Report of: Neighbourhood Manager To : Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee Date: 27th November 2006 Title: Little Hulton and Walkden Communications Action Plan Recommendations: Members of the Community Committee are recommended to : (i) (ii) Note the contents of this report Support the Neighbourhood Manager and Communications Group in progressing the action plan to improve communication with groups and residents in Little Hulton and Walkden ____________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Background 1.1 Members will recall that at the last community committee, a report was presented in relation to how the Community Committee communicates with residents. Details were outlined on: - Findings from consultation in relation to methods of communicating with residents - The work of the communications group, which is providing the role of an ‘editorial group’ for the newsletter and will help steer future communication activity. - A small budget in 2006/7 to support this activity 1.2 Based on the findings from the questionnaire and discussions with the Communications Group, a draft action plan (attached) has been prepared to improve how the Community Committee communicates. The main themes of the action plan relate to – 1.3 Development of the Communications group and the Communications Plan itself The Community Committee newsletter Increased communication in relation to Community Committee meetings Ensuring publicity for the work of the Community Committee It is intended that the Action Plan will be reviewed by the Communications Group in the course of its quarterly meetings and new ideas will be tried and incorporated. Members will note that a broader and more detailed distribution list has now been prepared for the newsletter and that it will be externally produced, with a print run of 4,000 from the New Year and the aim for every household to receive a copy once a year. Contact information – J. Rooney, Neighbourhood Manager – 0161 975 7408 1 DRAFT LITTLE HULTON & WALKDEN COMMUNITY COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN ( Blue = Complete, Green = Action ongoing, Blank = action not started at the time of writing) Actions Audience Rationale Develop Communications Group and Communications Plan Establish communications group 2 Members and Improved 2 resident understanding, representatives, steer and supported by ‘ownership’ of officers process Send out questionnaire re. Community communication to partners, mailing committee list and email list members and partners Establish system for gathering Partners and relevant press stories and news for key groups in e mail distribution area Agree this communications plan Wider public Develop agreed indicators/ measures of success Wider public and groups Seek dedicated budget to support communication actions Wider public Greater understanding of how best to communicate, use of venues etc. Improved information on immediate issues in are provided through groups and networks Increased awareness of role of Community Committee Ensure impact of communications Plan Support to develop newsletter and other methods Resources ( Time & financial) Lead Comments Initial scoping meeting – July 06 Agree principles of communications plan – Sep 06 Quarterly editorial and monitoring meeting Complete -August 2006 Report on findings fed back – Sep 06 J Rooney Group has met twice and will monitor progress on Communication Plan C Tucker Report fed back to Community Committee and details discussed at Communications Group in September 2006 Nil From Aug 2006 - P Kirkman Extended e mail distribution list in place. To be reviewed on ongoing basis Oct/Nov 06 Community Committee January 07 Communications Group Political Executive – 26th Oct Executive – 16 November Community Committee – 27th November To be discussed at Communications Group in January 07 £ 4,442 agreed for 2006/7. Further resources required for 07/08 Communications Group 2 Budget agreed for 06/07. Communications Group to monitor of publicity Newsletter Agree forward plan for newsletter compilation, printing and distribution for January 07 issue onwards Community groups Mailing list Schools agencies Wider public Ensure smooth flow of articles and production of newsletter From communications Budget Late Nov 06 J Rooney/C Tucker/P Jones Distribution element to be completed in Oct 06 Company to produce newsletter from Jan 07 Ensure cost efficiencies August 06 P Jones Ensure newsletters are on website and e mail link to groups Wider public From July 06 P Kirkman Consider quizzes, prize draws and giveaways to gain response to readership Review format and consider Youth pages ( linked to Youth panel) Wider public, groups Ensure wider distribution and readership Get feedback on readeship Agreed by Communications Group in July 06 that printing externally in Swinton format more efficient Built into newsletter forward plan and ongoing From October 06 P Jones/ J Rooney Identify costed options for printing of newsletter Wider readership ‘Read it and win’ format tried in October issue Seek January 07 readership from young people Aim to deliver one issue a year to All households Establish April 07 each household in Community broader Committee area understanding of activity Increase communications in relation to Community committee meetings Communications Group Ensure that publicity and information leaflets are in display at meetings Attendees/ groups at meetings In place since June 06 J Rooney/ C Tucker Leaflets and booklets brought to each meeting Provide press release info. before and after meetings Wider public From late Nov 06 J Rooney/ Press Office Positive press articles already in place following meetings Display posters in area Potential attendees From late November 06 C Tucker Posters for display to community Potential From late November 06 C Tucker/ N Park Improve signposting to other services and activities Increase awareness of meetings Increase awareness of meetings Increased 3 Communications Costs for distribution Group companies have been received Committee mailing list Letters distributed through primary schools via pupils to parents/carers near meeting venues prior to Community Committee meetings attendees Potential attendees attendance Raise awareness that meeting is taking place Revise mailing list and e mail list for meeting Potential attendees Banners and signage outside/ around venue Existing attendees Raise awareness that meeting is taking place Raise awareness that meeting is taking place June 06 - J Rooney/C Tucker/P Kirkman - Tried at 2 meetings. Impact to be monitored. August 06 - C Tucker/ P Kirkman Mailing lists reviewed and updated. To be updated as required. Sep 06 - C Tucker Large banner bought and displayed. Other signage in place In place since July To be monitored Ensuring publicity for work of community committee All grant conditions to make sure groups use have ‘supported by Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee’ in their publicity and request photos Publicise funded projects more through newsletter Grant recipients and members Ensure greater publicity July 06- C Tucker Wider public Jan 07 - C Tucker Publicise funded projects through photos/ display at 1 Stop Shop 1 Stop Shop visitors Jan 07 - C Tucker/ P Jones Consider use of other promotional materials for use at fun days and events Wider public Jan 07 - Communications Group Develop website information with key info. accessible Wider public Jan 07 - J Rooney/ P Kirkman Support printing and distribution of local leaflets and publicity as required Wider public Increase understanding of grants and work achieved Increase understanding of grants and work achieved Increase understanding of Community Committee Increase understanding of work Increase understanding of work Oct 06 - C Tucker/J Rooney 4 4,000 Community activities leaflets printed Safety info. being sent