PRIMARY SCHOOL REVIEW CONSULTATION DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2002 Primary School Review – Consultation Document September 2002_______________________________________________________________ _ Appendix 1 BACKGROUND The Options shown for each area do not represent a final decision. They are initial options presented to demonstrate actions which could be undertaken to achieve the necessary reductions in surplus places. They are intended to generate discussion which might bring forward other options, which will also be analysed and presented to members of the Council for their decision. The options have been generated out of lengthy discussion and analysis by Council officers responsible for standards, assets, organisation of places, school admissions, arts and leisure, demographic projections, buildings design and maintenance, estates, housing, regeneration, personnel, and finance. As a result, they form a balance of that wide range of factors, and are not necessarily the options of choice from each individual perspective. A powerful aspect of this must be, however, that schools maintaining in excess of 25% surplus places feature strongly and adversely in the Education aspects of the Council’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA). Action must be taken regarding schools who are on or approaching this level of surplus. It should also be noted that the closure of surplus schools will enable the recycling of recurrent funding to schools that remain. Current estimates relating to the closure of 8 primary schools, as an example, indicate an annual saving of approximately £1 million available to distribute amongst other schools. This should enable significant standards improvements. Salford is amongst the worst performing LEAs in terms of maintaining primary surplus places. SCHOOL LEVEL DATA This data is driven by the new Net Capacity figures which have resulted from the comprehensive remeasure of schools undertaken over the last year for Salford by the Valuation Office. The measure applies a new system which has been introduced by the DfES. The figures provided are: The new physical capacity figure (NC – Net Capacity); The number on roll (NOR); The capacity of the school as determined by the new Planned Admission Number; The number of surplus places in the school is calculated by subtracting the NOR from the physical capacity (which is how the DfES calculates); The surplus expressed as a percentage (the figure which advises the Council CPA assessment in respect of that school). On the following sheets, the information below is shown for each area: 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION The current and projected number on roll for all Community and Controlled Primary schools in the area. The surplus places beyond the desired 8% level in the area. The number of places beyond 8% surplus that need to be lost to maintain 8% as a cumulative total. Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 Appendix 1 Basis of projections The pupil number forecasts used for this review of Primary Schools are based on a model that follows national best practice in this area and has been audited a number of times by District Audit. The current model in use has been further improved, and over the last five years produces figures that are within 0.8% of actual pupil numbers in any one year. Salford has embarked on a significant building development programme, and the already rapid building rate is likely to increase over the next five years as the City continues to regenerate. However, there is unlikely to be an impact on pupil numbers within the timeframe of this review due to the time lag between redevelopment and regeneration. Furthermore, while the number of dwellings is expected to increase by about 5% over the next five years, changes are taking place in household structure and accommodation type that make it unlikely that the number of families living in Salford will increase in this short term. The above view has been produced as a corporate view by officers, based on the following factors: 2. The link between housing development and demographics is tenuous; Increase in dwellings does not mean increase in number of families; Corporately, our aim is stabilisation before growth – i.e. to reduce the level of turbulence in the housing market; Over the next five years, the number of families will continue to fall in the City; The projected growth in the number of dwellings carried out for the boundary review exercise will not necessarily result in an increase in households or in the number of school-age children; Our tactic is to reduce the rate of loss, and focus on attracting and retaining thereafter; Most of the development growth is not family accommodation, e.g. Salford Quays, Chapel Street; There is a time lag until regeneration activity bites; The projected 5% increase in the number of dwellings is not much in terms of pupils generated; Attracting families requires more than new build, as the 95% existing stock would need to be improved, as would the environment. SCHOOL DETAILS Information on all schools within the area detailing: Net capacity (NC); Number on roll (NOR 2002); Capacity (based on Planned Admission Number); Number of surplus places; Surplus percentage. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 KERSAL, PENDLETON, BROUGHTON/BLACKFRIARS 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION KERSAL, BROUGHTON/BLACKFRIARS Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 1,988 YEAR NC NOR Surplus Number Surplus% Number of places to lose 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,818 1,772 1,740 1,709 1,680 1,655 1,634 1,619 1,611 169 215 247 278 307 332 353 368 376 9.30% 11.83% 13.59% 15.29% 16.89% 18.26% 19.42% 20.24% 20.68% 24 73 108 141 173 200 222 238 247 2. SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL St. Paul’s CE (VC) Brentnall Marlborough Road Lower Kersal St. George’s CE (VC) Charlestown The Friars North Grecian Street Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 207 175 420 243 182 210 210 341 1,988 173 145 463 188 181 168 194 306 1,818 + 145 (8%) 1,963 places needed 210 175 420 210 182 210 210 315 1,932 No. of Surplus 34 30 -43 55 1 42 16 35 170 Surplus (%) 16 17 -10 23 0 20 8 10 Currently at 9% surplus Lower Kersal and Charlestown close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 25 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 200 Option (i) Amalgamate Lower Kersal and St. Paul’s CE on Lower Kersal site COMMENTARY St. Paul’s CE and Lower Kersal have levels of surplus which indicate action. They are suitably located for amalgamation and are unlikely to benefit from growth in demand passed on from other schools. Charlestown’s position will remain under review, both for immediate means of addressing surplus place issues and future developments including those arising out of NDC. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 SWINTON NORTH, SWINTON SOUTH, CLAREMONT, PENDLEBURY 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION SWINTON NORTH, SWINTON SOUTH, CLAREMONT, PENDLEBURY Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 3,655 YEAR NC NOR 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,324 3,257 3,174 3,092 3,016 2,946 2,878 2,812 2,742 2. Surplus Number 331 398 481 563 639 709 777 843 913 Number of places to lose Surplus% 9.06% 10.89% 13.16% 15.40% 17.48% 19.40% 21.26% 23.06% 24.98% 65 137 227 316 398 473 547 618 694 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL Summerville Light Oaks Infants Light Oaks Juniors St. John’s Grosvenor Road Moorside Broadoak The Deans Mossfield Wardley Clifton Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 248 270 360 196 621 385 420 210 432 198 315 3,655 208 252 330 216 464 322 438 204 405 181 304 3,324 + 266 (8%) 3,590 places needed 210 270 360 210 630 315 420 210 420 210 315 3,570 No. of Surplus 40 18 30 -20 157 63 -18 6 27 17 11 331 Currently at 9% surplus Grosvenor Road close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 65 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 473 Options (i) (ii) (iii) Moorside Primary School – reduce to 1FE Grosvenor Primary School – reduce to 2FE Summerville Primary School – reduce to 1FE Surplus (%) 16 7 8 -10 25 16 -4 3 6 9 3 removes 175 places removes 201 places removes 38 places REMOVES TOTAL OF 414 PLACES COMMENTARY These proposals address the issues of surplus places in schools at 16% or above and will maintain all schools in the area at viable levels of at least 1FE. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 ECCLES, WINTON, BARTON 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION ECCLES, WINTON, BARTON Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 2,421 YEAR NC NOR 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 2,421 1,992 1,968 1,897 1,824 1,750 1,676 1,604 1,535 1,465 2. Surplus Number 429 453 524 597 671 745 817 886 956 Number of places to lose Surplus% 17.72% 18.71% 21.64% 24.66% 27.72% 30.77% 33.75% 36.60% 39.49% 270 296 372 451 531 611 689 763 839 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL Alder Park Monton Green Westwood Park Beech Street Lewis Street Barton Moss St. Andrews CE Christ Church CE Clarendon Road Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 210 297 315 315 210 243 206 210 415 2,421 186 255 280 184 185 208 180 188 326 1,992 + 159 (8%) 2,151 places needed 210 315 315 315 210 210 210 210 420 2,415 No. of Surplus 24 42 35 131 25 35 26 22 89 429 Surplus (%) 11 14 11 42 12 14 13 10 21 Currently at 18 % surplus Beech Street and Clarendon Road close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 270 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 611 Options (i) (ii) (iii) Closure of Beech Street Primary School Closure of Lewis Street Primary School Consolidate Alder Park Primary School pupils into Westwood Park Primary School and relocate onto Alder Park site – 1½FE removes 315 places removes 210 places removes 210 places REMOVES TOTAL OF 735 PLACES COMMENTARY The above options combined remove more than the identified 611 places for 2007. However, projected decline in this area is particularly problematic. The proposals address the schools with rolls substantially less than 210. In the case of Clarendon Road, the school will receive attention with a view to reduction of surplus places by internal measures, if necessary. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 WEASTE AND SEEDLEY, LANGWORTHY, ORDSALL 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION WEASTE & SEEDLEY, LANGWORTHY, ORDSALL Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 2,092 YEAR NC NOR Surplus Number Surplus% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,092 1,574 1,531 1,453 1,375 1,298 1,222 1,149 1,079 1,010 518 561 639 717 794 870 943 1,013 1,082 24.76% 26.82% 30.54% 34.27% 37.95% 41.59% 45.08% 48.42% 51.72% 2. Number of places to lose 392 439 523 607 690 772 851 927 1001 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL Tootal Drive Seedley St.Luke’s CE Larkhill Langworthy Road Radclyffe St. Clement (Egerton) CE Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 240 420 189 420 311 302 210 2,092 183 303 149 281 266 229 163 1,574 + 126 (8%) 1,700 places needed 210 420 210 420 315 315 210 2,100 No. of Surplus 57 117 40 139 45 73 47 518 Surplus (%) 24 28 21 33 14 24 22 Currently at 25 % surplus All (except Langworthy Road) close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 392 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 772 Options (i) (ii) Replace Seedley and Langworthy Primary schools with a new school Closure of St. Clement’s CE (Egerton) and Radclyffe Primary Schools and open new 1½FE school on Radclyffe site removes 311 places removes 197 places REMOVES TOTAL OF 508 PLACES COMMENTARY The proposals regarding St. Clements CE and Radclyffe are straightforward and could form an early bid submission in December 2002. The further options have been generated out of a balance of issues, one of which has been the current stage of regeneration in the area. The position regarding the schools will need review and investment when the area is more stabilised. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 LITTLE HULTON 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION LITTLE HULTON Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 2,220 YEAR NC NOR 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,053 2,034 1,989 1,940 1,889 1,836 1,783 1,729 1,672 2. Surplus Number 167 186 231 280 331 384 437 491 548 Number of places to lose Surplus% 7.52% 8.38% 10.41% 12.61% 14.91% 17.30% 19.68% 22.12% 24.68% 3 23 72 125 180 237 294 353 414 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL Wharton St. Paul’s Peel Dukesgate Peel Hall Hilton Lane St. Andrew’s Methodist Bridgewater North Walkden St. Paul’s CE Heathside Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 315 280 206 315 210 209 300 189 196 2,220 255 286 176 236 205 212 286 205 192 2,053 + 164 (8%) 2,217 places needed 315 280 210 315 210 210 315 210 210 2,275 No. of Surplus 60 -6 30 79 5 -3 14 -16 4 167 Currently at 8 % surplus Peel Hall close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 3 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 237 Option (i) (ii) Wharton Primary School – reduce to 1FE Peel Hall Primary School – reduce to 1FE Surplus (%) 19 -2 15 25 2 -1 5 -8 2 removes 105 places removes 105 places REMOVES TOTAL OF 210 PLACES COMMENTARY These proposals are designed to maintain provision at the existing locations. However, the picture post 2007 is worrying and an alternative option would be to go for closure of one establishment now, followed by the school rationalisations if decline continued. The recommended school for closure would probably be Dukesgate, given its low NOR. Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 WORSLEY AND BOOTHSTOWN 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION WORSLEY AND BOOTHSTOWN Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 1,309 YEAR NC 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 1,309 2. NOR 1,372 1,374 1,365 1,354 1,341 1,327 1,312 1,297 1,279 Surplus Number -63 -65 -56 -45 -32 -18 -3 12 30 Number of places to lose Surplus% -4.81% -4.97% -4.28% -3.44% -2.44% -1.38% -0.23% 0.92% 2.29% -173 -175 -165 -153 -139 -124 -108 -92 -72 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL James Brindley Ellenbrook Boothstown Methodist St. Andrew’s CE Mesne Lea Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 210 210 175 399 315 1,309 215 213 204 430 310 1,372 + 110 (8%) 1,482 places needed 210 210 168 420 315 1,323 Minimum places to be removed (2002) = -173 Target number of places to remove (2007) = -124 COMMENTARY There appears to be no issues of surplus places in this area. No. of Surplus -5 -3 -29 -31 5 -63 Surplus (%) -2 -1 -17 -8 2 Appendix 1 Primary Review Options Document Revised 29 August 2002 IRLAM, CADISHEAD 1. PUPIL NUMBER AND SURPLUS PROJECTION IRLAM, CADISHEAD Net Capacity (NC) Area Total = 1,744 YEAR NC NOR 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,744 1,584 1,574 1,548 1,518 1,486 1,451 1,415 1,379 1,339 2. Surplus Number 160 170 196 226 258 293 329 365 405 Number of places to lose Surplus% 9.17% 9.75% 11.24% 12.96% 14.79% 16.80% 18.86% 20.93% 23.22% 33 44 72 105 139 177 216 255 298 SCHOOL DETAILS COMMUNITY / CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL Moorfield Fiddlers Lane Irlam Endowed Irlam Cadishead St. Mary’s CE Total Capacity NC NOR (2002) (based on Planned Admission Number) 210 315 210 383 416 210 1,744 132 274 236 384 337 221 1,584 + 127 (8%) 1,711 places needed 210 315 210 385 420 210 1,750 No. of Surplus 78 41 -26 -1 79 -11 160 Currently at 9 % surplus Moorfield close to CPA Minimum places to be removed (2002) = 33 Target number of places to remove (2007) = 177 Options (i) (ii) Amalgamate Moorfield and Fiddlers Lane to create 1½FE primary school Cadishead Primary School – reduce to 1½FE Surplus (%) 37 13 -12 0 19 -5 removes 210 places removes 101 places REMOVES TOTAL OF 311 PLACES COMMENTARY These options address the surplus issues at Moorfield, Fiddlers Lane and Cadishead. Whilst Fiddlers Lane has the higher NOR, it is a very tight site: the Moorfield site has the greater potential in terms of facilities for the new school.