ORDSALL AND LANGWORTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE Hawkshaw Court Howard Street Salford 5th October, 2004 Meeting commenced: 7.00 p.m. “ ended: 8.55 p.m. PRESENT: Roy Marsh – in the Chair Councillors Clague, Dobbs, Salmon, Slater and Warmisham Jim Doyle N.E.O.T.A. Anne Marsh S.A.R.A. Alan Cruddos S.C.C.A.G. Lorraine Thomas } New Barracks T.M.C. Elaine Sands } Jonathan Dale } Eve Sandler representing Hazel Blears, M.P. Mike Scantlebury Resident Emily Dale Ordsall Community Café Janet McManus Home-Start Salford Marie Taylor Salford PCT Rachel Burkitt Partners in Change Jamie Shepherd Salford Community Transport Anver Zee Salford Community Network Simon Ashdown } LPC David Clifton } Gillian Kenwrick } OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Ross Spanner Tony Walsh D:\219514777.doc - Neighbourhood Manager SRB 5 Team 1 Barry Whitmarsh Dave Norbury Dave Jolley Simon Plowman Daniel Mulvihill Claire Edwards } } } } - Development Services Directorate Youth Service Corporate Services Directorate ACTION 29. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ken Derbyshire, Ilona Snow-Miller, Audrey Stevenson, Jo Sugden and Malcolm Sykes. 30. ACTION SHEET The Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 3rd August, 2004, was agreed as a correct record. 31. MATTERS ARISING (a) 16 – Pattern of Community Committee Meetings (b) Members of the Community Committee were invited to contact the Neighbourhood Manager with suggestions as to how the pattern of meetings could be revised in order to avoid a meeting being held during Council Recess in 2005 (and in future years), and it was agreed that a decision would be made at a later date. 18(a) – Appointment of Budget Sub-Group The Neighbourhood Manager indicated that further representation was required from the Ordsall ward. Any community representatives from the Ordsall area interested in becoming a member of the Budget Sub-Group contact the Neighbourhood Manager. D:\219514777.doc 2 (c) 18(c) – Langworthy Update (d) It was reported that the item – ‘SRB 5 Progress Report’ was to be included on the agenda for the next meeting. Tony Walsh/ Ilona Snow-Miller/ Claire Edwards 18(d)(ii) – Pavements It was noted that the appropriate department within the Development Services Directorate had been made aware of the Committee’s concerns regarding instances where small areas of damaged paving stones had been replaced with tarmac which, it was felt, had adversely affected the appearance of some pavements in the area. (e) A response to be provided at the next meeting. Barry Whitmarsh 18(d)(iii) – Trees It was noted that an officer had visited the South Clarendon estate regarding the problems that residents were experiencing due to trees which were located close to their properties having grown too big, and the matter was being considered by the Environmental Services Directorate. (f) 19 – Budget Sub-Group It was reported that (a) action was being taken to ensure that applications were encouraged from a wide variety of community groups, particularly those involving elderly people, and (b) the extra resources that were available to the Committee through the Devolved Budget were to be used more strategically in order to reflect the priorities identified within the Community Action Plan. (g) 24 – Can the Community Committee be run better? Copies of the Evaluation Sheets that had been completed following the last meeting were circulated. It was noted that (a) the comments received had generally been favourable, and (b) work was ongoing in relation to improving meetings of the Community Committee in the future. D:\219514777.doc 3 32. SALFORD LOCAL LINK Jamie Shepherd provided information with regard to (a) Salford Local Link (transport for local residents), (b) Community Transport (group hire), (c) a furniture recycling scheme and (d) a low cost removal service. 33. The telephone number to book Local Link - 08456 055505 – was noted. NEW ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR POLICIES Submitted copy of presentation – ‘Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 – Housing Powers.’ Reference was made to the above document which Committee Members felt was, in the absence of an accompanying presentation, difficult to understand due to the amount of jargon that it contained. 34. It was agreed that Marilyn Thornley be invited to give the above presentation at the next meeting. Neighbourhood Manager BUILE HILL PARK – FORMER MINING MUSEUM - HOTEL PROPOSALS Information was provided in relation to the proposed redevelopment of the former mining museum into a hotel. Concerns were expressed with regard to the following:– whether the sensory garden would be moved to another site in the park, – the possibility that the proposed development would spoil the appearance of the building, – the impact that the proposed development would have on the accessibility of the park to the people of Salford, – the increase in the amount of traffic travelling through the park that would be caused by the proposed development, and the implications that this would have on the safety of children using the park. D:\219514777.doc 4 It was reported that (a) the request for the sensory garden to be re-sited had already been taken on board by the Director of Environmental Services, (b) the planning process would ensure that the redevelopment of the former museum was in keeping with the existing building, (c) it had not been possible for the City Council to bring the former museum back into use as a public building, (d) it was proposed that attempts would be made to limit the number of vehicles entering the park, and (e) the development of a positive use for the former museum was required in order for a lottery bid to be considered. It was reported that the planning application (Ref. 04/48982/COU), together with the listed building application (Ref. 04/48981/LBC) could be accessed via the City Council website at www.salford.gov.uk. 35. Any letters of objection or support be sent to the Director of Development Services, Development Control Section, Salford City Council, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5BW by 7th December, 2004. It was noted that none of the Elected Members in attendance at the meeting made any comment on the proposed development. SALFORD COMMUNITY RADIO A report was submitted updating Committee Members on the activities of Salford Community Radio. The Committee endorsed the proposal that Salford Community Radio continue to provide training and volunteer opportunities for Salford residents. The Committee endorsed the proposal that Salford Community Radio bid for a permanent radio licence for Salford. Anybody interested in becoming involved contact Paul Miller on telephone number 0161212 4977. D:\219514777.doc 5 36. ORDSALL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Submitted a report of the Area Co-ordinator which (a) informed the Committee of the conclusions of BPTW’s work, (b) set out the next steps, and (c) sought endorsement of the development framework as the basis for further work. 37. The recommendation that the Committee receive the consultants’ report and endorse the development framework as the basis for further work on the regeneration of Ordsall was supported. NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT UPDATE The Neighbourhood Manager provided an update regarding Neighbourhood Management and reported that a Health Action Task Group had recently been formed. 38. Any community representatives wishing to be involved in the Health Action Task Group, particularly from the Ordsall area, inform the Neighbourhood Manager. BUDGET SUB-GROUP – MEETING HELD ON 24TH SEPTEMBER, 2004 The recommendations arising from the above meeting of the Budget Sub-Group in respect of (a) Fitzwarren Court Tenants’ Association, (b) Saint Luke with All Saints Parish Hall, (c) Community Services (£206.25), and (d) Barracks Dream Scheme, were endorsed. With regard to the application from the Older People’s Development Board, it was agreed that (i) further information be obtained, (ii) the application be resubmitted to the next meeting of the Budget Sub-Group for consideration, and (iii) the recommendation of the Budget Sub-Group be submitted to the next meeting of the Community Committee for approval. Neighbourhood Manager With regard to the application from Salford Community Leisure, it was noted that information regarding the full co-ordinated programme was awaited from PAYP/SPARKY. D:\219514777.doc 6 39. The Financial Position Statements in respect of (a) the Devolved Budget, and (b) the Community Use of Schools Budget, were noted. It was agreed that a request be submitted to the Community Services Section for the information regarding the Community Use of Schools Budget to be presented more clearly. Neighbourhood Manager TRAINING FOR COMMUNITY COMMITTEES Information was circulated regarding a series of workshops for Community Committee members, or for anybody wishing to become more active in the community. 40. BUDGET CONSULTATION 41. Anybody interested in attending any of the workshops contact Chris Wood on telephone number 0161 787 7795. This item to be included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Community Committee. Claire Edwards INFORMATION EXCHANGE Workshops regarding ‘Lighting the Legend’ - Saturday afternoons at Ordsall Community Arts from 1.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m. The event will take place on 4th November, 2004 at Ordsall Hall and Ordsall Park. Ordsall Community Café – annual fundraising walk to take place on 28th November, 2004, commencing at 2.00 p.m. from the café. (Interviews to be held on 28th October, 2004 regarding the post of Café Manager). Seedley and Langworthy In Bloom – winner of the national Community Award, the regional Community Effort Award and the regional Urban Regeneration Award, and runner up in the national Urban Regeneration category. Thanks to the Community Committee for their support and congratulations to all involved. D:\219514777.doc 7 42. ITEM FOR INFORMATION Report regarding Church of England parishes in Ordsall – noted. 43. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 7th December, 2004. D:\219514777.doc 8