PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. Report of the Leader of the Council To CABINET 27TH May 2008 Title: The Salford Agreement 2008-2011 Recommendations: 1. That Cabinet approves the final indicators, baselines and targets set out in the Salford Agreement 2008-2011, in order that the Agreement can be submitted to Government Office North West by the 30 th May for approval by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. 2. That Cabinet approves the development of a supplementary set of baselines and targets for the Agreement based on disaggregation of the indicators at a neighbourhood/people group/school level, in order to deliver improvement in addressing neighbourhood/people group disparities across the City. Executive summary: This report presents the proposed Salford Agreement 2008-11 for approval by Cabinet. Salford City Council is the accountable body for the Salford Strategic Partnership and must therefore approve the Agreement prior to its submission to Government Office North West by 30th May 2008. 1 The report also provides a summary of changes made to the Agreement since Cabinet Members considered it at Cabinet Briefing on 13th May 2008, including the proposal to develop supplementary targets at a neighbourhood/people group/school level. Background documents: None Contact officer: Kevin Brady Tel No: 0161 793 3406 Assessment of risk: Performance on the designated indicators in the Salford Agreement will form part of the new Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA), replacing the Corporate Performance Assessment, and will be the main performance targets reviewed. There is therefore a risk that non-achievement of targets will result in a poor CAA score. In order to minimise this risk it important that the improvement targets contained within the Agreement are both stretching but realistic. Ensuring this balance is achieved has been a key part of the negotiations between Salford theme leads and GONW. Source of funding: Not applicable Legal advice obtained: Not applicable Financial advice obtained: Not applicable Ward(s) to which report relates: The Salford Agreement applies to all wards Key Council policies: 2 The Salford Agreement 2007-2010 “Making the Vision Real” the Salford Community Plan Report detail: 1. Introduction 1.1 Cabinet Members discussed the proposed indicators, baselines and targets for the Salford Agreement at the Cabinet Briefing meeting on 13th May. Following this meeting, the Council’s Corporate Management Team reviewed the baselines and targets in the proposed Agreement, particularly identifying whether more stretching targets could be set. 1.2 This report outlines the final proposals for the Agreement in light of the discussions at Cabinet Briefing on 13th May and Corporate Management Team on 15th May, and also the proposal for a supplementary set of neighbourhood/people group baselines and targets for the Salford Agreement. 2. Progress since Cabinet Briefing 13th May 2008 2.1 Completion of Baselines and Targets 2.1.1 At the Cabinet Briefing meeting on 13th May it was agreed that the targets in the Agreement would be revisited to see if more stretching targets could be set. Following this, the Corporate Management Team considered each of the indicators in turn and final amendments to the baselines and targets were made, as set out in the Salford Agreement table attached at Appendix 1. 2.1.2 Cabinet members are asked to note the following points in relation to the final Agreement baselines and targets: i. NI 91 has been removed as a supporting indicator for increasing access to Higher Education. This indicator has significant problems in data collection and recording, and the Salford Strategic Partnership (SSP) Executive meeting on 7th May 2008 recommended that it should be removed from the Agreement. This has now been agreed with Government Office North West. ii. The Learning and Skills Council has been unable to set baselines and targets across Greater Manchester authorities for National Indicators 161 and 162, but these indicators will remain within the Salford Agreement with figures to be agreed as soon as possible. 3 iii. Definitions, baselines and targets will be developed for 3 local indicators in time for inclusion in an updated Agreement in December 2008, namely: iv. Improving the parenting ability of people with drug and alcohol problems Addressing dementia Development of mediacity:uk There are seven indicators from the New National Indicator in the Salford Agreement where baseline data is not yet available, often at a national level. These are as follows: NI 30 – Re-offending rate of prolific offenders NI 32 – Repeat incidents of domestic violence NI 18 – Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision NI 19 – Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders NI 111 – First time entrants to the youth justice system aged 10-17 NI 171 – VAT registration rate NI 7 – Environment for a thriving third sector Although the detail of the indicator baselines and targets cannot be agreed until a later date, SSP will seek alternative ways to monitor progress in addressing the priority issues throughout 2008/09 including related indicators and actionplanning. 2.2 Disaggregation of Baselines and Targets 2.2.1 In considering the potential to make the targets in the Salford Agreement as stretching as possible, the Corporate Management Team agreed to develop a supplementary document to the Agreement which will set out disaggregated baselines and targets for relevant indicators in the following ways: i. ii. iii. At a neighbourhood level, such as super output area, ward, and/or community committee. By particular people groups. By school. 4 2.2.2 The purpose of the supplementary document is to enable stretching targets to be set which address the disparities between neighbourhoods or groups of people, and attempt to “narrow the gap” in terms of key indicators. Setting targets at this more detailed level will ensure that improvements are targeted at the areas and people most in need. 2.2.3 Officers are currently identifying which of the Salford Agreement indicators could be disaggregated, and this will be tabled at the Cabinet meeting on 27th May 2008 for consideration. If Cabinet agrees to the development of the supplementary targets then officers will work with partner organisations within the Local Strategic Partnership to set baselines and targets which will be included within delivery planning and performance management of the Salford Agreement. 2.2.4 The supplementary Salford Agreement targets will compliment the improvements in the availability of neighbourhood level data being made through the updated Salford Early Warning System. This data is focused at an operational level and is invaluable in providing service providers and local people with up to date performance indicators for key local issues such as anti-social behaviour and environmental quality. 2.3 Responsibility for Achieving Targets 2.3.1 It is a requirement from Government that the final Local Area Agreement document identifies those partners who have signed up to deliver each of the targets. The table attached at Appendix 1 includes a column which identifies the appropriate partners for each indicator, including the lead delivery partner(s) identified with an asterisk. 2.3.2 Partner organisations are currently confirming in writing to the Leader of the Council as Chair of SSP, that they will contribute to the delivery of these targets. If there are any amendments to the delivery partners for each indicator between now and the Cabinet meeting on 27th May, these will be presented at the meeting for approval. 3 Issues arising from the Regeneration and Strategy Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 th May 2008 3.1 Cabinet was made aware at its Briefing meeting on 13th May 2008 that a number of questions were raised by the Regeneration and Strategy Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12th May regarding some indicators within the Local Area Agreement. 3.2 Officers are currently working with partner organisations to collate a response to these questions, and this will be presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 27th May. 4 Conclusion 5 4.1 Partners have worked hard over recent months to agree priority issues and indicators for inclusion in the new Salford Agreement, and to negotiate 3 year improvement targets with Government Office North West. The Salford Strategic Partnership is committed to delivering these improvements, and the development of supplementary targets at a neighbourhood and people-group level will ensure that improvements are focused at those areas and individuals most in need. 5 Recommendations 5.1 Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Approve the final indicators, baselines and targets set out in the Salford Agreement 2008-2011 attached at Appendix 1, in order that the Agreement can be submitted to Government Office North West by the 30th May for approval by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. 2. Approve the development of a supplementary set of baselines and targets for the Agreement based on disaggregation of the indicators at a neighbourhood/people group/school level, in order to deliver improvement in addressing neighbourhood/people group disparities across the City. SALFORD LAA2 - TARGETS/BASELINES Bold = designated PI Not Bold = supporting PI Italics = statutory Version 9 6 NIS No. NIS Title 1 2 HEALTHY CITY Smoking NI 123 16+ current smoking VS B05 rate prevalence NI 55 VS B09 Obesity Obesity among primary school age children in Reception Year NI 56 Obesity among VS B09 primary school age children in Year 6 NI 120 All-age all cause VS B01 mortality rate SSP Partners 3 Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council Greater Manchester Police Jobcentre Plus Learning and Skills Council Salford Council for Voluntary Services Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service University of Salford Pendleton College/ Salford College/ Eccles College Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 1,088 1,020 1,020 1,020 (2006/07) Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council 11.74% (2007/08) 11.79% 11.82% 11.83% Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council 21.22% (2007/08) 21.18% 21.09% 20.91% Female 660.37 Male 909.16 596 578 561 843 813 784 Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council Greater Manchester Police Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue 7 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 NI 8 Adult participation in sport NI 53 Prevalence of VS B11 breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks from birth NI 57 Children and young people's participation in high-quality PE and sport Local PI NI 39 Prevalence of dental decay in children 5 years Alcohol & Drugs Alcohol-harm related Service Jobcentre Plus Learning and Skills Council Salford Council for Voluntary Services Manchester Chamber of Commerce University of Salford Pendleton College/ Salford College/ Eccles College Salford City Council* Salford Primary Care Trust Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council* Salford Primary Care Trust Pendleton College/ Salford College/ Eccles College Salford Primary Care Trust* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 18.4% Dec 06 20.4% Dec 08 30.79% 21.4% Dec 09 38.12% 22.4% Dec 10 46.06% 80% of 100% of pupils accessing 2 hours per week pupils accessing 2 hours per week [ 59.7%] (2006/07) 2007 (PESSCL data – median of SSP North and South figures) KS1: 58% KS2: 71% KS3: 65% KS4: 35% 53% 50% 47% 2005/06 Salford Primary Care Trust* 2349 3117 3543 These figures relate to two hours of curriculum PE. The criteria for the 2009/10 and 2010/11 targets are likely to change in light of further guidance This information is available every 2 years so there is no target set for 2009/10. 3993 8 NIS No. NIS Title 1 2 VS C26 hospital admission rates Local Improving the parenting PI ability of people with drug and alcohol problems Teenage pregnancy NI 112 Under 18 conception VSB 08 rate Older people NI 125 Achieving VSC 04 independence for older people through rehabilitation/interme diate care NI 130 Social Care clients VS C17 receiving Self Directed Support (Direct Payments and Individual Budgets) per 100,000 population NI 135 Carers receiving needs VS C18 assessment or review and specific carer’s service , or advice and information SSP Partners 3 Salford City Council Greater Manchester Police To be added when target defined. Salford Primary Care Trust* Salford City Council Pendleton College/ Salford College/ Eccles College Salford City Council* Salford Primary Care Trust Salford Council for Voluntary Services Salford City Council* Salford City Council* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 (2006/07) 5 6 7 8 Baselines and targets will be ready for the December refresh. 58.77 2006/07 44.8 38.95 30.72 82.3% (national pilot 07/08) 83.1% 84.0% 84.8% 197.7 07/08 229.0 305.0 381.0 25.6% est for 07/08 27.6% 29.6% 31.6% 9 NIS No. NIS Title 1 LPI 2 Dementia – definition to be determined Safeguarding vulnerable adults Percentage of vulnerable people achieving independent living NI 141 SSP Partners 3 To be added when target defined. Salford City Council* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target 4 5 6 7 Baselines and targets will be ready for the December refresh. Comments 8 58.9% 60% 62% 64% 07/08 Reduce by 10% over 3 years 2% this year Reduce by 4% Reduce by 4% The GONW baseline does not include GBH without intent and is a 12 month rolling total up to December 07. 134 (12 mrt) 131 126 121 286 (ibase) 280 269 258 07/08 Reduce by 15% over 3 years Reduce by 5% Reduce by 3% GONW baseline (currently does not include GBH without intent.) GMAC ibase (unaudited) baseline includes GBH without intent. GMAC system showing 7,700 offences for 2007/08. (Q4 06/07 and Q1-Q3 of 07/08) NI 15 NI 16 Fear of crime Serious violent crime rate Serious acquisitive crime rate Greater Manchester Police* Salford City Council Greater Manchester Police* Salford City Council 7% this 10 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 year 7,264 6 7 8 6,874 6,639 7,700 (ibase) 7,161 6,776 6,545 GONW baseline is a 12 month rolling total up to December 2007. GMAC ibase (unaudited) baseline is for financial year 2007/08. 07/08 19% reduction in reoffending rate for the cohort group To be agreed next year once current methodolo gy is proven To be agreed next year once current methodolo gy is proven 7,811 (12 mrt) NI 30 Re-offending rate of prolific and priority offenders Greater Manchester Police* Salford City Council* Youth Offending team NI 32 Repeat incidents of domestic violence Salford City Council* Greater Manchester Police NI 33 Arson incidents Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service* Greater Manchester Police Salford City Council NI 18 Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision Rate of proven re- NI 19 Methodology available Baseline to be set in april 2009 using figures collected in 2008/09 2934 (3 year average 2006) The methodology is complex and prevents actual data being displayed in a concise manner. Systems need to be put into place to set the baseline this financial year, with targets then agreed for 2009 – 2011. 2169 2028 1903 Baseline data for this will not be available until October 2008. Salford City Council* Baseline data will not be available until July, YJB advice is 11 NIS No. 1 NI 17 NIS Title 2 offending by young offenders Anti-social behaviour Perceptions of antisocial behaviour (PLACE SURVEY) SSP Partners 3 Greater Manchester Police Youth Offending Team Salford City Council* Greater Manchester Police Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 4 5 to set targets after that 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 6 7 8 06/07 33.5% 32% 30.5% 35% 4.5% reduction over three years 1.5% reduction 1.5% reduction Baseline and interim targets agreed. Will be replaced by Places Survey baseline and targets re-negotiated late 2008. 1.5% reduction this year NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10 – 17 NI 72 Achievement of at Salford City Council* least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy Achievement at level 4 Salford City Council* or above in both English and Maths at NI 73 Information available in December 2008. 52% (2007) 46% 53% 72% 80% 79% 12 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 Key Stage 2 (Threshold) Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 NI 74 Achievement at level 5 Salford City Council* or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 3 (Threshold) 61% NI 75 Achievement of 5 or Salford City Council* more A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths (Threshold) Achievement at level 5 Salford City Council* or above in Science at Key Stage 3 Secondary school Salford City Council* persistent absence rate Narrowing the gap Salford City Council* between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest 38% 43% 44% 64% 73% 74% 8.4% (2006/07) 7.5% 6.00% 35% 36% 29% NI 83 NI 87 NI 92 NI 93 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 1 Salford City Council* 82% 70% 95% NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 5.00% 2010/11 is a mandatory target set by DCSF. There has been a change in the way in which the target is calculated between 07 and 08. Target has been challenged by National Strategies NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until 13 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 and Key Stage 2 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 NI 94 Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Salford City Council* 76% 92% NI 95 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 Salford City Council* 19% 30% NI 96 Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 Salford City Council* 49% 56% NI 97 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Salford City Council* 49% 61% NI 98 Progression by 2 levels in Maths Salford City Council* 21% 30% NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 NI not required to be set and methodology not introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09 NI not required to be set and methodology not 14 NIS No. 1 NI 99 NI 100 NI 101 Local PI NI 106 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 introduced until academic year 07/08. Targets therefore apply to academic year 08/09. Salford City Council* 63% (2007) 48% (2008) 50% (2009) Salford City Council* 60% (2007) 52% (2008) 65% (2009) Salford City Council* 7% (2007) 15% (2008) 21% (2009) NEW Indicator; baseline to be established. 90% 92% 94% The measure refers to children achieving some accreditation recognised within the NQF by the age of 16. 78% (2006) 473 young people accepted for HE places 79% 80% 81% The measure used by government refers to young people who were eligible for free school meals as a measure of deprivation. However, the figures given here 2 between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Children in care reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2 Children in care reaching level 4 in Maths at Key Stage 2 Children in care achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including Engl & Maths) All children being encouraged to fulfill potential and achieving some qualifications Higher Education Young people from low income backgrounds progressing to higher education Salford City Council* Salford City Council* Pendleton College/ Salford College/Eccles College Salford University Learning and Skills Council Targets are based on the results expected for the cohort in that year and due to the small size of each cohort fluctuations can be considerable. 15 NIS No. 1 NI 80 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 Achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19 Learning and Skills Council* Salford City Council Pendleton College/ Salford College/Eccles College CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ARE VALUED Parenting NI 22 Perceptions of Salford City Council* parents taking Pendleton College/Salford College/ responsibility for the Eccles College behaviour of their Salford Council for Voluntary children in the area Service (PLACE SURVEY) NI 50 Emotional health of children Salford City Council* Salford Primary Care Trust Salford College Pendleton College Eccles College Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target 4 5 6 7 31.3% 36.4% 38.0% 39.7% BVPI User Satisfaction survey 2006/7 75% 74% 73% 78% 81% 85% 77% felt parents were not taking responsibility New Indicator Nearest info from 2007 ‘Tell Us’ Survey. 75% of the Salford responses said they would talk to friends if they couldn’t talk to Comments 8 are derived from Aimhigher information based on IMD of where the candidates live. (13000 most deprived SOA) Definition is “percentage of people perceiving parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children is a fairly or very big problem in their area”. 16 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 their parent or carer about a problem. NI 68 NI 59 NI 61 NI 65 NI 66 NI 71 Referrals to children’s social care going on to initial assessment Initial assessments for children’s social care carried out within 7 working days of referral Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption Children becoming the subject of a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time Looked after children cases which were reviewed within required timescales Children who have run away from home/care overnight Salford City Council* 53% (2007/08) 63% 65% 70% Baseline is a projection. Salford City Council* 76% (2007/08) 80% 80% 80% Baseline is a projection. Salford City Council* 81.5% (2007/08) 85% 85% 85% Salford City Council* 20% (2007/08) 12% 12% 12% Salford City Council* 99.6% (2007/08) 100% 100% 100% Salford City Council* 1020 Referrals (calculated from 969 referrals 918 referrals Proxy indicator. Implementation as a national indicator has 17 NIS No. 1 Local PI NIS Title SSP Partners 3 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target 4 half-year data from 2007/08) 5 6 7 Salford City Council* 532 (113 per 10,000) (2007/08) 506 (107 per 10,000) 460 420 Salford City Council* Salford Council for Voluntary Service Greater Manchester Police Salford Primary Care Trust Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce University of Salford Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College 68% 06/07 (BVPI survey as proxy) 69% 70% 71% 2 Reducing number of looked after children AN INCLUSIVE CITY Community cohesion NI 1 % of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area (PLACE SURVEY) Comments 8 been delayed by 12 months to 2009/10 so data collection may not reflect final definition. The data shown here is estimated and will be subject to change in the LAA refresh. A proxy has been inserted, using the BVPI survey as this is the closest question to the Place Survey question. 18 NIS No. 1 NI 2 NI 4 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 % people who feel they belong to their neighbourhood (PLACE SURVEY) Learning and Skills Council Jobcentre Plus Salford City Council* Salford Council for Voluntary Service Greater Manchester Police Salford Primary Care Trust Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service University of Salford Salford College Pendleton College Eccles College Learning and Skills Council Jobcentre Plus Community Engagement & Empowerment % of people who feel Salford City Council* they can influence Salford Council for Voluntary decisions in their Service locality (PLACE Greater Manchester Police SURVEY) Salford Primary Care Trust Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service University of Salford Salford College Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 64% 2007/08 (Big Listening survey, as proxy) 65% 66% 67% A proxy has been inserted, using the most recent Big Listening survey as this is the closest question to the Place Survey question. 20% 2007/08 (Big Listening survey, as proxy) 21% 22% 23% A proxy has been inserted, using the most recent Big Listening survey as this is the closest question to the Place Survey question. 19 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 NI 6 Participation in regular volunteering (PLACE SURVEY) NI 7 Environment for a thriving third sector Pendleton College Eccles College Learning and Skills Council Jobcentre Plus Salford Council for Voluntary Services* Salford City Council Salford Council for Voluntary Services* Salford City Council Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 15% 2007/08 (Big Listening survey, as proxy) 16% 17% 18% A proxy has been inserted, using the most recent Big Listening survey as this is the closest question to the Place Survey question. Baseline available from national survey in Feb- March 2009 N/A N/A Baseline + 4.6% Data will be gathered from nationally run survey of voluntary sector organisations in Salford. It is anticipated that this survey might target large voluntary sector organisations rather than the smaller scale voluntary sector bodies such as community groups. Cabinet Office have stipulated that a baseline should not be set until the data from the first survey becomes available (2009/10), but have advised that an indicative 20 NIS No. NIS Title SSP Partners 3 1 2 NI 116 Child poverty Proportion of children in poverty Salford City Council* Jobcentre Plus AN ECONOMICALLY PROSPEROUS CITY Worklessness NI 117 16 to 18 year olds who Salford City Council* are not in education, Learning and Skills Council training or Pendleton College/Salford employment (NEET) College/Eccles College NI 153 Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods NI 151 Overall employment Jobcentre Plus* Salford City Council Learning and Skills Council Salford Primary Care Trust Salford Council for Voluntary Services Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College Jobcentre Plus* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target 4 5 6 7 27.8% (2007) 26.07% 24.33% 22.60% 7.6% Jan 2008 7.2% 6.7% 6.2% 34.8% (Feb 2007) 32.56% 30.28% 28.00% 71.0 71.83% 72.67% 73.5% Comments 8 target be set of 4.6% above the survey baseline. Interim measure of the proportion of children who live in families where out of work benefits are received. (Numbers are based on current child population.) 21 NIS No. NIS Title 1 SSP Partners 3 2 rate NI 164 Working age population qualified to at least Level 3 or higher NI 146 Adults with learning VS C08 difficulties in employment NI 150 Adults in contact with VS C08 secondary mental health services in employment NI 161 Salford City Council Salford Primary Care Trust Salford Council for Voluntary Services Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College Learning and Skills Council* Salford City Council Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College Salford City Council (LDS/IAS)* Jobcentre Plus Salford City Council* GMW MHS FT Jobcentre Plus Salford Primary Care Trust Basic Skills Learners achieving a Learning and Skills Council* Level 1 qualification in Salford City Council literacy Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 (2007) 5 6 7 8 43.2% (2006) 44.2% 46.2% 50% 13.5% 07/08 numerator 18.0% 22.4% 26.9% 5.6% 07/08 5.9% 6.3% 6.8% (increase of (increase of (increase of 12 people 15 people 20 people in year) in year) in year) Data only available at GM level. Currently waiting data on Salford breakdown for 06/07 to provide baseline. 22 NIS No. NIS Title 1 NI 162 2 Learners achieving an Entry Level 3 qualification in numeracy Learning and Skills Council* Salford City Council Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College NI 163 Working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher Learning and Skills Council* Salford City Council Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College NI 79 Achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19 Learning and Skills Council* Salford City Council Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College Local PI NI 171 Local SSP Partners 3 Developing Mediacity:uk Developing Central Salford URC* Mediacity:uk Salford City Council North West Development Agency Growing and Developing Business in Salford VAT registration rate Salford City Council* North West Development Agency Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce/Business Support solutions MIDAS Self employment Salford City Council* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target 4 5 6 7 Data only available at GM level. Currently waiting data on Salford breakdown for 06/07 to provide baseline. 63.5% (2006) 65.5% 68.5% 72.8% 59.4% (2006/07) 66.9% 69.4% 71.7% Comments 8 Baselines and targets will be ready for the December refresh. GONW has advised that we should keep it blank in terms of baseline and targets, until the new methodology for the VAT registrations dataset is published in Sept 2008 (that will provide a new baseline) 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 23 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 PI (percentage of those employed that are self employed, working age) NI 166 Employee earnings (gross weekly pay £) (Growth of local economy) North West Development Agency Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce/Business Support solutions MIDAS Jobcentre Plus Salford City Council* North West Development Agency Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce/Business Support solutions MIDAS Jobcentre Plus Learning & Skills Council Salford URC A CITY THAT IS GOOD TO LIVE IN Climate change NI 186 Per capita CO2 Salford City Council* emissions in the LA area NI 188 Adapting to climate change Salford City Council* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 (2006) 5 (2008) 6 (2009) 7 (2010) 8 421.6 (2007) 431.6 (2008) 441.6 (2009) 451.6 (2010) 6.7 tonnes per person, Defra 05 -2% -6% -12.5% Level 0 -(0.2) -(0.2) Reduction in tonnes per person Reduction in tonnes per person -(0.44) Reduction in tonnes per person Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 The baseline figure identified through the DEFRA 2005 Emissions data. The Baseline adopted reflects the criteria set out in the DEFRA Indicator Guidance published 10/04/08. 24 NIS No. 1 NI 5 NI 195 NI 154 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 2 Environmental attractiveness Overall / general Salford City Council* satisfaction with local Greater Manchester Police area (Place Survey) Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service Salford Primary Care Trust Improved street and environmental cleanliness Provide affordable homes Net additional homes provided Salford City Council* Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 54% BVPI 2006/07 56% 57% 58% Provisional baseline established from 06/07 BVPI survey as the Place survey is yet to be conducted. 07/08 BVPI 199a; 14% (litter and detritus) 199b; 4% (graffiti) 199c; 1% (fly-posting) Litter; 13% Litter; 12% Litter; 11% Detritus; 13% Detritus; 12% Detritus; 11% Graffiti; 4% Graffiti; 4% Graffiti; 3% Fly posting; 1% Fly posting; 1% Fly posting; 1% Salford City Council* 1718 (2006/07) 1600 1600 1600 New model on DEFRA website allows for BVPI 199 data to be input and baselines/ targets churned out for NI195. Figures may change marginally using this model as a result. The targets for 2008-11 are derived from the target set out for the city council in the draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West. At refresh, and depending on the outcome of the Growth 25 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 bid, may wish to revisit. 2 NI 156 Number of households living in Temporary Accommodation Salford City Council* 46 households (2007/08) 38 24 15 NI 158 % of non decent council homes Salford City Council* BVPI 184a figure as at 2006/7 53% 49% 42% 35% NI 155 Number of affordable Salford City Council* homes delivered (gross) 115 200 250 300 (2007/08) Baseline is Citywide (Salix only figure being calculated). Targets represent Salix / Central Salford only. Baseline is the aggregate of the National Affordable Housing Programme delivery in 2007/08 + delivery against 1st time buyer initiative in 2007/08. Ensure services and transport developments are coordinated NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling Households journey time to Employment - 20 mins Salford City Council* Salford Primary Care Trust Pendleton College/Salford College/Eccles College 94.2% 94.2% 94.2% 97.0% 99.1% 99.1% 99.1% 99.1% 26 NIS No. 1 NIS Title SSP Partners 3 Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 8 2 Primary schools - 15 mins 91.3% 91.3% 91.3% 93% Secondary schools - 20 mins 84.7% 84.7% 84.7% 90% 99.1% 99.1% 99.1% 99.1% 94.3% 94.3% 94.3% 97% GPs - 15 minutes 90.8% 90.8% 90.8% 93% Food shops - 15 mins. (2006/7) Hospitals - 30 minutes Further Education (30 mins) NI 176 Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes) Local target: Households access to mediacity:uk within 30 minutes Salford City Council* 24.7% (2006/07) 24.7% 30% 40% Public transport access to Salford Quays & Mediacity is currently very poor. The objective is to improve its accessibility by public transport before Mediacity is up & running, so that public transport is an existing & viable option to choose as and when the mediacity employees first start to make their choices about how they're going to travel to work. It will also assist the existing workforce in other parts of Salford Quays. 27 NIS No. NIS Title 1 NI 47 2 People killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents SSP Partners 3 Salford City Council* Greater Manchester Police Baseline (data & year) 2008/09 target 2009/10 target 2010/11 target Comments 4 5 6 7 4% 4% 4% 8 The targets are based on a DfT target of a 40% reduction over 10 years. Figure for baseline is the percentage change between the 3 year rolling average for 2004-2006 and that for 2005-2007. A positive percentage means a reduction in the number of casualties. - 4.7% 28 29 APPENDIX 1 D:\219512687.doc page 30 of 30