Part 1 ITEM NO. _______________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION _______________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR FINANCE & SUPPORT SERVICES ON 14 NOVEMBER 2011 THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON 15 NOVEMBER 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Bridgewater Canal Update and Next Steps, 2011/12 _______________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That the Lead Member for Planning: 1. Approves the proposed priorities for investment in the Bridgewater Canal for 2011/12 2. Approves the allocation of £281,355 of Section 106 contributions from development schemes in Monton to provide open and recreation space at Dukes Drive. That the Lead Member for Finance and Support Services: 3. Approves the drawdown of spend of £196,000 from the Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework to implement the proposed programme of investment 1 4. Approves the drawdown of spend of £281,355 from Section 106 contributions from development schemes in Monton to provide open and recreation space at Dukes Drive. _______________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework identifies three key drivers of change. Driver 3 focuses on developing an outstanding leisure and environmental asset, including establishing the area as an outdoor leisure destination, and developing the product in terms of industrial heritage, open space and environment and events. It is estimated that over £85 million will be invested in developing the leisure and tourism offer in Salford West over the next 10-15 years. Some of this investment is already beginning to have a major impact. Salford City Stadium has seen investment of £26m with construction due to complete in December 2011 and the official opening of the stadium in February 2012. 3km of towpath has been improved along the Bridgewater Canal and is well used by walkers, cyclists and joggers. A £5.5m bid has been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) which, if successful, will result in significant improvements to key heritage sites and along the canal. A final decision on this funding however is not expected until 2013. In the short-term therefore we intend to begin enabling works and to undertake environmental improvements. This report is seeking approval to prioritise the following activities during 2011/12: Development of a stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund application and other external funding bids for the Bridgewater; Commence environmental improvements at Dukes Drive and Old Warke Dam; Begin a programme of volunteering along the canal; and, Continue the programme of celebrations for the 250th anniversary. We are seeking to drawdown £196,000 of Salford West funding in 2011/12 to implement these priorities. In addition we are seeking to allocate and drawdown £281,355 of Section 106 contributions from development schemes in Monton to co-fund the improvements at Dukes Drive. _______________________________________________________________________ 2 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (available for public inspection) Salford West Regeneration Framework Bridgewater Canal Masterplan. _______________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES _______________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework and Action Plan 2008 - 2028 (SRF) was endorsed by Cabinet on the 27 November 2007 and approved by Council on 16 January 2008. The SRF set a 20 year vision for Salford West, backed up by a 32 point action plan with an initial 3 year action plan. 1.2 The SRF set a vision that ‘In 2028 Salford West will be one of the most desirable and prosperous areas in Greater Manchester.’ It highlights a diverse economy with high quality employment opportunities attracting a skilled workforce. It sets a focus on excellent local town and neighbourhood centres with a range of housing choice. It identifies lifestyle as a key differentiating factor for the area mentioning unrivalled sporting, culture and leisure facilities, a comprehensive network of green and open spaces and the area’s rich heritage. 1.3 The SRF identified three key areas of intervention in order to deliver the vision. These are the Drivers of Change. Driver 3 focuses on developing an outstanding leisure and environmental asset, including establishing the area as an outdoor leisure destination, and developing the product in terms of; industrial heritage, open space and environment, events. 2.0 Background 3 2.1 Salford West has the potential to become a major visitor destination for the region. The areas rich industrial heritage and extensive greenspace and leisure facilities provide a solid base from which to exploit the potential opportunities and establish Salford West as a visitor destination. However, at present the product is underdeveloped and the market is limited in terms of attracting short-stay and long-stay visitors. 2.2 As agreed by Council in 2007 a study was undertaken to examine the opportunities for developing the leisure and environmental asset in Salford West. This identified the Bridgewater Canal as the recreation and heritage resource with the most potential. This took into account national recognition of the brand, potential to generate revenue and to develop the necessary visitor infrastructure. However a need for investment in the product, development of visitor facilities and interpretation before the area can be marketed was stressed. 2.3 A masterplan has been developed for the canal which will transform it from an under-used and neglected asset into one that is once again at the forefront of innovation and learning. The masterplan was adopted by the council in March 2011 and will see: Investment of £67 million (£58m private and £9m public investment); A new 250-berth marina at Dukes Drive; A new country park; Worsley Delph opened up to boat and pedestrian access; 113,000 additional visitors per annum; and £2.1 million annual spend in the local economy. 3.0 Progress to date and next steps 3.1 Since adopting the masterplan significant progress has been made in further developing our proposals for the Bridgewater. A £5.5m bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has been submitted to implement the programme of public works and community involvement. This is the starting point for real and lasting transformation along the Bridgewater in Salford. It will lever in significant private and other funding, and will link areas of deprivation to opportunity and complement City West’s Flagship investment at Barton Village. Progress on individual elements of the masterplan is discussed in more detail below. 4 3.2 Towpath. 3.2.1To date 3km of towpath has been improved between Patricroft Bridge and Worsley Village (see Annex A for details). The towpath surface has been upgraded and widened where feasible, with new seating, signage and interpretation boards also being installed. The improvements have been extremely well received by local residents and there has been a noticeable increase in usage of the towpath on the sections that have been upgraded. 3.2.2A further 4.8km of towpath remains to be upgraded in Barton and Boothstown (see Annex Bi and Bii for plans). The cost of upgrading the remaining sections of towpath is estimated in the region of £1.1 million including professional fees. This forms part of the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), for which the stage 1 bid was submitted on 8 August 2011. A decision on the stage 1 bid is expected from HLF on 15 November 2011. Should we be successful we anticipate a 15 month development period prior to submission of the stage 2 bid. A final decision from HLF is expected by May 2013. If successful we anticipate the remaining sections of towpath to be completed by 2015. 3.3 Bridgewater Park 3.3.1Bridgewater Park is owned by Peel Holdings. Plans for the park have been developed in conjunction with Peel Holdings and a resident led steering group comprising local Councillors, community representatives and local businesses. The plans (see Annex C for details) include woodland management to improve visual linkages to the canal and safety, an outdoor education space, play facilities, interpretation of the sites mining history, and car parking and a coach drop-off point. In total 131 people attended consultation meetings when developing the plans and the draft proposal was endorsed by Worsley & Boothstown Community Committee on 25 May 2011. 3.3.2The total cost of improvements at Bridgewater Park is estimated at £1.4 million, of which £400,000 is included within the HLF bid. Discussions are ongoing with Peel Holdings regarding how best to deliver the plans and fund the proposed improvements. Given funding constraints, however, it is anticipated that the improvements will be delivered incrementally as and when funding opportunities arise. Further detailed consultations will take place at a future Worsley & Boothstown Community Committee meeting regarding what type of facilities local residents would like to see in the park. 5 3.4 Boothstown Marina 3.4.1Peel Holdings are developing a scheme for the re-development of Boothstown Marina which would incorporate apartments / livework space, retail, ancillary boat activities and public realm improvements. The precise details of the scheme are still to be decided but liaison with the Local Planning Authority is ongoing. It is anticipated that a scheme will be submitted for planning permission within the next 12 – 18 months. 3.5 Worsley Delph 3.5.1The plans attached at Annex Di and Dii highlight the proposed improvements at Worsley Delph. The plans have been developed by a stakeholder steering group comprising local Councillors, the Environment Agency, the Coal Authority, local interest groups and local residents. The proposals include: Dredging the basin to enable boat access; New walkways to provide pedestrian access; Refurbishing and interpreting the Alphabet Bridge; Opening up the workshops underneath Worsley Road as an education and interpretation space; and Landscape improvements. 3.5.2In total over 200 people attended consultation meetings and commented on draft design options and the final draft. The final draft proposal was endorsed by the Worsley & Boothstown Community Committee on 23 February 2011. 3.5.3The total cost of the proposed improvements at Worsley Delph is approximately £1.5 million. This forms part of the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). If successful we anticipate that applications for Planning, Listed Building and Scheduled Ancient Monument consents will be submitted for the Delph by October 2012. Should these and the HLF bid be approved we anticipate that works would begin at Worsley Delph by 2015 and be completed by 2016. 3.5 Old Warke Dam 6 3.5.1A stakeholder-led steering group, comprising local Councillors, the Environment Agency, local residents and interest groups has developed proposals for Old Warke Dam. This is attached at Annex E. The aim is to restore open water views at the dam. Plans include: Dredging of the dam; Removing an area of scrubland; Installing a reedbed transitional zone between the water and the woodland; Inset channels to manage silt movement; New footpaths; and, A boardwalk to provide improved water access. 3.5.2In total 90 people attended consultation meetings and commented on draft design options and the final draft. The draft proposal was endorsed by the Old Warke Dam Steering Group on 12 July 2011. 3.5.3The total cost of the proposed improvements at Old Warke Dam is £400,000. This is not included within the HLF bid as it is not regarded as a heritage site. We are currently in the process of looking for external funding sources and funding bids will be submitted as and when opportunities arise. 3.6 Dukes Drive 3.6.1The masterplan proposes a new country park at Dukes Drive, next to the proposed Monton Marina. Since the masterplan was approved a community-led steering group has been established to develop detailed designs for Dukes Drive. The group comprises local Councillors, businesses, civic groups and local residents from the area. To date a design to RIBA stage D (ready to submit for planning permission) has been developed (see Annex F), which incorporates a woodland management plan, a new canalside footpath, formalising the footpath network within Dukes Drive, an informal events space, car and coach parking and play facilities. In total 168 people attended consultation meetings and commented on draft design options and the final draft. The final draft proposal was endorsed by Eccles Community Committee on 24 May 2011. 7 3.6.2The total cost of the proposed improvements at Dukes Drive is in the region of £2.4 million. Of this just under £490,000 is included within the HLF bid. We are proposing to develop a 5-year woodland management plan and detailed construction designs in 2011/12 with a view to beginning environmental improvements and infrastructure works towards the end of the year. See sections 4 and 5 for further details. 3.7 Monton Marina 3.7.1One of the key schemes within the Bridgewater Canal masterplan is a proposed 250-berth marina at Dukes Drive in Monton. A new marina would provide a focal point of activity along the canal, a starting point for boat trips and would also incorporate ancillary facilities which would improve the experience of the canal, including eating and drinking facilities. 3.7.2Initial feasibilities and concept designs are being undertaken at present by Peel Holdings, who own the land where it is proposed to site the marina and who would be the developer of the marina. The timescales for any planning applications are unknown at this stage due to the complexity of assessing its feasibility. 3.8 Former Great Universal Stores (GUS) site 3.8.1The masterplan identifies the former Great Universal Stores (GUS) site as a key waterside development site, with the potential to transform the canalside setting in Patricroft. An outline planning application to redevelop the site for continued industrial use was refused by Planning Panel on 18 February 2010. The owners, Arndale Properties, subsequently submitted an outline planning application for a change of use from employment to residential on the site, for a maximum of 175 dwellings. This was subsequently approved on 21 April 2011 (see Annex G for plan). 3.8.2Since then the existing high-bay warehouse has been demolished and a number of developers have shown interest in the site. The timescales for development are currently unknown. 3.9 Barton Aqueduct Pocket Park 3.9.1The lower level of Barton Aqueduct pocket park is owned by Salford City Council, with the upper level in the ownership of Peel Holdings. Plans for the park have been developed in conjunction with Peel Holdings and a resident led steering group comprising 8 local Councillors and community representatives. The plans (see Annex H for details) include woodland management to improve views into the park, a new DDA compliant access route to the lower level of the park, a new viewing area overlooking the Manchester Ship Canal and Barton Swing Aqueduct and interpretation, including architectural lighting to highlight the old Barton Aqueuct and stonemasons marks. In total 138 people attended consultation meetings when developing the plans and the draft proposal was endorsed by Eccles Community Committee on 24 May 2011. 3.9.2The total cost of improvements at Barton Aqueduct pocket park is estimated at £700,000, all of which is included within the HLF bid. Should the HLF bid be approved we anticipate that the major works would begin at the pocket park in 2015 be completed by 2016. In the short-term a Community Project Officer has started in post and funding has been secured from the HLF and Barton Fairshare to deliver volunteering activities and improvements at the pocket park. Small scale volunteering projects will be delivered including woodland management, shrub cutting, planting, wetland improvements and interpretation. 3.10 Summary 3.10.1 Significant progress has already been made towards transforming the canal into a real focus for the community. 3.0km of towpath from Patricroft to Worsley has being upgraded; 3.5km of improved looplines connect Little Hulton and Walkden to the canal; The Bridgewater Canal Masterplan was adopted with over 300 people involved in the consultation; A £5.5m stage 1 bid has been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund to fund improvements along the canal; A programme of events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the canal is underway; A Community Project Officer started in July to kick start a programme of volunteering; An exhibition of the Bridgewater Story, developed by local residents, is being held at Salford Museum and Art Gallery; Designs have been drafted and consulted on for 6 key public sites; Bridgewater Park, Worsley Delph, Old Warke Dam, Duke’s Drive, Barton towpath and Barton Pocket Park; An Access Plan, Conservation Management Plan and Learning Plan completed; and £300,000 additional funding has been levered into canal improvements from the Bridgewater Canal Trust, Local Transport Plan and Heritage Lottery Funding. 9 4.0 Salford West Action Plan 2011/12 4.1 Section 3 above outlines the direction of travel and the positive achievements to date along the Bridgewater Canal. We aim to continue this good progress in 2011/12. An allocation of £196,000 from the Salford West budget is proposed for the Bridgewater in 2011/12. The Lead Member for Planning is asked to approve the following priorities for this funding: Develop a stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund application for the Bridgewater and other external funding bids; Instigate environmental improvements to key sites along the canal; Begin a programme of volunteering along the canal; Continue a programme of celebrations for the 250th anniversary. 4.2 Stage 2 HLF bid development. A decision on the stage 1 Heritage Lottery Fund bid is expected in November 2011. Should we achieve a successful outcome at stage 1, we will work to develop the stage 2 HLF bid during 2011/12. Work has already started in preparing briefs and activities and securing the necessary consents to appoint staff in anticipation of a successful stage 1 outcome. The major pieces of work that we will undertake as part of developing the stage 2 bid include: Appointing a part-time Learning Co-ordinator to pilot learning activities and develop a Bridgewater Activity Plan, which will detail how we intend to meet the HLF’s learning and participation aims; Finalising designs and submitting planning applications for all sites where required; Preparing a 10-year management and maintenance plan for the Bridgewater; Developing an Interpretation Plan. 4.3 We are proposing an allocation of £10,000 from the Salford West budget towards developing a stage 2 HLF bid. This will lever in £76,000 of external funding if the stage 1 HLF bid is successful. We will also prepare and submit funding bids to match the HLF and other bids for sites not eligible for HLF. 10 4.4 Environmental improvements. Following completion of concept designs for individual sites we intend to begin enabling works at some of the sites in 2011/12. The two key sites that we intend to focus on is Dukes Drive Country Park in Monton and Old Warke Dam. We will commission detailed construction drawings and develop a 5-year management and maintenance plan for Dukes Drive with a view to physical works beginning over the winter. The principal enabling works that we intend to begin from winter onwards include: Thinning of trees and vegetation to open up views to the canal and within the site; Beginning a programme of spraying / removal of invasive weed species; Construction of basic infrastructure including footpaths and a canalside walkway; Meadow / tree / shrub planting; Highways engineering works; Pond and wetland improvements; Children’s play spaces. 4.5 Further consultation will also take place this year regarding the type of facilities residents would like to see in the park. We are proposing an allocation of £186,000 from the Salford West budget towards environmental improvements. This will lever in a minimum of £281,355 of other funding, including Section 106 and other external funding if and when funding opportunities arise. 4.6 Volunteering programme. A Community Project Officer started in July with a view to setting up a programme of volunteering along the canal. Groups are in the process of being assembled and the first volunteering projects will start in late October / November. The first projects will focus on Barton Aqueduct Pocket Park and Dukes Drive and include shrub cutting, planting, wetland improvements and interpretation. A public volunteering day has been organised at Dukes Drive for 19 November and a session in December has been organised with wildlife conservation university students. A programme of volunteering for next year is in the process of being developed. Funding of £50,000 has already been secured for the volunteering programme from HLF and Salford West. We expect to lever in a minimum of an additional £20,000 from other external funding sources in 2011/12. 4.7 250th anniversary programme. 11 4.7.1A programme of events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the canal is underway and a number of well attended and successful events have already taken place, including Hell and Highwater, the Right Royal Regatta and Escape from the City. A number of high profile events are still to take place, including a specially commissioned Bridgewater performance by the BBC Philharmonic at the Lowry, and a closing event in December to mark the end of the 250 th anniversary celebrations. Officers will be supporting the delivery of these events. 4.8 Timetable 4.8.1The table below details activities the timetable of activities for 2011/12: Actions Timetable Stage 2 HLF bid development - stage 1 bid approved 15 November 2011 - begin preparing management and maintenance plan November 2011 onwards - appoint Learning Co-ordinator February 2012 - learning pilot project delivery March 2012 onwards Environmental improvements Dukes Drive Country Park - develop 5-year management plan November – December 2011 - environmental clearance works begin January – February 2012 - detailed construction designs produced February 2012 12 - contract let for construction of footpaths / walkways March 2012 Old Warke Dam - begin submitting funding applications January 2012 - environmental improvement works start on site October 2012 Volunteering programme - Barton Aqueduct volunteering project begins October / November 2011 - public volunteering day at Dukes Drive 19 November 2011 - wildlife conservation day at Dukes Drive December 2011 250th anniversary programme - BBC Philharmonic event 6 November 2011 - Bridgewater 250th closing event December 2011 5.0 Section 106 contributions 5.1 The city council is in receipt of £281,355 of Section 106 contributions from development schemes in Monton to provide open and recreation space in the area. A summary of these schemes and funding contributions is attached at Annex I. Dukes Drive is identified within the Greenspace Strategy as being a proposed improvement site to become a neighbourhood park. The Bridgewater Canal masterplan also identifies Dukes Drive for improvements to become a park. 5.2 The design and layout of improvements at Dukes Drive has already been the subject of extensive community consultation, involving a local community-led steering group comprising local Councillors, businesses, civic groups and local residents from the area. As further detailed construction designs are drawn up these will again be the subject of consultation with the community-led steering group and Community Committee. The types of initial works that need to be carried out at the site include: 13 Thinning of trees and vegetation to open up views to and from Dukes Drive and improve safety; Beginning a programme of spraying / removal of invasive weed species; Construction of basic infrastructure including footpaths and a canalside walkway; Highways engineering works; Children’s play spaces. 5.3 The Section 106 agreements detailed in Annex I require contributions to be spent on the provision of open and recreation space in the vicinity of the development. As this could not be provided on the development sites themselves it is proposed that these improvements be provided on existing local semi-natural greenspace at Dukes Drive. At present Monton suffers from a deficiency of equipped children’s play space and multi-use games areas, and improvements are needed to improve the wildlife value of parks, as highlighted in the Greenspace Strategy. The proposed improvements to Dukes Drive would open the site up to more active use and prepare the way for further infrastructure improvements, which is currently the subject of ongoing consultation. The proposed improvements to Dukes Drive would therefore be in line with the requirements of the Section 106 agreements outlined in Annex I and would be supported by adopted planning policy produced by the city council. 5.4 The scheme will be funded by £281,355 of Section 106 contributions. In addition to this £186,000 from the 2010/11 Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework budget will be allocated to improvements to the site, giving a total budget of £467,355. Other external funding sources will also be applied for as and when opportunities arise to maximise investment in the site. 6.0 Spend profile 6.1 The table below outlines the projected spend profile. All funding will be contractually committed by 31 March 2012, with full spend to be achieved by September 2012: Capital Works 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Total Salford 14 West HLF bid £5,000 development Professional £46,735 fees – Dukes Drive Woodland £40,000 clearance Footpaths / canalside walkway Highways engineering works £5,000 £10,000 £46,735 £40,000 £59,265 £59,265 £20,000 £40,000 Section 106 Footpaths / canalside walkway Meadow / tree / shrub planting Highways engineering works Maintenance Total £129,058 £5,000 £99,355 £9,990 £9,990 £17,290 £16,773 £23,899 £77,942 £101,725 £327,668 £17,290 £16,773 £23,899 £487.355 15 7.0 Maintenance 7.1 Maintenance for years 1 – 5 will be covered by the 5-year management and maintenance plan for the site, to be funded via by Section 106 agreements 119 and 219. This is broken down in the table below. A contingency budget has been set aside for years 1 – 5 which may or may not be spent. Should this figure not be spent it will be reallocated to fund capital improvement works on site. Maintenance Contingency Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Total £7,571 £2,419 £7,571 £2,419 £14,871 £2,419 £14,354 £2,419 £15,123 £59,490 £8,776 £18,452 £9,990 £9,990 £17,290 £16,773 £23,899 £77,942 7.2 Further funds will have to be identified, possibly from section 106 or from the central maintenance fund, to continue the maintenance beyond the initial five years. 8.0 Conclusion 8.1 Significant progress has been made in progressing further consultation and detailed design work for the key sites along the canal. In addition to this improvements to the towpath have been progressing well, with 3km now having been improved. A decision on a £5.5m stage 1 HLF bid is expected in November 2011 and a successful outcome will only further add to this momentum. However, aside from the towpath, there have been limited physical improvements to date on the ground. Alongside working on developing the HLF bid to attract £5.5m of investment to the canal corridor, we intend to begin enabling works and environmental improvements at Dukes Drive and Old Warke Dam this year in anticipation of the major HLF funded improvements and to demonstrate real impact on the ground. _______________________________________________________________________ 16 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework and Action Plan 2008/2028 Salford City Council Unitary Development Plan, 2004 – 2016 Salford Greenspace Strategy, July 2006 Bridgewater Canal Masterplan, March 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: A Community Impact Assessment has been undertaken for the Bridgewater Canal project and this is included at Annex J. _______________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low The proposed programme of investment will require the commitment of officer time and a budget of up to £477,355 to implement. The funding has been identified through the Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework and Section 106 contributions from development schemes in Monton. If funding is not secured this would put implementation of the project in jeopardy. Developers can seek to legally challenge the city council to claim back section 106 monies under the following circumstances: - if not used on a scheme that mitigates the impact of that development - if not spent in line with the requirements of the Section 106 agreement - if not spent within the agreed timescales _______________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: 17 £196,000 of funding secured from the Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework budget 2011/12. This was approved by the city council in March 2011. £281,355 of Section 106 contributions received under the planning obligation associated with applications 05/50829/FUL, 05/49866/FUL, 05/51953/REM, 05/51074/FUL, 04/48424/FUL. _______________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Contact Officer and Extension No. Richard Lester Ext. 2129 Date Consulted: 13th October 2011 Comments: There are no legal implications in approving the proposed priorities or allocating funding. The proposed use of the section 106 contributions is in accordance with the relevant agreements. As and when individual projects are brought forward, these will have their own legal implications, e.g., appointment of contractors, insurance for volunteers and public events, Co-ordinator's employment arrangements, avoiding unlawful interference with highways, ensuring public safety in vicinity of works. These can be considered fully at the time. There is no reason to suppose that any such implications would be unmanageable. _______________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Contact Officer and Extension No. Stephen Bayley Ext 2584 Date Consulted: 14th October 2011 Comments: There are sufficient funds available, as outlined above, to carry out the proposed scheme. A maintenance budget will have to be identified after year five. _______________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: None. _______________________________________________________________________ 18 CONTACT OFFICER: Paul Gill Tel. No. Ext. 2207 _______________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH THIS REPORT RELATE(S): Barton, Boothstown and Ellenbrook, Eccles, Winton and Worsley Annex A - Completed Annex Bi Annex Bii - Barton Annex C towpath.pdf Boothstown towpath.pdf towpath.pdf Bridgewater Park.pdf Annex I - S106 contributions.doc Annex Di - Worsley Delph.pdf Annex Dii - Worsley Delph.pdf Annex E - Old Warke Dam.pdf Annex F - Dukes Drive.pdf Annex G - former GUS site.pdf Bridgewater Canal press release.doc 19