APPENDIX C Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI ?? Percentage of racial incidents that have resulted in further action Family Trend Salford's Targets 120% 100% 100% 100% Salford Target 2001/02 Salford 5 Year Target Salford current position 2001/02 100% Percentage 80% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 Family Average 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A PERFORMANCE IS GOOD Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Met top quartile 99/00 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date 19/11/01 Comments on Current Performance: The target level is being achieved Barriers to Improvement: If there is a surge in incidents reported the resources may not always be available to follow up cases as quickly as would be preferred. The half year covered in this report ended on 30 September - incidents following the terrorist attacks in America on 11 September may not have been caught in the reporting period. Current/Proposed Action: Front line staff will be reminded of the importance of the issue Improvements to sysems may be made following consultation with partner organisations. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile not applicable to this indicator. Salford's 5 year target is 100% David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 11 Percentage of Senior Posts Held by Women Family Trend Salford's Targets 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% Percentage 40.00% 30.00% 27.78% 25.92% 24.40% 25.00% 24.39% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 5th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 PERFORMANCE IS STABLE 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 14.8 - 31.2 Quartile level for Mets Salford Target 2001/02 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Q2 Q3 Date 19/11/01 Comments on Current Performance: Performance in this area will depend to a large extent on the actions of individual employees and will therefore be somewhat outside the Council's control. It is worth noting that a number of the Council's senior female employees have left for promotion in other authorities. Barriers to Improvement: Given the small number of posts in the relevant group it is difficult to make significant improvements in the short term. Current/Proposed Action: Support will continue to be offered to female employees at all levels to enable them to compete for the highest positions in local government employment e.g. Springboard; targeted places on the in house Change Leadership Programme. Support will also be offered for appropriate external training and development programmes. The Recruitment and Selection Code of Practice will of course continue to operate. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top Quartile not applicable to this indicator Salford’s 5 year target is 50% David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer P.I. Ref 7.6 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 12 Average days lost due to sickness Family Trend Salford's Targets 16 14 13.38 13.75 14.33 13.59 13.72 13.55 11.40 12 9.60 10 Days 11.51 10.84 8 (11.24) 6 4 2 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 4th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils 10.2 - 13.72 Quartile level for Mets 2nd Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 99/00 99/00 99/00 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salford Salford 5 Salford Target Year current 2001/02 Target position 2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: Whilst the figure is not yet at the target level some improvement has been seen. The full effect of the recently revised sickness absence management arrangements has yet to be seen The quarter in question traditionally has one of the lower absence levels Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: Monitoring and reporting of absence levels to Directorate managers will continue Further training in the operation of the management procedures will continue to be offered Each Directorate has been asked to nominate a "Champion" who will lead efforts to reduce absence levels Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: March 2002 David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 P.I. Ref 7.20 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 13 Voluntary Leavers as a % of staff in post Family Trend Salford's Targets 0 14.62% 0 11.90% Percentage 0 0 0 5.75% 0 5.75% 5.75% 0 0 0.00% 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 10th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 99/00 99/00 99/00 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities N/A 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 4.8 - 18.0 Quartile level for Mets Salford Salford 5 Salford Target Year current 2001/02 Target position 2001/02 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance in this area will depend to a large extent on the actions of individual employees and may therefore be somewhat outside the Council's control. Barriers to Improvement: Labour market conditions influence recruitment / turnover issues Current/Proposed Action: Work is underway on corporate image for the Council, which may improve recruitment conditions E-commerce solutions may also add to our competitive edge. Workforce planning to aid recruitment in specific shortage areas will also help. The monitoring of PI’s at level 3 of the performance management model will indicate the number of exit interviews undertaken of leavers across all directorates. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile unknown David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 P.I. Ref 7.21 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 14 The % of employees retiring early (excluding ill health retirements) as a % of the total workforce Family Trend 4.0% Salford's Targets 3.50% 3.5% Percentage 3.0% 2.35% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.45% 0.24% 0.5% 0.45% 0.45% 0.0% 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 10th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 99/00 99/00 99/00 PERFORMANCE IS IMPROVING 3rd Quartile level for all Authorities N/A 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 0.01 - 3.43 Quartile level for Mets Salford Salford 5 Salford Target Year current 2001/02 Target position 2001/02 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: The first quarter of the current year was affected by the savings targets set for the previous year. This effect is still influencing the half year figures Notwithstanding this there has been an improvement. Barriers to Improvement: The Council may be faced with budget difficulties in the future which would impact on performance in this area. Current/Proposed Action: The current regime for approving applications will continue to be operated The situation will continue to be monitored. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2004/05 David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 P.I. Ref 7.22 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 15 The % of employees retiring on the grounds of ill-health as a % of the total workforce Family Trend Salford's Targets 1.0% 0.92% 0.9% 0.80% 0.8% Percentage 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.41% 0.41% 0.35% 0.4% 0.35% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 10th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET 4th Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 0.35 - 1.00 Quartile level for Mets Salford Target 2001/02 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: Performance is below target Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: Independent medical advice is required before any employee is retired on health grounds. Recent improvements in attendance management and staff care initiatives will in the longer term have a positive impact on this indicator (early intervention improves an employees chances of return to work.) Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: March 2002 David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 P.I. Ref 7.7 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan The % of local Authority employees declaring that they meet the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 disability definition BVPI 16 Family Trend Salford's Targets 4.5% 4.00% 4.0% Percentage 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 2.00% 1.66% 1.66% 1.66% 1.5% NONE AVAILABLE 1.0% 0.66% 0.5% (0.78%) 0.0% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 10th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils 0.66 - 5.00 Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 Salford Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS POOR HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: The figures show that the position has worsened since the last time accurate figures were available; this may be as result of the use of Disability Discrimination Act definition rather than former registration figures (i.e. some people are unwilling to self declare.) The new personnel information system has allowed a more accurate figure to be produced, following data cleansing. Barriers to Improvement: People may be unwilling to self declare themselves as disabled Comparative data on the economically active population will not be available until after the data comes out of the 2001 Census Comparative data on the workforce profile for other authorities is incomplete. Current/Proposed Action: The City Council operates schemes under the New Deal for Disabled People The City Council operates schemes under the Joint Investment Plan for Welfare to Work The City Council offers work experience placements for disabled people Monitoring via the recruitment and selection monitoring system will continue and monitoring will be introduced for school-based posts in March (excluding teachers). The recruitment and selection code of practice will continue to operate The Job Interview Guarantee Scheme will continue to operate. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile unknown David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 P.I. Ref 7.8 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 17 The % of local authority employees from minority ethnic communities Family Trend Salford's Targets 2.5% 2.26% Percentage 2.0% 1.5% 1.42% 1.41% 1.50% 1.41% 1.14% 1.14% 1.14% 1.0% 0.86% 0.5% (1.27%) 0.00% 0.0% 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 AGMA Ranking (of 10) 9th Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils 4th Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Salford Salford 5 Salford Target Year current 2001/02 Target position 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS POOR 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 0.73 - 7.2 Quartile level for Mets Performance Indicator Action Plan Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 99/00 99/00 99/00 POPULATION EQUIVALENT FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q2 Q3 Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: The new personnel information system has allowed a more accurate figure to be produced. Data cleansing has been undertaken which has highlighted some difficulties with the data. Directorates are to be re-surveyed to produce more accurate data, within the next two months. Barriers to Improvement: Improvement in this area will depend on some factors outside the Councils' control The minority ethnic population figure used to calculate the indicator is from 1991. The 2001 Census will provide more accurate information and will identify economic activity. Current/Proposed Action: Awareness raising of the Council as a potential employer among ethnic minorities A programme with MANCAT to establish a pre-employment course for people wanting to be residential child-care workers with a target intake from Kersal and Broughton. This has not been run yet and has been difficult to get off the ground. A partnership with Salford University to train Social Workers which includes the provision of work experience placements in the City Council. The course attracts a considerable number of ethnic minority students. Positive action will be taken to improve employability for minority ethnic applicants eg familiarity with City Council procedures. Careers Fairs held in September and October (open to all but targeted at minority ethnic applicants). Increased use of new advertising media (e.g. Internet) has recently increased minority ethnic application rate. Monitoring via the recruitment and selection monitoring system will continue and monitoring will be introduced for school based posts, in March (excluding teachers). Improved monitoring will enable initiatives to be better directed towards a target recruitment market. The recruitment and selection code of practice will continue to operate Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile unknown David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer Ext 3533 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan BVPI ?? Racial incidents recorded by the authority per 100,000 population Family Trend Salford's Targets 14 12.48 12 9.09 Number 10 8 6 4 2 0.00 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 99/00 99/00 99/00 Salford Salford 5 Salford Target Year current 2001/02 Target position 2001/02 CANNOT YET BE ASSESSED LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 2000/01 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date 19/11/01 Comments on Current Performance: It is still too soon to comment on current performance but it is usual to see an increase in reported incidents as one of the initial consequences of introducing reporting arrangements. Barriers to Improvement: Work on this matter is undertaken jointly with external partners - priorities will need to be aligned between all the partners. Current/Proposed Action: Arrangements are in place to collect the base data Briefings for front line staff who will receive the initial reports have been held. Reports on incidents (extracts from this report) will be considered by the equalities forum The anti-racism strategy will be implemented Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile not applicable to this indicator. Salford's 5 year target is still to be set David Burgess Principal Personnel Officer First Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Percentage of Disabled Employees Family Trend Salford's Target 4.5% 4.0% 4.0% Percentage 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 2.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.5% 0.8% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Rnge for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Qartile level for all Authorties N/A Met Average 00/01 Family Average 00/01 Met top quartile 00/01 Salford's 1 Year Target 2001/02 Salford 5 Year Target Salford's Current Position 2000/01 N/A PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET Performance Indicator Action Plan HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Date:___________________ Comments on Current Performance: The figures show that the position has worsened since the last time accurate figures were available, this may be as result of the use of Disability Discrimination Act definition rather than former registration figures (i.e. people may be unwilling to self declare.) the new personnel information system has allowed a more accurate figure to be produced, however data cleansing still needs to be completed and verified. Barriers to Improvement: People may be unwilling to self declare themselves as disabled Comparative data on the economically active population will not be available until after the data comes out of the 2001 Census. Data cleansing needs to be completed and verified. Current/Proposed Action: The city Council operates schemes under the New Deal for Disabled people The City Council operates schemes under the Joint Investment Plan for Welfare to Work The City Council offers work experience placements for disabled people Monitoring via the recruitment and selection system will continue and monitoring will be introduced for schools based posts. The recruitment and selection code of practice will continue to operate The Job Interview Guarantee Scheme will continue to operate. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Top quartile not applicable to this indicator Salford’s 5 year target is 4% Lead Officer: David Burgess, Principal Personnel Officer P.I. Ref 4.2 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households BVPI 126 Family Trend Salford's Targets 25.0 20.0 19.0 Number 20.0 15.0 10.8 10.5 10.0 NONE AVAILABLE 5.0 0.0 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 Salford Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 2000/01 Salford 5 Year Target Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: Domestic Burglary; under target by 0.3. Given these figures are based on quarterly reports, they are not of sufficient significance to cause major concern at this stage. No 5 year target was set for this indicator in the 2001/02 BVPP. Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: To be advised. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile unknown Gordon Dickson Ext 3596 P.I. Ref 4.3 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Robberies per 1,000 population BVPI 127 Family Trend Salford's Targets 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 Number 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 NONE AVAILABLE 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.0 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 Salford Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS BELOW TARGET Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date: 15/01/02 Comments on Current Performance: Robberies are under target by 0.2%. given these figures are based on quarterly reports, they are not of sufficient significance to cause major concern at this stage. No 5 year target was set for this indicator in the 2001/02 BVPP. Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: To be advised. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Top quartile unknown Gordon Dickson Ext 3596 Second Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan Vehicle Crime per 1,000 population BVPI 128 Family Trend Salford's Targets 12.0 9.7 10.0 8.0 Number 8.0 6.0 4.0 NONE AVAILABLE 2.0 0.0 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 99/00 Met top quartile 99/00 Salford Target 2001/02 PERFORMANCE IS GOOD LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 Salford current position 2001/02 2001/02 Q1 Q2 Q3 Performance Indicator Action Plan Date 19/11/01 Comments on Current Performance: Barriers to Improvement: Current/Proposed Action: Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: Not available Gordon Dickson