Appendix A 2002/03 REVENUE SUPPORT GRANT PROVISIONAL STATEMENT NATIONAL CONTROL TOTALS 2001/02 Settlement £bn 1. Total Standard Spending (TSS) 2002/03 Provisional £bn Change over 2001/02 Settlement % adjusted 57.133 56.573 60.555 + 7.0 2. Aggregate External Finance (AEF) adjusted 44.609 44.050 47.331 + 7.4 21.122 19.538 19.904 + 1.9 15.137 16.626 + 9.8 Other Spec. and Supp. Grants adjusted 8.340 9.365 10.794 +15.3 Other Grants 0.010 0.007 analysis of actual AEF is:RSG adjusted NNDR 3. AEF as proportion of TSS 78% - 30 78.2% 4. Standard Spending Assessments (SSA) 48.792 adjusted 47.208 (see Note 1 below) 49.761 + 5.4 5. Council Tax at Standard Spending 13.322 + 6.0 12.569 6. Council Tax for Band D properties £730.89 £768.63 + 5.2 7. Total Band D equivalent properties 17,196,353 17,332,121 + 0.8 3\jbs1611 Note 1. Adjustments made to SSA for 2001/02 £m Education Post 16 SSA – transfer of responsibility for 6th Forms to Learning & Skills Council - 1322.9 Education SSA – transfer from all sub-blocks for the National College for School Leadership - 4.8 Childrens PSS SSA - transfer of Care Leavers to special grant - costs of the National Care Standards Commission - 106.8 - 20.4 Other PSS SSA - costs of the National Care Standards Commission - 25.5 Elderly Res PSS SSA - costs of the National Care Standards Commission - 39.0 3\jbs1611 Police SSA – costs of NCS and NCIS - 76.0 District Service EPCS SSA – costs of implementing Planning Policy Guidance Note 25 + 0.7 County Services EPCS SSA – implementing Animal Feedstuffs regs - costs of implementing Stop Now orders - implementing Refrigerator Disposal regs + + + 2.4 2.1 5.9 EPCS SSA – other minor function changes + 4.3 Total adjustment to 2001/02 SSAs - 1580 Appendix B 2002/03 REVENUE SUPPORT GRANT STANDARD SPENDING ASSESSMENTS NATIONAL CONTROL TOTALS (EXCLUDING SPECIFIC AND SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS) Service Block Education 2001/02 Settlement 2002/03 Provisional Change £bn £bn % 22.513 Adjusted 21.185 22.502 + 6.2 Adjusted 8.955 8.761 9.231 + 5.4 Adjusted 3.545 3.469 3.577 + 3.1 Fire and Civil Defence 1.463 1.521 + 4.0 Highway Maintenance 1.905 1.955 + 2.6 All Other Services 8.587 8.601 8.961 + 4.2 1.823 2.014 +10.4 --------48.792 Adjusted 47.208 ====== --------- -------- 49.761 ====== + 5.4 ===== Personal Social Services Police Adjusted Capital Financing Total of SSAs 3\jbs1611 Appendix C 2002/03 REVENUE SUPPORT GRANT SALFORD DATA 1. Total Band D equivalent properties 2. SSA 2001/02 Settlement 2002/03 Provisional 65,866 65,707 - 0.2 £m 220.642 adjusted 218.848 228.129 + 4.2 Change % 3. NNDR - Per Band D property - Pool Share £ £m 927.81 61.111 1013.84 66.616 + 9.3 + 9.0 4. RSG £ £m £m £m 1785.59 116.526 1.084 117.610 1785.14 117.296 1.789 119.085 + 0.7 +65.0 + 1.3 5. Council Tax at SSA - Per Band D property - Total £ £m 652.92 43.005 672.94 44.217 + 3.1 + 2.8 6. Spend per Band D property at SSA £ 3349.86 3471.91 + 3.6 7. Resident Population 224,828 224,279 - 0.2 8. Spend per Resident at SSA 981.38 1017.17 + 3.6 3\jbs1611 - Per Band D property - Total - Add : RSG Floor Grant - Total RSG £ Appendix D 2002/03 REVENUE SUPPORT GRANT CHANGES TO STANDARD SPENDING ASSESSMENT SERVICE BLOCKS IN SALFORD 2001/02 Settlement £m Service Block Education Adjusted 104.433 + 4.1 Adjusted 53.402 52.239 54.531 + 4.4 9.758 9.133 - 6.4 Adjusted 42.396 42.465 43.798 + 3.1 Adjusted 14.060 14.018 16.233 +15.8 Highway Maintenance All Other Services Capital Financing 3\jbs1611 Change % 101.026 100.367 Personal Social Services Total SSA 2002/03 Provisional £m ----------220.642 Adjusted 218.848 ----------- ---------- ----- 228.129 ---------- + 4.2 ---- Appendix E 2001/02 REVENUE SUPPORT GRANT CHANGES IN SSAs AND CAPPING LIMITS GREATER MANCHESTER AUTHORITIES District District SSA 2001/02 Settlement (adjusted) Bolton £m 235.040 £m 248.142 Bury 146.440 Manchester Change Resident Population (at June 2000) % 2002/03 Provisional Rank 2002/03 (2001/02 in brackets) £ + 5.6 267,594 927 152.991 + 4.5 182,962 502.179 + 5.4 Oldham 476.248 211.941 221.486 Rochdale 194.173 Salford (6) 836 6 9 439,549 1142 1 (1) + 4.5 218,126 1015 3 (2) 204.890 + 5.5 210,804 972 4 (4) 228.129 + 4.2 224,279 1017 2 (3) Stockport 218.848 219.504 229.057 + 4.4 291,102 787 10 (10) Tameside 198.650 207.821 + 4.6 219,311 948 5 (5) Trafford 179.366 187.567 + 4.6 220,056 852 8 (7) Wigan 258.429 270.512 + 4.7 311,967 867 7 (8) 2338.639 2452.774 + 4.9 2,585,750 949 11,437.824 11,982.103 + 4.8 11,134,739 1076 G.M. Total All Met. Districts 3\jbs1611 2002/03 Provisional SSA per Head of Population (9) Appendix F 2002/03 REVENUE BUDGET CURRENT PROJECTION OF EXPENDITURE (before taking account of function changes announced in RSG settlement) £m 2001/02 Base Budget (NB. This includes the following contributions : Contribution to reserves 2.000 Contribution from DSO reserves 0.500 and the continued capitalisation of certain items of revenue expenditure ) Adjustments to Base Budget 2000/01 Efficiency Savings Plan 2001/02 Efficiency Savings Plan 2002/03 Efficiency Savings Additional Expenditure Commitments - 2001/02 Pay award - Discretionary rate relief - Members allowances - Rear alleyways weed control - Mechanical sweepers - Bad debts provision - Deva Centre – rent guarantee - Insurance – increased self insurance 240.330 -1.646 + 1.000 - 0.873 + 0.254 + 0.130 + 0.160 + 0.046 + 0.078 + 0.500 + 0.190 + 0.500 + 1.858 Adjusted Base Budget 2002/03 Variations:2002/03 Pay awards + 4.890 2002/03 Price increases + 3.013 2002/03 Increments + 1.474 2002/03 Capital Financing Costs + 1.500 2002/03 Other Variations - Teachers superannuation increase + 0.620 - Admin staff superannuation increase + 0.700 - Rent Loss from Asset Disposals + 0.300 - Annual Maintenance of completed capital schemes + 0.100 - Loss of NRF grant + 1.700 + 0.339 ----------240.669 14.297 ---------- STANDSTILL BUDGET FOR 2002/03254.966 3\jbs1611 Appendix G BUDGET CONSULTATION At the end of September 2001 the Council issued its budget consultation document “ A Year of Opportunity”. The document was issued to over 800 people or groups on the consultation database, 24 responses were received. In addition a forum was held with the Chamber of Commerce on 26th November 2001 to get the views of Salford businesses. The views expressed through both consultation processes are set out below under the appropriate category. Crime 1. Concern about the responsiveness of police and their liaison with Housing. Tenant survey suggested. 2. Fit secure doors to council houses. 3. Increase the use of CCTV 4. Use night patrols to deal with nuisance neighbours. 5. More visible policing 6. Increase expenditure on crime deterrence measures. 7. Provide a children’s play area, playing field and community base at Oakwood Park. 8. Set up a mobile surveillance unit. 9. Improve security measures on Moorfield Close. 10. Increase the use of Anti Social Behaviour Orders Population Decline 1. Sell land to developers to build homes for sale. 2. Reduce help for Housing Associations 3. Increase operational staff to clean and maintain all areas 4. Standards of cleaning should be consistent across the City. 5. More community representatives should be appointed to steering groups 6. Attitude of civic leaders needs to change. The Council should be more open. Clean and Healthy City 1. Reintroduce public conveniences. 2. Refuse collection vehicles leave a trail of debris behind when accessing the tip. 3. Problem areas of fly tipping. 4. Planning application to dump spoil will increase pollution. 5. Planning and Environmental services need to work closer together. 6. More frequent street sweeping and quality control inspections. 7. Plant more public trees. 8. More tended green areas should be maintained. 9. Increase cleaning to give a good impression particularly for the Commonwealth Games. 10. Environment needs top be continually assessed and the quality of contractors work appraised. 11. Address derelict buildings and undeveloped sites. 12. Consider funding an initiative with schools to reduce litter and create civic pride. 13. Wage war on litter and the citizens who drop it. 14. Charge for the clinical waste disposal service rather than stopping the service. Council Tax 1. Use Council facilities for training and expensive hotels like the Marriott. 2. Reduce waste. 3. Trafford get almost everything right yet Salford gets it so wrong. 4. Spend more on the private sector. 3\jbs1611 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Roads and pavements in the private sector should be given some consideration. Base Council Tax collection over 12 months rather than 10. The level of Council Tax is far too high in relation to the services provided. How can a further increase in Council Tax be justified? We should not lose money because of population loss. Get rid of the Area Cost Adjustment. Social Services and Health 1. Care for the elderly should not be privatised – independent monitoring with teeth is the answer. 2. Do more work with parents and children. 3. Care in the community for the mentally ill does not work. 4. Mobile telephone masts should not be erected in densely populated areas. 5. Prioritise the health, economic, environmental and social well-being of citizens. 6. Protect services for citizens who are most disadvantaged, excluded, marginalized and vulnerable. 7. Increase support for anti-poverty and social inclusion measures. 8. Prioritise children and young people being looked after in care. 9. Invest in the social economy to build its capacity, encourage innovation and support effectiveness. 10. Ensure high quality in services through commissioning. 11. There is no provision for old people in Salford, most of the homes have shut down. 12. Salford is not paying enough to private sector residential homes to care for the elderly. 13. Trafford can afford to pay more to private care homes. Salford Community Health Council Priorities Recent work with Salford citizens in various parts of the City suggests that these issues should b given priority when considering investment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reduction of harmful drug and associated problems Reduction of crime Reduction of bullying and intimidation Child care provision Play and recreational facilities for children and young people Improving the physical environment Supporting the development of complementary and alternative therapies Commonwealth Games and Sport 1. Give nothing, Salford will not get any recognition. 2. It could be cost effective to use the Games to inspire community building. 3. Council should support sports clubs with rent free or subsidised accommodation. 4. Targeted funding of existing organisations can go a long way – without detailed form-filling. 5. It is doubtful if Manchester will share the glory of the Games Transport and Traffic 1. If you want us to use buses and trams make them regular, late night and cheap. 2. How do people from Irlam and Cadishead travel to The Lowry on public transport? 3. Spend money on specific traffic calming measures. 4. Private businesses are not satisfied with the way sponsorship money for landscaping and traffic islands has been used. 5. Don’t waste time and money painting roads different colours and painting ridiculous raod markings. 6. Bus lanes need to be continuous. 7. Roads are continually flooding. Benefit Fraud 1. Start a claimant system linked to language classes. Neighbourhood Renewal 2. A large area of land is being used as a tip. 3\jbs1611 3. Houses are losing value due to the ambience of the neighbourhood. 4. The Oakwood Hotel has been allowed to decay – other chains should be encouraged to invest. 5. There is a danger of professional overload in some areas e.g. Ordsall, Langworthy at the expense of other areas. Budget Consultation 1. Use the priorities of local people as the major guide to decisions. 2. Increase devolution and control of relevant budgets to service users, carers and citizens. Youth 1. Improve facilities for youth. 2. Approach kids on the street. 3. If we target the youth the community will fell confident that they can report troublemakers. Use of Local Contractors 1. Why is it so difficult for Salford Businesses to be approved on the Councils standing list of contractors? 2. If Salford do wish to partner then it goes both ways. 3. Give local firms an opportunity. 4. Council should assess what businesses are in Salford and what they have to offer the community 5. Focus groups should be arranged to discuss a way forward for businesses in Salford. Call Centre 1. Staff in the call centre were unable to help a caller. 2. A basic query about the collection of waste bins could not be answered. 3\jbs1611