ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 Langworthy Cornerstone Liverpool Street Salford Meeting commenced: “ ended: 7.00 p.m. 8.49 p.m. PRESENT: R. Marsh – in the Chair Councillors Clague, Loveday, Salmon and Warmisham Councillor Ferrer attended at the invitation of the Chairman A. Cosgrove - Nursery Street Tenants’ and Residents’ Association S. Robinson - Seedley and Langworthy Trust (SALT) B. Lewey S. Mullerly } } Salford Women’s Centre S. Ackroyd - Local Resident A. Marsh - S.A.R.A J. Phillips - Langworthy Cornerstone B. Wright - Langworthy Resident M. Cooke W. Smid } } S. M. A. G. D. Temple - Resident J. Sowerby - Resident G. Monroe - Local Resident M. Scantlebury - Ordsall Resident J. Wood - Ordsall Resident K. Pearson - Seedley Resident R. Mashiter - Salford Lads Club R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 1 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 B. Leith - Oasis Community Learning J. McManus - Home Start Salford K. Ryan - Salford Advertiser - Neighbourhood Manager J. Burns D. Hollinghurst } } Salford Youth Service A. Smith - Greater Manchester Police M. McHugh - Senior Democratic Services Officer OFFICERS: R. Spanner 80. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Dobbs and E. Downe, T. McMullen and G. Stone. 81. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 6th November, 2007, were approved as a correct record. 82. MATTERS ARISING (a) Environmental Issues in the Broadwalk Area (Previous Minute 63 - 6th November, 2007) It was reported that the Environmental Issues raised at the last meeting of this Committee had been considered by the Environmental Task Group, and arising from this it was noted that work had been scheduled to address the issues. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (b) Seedley / Langworthy Community Forum (Previous Minute 65 - 6th November, 2007) It was reported that the next meeting of the Seedley / Langworthy Forum was scheduled to be held on Thursday, 28th February, 2008. Members were encouraged to attend this meeting, the topic of which would be Crime and Disorder. R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 2 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 (c) Highways Capital Programme - Update (Previous Minute 74 - 6th November, 2007) R. Spanner reported that following consideration of the issue at the last meeting of this Committee, discussions had taken place relating to the design of schemes relating to the Highways Capital Programme. (i) Puffin Crossing - Ordsall Lane It was noted that current proposals for the introduction of a puffin crossing at Ordsall Lane may have to be altered owing to the possible impact of a number of regeneration projects currently being undertaken within the area. Discussion ensued in respect of a number of issues, including The need to ensure that funding is not lost as a result of the delay in undertaking this work The need to ensure that funding is spent effectively and that issues such as the impact of regeneration projects are included within any decision making processes. RESOLVED: THAT an update report in respect of this issue be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee. (ii) Nursery Street Estate It was noted that work to install double yellow lines on parts of the Nursery Street Estate had not yet been completed. Councillor Warmisham undertook to raise this issue and ensure completion of the work. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (iii) Fitzwarren Street R. Spanner reported that a further study was currently being undertaken in respect of this issue and that an update report would be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 3 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 (iv) Pedestrian Cycle / Subway Route Off Trafford Road R. Spanner reported that there was a need to develop a scheme in respect of this issue. He indicated that an update report would be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (v) Salford Shopping City - Taxi Rank Concerns were raised in respect of problems being encountered with Hackney Carriages parking on the exit slip roads at the main roundabout at Salford Shopping City whilst waiting to join the Taxi rank. It was noted that the concerns had been raised with the Licensing Section and that a response was currently awaited. It was also noted that a review of all taxi ranks in the city was currently being undertaken. RESOLVED: THAT an update report in respect of this matter be submitted at a meeting of this Committee in due course. 83. NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNERSHIP BOARD R. Spanner made a presentation (a) setting out the positive features of the Neighbourhood Management approach including a devolved decision making system with a degree of financial autonomy in each part of the City supported by Elected Members, (b) outlining ways in which it was proposed to develop the system by making the Community Committees more representative, encouraging them to commission services and developing a Local Partnership Delivery Group and local scrutiny, (c) suggesting that a strategic body was required to support Community Committees in developing a vision for the neighbourhood, monitoring performance and identifying how services could be improved at a local level, (d) proposing a membership for this Partnership Board and the ways in which it might operate with a pattern of meetings to reflect local need and to receive updates and work together to seek improvement and promote partnership working, and (e) concluding by outlining the role of the Neighbourhood Partnership Board as being to support Community Committees in determining the strategic direction of the neighbourhood management area, ensure the development of an effective community action plan and monitor its delivery and to identify and remove any blockages. R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 4 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 Members discussed the presentation and made a number of comments including Membership of the new group The differences between the new group and the current Executive Group Details of when the new group would commence operation The need to ensure that regeneration projects within the area were considered by the new group RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT an update report be submitted at a future meeting of this Committee regarding proposals for membership of the Neighbourhood Partnership Group. 84. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES COLLABORATIVE R. Spanner made a presentation (a) providing details of the concept of the Healthy Communities Collaorative, (b) outlining details of the serious long-term health problems which it was hoped the work of the group would assist in reducing, and (c) indicating that the involvement of the local community was essential in the success of the groups work RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT any members of the local community wishing to be involved in the work of the Healthy Communities Collaborative should contact R. Spanner for further details. 85. THE BIG DRAW PROJECT {………………}, Ordsall Community Arts, gave a presentation (a) providing details of the projects which had been undertaken in the area with the support of a grant from the Community Committee Devolved Budget, (b) indicating that children from (i) St Phillips CE Primary School, (ii) the Friars Primary School and (iii) St. Clement’s Church had been involved in the project, and (c) future projects which were scheduled to be undertaken RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 5 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 86. SPOTLIGHT ON CLEANER, GREENER, SAFER IN ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY R. Spanner gave a presentation (a) providing details of the work being undertaken as a result of the Spotlight on Cleaner, Greener, Safer in Ordsall and Langworthy, (b) outlining problem identification and routes for their resolution, (c) providing details of the group, chaired by the Chief Executive, which had met to discuss actions required arising from the work, and (d) providing details of work to be undertaken to bring progress to the remaining outstanding issues. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT updates in respect of the work be provided at future meetings of this Committee. 87. BUDGET SUB-GROUP RESOLVED: THAT the applications for funding, as detailed below, be dealt with as follows – APPLICANT GRANT SOUGHT £325.08 PURPOSE School Hire RECOMMENDATION 1. Kenyukai Karate Approved - £325.08 Subject to confirmation of contributions from other areas. Approved - £3,000 2. Seedley & £5,000 Langworthy Trust Training Co-ordinator Costs 3. Lombardy Amenities £1,950 Redecoration of Communal Lounge Approved - £500 for the purchase of materials 4. Life Centre £4,164 Annual Rent Approved - £2,000 5. RAPAR Contributions Running Costs Deferred R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 6 ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 8th January, 2008 88. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION The following items were submitted for information - 89. (a) Notes of the Ordsall / Langworthy Executive Group held on 4 th December, 2007. (b) Notes of the Ordsall Community Forum held on 9th October, 2007. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Salford Men’s Action Group A report was submitted in respect of work being undertaken by Salford Men’s Action Group to gain funding to undertake a series of projects within the Neighbourhood Management Area. It was noted that office space had been offered in the Langworthy Cornerstone as a base for the Group. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (b) Salford Women’s Centre B. Lewey and S. Mullerly gave an update report in respect of the Salford Women’s Centre. They informed members of the proposals by Salford City Council and Salford Primary Care Trust to withdraw funding from the Centre in April, 2008. They provided details of the important work which was undertaken by the Centre and requested the support of the Committee in their work to request the Council to reconsider its proposals and keep the Centre open. RESOLVED: (1) THAT this Committee supports the work the Salford Women’s Centre and welcomes the work being undertaken to keep the Centre open. (2) THAT representatives from the Centre be invited to attend future meetings of this Committee to provide update reports. 90. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Committee be held on Tuesday, 4th March, 2008, at 7.00 p.m. R:\status\working\admin\omin\olcm080108.doc 7