LPDG REVIEW - ACTION PLAN RECOMMENDATION ACTION 1. Name of Local Partnership Delivery Group to remain unchanged, consistent with the citywide Partnership Delivery Group Review and relaunch Terms of Reference, restate membership, promote at PACT meetings Circulate guidelines / Terms of Reference and membership to senior partnership reps 2. Relevant senior managers from all directorates partner agencies to be reminded of requirements to send a representative to LPDG and to share information in keeping with responsibilities under Sec 17, Crime & Disorder Act. In the absence of the regular representative, an appropriate deputy to be sent. 3. Magistrates to attend LPDG at least every six months, and more frequently if they wish to do so LEAD APPENDIX 1 SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE MEASURE OF SUCCESS Brian Wroe; Dianne Errington Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood Inspectors 31 December 2009 Agreed Terms of Reference; circulation of document; agenda item at PACT meetings Green Joint Chairs of CDRP – Kevin Brady and Kevin Mulligan Strategic Directors; Senior reps of partner agencies To be complete before CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Letter / Memo to Strategic Directors / Partners; full attendance or deputies at each LPDG Amber Magistrates’ Courts 31 December 2009 Letter to Magistrates’ Court; attendance by magistrates at LPDG, appropriate to that neighbourhood Amber Letter to Brian Wroe Magistrates’ Courts, outlining findings and inviting attendance as per recommendation. Copy to Chairs of LPDG. 1 PROGRESS (RAG) COMMENTS Complete. Name remained same. Terms of Ref reviewed and updated. LPDG Review and Action Plan went to CMT on 16/02/10. Commitment from Strategic Directors to ensure appropriate attendance. Letter sent to Peter Lawrence, Salford Magistrates’ Court. RECOMMENDATION ACTION 4. LPDG meetings to receive feedback on sentencing and work being undertaken on Community Payback. LPDG also to decide how this information will be disseminated to the neighbourhood area. LPDG to receive feedback on Community Payback scheme; suggestions of Community Payback to be generated from each CC; LPDGs to be informed to disseminate Payback info widely. 5. Each neighbourhood to have a mechanism in place to identify suitable Community Payback schemes to be provided to Probation/YOS and fed back to the LPDG meetings. 6. LPDGs to be provided with a bespoke analytical LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE Damian Dallimore Vincent Greener (GMP); Carole Johnson (GM Probation) 31 December 2009 Formalised Amber feedback mechanism; community payback schemes generated by each LPDG LPDG to receive feedback on Community Payback scheme; suggestions of community payback to be generated from each CC; LPDGs to be informed to disseminate Payback info widely. Damian Dallimore Ch Insp Vincent Greener; Carole Johnson (GM Probation) 31 December 2009 Formalised Amber feedback mechanism; community payback schemes generated by each LPDG Lead Officers to meet; identify Supt Dave Wilkinson; Alan Tomlinson; Dianne To be complete by Agreement reached between 2 MEASURE OF SUCCESS PROGRESS (RAG) Green COMMENTS Sentencing outcomes are now received from courts by Community Safety Unit. Judgements then made re publicity locally and to LPDG. Action is on track but yet to be completed. Probation attending LPDGs on occasional basis, receiving suggestions of community payback schemes. Feedback on schemes being finalised by Youth Offending Services together with Probation. Complete. Monthly RECOMMENDATION document that can be shared with partners and which contains information from a range of directorates / partners. Capacity within the team of analysts may need to be considered. ACTION LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE MEASURE OF SUCCESS relevant information and data to provide to LPDG and produce relevant specification. Don Brown. Errington CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Lead Officers and LPDG leads on information required and how it will be provided. Production of document for LPDG. 7. The current work entitled 'Collaborate to Innovate' concerning provision of data and other information to be used to standardise provision of information to LPDG and how performance is monitored at LPDG. Lead Officers to meet; identify relevant information and data to provide to LPDG and produce relevant specification. Supt Dave Wilkinson; Don Brown; Alan Tomlinson; Dianne Errington To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Agreement reached between Lead Officers and LPDG leads on information required and how it will be provided. Production of document for LPDG. 8. Legal Services to discuss information sharing and Data Protection with relevant partners and produce protocol / Service Level Agreement. Ian Sheard GMFRS; Children’s Services Directorate; Environment Directorate To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Service Level Agreement, or similar, which clarifies the responsibilities under Crime and Disorder Act for all partners Legal Services to clarify the issue of sharing relevant information at LPDG within the boundaries of the Data Protection Act and Section 17 Crime and Disorder Act responsibilities. 3 PROGRESS (RAG) Green COMMENTS document now available, including ward data with year-onyear comparisons and analysis from PDG. Complete. Monthly document now available, including ward data with year-onyear comparisons and analysis from PDG. Meeting held with GM NHS Adult Mental Health Services to agree a mini protocol which can be used as a template for other relevant bodies Further meeting with Childrens RECOMMENDATION ACTION LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE MEASURE OF SUCCESS 9. Chairs of LPDG’s to report back to the PDG, Neighbourhood Partnership Board and Community Committee on biannual basis on successes and areas for improvement. Joint Chairs of Supt Dave PDG to arrange Wilkinson; biannual reports Don Brown; from each Chair of LPDG, on rolling basis, to PDG. Include on agenda and commission short report on successes / areas for improvement ahead of meetings. Ensure that effective practice is shared through PDG process. Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood Inspectors To commence at January 2010 PDG meeting Agenda at PDG, NPB and CC; documents and minutes of discussions featuring reports from each of the eight LPDGs. 10. Develop a formal feedback mechanism between PDG and LPDG Joint Chairs of PDG to arrange biannual reports Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood To commence at January 2010 PDG Agenda; documents and minutes of Supt Dave Wilkinson; Don Brown; 4 PROGRESS (RAG) Green COMMENTS Services shortly Action complete Feedback on effective practice over Christmas featured at January 2010 PDG. Effective Practice now a standing item. Agenda of PDG amended. From March 2010, each LPDG will formally report back to the PDG on; challenges/thr eats to the CDRP, areas for improvement/ blockages and effective practice/succ esses Action Complete Feedback on RECOMMENDATION and to clarify how issues may be elevated effectively from LPDG to PDG. Introduce a method to share good practice and learning at PDG. ACTION from each Chair of LPDG to PDG. Include on agenda and commission short report on successes / areas for improvement ahead of meetings. Ensure that effective practice is shared through PDG process. LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE Inspectors meeting 5 MEASURE OF SUCCESS discussions featuring reports from each of the eight LPDGs. PROGRESS (RAG) COMMENTS effective practice over Christmas featured at Action complete January 2010 PDG. Effective Practice now a standing item. Agenda of PDG amended accordingly – From March 2010, each LPDG will formally report back to the PDG on; challenges/thr eats to the CDRP, areas for improvement/ blockages and effective practice/succ esses. As of Jan 2010, agenda items for forthcoming meetings can RECOMMENDATION ACTION LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE MEASURE OF SUCCESS PROGRESS (RAG) COMMENTS be formally requested. 11. Produce induction and familiarisation material for officers, elected members and community representatives involved in LPDG, case conference style meetings and CDRP Exec so that roles and responsibilities are understood. Chairs of LPDG to check times of meetings to try to ensure availability of elected members to attend. Devise an Don Brown induction and familiarisation package for community reps, officers and elected members engaged in any or all of the LPDG process. Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood Inspectors. To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Induction and familiarisation package produced and implemented. 12. Agree a mechanism to recruit local residents to sit on LPDG and one resident to sit on CDRP Executive; agree role description and responsibilities and how to fulfil national and local community justice requirements and feed back to local communities. Local residents to be appointed by Community Committee. Convene steering group to agree role description for community reps, officers and elected members attending LPDG / CDRP Exec and agreeing process for recruiting community reps to LPDG and CDRP Exec. Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood Inspectors; Julie Mackenzie / Dawn Atkinson; other identified people for steering group To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Role Description produced for community, officer, elected member. Production of suggested recruitment process for community rep. Brian Wroe 6 Amber Local residents now sit on majority of LPDG meetings (no involvement at East Salford to date). RECOMMENDATION ACTION LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS TIMESCALE MEASURE OF SUCCESS PROGRESS (RAG) 13. Referral procedures are recirculated to all partners and that Neighbourhood Managers and Inspectors encourage referrals in their neighbourhood areas from all agencies. Review and recirculate referral procedures to each LPDG Chair. N/H Managers & Inspectors to reinforce guidance with all local LPDG partners. Dianne Errington Neighbourhood Managers; Neighbourhood Inspectors To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting February 2010 Reviewed procedure; circulated document; increased referrals from partners agencies including parties other than N/H Manager, Police and Housing. Green 14. Neighbourhood Managers and Inspectors to organise partnership development sessions to improve local partnership team working and understanding of roles and responsibilities. Neighbourhood Managers to each organise partnership development sessions locally, covering roles and responsibilities. Neighbourhoo d Managers; Neighbourhoo d Inspectors Community Safety Unit For completion during 2010. Partnership Development Sessions held in each neighbourhood, learning recorded and shared with other neighbourhoods. Amber 15. Assistant Director (Transition), Children’s Services to outline how Teams Around the Schools and other youth provision Document the role of Teams Around Schools and wider role of Children’s Jon Stonehouse Brian Wroe To be complete by CDRP Executive meeting Document explaining Teams Around Schools and Locality arrangements 7 COMMENTS Action complete. Referral process reviewed and circulated to N’hood Managers, Inspectors and other relevant parties, including Elected Members. Issue taken to N’hood Managers’ regular meeting. Some n’hoods to organise bespoke development sessions, others considering combining sessions. RECOMMENDATION fits in with the LPDG process and to incorporate Youth Inclusion Support Panel into case management meetings. ACTION LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS Services within LPDG process. Incorporate Youth Inclusion Support Panel in that process and circulate to LPDG Chairs. TIMESCALE February 2010 R:\Secretariat\Joanne Colley\1. BW\LPDG\LPDG REVIEW ACTION PLAN UPDATE290110.doc 8 MEASURE OF SUCCESS within Children’s Services and links to LPDG. Agreed method to include YISP in the LPDG process effectively. PROGRESS (RAG) COMMENTS