in the fourth quarter (year end) report. 6. The following figures have been provided for each indicator in the bottom left-hand corner of each chart: 6.1. Salford’s rank against all ten Greater Manchester authorities; 6.2. Salford’s rank against all twenty-one family authorities – those authorities that are deemed to be similar to Salford; 6.3. The range of performance across Metropolitan authorities; 6.4. The Metropolitan quarter in which Salford’s performance falls. ‘First’ indicates that Salford is amongst the best 25% of Metropolitan authorities. 6.5. The quarter of all authorities in which Salford’s performance falls. ‘First’ indicates that Salford is amongst the best 25% of all authorities. 7. The charts themselves show the performance of similar authorities under ‘Family’. 8. In some cases, better performance relates to a higher performance indicator figure; in others, to a lower performance indicator figure. The ‘polarity’ of each indicator is noted at the bottom of each chart. 9. A general comment on the bottom of each chart indicates whether present performance as measured by the indicator is excellent, good, average, Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 2 7/16/2016 below average or poor. In addition to present performance levels, consideration should be given to whether performance is improving. 10. Targets published in the Salford Best Value Performance Plan have been included in the charts. 11. The bottom right-hand corner of each chart is to be used to report previous quarterly performance figures where available. ACTION PLANS 12. In compliance with the corporate performance management system, an action plan is included after each chart (or after a group of charts where applicable). These plans provide some context to the performance measures, identify barriers to improvement, and describe current and proposed action. Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 3 7/16/2016 (See BVPI38, Ref 12, overleaf) Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 4 7/16/2016 Comments on Current Performance: The most able pupils in Salford (the top 10% Gifted and Talented) perform well at GCSE. The percentage of pupils who achieve one or more A* to G grade matches the results of pupils in similar authorities. A key concern is how to raise the performance of mid-range pupils in order to ensure they achieve their potential. Barriers to Improvement: Teachers’ expectations of what pupils can achieve is a barrier to improvement. Some teachers have worked in the same school for many years and have very established views on pupils’ potential. This can be passed on to newly qualified teachers and staff new to the school. In some schools this “ceiling” on attainment is reinforced by the Senior Management Team. School organisation arrangements, especially those around pupil grouping, can further reinforce this level of expectation. Current/Proposed Action: Targets are set with the DfES for LEAs for 2004. School level targets for 2004 have been agreed with schools. To achieve our targets we have produced the Education Development Plan 2 (2002-07). Priorities 2, 3, 4 and 5 focus on raising attainment at Key Stage 4. Underachieving schools are targeted (see EDP2 priority 4). Schools facing Challenging Circumstances are to produce a Raising Attainment Plan (RAP), and have been given additional funding and will be supported to deliver this. Some additional funding for this will be made available via the Targeted Improvement Group from the DfES. At this time the level of funding for the TIG is yet to be finalised by the DfES. General Advisor visits challenge and support schools to improve performance. Excellence in Cities (EiC), Education Action Zones (EAZ), Specialist Schools, Beacon Schools, Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances, etc all provide additional activity and funding with the aim of raising standards by challenging and supporting schools or by suggesting appropriate agencies from which support can be accessed by a school. The focus of IAS work and KS3 consultants is to raise standards and challenge schools. Lead Officer: Richard Dodd - Acting Senior Inspector Secondary Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 5 7/16/2016 (See BVPI41, Ref 15, overleaf) Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 6 7/16/2016 Comments on Current Performance: Schools have developed a greater understanding of the relationship between data and attainment. Monitoring visits by advisors, reports from consultants and feedback from teachers continue to indicate that pupils’ confidence is continuing to grow, although the development of writing is still a weak area. Barriers to Improvement: The quality of school management is a key factor. Monitoring of pupils’ attainment and assessment are issues in some schools. The focus on writing development last year may have resulted in the small fall in reading results. Ensuring sustained professional development for each Primary teacher (staff turnover). Current/Proposed Action: See EDP Priority 1. Lead Officer: Terry Stringer - Inspector Advisor (Primary Education) Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 7 7/16/2016 BVPI43a The percentage of SEN statements prepared within 18 weeks excluding those affected by 'exceptions to the rule' under the SEN code of practice Trend Family Ref 17 Targets 100.00% 100.00% 95.45% 94.23% 93.00% 86.67% 90.00% 86.00% 75.00% 67.86% 70.00% Percentage 80.00% 77.78% 80.00% 88.00% 90.00% 70.00% 61.54% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 0.00% 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Current 2002/03 2002/03 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 00/01 00/01 00/01 Salford Salford Salford Salford 5 Target Year 1 Year 2 Year 2000/01 Target Target Target 2001/02 2002/03 2004/05 Comparators for 2000 / 2001 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 8 Ranking against all family authorities (0f 21) 19 Range for all Met Councils 7% to 100% Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance is: 2001/02 Poor Higher figure preferable 2002/03 Q1 25.93% Q2 23.75% Q3 23.86% (See BVPI 43b, Ref 17, overleaf) Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 8 7/16/2016 BVPI43b The percentage of SEN statements prepared within 18 weeks including those affected by 'exceptions to the rule' under the SEN code of practice Trend Family Ref 17 Targets 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% Percentage 70.00% 64.00% 60.00% 56.00% 60.00% 50.00% 49.00% 50.00% 40.00% 40.00% 32.67% 30.00% 23.40% 25.93% 23.75% 23.86% 20.00% 15.00% 11.41% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Current 2002/03 2002/03 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 00/01 00/01 00/01 Salford Salford Salford Salford 5 Target Year 1 Year 2 Year 2000/01 Target Target Target 2001/02 2002/03 2004/05 Comparators for 2000 / 2001 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 9 Ranking against all family authorities (0f 21) 20 Range for all Met Councils 0% to 93% Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance is: Higher figure preferable 2001/02 Poor 2002/03 Q1 25.93% Q2 23.75% Q3 23.86% Comments on Current Performance: Performance has improved slightly since the last quarter, the figures for BVPI 43b Q3 2002 are broadly comparable to those for 2001/02, and BVPI 43a Q3 2002 is over 8% higher than for 2001/02. The reduction in the number of Statements able to be completed in 18 weeks is due to medical exceptions and the staffing difficulties in the Educational Psychology Service (EPS), which has affected the number of EP advice reports that can be prepared within the timescales. The LEA continues to make strenuous efforts to increase the number of Statements prepared within 18 weeks by developing a range of good practice. Barriers to Improvement: Staffing difficulties in the EPS still apply and are hoped to be resolved in the medium term; vacancies are currently being advertised. There is a national shortage of Education Psychologists. Current/Proposed Action: Improved communication and liaison with other professionals to take action to address PI shortfall this year. A principal Educational Psychologist has recently been appointed. Efforts to recruit permanent staff are ongoing. In the meantime temporary staff are also being sought to help to improve the situation. An aspect of SEN Team training has covered the PIs. Lead Officer: Viv Hazeldine - Assistant Education Officer Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 9 7/16/2016 BVPI48 Ref 17 Percentage of schools maintained by the LEA subject to special measures on 31 December 2002 Trend Family Targets 3.00% 2.50% 2.50% Percentage 2.10% 2.00% 1.60% 1.50% 0.93% 1.00% 0.93% 0.93% 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 2002/03 2002/03 Current Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 00/01 00/01 00/01 Salford Target 2000/01 Salford Salford Salford 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year Target Target Target 2001/02 2002/03 2004/05 Comparators for 2000 / 2001 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 3 Ranking against all family authorities (0f 21) 5 Range for all Met Councils Performance is: 0% to 4.8% Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities 2nd 2001/02 Good Lower figure preferable 2002/03 Q1 25.93% Q2 23.75% Q3 23.86% Comments on Current Performance: With the removal from Special Measures in December 2002 of Ss Peter & John Primary School, the LEA achieved its target of having no school in Special Measures. Barriers to Improvement: Current/Proposed Action: The LEA will aspire to maintain the position of having no school in Special Measures via actions described in EDP2 Schools Causing Concern. Lead Officer: Anne Hillerton - Assistant Director (School Improvement) Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee Education and Leisure Performance Indicator Report Page 10 7/16/2016