PART 1 ITEM NO. (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) _________________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF NPHL _________________________________________________________________________ TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON …18/11/02 _________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: BEST VALUE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS – HOUSING SERVICES QUARTER 2 2002/03 UPDATE _________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the committee review the indicators in the context of scrutinising services _________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: _________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Best Value Performance Plan 2002/03 _________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Gary Rearden – 925 1221 _________________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): _________________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Performance Management and Best Value _________________________________________________________________________ Details The information set out below represents New Prospect Housing Limited’s performance against targets for the Second Quarter 2002/03. Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan The percentage of Council house rents collected BVPI 66a Family Trend 100.00% 96.33% 95.64% 94.30% 95.40% 93.90% 95.98% Salford's Targets 96.90% 95.00% 96.00% 85.90% Percentage 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 8th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 16th Range for all Mets Councils 94.5% to Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS IMPROVING HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Second Quarter Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 91.3% 78.40% Q2 89.6% 85.90% Q3 92.7% Date: 18.10.02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance of this indicator continues to show improvement. However the figure for this indicator is misleading and therefore the figure shown is lower than last year, due to the fact that arrears brought forward now have to be taken into account. However if the indicator were calculated in the same manner as the same quarter last year the figure would be 95.3%, which is a great improvement on last years figure of 89.6%. Although none of the group offices are currently hitting target in this area if last years calculation were used all would be achieving target. Barriers to Improvement: Verification framework continues to have an impact in that there as less tenants in receipt of HB than at this time last year. Overpayment of HB recovery from rent accounts also continues to have an impact. However we are unable to quantify the full extent of these issues, because Corporate Services have been unable to provide any performance information for the month of September 2002 and are unlikely to be able to do so for October. This is because District Audit have identified areas where Performance Indicator definitions were not being accurately met. Workload issues and patch sizes mean that housing officer time is competed for by noise and nuisance cases where the team is not split and the patch sizes of those that are mean that all cases are not looked at on a weekly basis. We will be carrying out a review of Housing Officer Workloads early in 2003, and have already done some preparatory work for this exercise. Current/Proposed Action: Early contact is happening in the group offices 4 out of 5 of them are achieving the Local Performance Indicator LP1/RA1 contact tenant when arrears equal one weeks rent. All offices are hitting LP1/RA2 serve NOSP when arrears equal 4 weeks rent. However early contact needs to be continually stressed. A number of items in the Service Improvement Plan should enable further improvement in this indicator to be achieved. -7.1 the introduction of the new arrears procedure manual, which will be fully implemented following staff training by 1st January 2003, should help to reinforce the need for early intervention as well as ensuring a consistent and standardised approach to arrears recovery. -7.2 The implementation of the Performance Management Strategy, including Performance Indicators for Court activity by January 2003. -7.3 the introduction of the Arrears Hit Squad should result in officers being able to devote more time to cases although this is in its early stages of development it is envisaged that it will have a positive effect on this indicator. The Hit squad will be in Place from March 2003. -7.4 Arrears analysis should enable better targeting of HB advice/arrears activity. The current deadline for this piece of work is December 2002. -7.5 A Service Level Agreement with Salford Direct for Housing Benefits is almost complete and will be finalised in November 2002. This document specifies service standards for the relationship between New Prospect Housing Limited and Salford Direct. -7.6 We aim to introduce Direct Debit as a method of rent payment early in 2003. -7.7 We are reviewing the way we produce and distribute rent payment smart cards by December 2002, to ensure we get them to tenants as quickly as possible after the commencement of their tenancy. -7.8 We are working with other Council Directorates on the development of a Corporate debt recovery strategy. -7.9 We are reviewing the structure and roles within the Central rents Section, including the court officer role. This review will be completed by June 2003, with proposals being implemented by January 2004 or earlier if possible. 7.10 We will extend the number of computers in our offices allowing access to Housing Benefits systems, allowing New Prospect staff to check progress of benefit claims, without the need to contact Salford Direct. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Pat Greenwood Principal Officer rents Ext 1247 Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 7 Proportion of homelessness applications of which the authority makes a decision and issues written notification to the applicant within 33 working days Family Percentage Trend 100.00% 98.00% 96.00% 94.00% 92.00% 90.00% 88.00% 86.00% 84.00% 82.00% Salford's Targets 99.00% 97.00% 97.00% 95.00% 94.00% 89.00% 2000/01 2001/02 2nd Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Joint 3rd Range for all Mets Councils 88.90% Met Average Family Average Met Top 00/01 00/01 Quartile 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 86% to 97% Quartile level for Mets 1st Quartile level for all Authorities 1st 94.40% Salfords Target Salfords 5 Year Salfords 2002/03 Target Second Quarter Position 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS IMPROVING Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 93% 92.00 Q2 92.5% 94.40 Q3 92% 24/10/02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance on BVPI 67 has slightly improved. This is a possible consequence of cases being prioritised in the groups to ensure completion before the centralisation of the homelessness team in September. Barriers to Improvement: The centralisation of the service took place at the beginning of September. However, a staff shortage has meant that although a high number of presentations are being dealt with, the completion of cases is being delayed. There will be a significant fall in performance next quarter reflecting this. Current/Proposed Action: The Homelessness and Housing Advice Team amalgamated and centralised at the beginning of September with the recruitment to vacant posts currently underway. Software system to allow greatly improved casework management and monitoring and improved reporting on performance due to be installed within the next month. Intensive training programme for new team planned to ensure baseline knowledge and clarity of purpose and direction. A review is underway in preparation for development of homelessness strategy. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Jane Anderson 607 1600 Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 8 Average re-let time for local authority dwellings let in the financial year (days) Family Trend 120 100 110 94 80 Days Salford's Targets 109 90 75 70 57 60 64 43 40 20 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Range for all Mets Councils Met Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 16th Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET 43 to 69 Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 Salfords 5 Year Target 9th LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q1 Q2 Q3 2001/02 106 107 N/A SalfordsSecond Quarter Position 2002/03 2002/03 109.15 110 Date:21st October 2002 Comments on Current Performance: Performance for the second quarter of 2002/3 is 110 days, which is an increase of 0.85 days on the 1 st quarter figure. This is a disappointing result given that reducing this figure is one of our highest priorities. Performance against this indicator is adversely affected when we let void properties, which have been void for long periods of time. There have been examples in the current year when voids properties have been let after having been void for four and six years. This should be seen as a very positive sign of increasing demand and the improved conditions on our estates, but in terms of this indicator it penalises us. For this reason we have produced a new local performance indicator for voids, which have been, re-let within six months of becoming void. At the second quarter, performance against this local indicator was 79 days. This was on 87% of all lets for the period. Therefore the worst 13% of lets are increasing average re-let times by 31 days (28%). Because of the anomalies with this indicator it has been removed from the list of National Indicators for the current year, but has been retained in Salford’s Best Value Performance Plan. Barriers to Improvement: Changing demand for social housing in general Environmental issues and neglect of property by other landlords Demographic changes in Salford Housing market and competition Surplus stock to actual demand in some areas Miss match of stock type to demand High turnover level of voids Lack of stock/low turnover in area where demand exists Poor image and perceived crime and nuisance. Capacity of repairs contractors to repair voids quickly. Current performance for repaired voids against target is down by 130 N.B. this does not take account of short weeks where there are Bank holidays, and is an improvement on the first quarter where performance against target was down by 156. Current/Proposed Action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Within our Best Value Service Improvement Plan (SIP), there is a section (Key Theme Six) on reducing voids. This also includes actions aimed at increasing the speed of re-letting empty properties. Within this key theme there are the following action points: Complete a review of all policy and procedures by January 2003. This review is almost completed and staff will undergo training on revised procedures by January 2003. Implement Performance Management Strategy including Performance Indicators for property shop and new tenant feedback. This will be fully implemented by 1 st January 2003. Review the role and organisation of the Property Shop. This review will be completed by February 2003 and any proposed changes will be implemented by 1 st June 2003. Review existing allocations policy in consultation with tenants and stakeholders by April 2003, including evaluation of Community Lettings Schemes. Revised policy to be implemented by 1 st January 2004. Develop targeted marketing strategy following release of 2001 Census information by April 2003. Including marketing targeted at younger people. We are seconding the Principal Officer (Letting & Marketing) for a period of six months to lead on these Service improvement plan initiatives. Her post will be back filled for this period. In addition the SIP also contains under Key Theme Four, Improving The Repairs Service section on Central Voids Working Arrangements, which includes: Creating a void repair team in partnership with private sector providers by April 2003. Introduce three time bands based on work content for void repair completions by April 2003. In addition to the major projects within the SIP, we have / are: Introduced six additional building contractors to speed the flow of repaired voids. Developed and implemented a key monitoring system within the ISYS computer system. Developed new reports within the ISYS system, which will allow us to break down the void period measured by this indicator into two distinct elements, Time to repair the void and time to let the void. This information will be available in early November 2002. Introduced a new local indicator for voids re-let within six months of coming void. Developing performance indicators for the retention of tenants, which will be benchmarked against family members. This will include setting up exit surveys to determine the reasons why tenants terminate their tenancies. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Elaine Hargreaves Ext 1704. Second Quarter 200/02 Comparator Action Plan LPI 9 The percentage of rent lost through the Council's dwellings becoming vacant Family Trend Salford's Targets 7.00% 5.95% 6.00% 5.06% 4.70% Percentage 5.00% 4.90% 4.50% 4.25% 4.00% 3.50% 3.85% 4.00% 2.70% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 8th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 14th Range for all Mets Councils 2.7% to 4.1% Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Salfords 5 Salfords Target Year Second 2002/03 Target Quarter 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 4.6% 4.3% Q2 4.7% 4.9% Q3 4.7% Date:18.10.02 Comments on Current Performance: There has been deterioration in this indicator from 4.3% last quarter to 4.9% this quarter this is also slightly poorer than the same period last year when it was 4.7%. At week 26 – i.e. the end of the second quarter, Voids in Management were up buy 25. This has since changed and as at week 31 they are down by 23. The increase was in part as a result of 40 voids, which had been taken off rent roll without a Committee/Lead Member evaluation being added back in. These are all voids, which have been void for the whole of the first 2 quarters and will therefore impact heavily on this indicator. Barriers to Improvement: Changing demand for social housing in general Environmental issues and neglect of property by other landlords Demographic changes in Salford Housing market and competition Surplus stock to actual demand in some areas Miss match of stock type to demand High turnover level of voids Lack of stock/low turnover in area where demand exists Poor image and perceived crime and nuisance. Capacity of repairs contractors to repair voids quickly. Current performance for repaired voids against target is down by 130 N.B. this does not take account of short weeks where there are Bank holidays, and is an improvement on the first quarter where performance against target was down by 156. Current/Proposed Action Within our Best Value Service Improvement Plan (SIP), there is a section (Key Theme Six) on reducing voids. This also includes actions aimed at increasing the speed of re-letting empty properties. Within this key theme there are the following action points: 6. Complete a review of all policy and procedures by January 2003. This review is almost completed and staff will undergo training on revised procedures by January 2003. 7. Implement Performance Management Strategy including Performance Indicators for property shop and new tenant feedback. This will be fully implemented by 1 st January 2003. 8. Review the role and organisation of the Property Shop. This review will be completed by February 2003 and any proposed changes will be implemented by 1 st June 2003. 9. Review existing allocations policy in consultation with tenants and stakeholders by April 2003, including evaluation of Community Lettings Schemes. Revised policy to be implemented by 1 st January 2004. 10. Develop targeted marketing strategy following release of 2001 Census information by April 2003. Including marketing targeted at younger people. We are seconding the Principal Officer (Letting & Marketing) for a period of six months to lead on these Service improvement plan initiatives. Her post will be back filled for this period. 3. 4. In addition the SIP also contains under Key Theme Four, Improving The Repairs Service section on Central Voids Working Arrangements, which includes: Creating a void repair team in partnership with private sector providers by April 2003. Introduce three time bands based on work content for void repair completions by April 2003. In addition to the major projects within the SIP, we have / are: Introduced six additional building contractors to speed the flow of repaired voids. Developed and implemented a key monitoring system within the ISYS computer system. Developed new reports within the ISYS system, which will allow us to break down the void period measured by this indicator into two distinct elements, Time to repair the void and time to let the void. This information will be available in early November 2002. Introduced a new local indicator for voids re-let within six months of coming void. Developing performance indicators for the retention of tenants, which will be benchmarked against family members. This will include setting up exit surveys to determine the reasons why tenants terminate their tenancies. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Pat Greenwood Principal Officer rents Ext 1247 Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 21/10/02 Comments on Current Performance: City wide performance on this indicator has been adversely affected by the wrong completion dates being input on ISYS in Eccles and Swinton, this will have a beneficial effect on the percentage, however the increase will be small. The problem was only identified in September and we are currently working with the ISYS team and contractor to rectify the performance statistics. There have also been problems with the process of issuing work on right to repair jobs from the area office. In an attempt to reduce Emergencies some of the categories have been wrongly input. Additional training has taken place at the area offices to resolve the problems and this should result in improved performance up to the end of the financial year. Performance in the three other areas of the city have improved on average by 15% on last years figures, which is a significant improvement. Barriers to Improvement: To many emergencies and urgents being issued from the area offices. Issuing jobs on the wrong priority High turnover of staff issuing the repairs. Difficulties in recruiting tradesmen due to high workload in the North West. Learning and understanding the new ISYS system. Current/Proposed Action: We are making changes to the new ISYS computer system that came into operation on the 20th May 2002 to ensure that we have consistency in the right to repair response times and our contract response times. We have introduced a warning note on the contractors job ticket to indicate the right to repair jobs. We are actively reducing the numbers of emergencies issued by introducing a scripting system and training for Housing Assistants to follow when taking a repair request. The questions will help identify if the repair is an emergency or urgent job. The Area Group Managers have been set fortnightly targets of a 5% reduction in each period from the 25 February 2002 so as to achieve a more consistent 20% - 25% issue of emergencies, with the ultimate aim of 10% issue city-wide. There has been a general reduction in the number of emergencies issued, which over a period of time will help complete lower priority work. This issue of emergencies is monitored every two weeks with detailed feedback given to managers and front line staff. Meetings with our contractors to discuss performance issues, and using these meetings to initiate action plans to improve performance. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Jeff Boardman Ext. 1255 Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 4 The percentage of all current tenants owing over 13 weeks rent at 31st March excluding those owing less than £250 Family Trend Salford's Targets 12.00% 10.70% 10.00% Percentage 8.00% 9.12% 7.20% 7.50% 6.74% 6.50% 5.70% 6.00% 4.89% 4.00% 2.90% 2.00% 0.00% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 5th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) 16th Range for all Mets Councils 0.9% - 18.1% Quartile level for Mets 4th Quartile level for all Authorities 4th Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salfords 5 Year Target 2001/02 Salfords Second Quarter 2002/03 2002/03 Q1 7.29% 9.9% Q2 7.7% 10.7% Q3 7.5% Date:18.10.02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance against this indicator continues to be below target and has deteriorated by a further 0.8% over the second quarter. So far this year the emphasis had been placed on lower arrears which has increased the rental income. Barriers to Improvement: Verification framework continues to have an impact in that there as less tenants in receipt of HB than at this time last year. Overpayment of HB recovery from rent accounts also continues to have an impact. However we are unable to quantify the full extent of these issues, because Corporate Services have been unable to provide any performance information for the month of September 2002 and are unlikely to be able to do so for October. This is because District Audit have identified areas where Performance Indicator definitions were not being accurately met. Workload issues and patch sizes mean that housing officer time is competed for by noise and nuisance cases where the team is not split and the patch sizes of those that are mean that all cases are not looked at on a weekly basis. We will be carrying out a review of Housing Officer Workloads early in 2003, and have already done some preparatory work for this exercise. Current/Proposed Action: Early contact is happening in the group offices 4 out of 5 of them are achieving the Local Performance Indicator LP1/RA1 contact tenant when arrears equal one weeks rent. All offices are hitting LP1/RA2 serve NOSP when arrears equal 4 weeks rent. However early contact needs to be continually stressed. A number of items in the Service Improvement Plan should enable further improvement in this indicator to be achieved. -7.1 the introduction of the new arrears procedure manual, which will be fully implemented following staff training by 1st January 2003, should help to reinforce the need for early intervention as well as ensuring a consistent and standardised approach to arrears recovery. -7.2 The implementation of the Performance Management Strategy, including Performance Indicators for Court activity by January 2003. Cases at 13 weeks+ are very often going to be at the court stage and any delays here will impact on this indicator. -7.3 the introduction of the Arrears Hit Squad should result in officers being able to devote more time to cases although this is in its early stages of development it is envisaged that it will have a positive effect on this indicator. The Hit squad will be in Place from March 2003. Our initial thoughts are that 13 weeks will be the point at which cases are passed to the hit squad for their targeted intervention. -7.4 Arrears analysis should enable better targeting of HB advice/arrears activity. The current deadline for this piece of work is December 2002. -7.5 A Service Level Agreement with Salford Direct for Housing Benefits is almost complete and will be finalised in November 2002. This document specifies service standards for the relationship between New Prospect Housing Limited and Salford Direct. -7.6 We aim to introduce Direct Debit as a method of rent payment early in 2003. -7.7 We are reviewing the way we produce and distribute rent payment smart cards by December 2002, to ensure we get them to tenants as quickly as possible after the commencement of their tenancy. -7.8 We are working with other Council Directorates on the development of a Corporate debt recovery strategy. -7.9 We are reviewing the structure and roles within the Central rents Section, including the court officer role. This review will be completed by June 2003, with proposals being implemented by January 2004 or earlier if possible. 7.10 We will extend the number of computers in our offices allowing access to Housing Benefits systems, allowing New Prospect staff to check progress of benefit claims, without the need to contact Salford Direct. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Pat Greenwood Principal Officer rents Ext 1247 Second Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 4 The percentage of all repairs requested by tenants completed within the target times set by the council Family Trend Salford's Targets 120.00% Percentage 100.00% 98.00% 90.00% 88.00% 75.00% 80.00% 61.00% 68.00% 66.00% 60.00% 40.00% NONE AVAILABLE 20.00% 0.00% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 Met Top Quartile 00/01 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET HIGHER FIGURE PREFERABLE Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords First Quarter 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 69% 74.00% Q2 71% 68% Q3 67% Date: 21/10/02 Comments on Current Performance: This is an area of work where further improvement is required. The performance indicator measures performance from when a tenant reports a repair to the actual completion of the on site. Previously, performance was measured only from when the repair was issued to the contractor. This explains the difference in performance over the years. Performance has decreased by 6% from the last quarter. This is due in part to the wrong completion dates input on ISYS in the Eccles and Swinton areas. We have also reduced held work which in the short term reduces performance on this indicator. It will still be necessary to hold work to review its urgency and to check budget availability and to identify if the work could be done more cost effectively on a program. However held work is becoming less of a problem as held work is reducing significantly. Barriers to Improvement: The following notes will help explain why we have not yet reached our performance targets. 1. The existing appointment system will be improved on the new ISYS computer system. This will help in completing urgent jobs in response time. 2. If we have to hold work (as above) this increases the overall length of time from notification to completion by the contractor. 3. Urgent priority repair work with an appointment will fall out of response time because the response time is 5 days from the appointment date. The indicator measures from the issue of the appointment. 4. If the area office incorrectly prioritises work or there is a large variation, the contractor can request an extension of time. It is only the contractor who benefits from the extra time not the area office. 5. Difficulty in attracting sub-contractors due to very competitive rates in the industry 6. Difficulty in recruiting operatives due to high workload in the industry. 7. High turnover of Housing Assistants and non-repair expertise also causes problems due to training issues and knowledge of the systems. Current/Proposed Action: We will be introducing training and guidelines on the repairs process in the area offices. We are currently looking at different ways of providing the repair service in a Pilot Scheme in the Salford North Area. There are 9 trials in the scheme that will result in the Maintenance Division and area offices providing a more efficient and effective repairs service. The Pilot Scheme, together with the introduction of the new ISYS computer system will address a significant number of the barriers previously described. As part of the Pilot Scheme we are starting to zone and plan the issue of held work in a more efficient manner. We have introduced a Rapid Response Team to be able to react to customer demand. A rapid response team has now been introduced into the Worsley area. Maintenance division is also auditing the administration procedures to reduce inefficiencies and wasted resources. We are looking at ways of managing held work in a more efficient and customer focused way. We are looking to introduce draw down contracts whereby if held works exceeds 6 weeks we can issue the work under another contract, in the programmed works section. We will keep our tenants informed of the progress of the works with a computer generated letter when the work is transferred to the draw down contract. We are also looking at ways of attracting sub-contractors by increasing our rates. The changes we have made at Salford North have helped reduced some of the barriers that existed before the major integration of Housing Management and Maintenance. However to achieve the targets the process reengineering within the Salford North Pilot once agreed as a success, will be implemented city-wide. This will lead the way to achieving our 5-year target. Recruitment of both operatives and staff is still an issue and will have to be resolved. We are looking at using different methods of recruitment for example by using local radio and weekly adverts in the press. At the moment we have 18 vacant posts for operatives, some of which are covered by agency staff but with the inevitable disruption to service. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top Quartile unknown at present time Jeff Boardman Ext. 1255