Part one open to the public ITEM NO. A1 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS To Leaders Briefing Meeting On Monday, 2 March 2009 TITLE: Events Programme 2009 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. To agree an Events Programme for 2009/10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An outline events programme was considered by the Events Steering Group on February 4 2009. Members are now asked to confirm an events programme for 2009/10. INTRODUCTION: A draft programme of events has been drawn up with indicative budgets (and possible income sources) against each one. A set of events objectives (Appendix A) were agreed by members of the Events Steering Group and each proposed event has been assessed against these. PROPOSALS FOR EVENTS IN 2009/10: The events proposed for inclusion in the 2009/10 programme are: Manchester International Festival: This has already received member approval and a budget exists for this event. Salford will host an event as part of the festival – a newly-commissioned ballet featuring Carlos Acosta staged at The Lowry. Plans are currently being drawn up for an education/community engagement element. Salford 10k Run & Cycling Race: There have been a number of approaches to Salford to host a 10k run similar to the Great Manchester Run. Sports International, who started the City of Manchester 10k some years ago and currently manage the Harriers' multi lap event in April, are seeking to host an official 10k run in Salford followed by a cycling circuit race for elites, beginners, veterans, children and a corporate relay. They have the relevant experience and current structures in place including volunteers, marshals and an extensive list of athletes wanting to participate. They believe the costs of staging the event would be minimal as it would be based on an entry fee model, with entry fees covering staging costs. D:\219512795.doc 1 Proms in the Park: An 8,000 capacity Proms in the Park event with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and a headline act; this could be part of the Last Night of the Proms with a Royal Albert Hall link-up and national TV coverage. Bonfire Night: Annual large-scale traditional bonfire and firework shows at Buile Hill and Prince’s Park, Irlam; record numbers attended the 2008 events. Salford Film Festival: Annual film festival, now well established and in its fifth year. Currently funded and co-ordinated by Salford City Council but managed by an independent Film Festival board. The event attracts 2,000 participants and spectators, with one of the 2008 films winning a BAFTA award. Salford City Council would remain a major partner. Ice rink: Ice rink and supporting Christmas activities for the community running during December and the early New Year period, attracting in excess of 12,000 participants. Members have expressed a wish for this event to remain at its previous location outside the Civic Centre. The total cost of the proposed events is £667,372. This can be met from within existing budgets and through anticipated income of £193,000; the net cost of the programme is £474,472. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) N/A ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium Current risk rating Target risk rating 8 (high amber) 3 (mid green) A detailed risk analysis is available. For each event that progresses, an individual risk analysis and assessment will be undertaken. SOURCE OF FUNDING: An events programme which meets objectives can be delivered from within existing budgets and through income generation. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Ian Sheard, Assistant Director (Legal Services); ex 3084; D:\219512795.doc 2 It will be necessary to ensure that in relation to events which proceed, the appropriate legal documentation is put into place prior to the event 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: John Spink, City Treasurer; ex 3230; It is anticipated that the net cost of the Events programme can be contained with the existing budget allocation. 3. ICT STEERING GROUP IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Not applicable PROPERTY (if applicable): Not applicable HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Not applicable CONTACT OFFICERS: Susan Wildman (Director of Marketing and Communications) x 2550 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All wards KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Tourism Marketing Strategy City Marketing Strategy D:\219512795.doc 3 APPENDIX A Cultural events’ objectives 1. Showcase Salford as a quality and potentially world class venue for events 2. Promote Salford as a cultural, sporting and creative city 3. To generate positive local, regional and national PR and media coverage for Salford 4. To increase the number of visitors to the city including their dwell time and associated spend 5. To establish Salford’s tourism product as an integral part of the regional offer 6. To raise the profile of Salford and enhance the city’s reputation locally, regionally, nationally and internationally 7. To engage and enthuse local residents and disperse them and their associated spend around the city 8. To help the city deliver elements of its seven pledges; specifically improving health, reducing crime, encouraging learning, leisure and creativity, creating prosperity and enhancing life in Salford. 9. To visually celebrate Salford’s diverse and vibrant cultural offering and promote community cohesion 10. To develop mutually beneficial partnerships with key stakeholders and partners to ensure future support and investment for the city 11. To support the local economy and associated businesses Individual event targets should include: To deliver a safe and sustainable event To maximise the number of spectators and participants To maximise potential income and secure external and partners’ investment To ensure access to all D:\219512795.doc 4 APPENDIX B Proposed events programme 2009/10 This appendix outlines the proposed events programme for 2009/10 with a breakdown of costs. The programme includes the following events: MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL (MIF) SALFORD 10K RUN AND CYCLING RACE PROMS IN THE PARK BONFIRE EVENTS – BUILE HILL PARK AND PRINCE’S PARK, IRLAM SALFORD FILM FESTIVAL ICE RINK 2009/2010 Name of event Manchester International Festival Salford 10k run and cycling race Proms in the Park Bonfire events (Buile Hill Park, Prince’s Park) Salford Film Festival Ice rink TOTAL SPONSORSHIP (fixed costs) TOTAL ORGANISER (estimated costs) TOTAL COSTS Cost SCC Role: SCC Role: Sponsorship Organiser (fixed cost) (estimated costs) £110,000 YES £10,000 YES NO NO £244,386 YES £50,536 YES £24,000 YES £228,450 Potential Notes for income generation YES £103,500 Based on 100% of tickets sold £4,500 Potential (funfair) reduction on police costs: under discussion NO £85,000 Enhanced event could be provided at £246,450 £144,000 £523,372 £667,372 £193,000 TOTAL EVENTS COST 2009 (all event costs minus projected income generated): £474,472. D:\219512795.doc 5 Manchester International Festival (MIF) 8 – 12 July 2009 Salford’s role/Cost category - sponsorship (commissioning partner) Total cost to Salford City Council £110,000 (fixed cost) Manchester International Festival is keen to build upon the successful partnership with Salford City Council which began in 2007. The proposal for 2009, accepted and approved via a Record of Decision in August 2008, is an original dance commission from Carlos Acosta performed at The Lowry. There is no prospect of income generation due to the nature of the sponsorship deal. Costs obtained from MIF (Carlos Acosta event only): Commission Origination Running costs Contingency TOTAL Income from ticket sales Remaining balance £ 73,600 £ 89,831 £113,480 £ 13,771 £290,662 £189,889 £100,793 Any remaining budget (currently £9,207) is expected to contribute to the proposed community engagement programme that MIF are currently developing. D:\219512795.doc 6 Salford 10k Run and Cycling Race August 2009 Salford’s role/Cost category - sponsorship (venue partner) Total cost to Salford City Council £10,000 (fixed cost) Sports Tours International stage outdoor races and cycling events in the UK and are proposing to hold a 10k run followed by a cycling race within Salford. Sports Tours International provides all event infrastructure, marshalling and event management. Salford’s financial contribution of £10,000 as venue sponsor is a fixed cost. It is not anticipated that there would be any additional costs. The event would be funded by entry fees from participants and the council is not liable for underwriting any income shortfall experienced by the event organisers. Whilst there is potential to attract additional sponsors, any income generation would be used by the event organisers to subsidise their event, therefore there is no prospect for the council to attract any further income from or reduce costs for this event. D:\219512795.doc 7 Proms in the Park 12 September 2009 Salford’s role/Cost category - event provider/co-organiser Total cost to Salford City Council Cost: Income generation target: £ 244,386 £ 103,500 Detailed contract talks are currently underway with the BBC and BBC Philharmonic regarding facilities they require at the event (which may differ from the Proms in the Park event which took place in Salford in 2008). Delivery of the event will be subject to final agreement with the BBC of inclusion in all available national media coverage and their delivery of specific infrastructure elements such as the giant screen and associated equipment. As this event is intended to be part of the official BBC Proms event programme which will be featured on BBC television’s Last Night of the Proms, there may also be additional TV requirements which will incur further costs; these will be analysed and carefully monitored as part of the current contractual negotiations. Ticket prices have been provisionally agreed as follows: 4,000 x tickets to Salford residents at £10.00 each 4,000 x tickets to general public outside Salford at £15.00 each. If all tickets were sold, the maximum income generated would be £100,000. There may also be income from car parking (£1,500 is felt to be achievable) and from concessions (£2,000). The outline event costs below have been updated from actual costs in 2008. item stage costs site transport power fencing cabins branding and signage production costs Pre planning costs Communications Transport & artist riders cleansing crew health and safety / infrastructure headline artist costs fireworks event management and staff fees Total notes inc lights, stage, sound, delay towers, PA towers plant hire etc stage, tower lights, fuel, generators pit barrier, crowd control, herras site production, crew, dressing rooms, box office site signage, venue dressing, passes, gantries tape, ties etc site plans, draughtsman hours site radios for staff crews, artists, production teams riders artist catering crew and skip hire site manager, artist liaison, site crew etc medics, toilets, security, police, highways cost to headline artists plus choirs for end of show Production staff, crew, event management etc cost £60,800 £1,800 £14,700 £9,000 £3,000 £10,900 £900 £400 £1,000 £9,200 £2,000 £9,000 £41,736 £32,000 £10,000 £37,950 £244,386 Note: this budget does not include any contingency costs. D:\219512795.doc 8 Bonfire events – Buile Hill Park and Prince’s Park, Irlam 5 and 7 November 2009 Salford’s role/Cost category - event provider and organiser Total cost to Salford City Council Buile Hill £ 33,789.86 Irlam £ 16,746.56 Total £ 50,536.42 Income generation £ 4,500 (potential) Total cost to council:£ 46,036 (projected costs) Salford City Council has organised a bonfire event in both Prince’s Park in Irlam and Buile Hill Park for a number of years. Costs increased significantly for the 2008 event following increased policing, bonfire construction and environmental costs. Note: This budget does not include any contingency costs This budget includes income from 2 x funfairs (one each for Irlam and Buile Hill Park); whilst we have had expressions of interest from funfair providers we do not have a guaranteed supplier and there is a potential risk that none will wish to provide a funfair at these events. The budgets include policing costs; these are currently the subject of discussion with Salford police. Proposed budget costs for 2009: Buile Hill Park actual costs 2008 notes GMP Police £ 6,540.45 May be possible to reduce Star Fireworks £ 10,000.00 EventPlus barriers £ 2,995.00 G4S Ltd Security £ 3,365.25 Rocky's pa system & technician £ 1,500.00 Wernick cabins £ 2,000.00 Swiftloos Toilets £ 1,250.00 Roy Fernley Tech tower lighting £ 1,250.00 Manchester Medical Services First Aid £ 560.00 Golf buggy hire buggies £ 218.00 Citywide room booking £ 39.00 Pcbrickwork bonfire build £ 1,470.00 Volunteer / staff expenses travel and subsistence £ 102.16 Buile Hill Park grounds maintenance team £ 900.00 UDP traffic cones £ 1,600.00 £ 33,789.86 D:\219512795.doc 9 Prince’s Park, Irlam cost GMP Police £ 869.24 Walk The Plank fireworks £ 5,750.00 EventPlus barriers £ 1,845.00 G4S Ltd security £ 1,547.75 Rocky's pa system & technician £ 1,500.00 Wernick Hire cabin £ 600.00 Swiftloos toilets £ 500.00 Roy Fernley Tech Services tower lighting £ 1,000.00 SNS Marquees flooring £ 300.00 Manchester Medical Services First Aid £ 290.00 Walk The Plank Bonfire build £ 2,250.00 golf buggy hire buggies £ 218.00 show expenses £ D:\219512795.doc 76.57 £16,746.56 total TOTAL May be possible to reduce £ 50,536.42 10 Salford Film Festival November 2009 Salford’s role/Cost category - sponsor (core funder) Total cost to Salford City Council £24,000 (fixed costs) Salford City Council has supported the Salford Film Festival for a number of years. Previously, the council’s contribution was provided by way of marketing and promotional support, but now the council provides financial support directly to the event itself. The money provided to the Salford Film Festival contributes towards: a staff member employed by the Salford Film Festival venue hire for events during the festival marketing and promotion of the film festival and individual events within the festival any film costs / licences / rights to broadcast print costs of publicity and marketing materials including the overall programme design costs of publicity and marketing materials including the overall programme. D:\219512795.doc 11 Ice rink 2009/2010 December 2009 – January 2010 Salford’s role/Cost category - event provider/co-organiser Total cost to Salford City Council [basic event] Total cost to Salford City Council [enhanced event] projected costs £228,450 income generation £ 85,000 (combination of sponsorship and ticket sales - potential) total cost to council £143,450 projected costs £246,450 income generation £ 85,000 (combination of sponsorship and ticket sales - potential) total cost to council £161,450 The ice rink at Salford Civic Centre has proved to be a popular attraction for young people and families during Christmas and New Year. Following detailed discussions with the event company brought in to stage the event in 2008/9, a detailed provisional budget for 2009/10 is provided below. Note: There is the potential for additional income generation from a catering concession (approximately £2,000 - £3,000) There is potential to increase income from ticket sales. However, it should be noted that if the ice rink is open longer to accommodate additional ticket sales, then costs will be correspondingly higher. There is potential income generation from sponsors, but this has yet to be determined. Given the current economic climate it is not possible to estimate income potential from sponsorship. This budget does not include any contigency costs. ITEM Ice etc base and staging (bigger for 2009/10) IBC unit (water storage and piping) Generators (power for ice freezing and lighting) AMF and control system (all electrical controls) Fuel tanks (for storage of fuel) Cables and distribution (all cables and hardware) Electricians Generator transport with crane (large artic) Fuel for generator * Heaters for skate hire area Plant hire - including forklift Security (basic as per 2008) Security (for extended opening hours and enhanced viewing area) Box office portacabin Toilets (3 x basic portaloos) Toilets (1 x posh portacabin style toilets - 3 cubicles) Toilets servicing Fencing Skate shop marquee (basic as per 2008) Skate shop marquee (50% larger, with windows, dressing and doors) Viewing furniture (new for 2009, for increased dwell time) D:\219512795.doc cost for basic event £70,000 £20,000 £700 £1,100 £1,500 £1,200 £6,000 £3,000 £1,500 £20,000 £2,000 £700 £21,000 £700 £1,000 £600 £1,000 £3,500 cost for enhanced event £70,000 £20,000 £700 £1,100 £1,500 £1,200 £6,000 £3,000 £1,500 £20,000 £2,000 £700 £25,000 £700 £1,500 £600 £1,000 £8,000 £2,000 12 Décor (Christmas trees, skim, festive decorations - new for 2009) PA system (for security and H&S, plus to play music) Lighting (basic, white light bulbs) Lighting (LED, colour washes etc) Miscellaneous Health and Safety(for set up, de-rig and skating operations - staff and public) Insurance (public liability for set up, skating and de-rig) Helmets (hire of for under 16s) Production Director (strategic set up and planning) Production Manager (set up delivery) Production Assistant ( runner, staff rotas, signage etc) Overall rink management Box office services (Quay tickets - all pre sales, web, and on site tickets) First Aid Rink/venue manager (higher cost for 2009 for extended role) Ice marshals Total - basic event Total - enhanced event £2,500 £1,000 £2,000 £1,000 £4,000 £2,000 £4,000 £5,600 £2,600 £11,250 £10,000 £3,000 £8,000 £16,000 £228,450 £2,000 £2,500 £6,000 £2,000 £1,000 £4,000 £2,000 £4,000 £5,600 £2,600 £11,250 £10,000 £3,000 £8,000 £16,000 £246,450 * Fuel costs - this is variable depending on fuel prices in December plus the actual weather conditions the warmer the weather the higher the cost to keep the ice frozen. This cost reflects warm weather therefore higher costs. It is difficult to predict fuel prices, however, and this cost may yet change. D:\219512795.doc 13