PART I (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT HEAD OF SERVICE REGENERATION STRATEGY & CO-ORDINATION TO the Leader of the Council ON Monday 20th November 2006 TITLE: Irwell City Park Stakeholder and Partner Event Wednesday 13th December 2006 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the Leader is made aware of the forthcoming Stakeholder and Partner Event on Wednesday 13th December 2006. 2. That the leader considers the need to raise the Irwell City Park Project at the forthcoming meeting with DCMS permanent secretary. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report provides information on the Irwell City Park Stakeholder and Partner Event on 13th December 2006. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Irwell City Park - Next Stage Plan September 2006 Initial Business Case and Lottery Application ASSESSMENT OF RISK: n/a SOURCES OF FUNDING: Living Landmarks Big Lottery Fund COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative) 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Advice sought from Pauline Lewis, Law and Administration Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services aware of current financial implications. PROPERTY (if applicable): Urban Vision and Strategic Director for Housing and Planning involved in land and property implications - details of which to be examined in further detail through the business case. HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Not applicable CONTACT OFFICER : Elaine Davis, Principal Regeneration Strategy & Co-ordination Officer, Regeneration Strategy & Co-ordination - 0161 793 2207 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) :All wards in Central Salford. KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy 7 Pledges Central Salford URC's Vision and Regeneration Framework and Business Plan DETAILS 1.0 Stakeholder and Partner Event 1.1 A Stakeholder Event has been scheduled for the 13th December 2006 1pm to 4pm at The Lowry to commence a comprehensive engagement strategy to support the Irwell City Park Lottery Application. The event represents the first opportunity for the Irwell City Park (ICP) Partnership to identify and bring together all the key stakeholders and partners from Salford, Manchester and Trafford. 1.2 The stakeholder event will help to develop strong working links with key stakeholders and partners. The emphasis on continuous stakeholder involvement throughout the life of the project is in line with the Big Lottery application guidance statement that they are looking to fund projects which: "have strong stakeholder and partnership involvement and are developed strategically through integrating and supporting wider local, regional and national strategies" 1.3 The event intends to raise awareness of the ICP project amongst stakeholders and encourage them to raise awareness within their respective groups and organisations. The event will also provide an opportunity to consult with attendees to help shape the ICP proposals. It will provide an opportunity for the project management consultants (Buro4) and recently appointed Design and Technical consultants (Broadway Malyan) to outline plans for submission of the Stage 2 application. 1.4 It is estimated that over 120 people will attend the event representing strategic stakeholders from across the three local authorities, local strategic partnerships, local regeneration partnerships, as well as NWDA and EP. The event is also seeking representation from health, education, crime & disorder , leisure and environmental organisations. The business community will be represented through support agencies such as GM Chamber, Manchester Enterprises and MIDAS. 1.5 The event format will include an initial presentation, followed by Q+A session and finally workshop sessions where attendees will be able to provide feedback that will help shape the ICP proposals. 1.6 After the stakeholder and partner event attendees will be kept up to date with ICP project progress through regular newsletters/ bulletins about the project, and through a bespoke website now being developed. 2.0 Lobbying 2.1 The importance of engaging key stakeholders who can represent and support the bid at the national/ international level will be crucial. Hazel Blears, M.P. has expressed her interest and desire to help at the recent Local Democracy Day and the in-house project team would welcome guidance on how best to keep her informed of the project - as well as the other remaining Salford M.P's. 2.2 We would also like to request that the ICP project be included , as a brief item, on the agenda for the forthcoming meeting with the new DCMS Permanent Secretary. A copy of the plan for Irwell City Park and the marketing brochure can be made available to assist this.