Appendix 3 BUDGET CONSULTATION 2009/10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The first stage of budget consultation in relation to the Council’s 2009/10 budget was completed in November 2008 and this report informs members of the results. 2. CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK 2.1 The budget consultation process for the 2009/10 budget has comprised a number of elements with the aim of attracting an increased number of responses from a reasonable cross-section of the population of the city, including : Big Listening consultation group Budget consultation database (including community committee members) Distribution of questionnaires at the Older Persons Forum Questionnaires in libraries and public buildings Salford City Council website via an on-line form and e-mail 2.2 The results of the consultation can now be reported for consideration by the committee in relation to the development of the Council’s budget and council tax level for 2009/10. 2.3 The number of responses on which the results are based are as follows:Consultation Group Big Listening Budget consultation database Questionnaires issued 7000 Number of responses 1170 % response 1360 125 9 Website and e-mail Total 17 21 8360 1316 16 2.4 Discussions have taken place with Children’s Services representatives regarding consultation with young people. It is proposed to develop a programme of budget awareness and consultation with the Youth Forum and schools councils. 3. CONSULTATION RESULTS 3.1 The overall results combining Big Listening and all other completed questionnaires – a total of 1316 responses – were as follows :- Crime and community safety The maintenance of roads and pavements Health and social care & & ie s so ci al en ts pa ve m ca tio n Ed u n ct io lle sp ac es co op en fa ci lit s/ g tin g et lig h yc lin ca St re re C e rim tc le e an an in d g co m m sa fe ty ea lth oa ds H fr to M ai n & R ef us e Pa rk s g re po ol s & sa fe ty ec R ro ad im sw de v St re & & ic vi ce s se r al le rie s tg ar rv ic e se m an th Yo u fic s no m ce nt re Tr af rts Sp o & H ou si ng um s Ec o Li br ar ie s, m us e % Li m s & & tg ar & al le rie s tin g ge n n ct io re lle et y sa f et lig h de v St re ic co d vi ce s po ol s g s ng yc lin se r im ro a si ng an i io n sp ac e ec R sw us e R ef an no m s en t fe ty ca t et cl e Ed u op en & H ou m us eu s, m br ar ie & s nt re Ec o Tr af fic ce so c pa ve m sa ia lc ar e rv ce s/ fa ci lit ie s & & m m co St re se Pa rk s th lth ea H Yo u d an oa ds e fr to rts Sp o ai n M rim C % Spend on council services Which services would you like to see more money spent on? 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Which services would you like to see less money spent on? 25 20 15 10 5 0 A comparison with consultation results over the last three years shows that three services have consistently been identified as priorities for additional investment :- Council Tax and Value for Money Residents were asked their view on alternative options on the level of council tax. The results were :In 2008/09 the average council tax paid in Salford is £978 per household. Which option for next year do you feel is most appropriate? 35 29 30 26 26 25 20 % 19 15 10 5 0 An increase in council tax of 3% to maintain council services at existing levels An increase in council tax above 3% A decrease in council tax levels even Council tax to remain at the current in order to improve priority council if it meant a reduction in the level of level with some reduction in the level services services of service Three further questions asked this year related to value for money and the level of council tax, the results of which were :Salford City Council provides good value for money for the council tax that residents pay 35 33 29 30 25 21 % 20 15 13 10 5 4 0 Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Salford City Council provides better value for money compared to a year ago 50 45 45 40 35 % 30 25 25 20 16 15 12 10 5 3 0 Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Salford City Council has its level of council tax about right 35 31 30 27 25 23 20 % 16 15 10 5 3 0 Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Satisfaction with Council Services Residents were asked about their overall satisfaction with Council services. The results are shown in the following table :- Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the services provided by Salford City Council? 50 45 45 40 35 30 % 26 25 20 16 15 10 7 7 5 0 Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied The services which residents expressed the greatest levels of dissatisfaction with this year are :Which services are you particularly dissatisfied with? 180 160 154 140 126 120 Number 102 100 92 80 60 43 40 20 0 Poor state of roads/pavements 3.2 Re-cycling issues – lack of/when/mess left Dirty streets/back alleys/fly Emptying of waste tipping/litter bins/rubbish/collection issues General housing repairs Where residents were dissatisfied with Council services they were asked to state the service they were dissatisfied with and reasons. In both the Big Listening survey and from other questionnaires the three main areas of dissatisfaction were : Environmental Services o Issues with recycling services o Bins not emptied or waste left o Dirty streets, fly tipping and litter Transport Services o Poor state of roads and pavements o Quality of street lighting Lack of help, assistance, interest or action from the council 4. PUBLIC MEETING 4.1 The second stage of the Council’s consultation process was a public meeting held at the Civic Centre on 21st January 2009. The meeting was attended by 14 members of the public and 10 councillors (including the panel) 4.2 At the meeting a wide range of issues were raised and put to a panel of councillors representing the three main political parties. The issues raised by the public included: Government grant understated due to incorrect population figures Interest rates paid on longer term borrowings Accountability for waste of council taxpayers money e.g pot holes, road humps, ice rink, councillor’s training. Level of rubbish/fly tipping – no responsibility taken Collection of council tax from residents of houses of multiple occupation. Multi storey blocks which have not been painted for many years Recycling – keep changing the type of bins and what actually to be collected. Housing development stopped due to economic downturn. Major investment in housing and schools – are revenue costs arising taken into account in the budget Impossible to arrange community meetings in council school buildings Difficulty to engage with council to arrange payment of council tax over 12 months instead of 10. Systems in place to train and re-train staff – general lack of knowledge of Community Committees Accountability for notices re parking scheme which were put up too early. Job evaluation – taking money off lowest paid, whilst paying more to the top earners. Amount of council tax which gets written off. Cost of Community Committees Also received comments on two other issues (via phone/e-mail): Funding stopped for Space Community Wardens (although it seems these were not funded by the Council) A request for more cycle lanes in Salford. 4.3 A report on the issues raised at the public meeting was considered at the meeting of the Budget Scrutiny Committee on 23rd January 2009.