Part one Open to the Public ITEM NO.A5 ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF LEAD MEMBER FPR COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCAIL CARE ___________________________________________________________________ TO CABINET ON 28TH July, 2009 TITLE: Section 75 Agreement Intermediate Care Services ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Cabinet approve the Council entering in to the Agreement ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This agreement builds on the excellent working relationships between major health and social care partners in the City of Salford. It is a significant step towards us using financial and staffing resources across the health and social care system, as effectively as possible, to meet the needs of older people. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 2 Introduction and Background 2.1 Salford Older People’s Partnership Board, Salford City Council and other health partners are committed to working together to improve the health and well being of the population of Salford. There are numerous examples of partnership arrangements under Section 75 agreements which allows pooling of resources between the Health Service and Local Authorities in order to achieve more integrated and efficient services. D:\98945838.doc 2.2 The previous section 31 of the Health Act 1999 has now been replaced, for England, by the section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 that has consolidated NHS legislation. The new Section 75 has the same terms and conditions of Section 31 arrangements. 2.3 Intermediate Care is a key service area for some older people who need intensive support in order to maintain their independence, either as an alternative to a hospital admission or from prematurely entering long-term care, or to assist recovery after a period of significant illness. 2.4 During the previous 18 months all key partners in both the commissioning and provision of intermediate care services have worked to develop a proposed agreement to achieve the above objective 3 Partnership Vision, Aims and Objectives 3.1 The agreement represents an important development for health and social care partners in Salford: It builds on the strong partnerships between health and social care partners and pools significant resources that are currently spent on intermediate care services, into a single budget. It recognises the segregation between the commissioning and provision of services and, therefore, the agreement proposes that the Local Authority is the Lead Commissioner and that Salford Community Health is the lead deliverer of the service. The agreement is a significant development towards the objectives of the White Paper, Our Health, Our Care, Our Say, which promotes greater integration of services. The agreement recognises that the integration of intermediate care is one aspect of an ongoing development of health and social care services joining up. 3.2 The overall objectives of the partnership as agreed at a joint workshop between Salford Community Health and the City Council sets the direction of the partnership. These are to: Be a first class provider of intermediate tier services Provide value for money services Meet the needs of commissioners and services of intermediate care; and Work in partnership with stakeholders 3.3 The specific aims of the partnership agreement are to: Have strong reported patient outcomes Provide excellent clinical and social care Develop as learning organizations Meet required quality standards Use joint resources flexibly Identify service gaps and make changes to provide seamless services to patients Have strong governance arrangements: and Work in partnership with the third sector providers, acute trust, mental health trust and other providers 4 Process undertaken for completion of Section 75 agreement 4.1 The process undertaken for the completion and agreement of this partnership arrangement is set out in Appendix 1. D:\98945838.doc 4.2 4.3 The process has been completed in a bilateral way following the implementation of the PCT’s new governance framework in October 2008. A decision was made by the Executive teams of both the City Council and PCT to split the previous section 31 agreement into separate commissioning and provider documents to clearly identify the required governance and contractual arrangements. 5 Outcomes 5.1 The section 75 has added benefits and also identified risks for both commissioners and the principal provider, these are outlined in the table below: Potential Benefits Services are available when patients need them Patients understand what services are available and how to access them Appropriate staff are available to patients when they need them Patients receive a range of services of a high quality that meets patient needs Services delivered in a safe and effective way Staff have the required experience and qualifications to deliver services to the highest standards Reduced levels of complaints and incidents Accessible good quality information for staff and service users Integrated information system for monitoring and reporting purposes Operational and Strategic Risks Technical and Operational Risks Political Stakeholder Interest Financial Organisational Management/Resources Procurement Legal Strategic and Performance 5.2 The table above details the outcomes that the partnership agreement is expected to deliver. The governance arrangements should ensure that assurances can be provided to Salford Community Health Board, PCT Trust Board and the City Council that sufficient controls are in place to manage the identified risks 6 Section 75 Agreement 6.1 Attached at Appendix 2 are both the Provision and Commissioning agreements that detail the following: Partnership vision, objectives and outcomes Services provided under the agreement D:\98945838.doc Joint structures and responsibilities Governance arrangements and dispute resolution Financial arrangements Liabilities and indemnity Sub-contracting Complaints Review process Sharing and handling of information Variation and Waivers Notice 7 Implementation 7.1 The Section 75 agreement will be implemented on the 1st April 2009 and will be subject to annual review 7.2 Intermediate care will be an integrated service, with a single line management, led by the Associate Director of Intermediate Care 7.3 The agreement recognises the importance of operating within a robust performance management framework. There has been significant progress in developing measures to ensure that all partners can be confident that the needs of service users are being met, and that the service, and the whole system is functioning effectively. 7.4 The monitoring of the agreement will be at the Intermediate Care Divisional Board that will report to the Salford Community Health Board, the Integrated Section 75 Monitoring Board and the Older Peoples Partnership Board. 7.5 The Intermediate Care Divisional Board will review and agree the range, quantity and nature of the services provided under the agreement each year. This will be in line with requirements defined by Commissioners and their commissioning specifications 4 Recommendations 8 Summary 8.1 This paper summarises the changes to the section 75 agreement. This has been achieved through partnership working and has used the new governance arrangements within the PCT. However, as the City Council is the Lead Commissioner, approval is sought from Cabinet. ___________________________________________________________________ D:\98945838.doc Salford Community Health - Intermediate Care Budget Summary 2009/10 PCT Services included within Section 75 agreement: Social work input Heartley Green (29 nursing beds) Rapid Response & CAST Team Intermediate Care Rehabilitation District Nurse Liaison (Discharge Assessment Team) GP SLA's Additional Investment Swinton Hall (18 nursing beds) The Limes (11 residential/rehabilitation beds) Intensive home support service Furnished tenancies subtotal SCH budgets Gross Costs Income Net Costs £ £ £ 1,031,569 924,890 1,179,311 208,939 -41,350 134,127 1,937,000 636,119 192,785 -41,350 6,203,390 Services excluded from Section 75 agreement (Community Contract): Gross Costs COPD (additional monies expected from Pulmonary Rehab BC) Oxygen Service Int Care Management Total SCH budgets excluded Total IC budgets 2009/10 £ 34,500 Income £ 34,500 96,619 140,548 271,667 0 96,619 140,548 271,667 6,516,407 -41,350 6,475,057 Salford Community Health - Intermediate Care Budget Summary D:\98945838.doc Net Costs £ £ 350,270 1,031,569 924,890 1,179,311 167,589 134,127 1,937,000 636,119 192,785 6,244,740 CHSC 294,040 2,290,280 18,000 2,952,590 2009/10 PCT Services included within Section 75 agreement: Social work input Heartley Green (29 nursing beds) Rapid Response & CAST Team Intermediate Care Rehabilitation District Nurse Liaison (Discharge Assessment Team) GP SLA's Additional Investment Swinton Hall (18 nursing beds) The Limes (11 residential/rehabilitation beds) Intensive home support service Furnished tenancies subtotal SCH budgets Gross Costs Income Net Costs £ £ £ 1,031,569 924,890 1,179,311 208,939 -41,350 134,127 1,937,000 636,119 192,785 6,244,740 6,203,390 Services excluded from Section 75 agreement (Community Contract): Gross Costs COPD (additional monies expected from Pulmonary Rehab BC) Oxygen Service Int Care Management Total SCH budgets excluded Total IC budgets 2009/10 D:\98945838.doc £ 34,500 Income Net Costs £ £ 350,270 1,031,569 924,890 1,179,311 167,589 134,127 1,937,000 636,119 192,785 -41,350 CHSC £ 34,500 96,619 140,548 271,667 0 96,619 140,548 271,667 6,516,407 -41,350 6,475,057 294,040 2,290,280 18,000 2,952,590