Part One (Open to the Public) ITEM NO A3

Part One (Open to the Public)
TO CABINET MEETING ON 14th October 2008
That Cabinet approves the commencement of the statutory process to consult on the
following proposals:
To close St George’s RC High School by September 2012
To enlarge St Ambrose Barlow RC High School from 750 to 1050 pupil
capacity, by constructing a replacement building on the former Wardley
High School site by September 2012, also changing the school’s upper
age limit to add a 250 place sixth form by September 2011.
That Cabinet approve the following revised proposals:
To rebuild, rather than refurbish St Patrick’s RC High School on its
existing site, at its existing size, by September 2012.
To rebuild All Hallows RC High School on the lower part of the site
currently occupied by Oasis Academy (ex Hope High School), at its
existing size, by September 2012.
To rebuild Irlam and Cadishead Community High School on its existing
site, reducing the size of the school from 1200 to 900 pupils, including the
possible sale of identified land to raise capital receipts.
This report informs Cabinet of the progress made in formulating alternative proposals for the
rebuilding of three Roman Catholic High Schools in the City. If these changes are to be
implemented a public consultation is required prior to the issuing of statutory notices.
The report also proposes that Irlam and Cadishead Community High School should be
rebuilt rather than refurbished and outlines how this can be achieved.
(Available for public inspection)
Salford BSF Documents are available on
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
Building Schools for the Future is a key Council risk. A master risk register and several sub
risk registers have been compiled for the programme. These are included within the OBC
and are updated on a regular basis by the BSF delivery team.
Funding for the RC High School proposals is included within the overall resources identified
for the BSF programme agreed by Cabinet on the 27 February 2007 and approved by
Partnership for Schools and the Treasury at the end of June 2007.
(or his representative):
Provided by : Ian Sheard
Developed with Customer & Support Services – Law & Administration Section input and
with input from Addleshaw Goddard, external legal advisers to the BSF programme.
Provided by : Chris Mee
Developed with Customer & Support Services – PFI accountant input and with input from
Ernst & Young, external financial advisers to the BSF programme.
Stephen Bradbury – BSF Project Director – 0161 778 0367
KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Every Child Matters, Community Plan, Green Space Strategy and
Unitary Development Plan.
On 11 September 2007 Cabinet approved the commencement of the statutory
consultations on linked proposals to reorganise the Roman Catholic High School
estate as detailed within the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the Building Schools for
the Future (BSF) programme. The proposals were :
to close St George’s RC High School by September 2012.
to enlarge All Hallows RC High School from 600 to 750 pupil capacity, by
constructing a replacement building, to be built on a proposed site in the
Pendleton Regeneration Area by September 2011.
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
 to enlarge St Ambrose Barlow RC High School from 750 to 900 pupil capacity, by
refurbishing the existing school building and partial rebuild, on the existing school
site, by September 2012.
The OBC also provided for the refurbishment of St Patrick’s High School by
September 2012, retaining its existing capacity of 900 pupil places.
Meetings were held in November 2007 for parents, staff and governors at St
George’s, All Hallows and St Ambrose Barlow RC High Schools, together with a
public ‘drop-in’ meeting.
A report was made to Cabinet on 26th March 2008 summarising a set of alternative
proposals which had emerged from the consultation process. These were:
a. That St Ambrose Barlow should be expanded to 1050 places for 11-16 year olds
and also deliver post 16 provision in an adjacent 250 place sixth form, by
constructing a replacement building on the site of the former Wardley High
School, a location between St Ambrose Barlow and St George’s. The new school
would geographically thus better serve the needs of the Catholic community,
reducing the travel distances which had been a cause for concern during the
consultation regarding the closure of St George’s. The Wardley site also provides
the area necessary to build St Ambrose Barlow’s sixth form, which was introduced
following the approval of the OBC and will be separately funded by the Learning
and Skills Council.
b. That the new capital receipts from the sale of surplus sites released under these
arrangements could be ploughed back into the Roman Catholic School estate
a. St Patrick’s to be upgraded from a refurbishment to a new build.
b. All Hallows to remain at its existing size within its existing community and
to be rebuilt on the lower part of the site of the current Oasis Academy (ex
Hope High School).
c. The Governors of St Ambrose Barlow to generate the 10% contribution
required for their new post-16 facility.
It was hoped to report back to Cabinet in May on progress made in the development
of these plans. However, it did not prove possible to make sufficient progress on all
of these issues until July. This report summarises the progress which has been
made and seeks approval to take forward various proposals including public
consultation on plans for the Roman Catholic estate.
The plan for Irlam and Cadishead Community High School has been to refurbish this
school as one of the sample schemes in the programme. Both bidders and the BSF
team are now agreed that the nature of the existing buildings and the funding
available are very unlikely to deliver a refurbishment solution which delivers both
educational transformation and can be considered as value for money. Both bidders
have suggested ways in which additional income could be generated from land
receipts, currently in the ownership of the Council, in order to allow a complete
rebuilding of the school on its existing site.
Summary of progress made in order to realise alternative proposals for the
Roman Catholic estate.
In the previous report to Cabinet a number of challenges to this plan were identified.
Significant progress has been made on each of these issues.
The Wardley site is not in the entire ownership of either the Council or the Roman
Catholic Diocese. However, the governors of Salford College have agreed in principle
to sell their share of the site to the Council meaning that the whole of the site would
then be in Council ownership.
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
The Wardley site is in the Green Belt. Although it has previously been the site of a
school, there is a risk that planning permission for a new school may not be granted.
Any resolution by the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel to grant consent
for a new school on the site must first be endorsed by the Secretary of State before
planning permission is secured. Despite the planning policy presumption against
development of this scale in the Green Belt and the associated risk of call-in, officers
are confident that very special circumstances justifying the development in the Green
Belt exist. Sheppard Robson has completed a feasibility study to establish what could
be constructed within the constraint of existing planning requirements. This remains
an area of risk but one which has been addressed as thoroughly as it is possible to do
as this stage.
The substantial difference between our Outline Business Case and these proposals
has necessitated detailed discussions with Partnerships for Schools (PfS) who are in
agreement that the option should be pursued and that it does offer significant
improvements to the original proposals. Discussions continue with PfS towards an
agreement regarding the allocation of capital receipts released under these new
Discussions have also taken place with the Learning and Skills Council to ensure that
the programme does not pose a risk to the funding which they have identified for the
post-16 centre at St Ambrose Barlow.
Detailed discussions have also taken place with the Roman Catholic Diocese whose
agreement to this plan has been of fundamental importance, particularly as the
proposals include the closure of St George’s which formed part of the original
consultation. A letter was received from the Bishop’s representative on 15th July
confirming the agreement of the Diocese to partner with the authority on the Wardley
proposal and this three site strategy. Discussions continue with the Diocese to
address important details of this arrangement around the management of the
consultation process and the implications for staff and students at each school.
In addition to increasing the number of newly built schools from four to six, these
proposed changes will also allow changes to the BSF programme itself. The Outline
Business Case anticipated two successive phases following on from the sample
schools, one of 3 new build PFI schools and one of 2 refurbishments. With the
Diocesan decision in mind, it is now possible to consider one final phase of 5 new
build schools, which would almost certainly form a single PFI deal. There would be
significant savings of fees and procurement costs as only one final commercial close
would be required, and not two. There are also educational advantages to be gained
as no one school would be at the back of the queue for transformation, thus
minimising the potential for blight. A fully revised programme will be presented to
Cabinet later this autumn.
That Cabinet approves the commencement of the statutory process to consult on the
following proposals:
(1) To close St George’s RC High School by September 2012
(2) To enlarge St Ambrose Barlow RC High School from 750 to 1050 pupil capacity,
by constructing a replacement building on the former Wardley High School site by
September 2012, also changing the school’s upper age limit to add a 250 place sixth
form by September 2011.
That Cabinet approve the following revised proposals:
(3) To rebuild, rather than refurbish St Patrick’s RC High School on its existing site, at
its existing size by September 2012.
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
(4) To rebuild All Hallows RC High School on the lower part of the site of the existing
Oasis Academy (ex Hope High School) at its existing size, by September 2012.
It must be noted that the Roman Catholic sector proposals are all linked financially
and in respect of pupil numbers. Therefore if the decision to close St George’s RC
High School is not determined all of the Roman Catholic School proposals will
require revision.
The proposed programme for this consultation process is outlined at appendix one.
Revised proposal for Irlam and Cadishead Community High School
Bidders were asked to submit two design proposals – one for a new build at Walkden,
and one for a refurbishment at Irlam & Cadishead. The initial bids received suggest
that an affordable scheme, which meets the required transformational agenda is
achievable at Walkden, although design issues remain with both bidders. This gives
comfort that the provision of capex estimated at OBC is reasonable for the Walkden
new build scheme.
Neither bidder is happy with their proposals for Irlam & Cadishead. It is fair to say that
market scrutiny has revealed that it is not feasible to require the levels of educational
transformation which the Council expects at Irlam & Cadishead to be achieved within
the boundaries of affordability presented to bidders in the refurbishment scheme.
Both bidders have proposed upgrading their Irlam & Cadishead schemes to a new
build solution, which would enable the required educational transformation to be
achieved. This would also present the Council with the very significant prize of
achieving a 100% new build solution from BSF.
Although bidders vary in the mechanics of how they propose to upgrade to a 100%
new build solution, essentially both have identified two pieces of land as potential
additional capital receipts. Neither of these pieces of land were identified for disposal
within the OBC.
The first of these sites is a strip of land, currently part of the play ground at Irlam &
Cadishead, adjoining Bradburn Road. Planning advice indicates that there are no
reasons in principle to prevent planning permission being secured for residential infill,
along an existing residential street. It is not a large site, and would not affect area
requirements for sport.
The second site is more substantial and involves the use of part of the existing
Walkden site. Both bidders plan to build the new Walkden school on part of the lower
site, currently used for playing fields. Through the provision of an all weather pitch on
that lower site, the sporting area requirements for the school would almost be met,
but not quite. It is therefore proposed that the existing playing field on the upper site
behind the current Walkden building should be retained for occasional school use
and community use. This would enable the sporting area requirements to be met,
taken together with the provision of an all weather pitch.
The area of land for disposal would be the current footprint of the Walkden school
building, bounded by Hawthorn Avenue, Birch Road and Laburnum Road. Again, the
informal opinion of planners is that there it would possible for this part of the site to be
used for residential purposes, as long as the existing green space and playing field
were retained.
If Irlam & Cadishead were to become a new build, there would be an additional
financial benefit from savings on life cycle funding. The LEP would need to put less
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
money to one side to deal with life cycle and maintenance if the building was all new,
meaning that more of the original capex sum could be spent on transformation.
Indications from bidders, and confirmed by our own technical advisers, is that about
£24m would be required to achieve a new build solution at Irlam & Cadishead,
inclusive of all weather pitches at both schools. With the £17.9m of capex already in
the model, with the consequent life cycle savings, and with the additional capital
receipts, a new build solution at Irlam & Cadishead looks like an achievable option
(although further detailed affordability work would be required if this option is
pursued) if the Council is minded to agree to the additional land disposals. There are
other potential benefits to be gained by having one set of contractual arrangements,
as there is the potential for all the schools (other than the Academy) to become PFI.
Senior management at Walkden have already indicated that they would much prefer
to see all facilities on one site, and would prefer not to have pitches on the upper site
if there was an all weather pitch on the lower site.
Informal soundings with PfS have explored issues over the percentage of retention of
the capital receipts. At OBC, 100% retention was agreed as the case for educational
transformation was made. The informal view of PfS is that 100% retention would
apply to these additional sites if the case for educational transformation could be
Bidders have requested feedback as to whether such additional land disposals would
be acceptable to the Council.
Risk to the Council
Decisions in respect of this issue need to be taken with an understanding over risk
with regard to land values. The credit crunch, and the temporary withdrawal of many
developers from the residential housing market, has had a significant impact upon
land values. In the short term, it is difficult to state with confidence what could be
realised through land sales.
The Council has already, as part of the OBC, taken risk on the sites previously
identified for disposal. No immediate disposals are intended, and the earliest that any
of the sites would go to market is 2012 following completion of the first schools in
2011. This does allow for a minimum 3.5 to 4 year period for the market to stabilise,
but it is likely to stabilise at a lower level.
(5) That Cabinet agree to a revised proposal to rebuild Irlam and Cadishead
Community High School on its existing site, reducing the size of the school from 1200
to 900 pupils, including the possible sale of identified land to raise capital receipts.
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
Appendix one
School Organisation Process
Consultation Timescales
St George’s RC High
St Ambrose Barlow RC
High School
To close by September 2012. The enlargement
of St Ambrose Barlow RC High School is
dependent on the closure of St George’s.
Cabinet report to approve
commencement of the statutory
process to consult on the linked
Cabinet Briefing - 16 September 2008
Cabinet meeting -14 October 2008
Cabinet decision and call in
22 October 2008
Public consultation
4 November 2008 - 12 December 2008
Report to Cabinet to consider
outcome of consultation and
authorisation to publish notices
Cabinet Briefing – 13 January 2009
Cabinet decision and call in.
4 February 2009
Publication of statutory notices
for closure of St George’s and
enlargement of St Ambrose
12 February 2009
Prescribed alteration, namely increase by 60
places per year group from 150 to 210 (750 1050 pupil capacity), and to be located on a new
site from September 2012 plus changing of the
school’s upper age limit to add a 6th form (250
place) by September 2011.
7. 6 week representation period
Cabinet Meeting – 27 January 2009
27 March 2009
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks
School Organisation Process
Consultation Timescales
All Hallows RC High
Reconsult original consultees on revised
proposal to retain the school at 600 places and
move it to a new site on Eccles Old Road(ex
Hope High school) The proposal is dependent
on the closure of St George’s.
The LA is the decision maker
and will consider any objections
and comments received and will
determine the proposal within 2
months of the end of the
representation period.
By 29 May 2009
9. The RC and CE Diocese, the
schools’ governing bodies and
the LSC have the right to appeal
the LA’s decision to school’s
adjudicator (within 4 weeks).
26 June 2009
10. In the case of appeal, the LA
sends proposals, comments and
objections received plus details
of ‘related’ proposals to the
school adjudicator (within 1
3 July 2009
11. School Adjudicator decision on
By August 2009
TBC with school
Autumn term 2008
R/Asset Development/Cabinet Reports/BSF Proposals for St Georges All Hallows St Ambrose St Patricks