PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: ON: CABINET 5th FEBRUARY, 2002 TITLE: DECRIMINALISED PARKING ENFORCEMENT – NATIONAL PARKING ADJUDICATION SERVICE JOINT COMMITTEE. (NPASJC) RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That approval be given to enter into an Agreement with the National Parking Adjudication Service under Section 101(5) of the Local Government Act, 1972 and the Local Authorities (Arrangements for The Discharge of Functions)(England) Regulations, 2000. 2. That Councillor B. Warner be delegated as authorised representative on the NPAS Joint Committee and that another Executive Member be nominated as Deputy to attend meetings in the event of his absence. 3. That approval be granted to delegate to an appropriate level, the authority to approve any future requirement to re-enter into the Agreement should it become necessary in the event of minor amendments. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It has become necessary to re-enter into an Agreement with the NPASJC as a consequence of The Local Government Act, 2000 and various member Councils moving to executive arrangements. The Agreement requires an Elected Member or in his or her absence, a deputy to serve on the NPASJC which meets twice each year. The two named elected members should be Members of the Executive. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (available for public inspection) Nil CONTACT OFFICER: Mr William L. Earnshaw TEL NO: 793 2158 Group Engineer, Parking Services. WARDS TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: All Local Transport Plan 1.0 Background 1.1 The National Parking Adjudication Service was established to enable constituent Councils to exercise their statutory functions, particularly under section 73 of the Road Traffic Act, 1991, which relates to the appointment of adjudicators in accordance with the requirements of the Order designating special parking areas/permitted parking areas (SPA/PPA) within their areas. 1.2 The object of the NPASJC is to provide a national Joint Committee of Councils having SPA/PPA areas, for the purpose of appointing independent adjudicators and providing fair, consistent and equitable adjudication for appellants and Councils in accordance with Government Advice contained in Circular 1/95. 1.3 The Agreement that regulates the Joint Committee provides for one elected member, or a named substitute, from each constituent Council to attend meetings at least twice a year, usually in January and September. 1.4 The City Council were party to a previous Agreement following decriminalisation of parking enforcement in Salford, under the provisions of Section 101(5) of the Local Government Act, 1972 and the Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions)(England) Regulations, 2000. It has now become necessary to remake the Agreement as a consequence of the Local Government Act, 2000 and various member Councils moving to executive arrangements. 2.0 Charging Regime 2.1 The charging regime for the service provision through NPAS for the year 2002/2003 is as follows: ELEMENT Annual charge Charge per Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) issued Charge per adjudication case CHARGE £500.00 £ 0.70 Nil (Previously £10 per case) 2.2 The annual charge became operative from the commencement date of the scheme (2nd April, 2001) 2.3 The charges per PCN issued are invoiced monthly in arrears and are covered within the parking revenue budget. Councillor B Warner Lead Member for Development Services