` ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEADER TO THE CABINET ON TUESDAY 13th June, 2006 TITLE : QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW- Analysis of the Council’s Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators contained within the 2005/06 Best Value Performance Plan based on data for the 4th quarter of 2005/06. RECOMMENDATIONS : (1) That consideration be given to the Council’s performance against the Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators based on data for the 4th quarter of 2005/06; and that detailed consideration of performance take place at the individual meetings to be held between the Chief Executive, Leader and Deputy Leader and the respective Director and Lead Member. (2) That the action to be taken to improve service performance arising from the 3rd quarter, 2005/06 round of QPE meetings be noted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This report (a) provides a brief analysis of the Council’s performance in respect of the Best Value, Local and CPA Performance Indicators contained in the 2005/06 Best Value Performance Plan as at the 4th quarter of 2005/06 and (b) refers to the key issues raised in the 3rd quarter 2005/06 round of Quarterly Performance Evaluation (QPE) meetings held with each Director and Lead Member. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) Directorate Comparator Action Plans – 4th Quarter, 2005/06 QPE Agenda and Minutes – 3rd quarter, 2004/05 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Not applicable SOURCE OF FUNDING: Any additional funding to bring about performance improvements is being met from Directorate budgets. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : None 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : None PROPERTY (if applicable): Not applicable HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Not applicable CONTACT OFFICER : Neil Watts 0161 793 3446 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All wards KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Best Value and Performance Management INTRODUCTION OF ‘NEW’ DIRECTORATES 1. With the introduction of the ‘new’ Children’s Services and Community, Health and Social Care Directorates as from 1st September, 2005, this quarterly report has now been amended to take into account the new responsibilities of the two Directorates. PIs relating to children, which were previously within the former Community and Social Services Directorate are now assigned to the Children’s Services Directorate and Leisure/Culture PIs, which were previously within the former Education and Leisure Directorate are now assigned to the Community, Health and Social Care Directorate. However, it should be noted that responsibility for the Children’s and Leisure/Culture PIs is being retained within the ‘former’ directorates for 2005/06, with PI production/reporting being undertaken by the ‘new’ directorates with effect from 2006/07. (A) ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE 2. This report provides members with an overview of the Council’s performance based on data for the 4th quarter of 2005/06 (January to March, 2006) compared with the performance in the 4th quarter of 2004/05 (January to March, 2005). 3. Within the 2005/06 Best Value set of PIs specified by the Government, there are151 individual indicators. (This includes indicators which are referred to by the Government as one indicator but which are in fact, divided into a number of sub-PIs such as those relating to Road Traffic Accidents). The Council also set itself 42 local PIs to be monitored for 2005/06. 4. Of those 193 LPIs / BVPIs, there are 140 for which performance can be presented at this stage for the 4th quarter of 2005/06. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE 5. The following table provides a brief summary of performance in the 4th quarter of 2005/06 compared with performance in the 4th quarter, 2004/05. C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet Quarter 4th Quarter 2005/06 4th Quarter 2004/05 No. of PI’s Improving No. of PIs for which performance has fallen No. of PIs static No. of PIs on Target No. of PIs below target No. of PIs in the Upper 2 quartiles No. of PIs in the lower 2 quartiles 95 (75.39%) 27 (21.42%) 4 (3.17%) 84 (60.43%) 55 (39.56%) 44 (63.78%) 25 (36.23%) 79 (62.69%) 38 (30.15%) 9 (7.14%) 62 (47.32%) 69 (52.67%) 35 (42.68%) 47 (57.31%) 6. Performance Compared with Previous Quarter The greater proportion of PIs are improving (75.39%) and the overall direction of travel appears favourable when compared with the 4th quarter of 2004/05, when (62.69%) of PIs were improving. 7. Performance Against Targets (60.43%) of the PIs are on target in the 4th quarter, 2005/06, compared with (47.32%) of PIs on target in the 4th quarter, 2004/05. 8. Performance Against Quartiles The direction of travel in respect of performance against the quartiles is favourable in that (63.78%) of the PIs for the 4th quarter 2005/06 are in the upper 2 quartiles compared with (42.68%) in the 4th quarter 2004/05. The quartile comparison is made with the 2004/05 Audit Commission data. 9. PIs For Which Performance has fallen There are 27 (21.42%) Pls for which performance has fallen from Quarter 4, 2004/05 to Quarter 4, 2005/06. It is important however, to establish the severity of the fall in performance of these PIs. Although a fall in performance may have occurred, this is not necessarily a cause for concern as many of the PIs have shown only a minor ‘dip’ in performance with the causes of this being clear or, performance may still be in the upper quartiles. Table 1 does however provide details of the key service areas where it is acknowledged that performance may need to be addressed. Comments from Directors are included in the table against the respective PIs. (B) KEY ISSUES ARISING FROM QPE MEETINGS 10. Table 2 attached provides details of the key issues arising from the QPE meetings held for the 3rd quarter, 2005/06 and of the action to be taken by Directors to improve performance. 11. Table 2 is submitted for information. Directors are reporting back to their respective Quarter 4 QPE meeting in respect of the action points listed in Table 2. C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet (C) PERFORMANCE AGAINST CPA DATA 12. Table 3 attached provides details of the performance data within the CPA service blocks (Culture, Housing & Environment) which is at (or just above) the lower threshold. The table also provides details (where available) of the position as regards the performance measure as at the 4th quarter, 2005/06 in order to determine the most up to date position. 13. It is stressed that table 3 contains only those PIs which are at (or just above) the lower threshold. Monitoring will be undertaken of all the performance measures within the CPA service blocks. Any performance measure which deteriorates to a level at or just above the lower threshold will then be brought within the table for remedial action to be considered. C:/MyDocuments\WorkForNeil\WordDocuments\ReportToCabinet TABLE 1 BVPI/LPI No. Higher/lower PI title figure preferable Lower The number of racial incidents recorded by the authority per 100,000 population Directorate Q4, 2004/05 performance Q4, 2005/06 performance Degree of variance Comments Customer and Support Services 99.77 301 201.69% Improvements have been made in the collection systems for this indicator which has improved reporting/recording. BVPI 78a Lower Average time for processing new claims Customer and Support Services 30.30 45.30 49.50% BVPI 78b Lower Average time for processing notifications of changes of circumstances Customer and Support Services 11.28 18.34 62.59% This deterioration in performance is attributable to the introduction of the new computer system for council tax and benefits. While data was being transferred between systems our users had no means of processing claims and this had a direct effect on scoring for this PI. The change to the new computer system has had a similar effect here as with BVPI 78a. LPI 114 Lower Gross cost of collecting Council Tax Customer and Support Services 1.21 1.61 33.06% BVPI 199a Lower The proportion of land and highways that is assessed as having combined deposits of litter and detritus Environment 16 23 43.75% BVPI 174 The cost of collection for council tax is £1.614m and although this is higher than the target for the year, some adjustment has been made to the apportionment of costs between this service and the benefits service. Collectively both services are within target. Comments awaited. TABLE 1 BVPI/LPI No. LPI 112 BVPI 184b Higher/lower PI title figure preferable Lower Rent arrears of current tenants as a proportion of the authority's rent roll Directorate Q4, 2004/05 performance Q4, 2005/06 performance Degree of variance Comments Housing and Planning 3.30 3.65 10.61% Higher Housing and Planning 13.40 7.10 88.73% The final quarter of the year saw the implementation of the Rent Income Team Recovery Plan. This was an intensely focused plan that aimed to deliver the best possible performance against indicators highlighted as most at risk in the short time available. Changes to procedure, case management and the performance management framework are being made to improve against this indicator. A programme of works is ongoing to target properties which do not meet the Decent Homes Standard, or are about to become non-decent through poor condition and/or the age of components. The percentage of non decent homes is 58.15% against a target of 60% for the start of 2005/2006. The % of change in the proportion of non-decent houses between 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006 TABLE 2 Key Issues arising from QPE meetings 3rd Quarter 2005/06 QPE MEETING Chief Executive, Thursday 16th February 2006 Housing and Planning, Friday 17th February 2006. Meeting cancelled to be discussed in Quarter 4 2005/06. Customer and Support Services, Monday 20th February 2006. KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) Post of Anti-Social Behaviour Manager Head of Community Safety to attend meeting with Human Resources to discuss this Don Brown Concerns of how the Community Safety department is structured Clear management to be established Don Brown Crime reduction initiatives are being developed with partner agencies Don Brown Increase in the number of thefts from vehicles Development of corporate/LSP research function As progress has not been made the processes are to be reassessed. A draft Corporate Research Strategy will be available by end of June 2006. Ruth Fairhurst The % of Council Tax collected is causing great concern. A monthly report is to be provided to Lead Member Briefing and Councillor Lancaster. A strategy is also to be put in place to handle the press. Director of Customer and Support Services Situation with 'Think Customer' Report to be provided on where it is now and a meeting to be arranged with all involved. Martin Vickers BVPI 11c - Top 5% of earners who have a disability Letters and questionnaires are beings sent to all employees. Human Resources will be chasing all non-returns. Indicator will improve once all Director of Customer and Support Services QPE MEETING KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) the information is collected. Community Health and Social Care, Wednesday 22nd February 2006. Meeting cancelled to be discussed in Quarter 4 2005/06. Environment, Wednesday 22nd February 2006. Concern about devolving Neighbourhood Management to Estate level and the delegation of mainstream service budgets to Neighbourhood Management Teams. Clarification of Street Scene Management outstanding report deferred from Cabinet in March 2005. Little commitment from the Home Office to support facilitation of skills enhancement and training for prisoners and probationers, in line with the employability agenda, despite meetings nothing had developed since the last QPE. Leader stressed the need to support Parks for People Strategy and also wants more information on use and potential use of section 106's. The use of Agency Staff in Liveability caused concern as their remuneration does match permanent employees. They have had to buy own uniforms and there were promised vacancies which they could apply for, but didn't seem to materialise. Councillor Lea is consider further with Councillor Mann and report back to the Leader. Councillor Lea Leader is to arrange with appropriate officer and members Leader To progress. Dave Tinker Lead Member for Environment is to meet with the Lead Member for Planning on this issue and report to Cabinet. Councillor Lea Report further on issues as they develop. Dave Robinson QPE MEETING Children's Services, Monday 13th March 2006. Meeting cancelled to be discussed in Quarter 4 2005/06. KEY ISSUES RAISED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR(s) PERFORMANCE AGAINST CPA DATA TABLE 3 This table identifies; Those PIs which fall at or below the lower threshold in CPA 2005; and Those PIs that are showing a deteriorating performance as at the 4th Quarter of 2005/06, where information is available Service ref Ref (1) CULTURE C9 PI title (2) BVPI 119e Lower threshold (3) Resident satisfaction with parks/open spaces Upper threshold (4) 66% 2004/05 performance (5) 77% CPA PI Score Dec 2005 (6) (7) 63% +/- 2.72 Lower 2005/06 Q4 performance Action/comments (8) 3 yearly survey. Next survey September, 2006 This PI is part of the 3 yearly statutory survey. This survey is due to be repeated late 2006 with the data proposed to be used for CPA 2006. Much is being done to improve parks and open spaces, and public perception, which should be reflected in the next survey. Service ref Ref (1) HOUSING H1 H13 PI title (2) Lower threshold (3) Upper threshold (4) 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q4 performance (7) Action/comments (8) BVPI 184a The proportion of non-decent LA homes 53% 21% 65% Lower 58.15% Performance for 2005/06 was 58.15%. This still positions Salford below the lower threshold. Salford is at a major disadvantage with this PI as we are an ALMO without funding and therefore we will not achieve the targets until we are funded. Funding is subject to a successful inspection and this is not due until September 2007 at the earliest. BVPI 75a Satisfaction with opportunities to participate 68.2% 77.5% 45% Lower 3 yearly survey. Next survey September, 2006 The figures for this were taken from the 2004/05 Status Survey. This is a 3 yearly survey. However New Prospect has now decided to do this annually and may with A/C agreement be able to use Service ref Ref (1) PI title (2) Lower threshold (3) H18 HSSA sectio ns A5 & A6 The % of total private sector homes vacant for more than 6 months H6 BVPI 66a H8 BVPI 212 Upper threshold (4) 1.14% (North West) 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q4 performance (7) Action/comments (8) 0% (North west) 4.78% Lower Annual Rent collection 96.18% and arrears 98.2% 96.42% Mediu m 96.40% Average re-let 54.5 days times (North West) 34.2 days (North West) 47 days Mediu m 45 days the annual figures. These are showing improvement and the actual figures for 2005/06 will be available soon. Housing are currently in negotiation with the Audit Commission regarding this indicator and ways that we can report it to improve performance. Outcome to follow in due course. Current performance is now above the CPA lower threshold. Performance is now above the lower threshold at 45 days. Service ref Ref PI title (1) (2) (3) ENVIRONMENT E10 BVPI % of non224a principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered E18 BVPI Condition of 187a footways E22 E6 BVPI 179 The % of standard searches carried out within 10 days BVPIs Recycling and 82a & composting b performance Lower threshold Upper threshold (4) 2004/05 performance (5) (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 2005/06 Q4 performance (7) Action/comments (8) 2-year average greater than or equal to 25% 2-year average less than or equal to 12% 36.86% Lower 36% The 2 year average means that this indicator is still below the lower threshold. However, it is proposed that this indicator is deleted for CPA 2006. 2-year average greater than or equal to 38% 94% 2-year average less than or equal to 18% 38.1 Lower 30.37% 2 year average puts this indicator above the lower threshold of 38%. 99.8% 86.63% Lower 93.55% Performance is below the lower threshold of 94%. Actual 2003/04 performanc e less than or equal to both Actual 12.15% 2003/04 performance met or exceeded both individual Mediu m 22.95% Performance is now above the lower threshold. Service ref Ref (1) PI title (2) (3) Lower threshold Upper threshold (4) individual 2003/04 SPS (capped at 30%) and low cut off point set at 13% (15% proposed for CPA 2006). (5) 2003/04 SPS (capped at 30%) and national 17% target for the year(25%) proposed for CPA 2006).Any council which has already met its 2005/06 SPS in 2004/05 will also be deemed to be at or above the upper threshold. 2004/05 performance (6) CPA PI Score Dec 2005 (7) 2005/06 Q4 performance (8) Action/comments