Notes from Ordsall Community Forum 5 June 2007 Ordsall Neighbourhood Building

Notes from Ordsall Community Forum
5th June 2007
Ordsall Neighbourhood Building
Ross Spanner
Stephen Coen
Syd Cauldwell
Jim Doyle
Tom McMullen
Brian Thorney
Sylvia Sharples
Madge Bown
B W Beresford
Caroline Mean
Jackie Ashley
Barry Whitmarsh
Charlotte Howarth
Anne Godding
Sue Rigg
Simon Ashdown
Jonathan Drake
Michael Grundy
Danny McNicholas
Jonathan Dale
John Dupre
Jeanette Coward
Neighbourhood Manager (Chair)
Parliamentary Officer for Hazel Blears MP
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Local Resident
Salford Heritage Services
Urban Vision
Salford City Council
Park Ranger
Community Development Worker
LPC Living
LPC Living
New Barracks
Salford City Council
Admin Officer Ordsall & Langworthy (Note taker)
Councillor Peter Dobbs
Christine Duffin
Clare Bailey-Jones
Eejay Whitehead
Roy Sharples
Ordsall Beat Sweep
The Ordsall Beat Sweep evaluation report has now been completed. If
anyone would like to see this report contact Ross.
Action: ALL
Removal of Bulky Domestic Items
Ross has contacted David Robinson, (Environmental Services) regarding the
free removal of a bulky domestic item from homes in the Central Salford area.
David has assured Ross that the Salford Direct has all the Central Salford
details on its database.
Misuse of fire hydrants DVD
The DVD about misuse of fire hydrants was shown at Community Committee
on 8th May 2007. Anyone who would like to see this DVD should contact
Action: ALL
Fly-tipping Gloucester Street
Ross is to speak to Colin Mannion, Housing Manager SALIX and Phil Morton,
Environmental Services to consider Gloucester Street as a hotspot.
Action: Ross Spanner
Jeanette Coward to take the alley-way between Rudman Drive and
Gloucester Street to the Environment Task Group as a new hotspot.
Action: Jeanette Coward
Syd Cauldwell, local resident, has observed a dark blue/light blue pick up
vehicle dumping old fridges in the passageway between Rudman Drive and
Gloucester Street. Jonathan Dale knows of this pick up truck and is to send
details to Ross.
Action: Jonathan Dale
Jim Doyle asked if residents could have some feedback when they report flytipping. Ross explained that there is the Environmental Crime team are keen
to give feedback to local residents and are looking at how this can best be
Park Rangers
Charlotte Howarth has met with Ordsall bowlers to see if they can contrinute
to reducing asb at night in the park. Ordsall bowlers asked if Ordsall Park
could have signage to state that there are no off-road vehicles allowed in
Ordsall Park. Ross is to look into obtaining signage for Ordsall Park.
Action: Ross Spanner
Ross asked Charlotte to encourage the Ordsall bowling team to keep
reporting asb caused by off-road vehicles to GMP as this will help make
Ordsall Park a higher priority.
Action: Charlotte Howarth
Charlotte has spoken to Jon Shepherd-Smyth, Community Health Trainer, for
an update regarding the disabled persons walk that Syd Cauldwell enquired
about. Jon stated that a bowling activity is now being organised in preference
to a walk.
Charlotte informed Syd that community health walks are being run every
Wednesday 10am to 11am at Ordsall Community Café. Anyone interested
should contact Ordsall Community Café on: 0161 872 6011.
Cycling in Ordsall
Ross has met with Oasis Trust and passed details to them regarding cycling
routes in Ordsall. Sharon Prentice from Oasis is to liaise with Dr McKelvey.
Salford Campus site
Tom McMullen again raised the issue of proceeds from sale of land where old
youth/community centre was sited and a ‘promise’ from local Members to
invest this money in a new facility.
Barry Whitmarsh informed Tom McMullen that the proceeds from the sale of
the Salford Campus site were routed through Salford Council’s mainstream
budget. No money was currently allocated for a new youth and community
centre in the area. Also, Children’s Services have not so far specified any
new youth facility as part of the Development Framework.
Tom, along with other residents is not happy with ‘broken promises’ and
asked Stephen Coen if he could take this to Hazel Blears. Stephen to obtain
details off Tom at the end of this meeting and promised to look back at
previous records and feedback to the Forum next time.
Action: Stephen Coen
Youth Funding
Ross informed the Forum of money that is available from Central Government
for local groups to apply for funding for the building of new Youth Centres.
Councils cannot apply for this money. For more details contact Ross
Bricklayers Arms site
There are no proposals to develop the Bricklayers Arms site as was
suggested in the previous minutes.
TV Reception in Ordsall
David McLean Homes have not written to residents acknowledging
responsibility and giving residents options to improve reception. Ross has emailed and telephoned David McLean but has not received any response so
far. Stephen Coen said he would also try and make contact with David
McLean Homes on his behalf.
Action: Ross Spanner/Stephen Coen
Jim Doyle, local resident, informed the Forum that he has not had any
feedback from OFCOM. Ross explained to the Forum that OFCOM had
recently contacted him regarding the TV reception in Ordsall and stated that
OFCOM would only refer residents back to their local Council to see if a
clause had been inserted in the planning permission regarding TV reception.
Trees on Regent Road
Jonathan Dale has contacted Urban Vision regarding the trees on Regent
Road and is awaiting feedback.
Action: Jonathan Dale
Monmouth Park
Public consultation will take place on 21st June 2007, 6pm at Humphrey Booth
Day Centre. Buffet and refreshments will be available. Barry urged residents
to support this event as residents will plan and design the new Monmouth
Park. Barry stated that door-to-door consultation is to be arranged in the
Tom McMullen thanked the Council for installing wooden bollards around
Monmouth Park to dissuade contractors from parking vehicles on the grass.
However, the contractors are now driving over the pavements to park their
vehicles in the centre of the green. Tom asked if it was possible for more
wooden bollards to be installed to stop contractors parking there. Ross to
speak to Bernie Noon, Environmental Services to see if this can be arranged.
Action: Ross Spanner
Ordsall Hall
Jackie Ashley distributed the proposed plans for the renovation of Ordsall
The first stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund application has been successful
and £117,000 has been awarded to develop the second stage of the bid. If
this stage goes through there will still be a shortfall of £900k, for which matchfunding would be sought. The renovation of Ordsall Hall will cost £6.8 million.
Hopefully work will commence in April 2009 and be completed by April 2011.
Jackie gave an account of the proposed renovations at Ordsall Hall:
Opening of more rooms for public viewing.
Education room on the ground floor for schools and community
Education programme to be expanded.
Under 5’s Story time.
Credited and non credited training workshops that will link into
local colleges and MANCAT.
Training in conservation and heritage skills.
Disabled access including computer and visual aids for disabled
visitors to view the top floor of Ordsall Hall, as this will not have
access for disabled visitors.
Grounds to be landscaped to fit in with Ordsall Hall status with
formal gardens that have a pattern similar to Ordsall Hall
exterior walls.
Picnic area near car park.
Car park is to be expanded.
A moat, with no water, and a sign explaining about the original
Exhibitions – hands on and interactive.
Multi-media exhibitions - films and computer archive.
Caroline Mean said she is interested in using local history stories. She asked
if Forum members know of anyone with interesting local history stories and
could they contact her on 0161 778 0817. Also, the potter’s wheel has to be
relocated and Ordsall Hall would like to donate it to a local group in the area.
Caroline to contact John Burns, Youth Service, to see if they know of any
groups in the area who will be interested in the potter’s wheel.
Action: Caroline Mean/John Burns
Update Ordsall Development Framework
Proposed development on former nursery site on Robert Hall Street
Planning permission for two storey family houses was submitted last week to
Salford City Council. We should hear if planning permission has been
successful end of October early November.
Radclyffe Mews
Radclyffe Mews is under construction but is at present running 3 weeks
behind schedule. It will be late September early October before properties
will be available. All properties have been sold, mainly to local people and
first-time buyers.
Taylorson Street
Taylorson Street is being closed next week for 2 to 3 months. Notices of
closure have been put up in the area.
Public footpath is to close on a temporary basis with possible diversions when
this happens. Ordsall Library has public footpath closure details if anyone
would like to see them.
New development will be offered to local people, local workers and people
from the universities. A shared equity scheme will be offered on this
Hulton Street
Planning permission has been approved to build 260 homes and apartments
on Hulton Street. Work will commence next month. LPC Living now own the
land that was formally Collingburn Court. Road and public footpath closures
have been applied for and should be in place by October of this year. This
building programme will take 2 to 3 years to complete. Phase 1 of the
development will go on sale next month.
LPC Living is also to extend the car park at St Clements Church.
Advertising Hoardings in Ordsall
Jonathan Drake would like to promote what is happening in Ordsall with
temporary advertising hoarding boards in 11 sites in the area. Copies of
posters which will be on the hoarding boards will be sent out with the notes
(see enclosed).
Action: Jonathan Drake/Jeanette Coward
All residents who live near the temporary hoardings will receive notices. A
planning application has now been submitted to Salford City Council.
Primrose Hill Community School
The official opening event for the new school is 28th September 2007. Ordsall
Festival is to be held on 22nd September 2007 and will link into the new school
Any Other Business
Storm Damage
Brian Thorney, local resident, informed the Forum that the damaged fence
caused by the storms in January 2007 has still not been repaired. An
inspector came to view the fence and measured up for the replacement
fencing but never returned. Ross to speak to Colin Mannion, Housing
Manager, NPHL.
Action: Ross Spanner
Update from the Older People and Disabled Group
Syd Cauldwell, resident of Queen Alexandra Close, gave an update from the
Older People and Disabled Group. The Older People and Disabled Group
complained to GMP about of the lack of police patrols in the area and that
older people felt intimidated if seen talking to the police. Two PCSOs have
since visited Queen Alexandra Close to talk to residents and residents are
now happy and feel confident talking to the police. Syd would like to thank
GMP for arranging these meeting on behalf of the Older People and Disabled
Irwell City Park
Tom McMullen gave an update on the Irwell City Park Lottery bid. The final
bid has now been submitted and in a couple of months assessors will contact
residents for feedback on the bid. Tom asked if any local residents are
contacted it would help if they showed support for this project.
Ordsall Flower Show
Madge Bown informed the Forum that the Ordsall Flower Show will take place
on 14th July 2007 at Salford Lads & Girls Club.
Number 33 Bus
Jonathan Dale informed the group that the number 33 bus had now doubled
its service and is now running every 15 minutes and that this is very positive
for the area.
Pedestrian Crossing near to New Barracks
Jonathan Dale asked Ross what work is being carried out at present near the
pedestrian crossing on Regent Road near to New Barracks. Ross to find out
and feedback at next meeting.
Action: Ross Spanner
Allotments in Ordsall
Barry Whitmarsh said no clear demand for allotments in this area had
emerged in consultations. Jim Doyle is to contact Edward Down, Chairman of
Salford Allotments Association, with contacts of residents who are interested
in allotments in the Ordsall area. Tom McMullen is to inform Jim of sites that
might be suitable for allotments in the Ordsall area.
Action: Jim Doyle/Tom McMullen
Jonathan Dale informed the group that the growing of local produce is
increasing and we need to encourage the use of allotments in the Ordsall
Former Harry Ramsden Site
Application has been submitted to Manchester City Council for a 28 storey
apartment block. Jim Doyle would like to know how residents can object to
this new development.
Barry Whitmarsh is to see if Salford has responded to Manchester City
Council regarding the new development and feedback next time.
Action: Barry Whitmarsh
Barry suggested that residents find the planning reference number from the
Manchester City Council web-site and then contact planning from Manchester
City Council.
Action: Local Residents
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting
17th July 2007, 10am at Ordsall Neighbourhood Building, 2 Robert Hall Street
Apologies given for next meeting are from:
Simon Ashdown
Jeanette Coward