CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 February, 2009 All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College Weaste Lane Salford Meeting commenced: 6.30 p.m. “ ended: 9.16 p.m. PRESENT: V. Ivison – in the Chair Councillors Ainsworth, Deas, Ferrer, Heywood, Taylor and Owen J. Collins - De La Salle Sports Club B. Patten - Claremont Community Association B. Brearley - Local Resident B. Wallsworth - Local Resident D. Rees E. Heywood } } Bentcliffe Park Residents’ Association S. Richardson J. Cartwright } } Bluebell RATS L. Rowbotham - Local Resident I. Cowell - Orlanda Avenue J. Dickinson - Barrhill Residents’ Association D. Kenny - All Hallows Business and Enterprise College M. Cheadle - Buile Hill High School S. Hughes - Oasis Academy MediaCity:UK P. Krinks - Lullington Home Watch N. Griffin - Victoria Road S. Bills - Liverpool Street S. Hesling - Local Resident 1 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 1. M. Kirk - Durham Road Home Watch S. Dirir - Save Lightoaks Park M. Madden B. Madden } } Doveleys Road S. Kirby - Salford Advertiser J. Carter - Local Resident R. Murphy - Local Resident J. Openshaw K. Ivison } } Middle Victoria Road Home Watch P. Archer K. Archer } } Local Resident OFFICERS: V. Joseph - Acting for the Area Co-ordinator M. Walbank - Neighbourhood Manager J. Drake J. Wensley } } Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company S. Lee - Urban Vision F. Gani - Salford Primary Care Trust R. Potts C. Roberts } } Greater Manchester Police L. Sharples - Scrutiny Support K. Fairhurst - Community Development Worker G. Hodgin - Urban Vision M. McHugh - Senior Democratic Services Officer PRESENTATION BY GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE The Committee received a presentation from Chief Superintendent R. Potts with regard to the development of Neighbourhood Policing within the city of Salford, and specifically the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Management Area, which focused on the follow key themes 2 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 An introduction to Neighbourhood Policing The benefits of Neighbourhood Policing Partner Agency working in the area relating to the Clean, Green, Safe Programme Current Police Staff in the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Management Area Current Police Staff in Salford Crime Detection Rates 2007/08 Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including The comparative nature of the crime detection rates Recording of burglary and vehicle crime figures, specifically burglaries committed in order to steal keys to a vehicle A recent increase in the number of violent crimes against the person Liaison with victims of crime V. Ivison thanked Chief Superintendent R. Potts for his attendance at the meeting and also for the informative presentation. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. 2. PRESENTATION BY CENTRAL SALFORD URBAN REGENERATION COMPANY - DRAFT INTEGRATED TRANSPORT STRATEGY The Committee received a presentation from J. Wensley, Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company and S. Lee, Urban Vision, in respect of the consultation process regarding the Draft Integrated Transport Strategy for Central Salford, which focused on the follow key themes The development of a Vision document Details of the consultation period Realising the vision The aims of the strategy How we travel now Relationships between transport documents and policies Principles and issues Rail Metrolink Bus Connectivity Cycling Provision of future cycle routes and associated facilities Pedestrian strategy Traffic flows - current and proposed. Corridor proposals Timetable of implementation 3 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including - Councillor Ainsworth provided details of comments (Appendix 1) in respect of the Draft Strategy Document and S. Lee undertook to provide a written response to these comments. - upgrading of train stations but an underlying requirement to update the rail network infrastructure. - concerns in respect of main carriageways within the Neighbourhood Management Area and also of the ‘through routes’ used to avoid these. V. Ivison thanked J. Wensley and S. Lee for their attendance at the meeting and also for their informative presentation. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted; and that local residents be invited to take part in the consultation process. 3. APOLOGIES OR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of B. Downes, D. Terry, J. Cook, S. Healey, L. Crowder, T. Curran, J. Binns and A. Westwood. 4. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 9 December, 2008, were approved as a correct record. 5. MATTERS ARISING (a) Eccles New Road Street Lighting S. Lee, Urban Vision, gave an update report in respect of work being undertaken to address the issues of street lighting on Eccles New Road. (i) (ii) He indicated that officers from Urban Vision were pursuing the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive in respect of the street lighting issue; and He reported that work had been ordered for the replacement of bollards along Eccles New Road with new ‘self lighting’ models. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (b) Former Weaste Cricket Club Residents submitted a report indicating that they had been involved in a meeting with Iain Watson, Director of Salford City Reds. They 4 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 outlined details of the work which had been discussed at the meeting but indicated that that work had not yet commenced. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT a letter be sent to the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration seeking his support in respect of this issue; and that the continued assistance of Salix Homes in this process also be requested. (c) Phase 3 - Hope Area Residents’ Parking Scheme S, Lee provided an update in respect of the implementation of the Hope Area Residents’ Parking Scheme. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including A request for details of the costings for Phase 3 of the scheme; Concerns relating to the covering and subsequent uncovering of the signs for the Scheme. S. Lee reported that this procedure was in line with the current Council policy. Perceived problems of communication in respect of the implementation of the Scheme. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (d) Resurfacing Laurel Grove S. Lee reported that the current problems on Laurel Grove did not meet the requirements of the Council resurfacing policy for potholes. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (e) Calvert Street M. Walbank provided details of the ownership of the land at Calvert Street and reported that Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company, in conjunction with Groundwork Manchester, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford had started work on the land as part of the Neighbourhood Environmental Improvements Project. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 5 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 (f) Health Action Plan RESOLVED: THAT consideration of this item be deferred to the meeting of this Committee on 10 March, 2009. 6. BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE 26 JANUARY, 2009 RESOLVED: (1) THAT, following submission of the requested information, the final two payments in respect of the Fun4All project be approved. (2) THAT the applications for funding, as detailed below, be dealt with as follows – APPLICANT AMOUNT APPLIED FOR / PURPOSE RECOMMENDATION 1. Swinton FC £175 for referees course (pro-rata share of £630) £521 for tables Approve £175 from SPAA 2. St James (Hope) Church 3. Salford Junior Sports Council 4. Salford Community Leisure 7. £5,359.50 Holiday activity projects (Pro-rata share of £42,875) £14,434.26 for 12 months Sports programme Approve £521 from Devolved Budget Approve £3,000 from SPAA and £169.25 from CH&WB Approve £14,434.26 from Devolved Budget ENVIRONMENT TASK GROUP (a) Recommendations RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations from the Environment Task Group, as detailed below, be dealt with as follows (i) that a programme of soft landscaping at Hope Village shops be supported if appropriate funding (£9000+) can be identified RESOLVED: THAT the scheme be approved in principle. (ii) that Community Committee request Urban Vision to progress work on the Hope Village shops revised parking scheme at the cost of £25,000. (Councillor Ainsworth requested that his views against this proposal were recorded.) RESOLVED: THAT progress with the scheme be approved. 6 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 (iii) that Community Committee request Urban Vision to progress work on the scheme including both revised parking arrangements and pedestrian improvements on Bolton Road at a cost of £38,000. (N.B. cost may be reduced if three Bolton Road schemes are done as one job) RESOLVED: THAT progress with the scheme be approved. (iv) that Community Committee ask Urban Vision to proceed with the central refuge scheme on Bolton Road at a cost of £40,000. (N.B. cost may be reduced if three Bolton Road schemes are done as one job) RESOLVED: THAT progress with the scheme be approved. (v) that Community Committee ask Urban Vision to progress the scheme for improving safety at the Lancaster / Russell / Oxford junction that had been presented to Task Group, involving two central refuges. Cost £52,000. RESOLVED: THAT progress with the scheme be approved. (vi) that Community Committee remove Priority 4 be from the list of approved highways revenue schemes and that Urban Vision be asked to proceed with Priorities 5, 6, and 7. (Councillors Ferrer and Heywood declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting) RESOLVED: THAT the scheme be approved. (vii) that Community Committee use the £2000 devolved road safety training money for educational / promotional road safety campaigns RESOLVED: THAT the scheme be approved. (viii) that Community Committee defer any further allocation of devolved Highways Capital funds until 2010/11 pending clarification of how much funding is remaining after all programmed works are complete (There may well be significantly less than £100,000 available in 2009/10). RESOLVED: THAT the recommendation be approved. 7 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 (b) Central Salford Open Space Audit J. Drake, Acting Senior Community Regeneration Manager, made a presentation on the abovementioned audit which sought to (a) map all areas of open space in the Central Salford area, (b) establish categories of ownership and the condition of the open spaces, (c) determine the opinions of residents on priorities for improvement, (d) ensure widespread involvement in the process of delivery and ongoing maintenance and (e) develop an objective assessment of priorities to enable effective prioritisation. The outcome of this audit would be presented as a GIS database and a presentation to set out the type of information which it would contain and outline the process by which data would be obtained, the participation of the community secured and the sites categorised. The presentation indicated a number of individuals who had been involved in the process and the number of sites surveyed and their condition. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 8. REPORTS FROM LOCALITIES (a) Pendlebury No update. (b) Parks No update. (c) Hope No update. (d) Salford Royal Hospital V. Ivison submitted a report in respect of issues relating to Salford Royal Hospital. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (e) Height / Claremont Details were provided in respect of an event being hosted by the Lullington Home Watch Group on 7 March, 2009. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 8 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 (f) Weaste D. Kenny provided an update report in respect of (a) proposals for the move of All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College to a new site by September, 2012 and (b) of the award of ‘high performing school’ status. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 9. COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN (a) Fire Service Request M. Walbank provided details of a request made by the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service to include a section within the Claremont / Weaste Community Action Plan. RESOLVED: THAT the request be approved. (b) Review of Appendices Appendix 1 RESOLVED: THAT the contents of Appendix 1, be approved, subject to the inclusion of items relating to - the provision of team game playing facilities at schools within the Neighbourhood Management Area. proposals to remedy deficiencies in play space within the west of the Neighbourhood Management Area. Appendix 2 A discussion took place in respect of the future use of the Duncan Matheson Playing Fields. It was noted that hearsay reports suggested that the current owners were planning to sell the land. Councillor Ferrer reported that she had requested the legal team at the Council to examine ownership and land use covenants in respect of the land. A discussion also took place in respect of the possible use of Section 106 funding for schemes within the Neighbourhood Management Area. Councillor Ainsworth provided details of a resolution which had been passed by the Claremont / Weaste Political Executive Group relating to open spaces within the Neighbourhood Management Area - 9 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 OPEN SPACES RESOLVED: (1) THAT details of the resolution detailed in (2) below, be submitted to (a) The Leader of the Council, (b) The Chief Executive, (c) The Lead Member for Children’s Services and (d) The Strategic Director of Children’s Services; and that copies be sent for information to (i) The Lead Member for Planning and (ii) The Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration. (2) THAT the Political Executive notes with concern the failure’s of the Children’s Services directorate to have respectively ensured the appropriate re-provision of playing field facility at Stott Lane (that was lost to hospital related car park use nearly 10 years ago), to have applied receipts generated from such (car park) use to address local deficiencies of play and team game facilities (against DCFS standards) in the Children’s Services estate and to have managed its land resource at Duncan Mathieson Playing fields such as to have ensured a useable recreation and team game facility. These situations respectively contradict the Council’s pledges to its residents, LAA objectives and several aspects of DCFS policy. The PE respectively requests clarification of the strategy that is to be adopted by the Children’s Services Directorate to ensure within a defined period that pupils of all primary schools within the CC area have available to them ready access to play and team game facility that meet at a minimum DCFS spatial standards. Clarification of the intent in respect of Stott Lane Playing fields on and subsequent to the expiry of the temporary use planning consent and associated lease. Confirmation of the finalised residual balance of receipts that will accrue from the temporary car park use lease and a finalised cost breakdown of how lease receipts to date have been expended to date. Agreement of the ringfencing of residual lease income for the purpose of provision of an appropriately surfaced ‘all weather’ multi use games facility on the existing site of Light Oaks schools in response to both the existing overall existing spatial shortfall of facility and the problematic existing circumstances and management difficulties which have been identified to the CS directorate, on behalf of the governing body of the junior school, by teaching staff representative. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the contents of Appendix 2, be approved. 10 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 10 FEBRUARY, 2008 (2) THAT a letter be sent to the Lead Member for Planning seeking clarification in respect of the use of Section 106 funding, including protocols for this use. Appendix 3 RESOLVED: THAT the contents of Appendix 3, be approved. 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The following issues were considered as matters of any other business 11. Heart Foundation - Children’s Heart Appeal Issues of Potholes reported by Home Watch Groups Upcoming GMP Police Surgeries DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Committee be held on Tuesday, 10 March, 2009, at All Hallows Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane, Salford, at 6.30 p.m. 11 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm100209.doc