Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation Annual Tenants Conference Tenants, residents, elected members, NPHL staff NPHL The council’s Arms Length Management Organisation when method of consultation 29/06/04 Presentation & workshops Right through the process Represented on steering group; presentations to staff, group discussions, working group, seminars 1 feedback changes to proposed policy general consensus liked the transparency of the system proactive participation by applicants seen as an improvement on current system Eligibility and Ineligibility - align the Policy’s grounds for ineligibility with those specifically allowed under the legislation none at this stage as just introducing the concept of CBL reasonable preference must be given to the 5 categories of persons laid down in the legislation, one of which is “those who need to move on medical or welfare grounds” – the policy needs to be clear on exactly how priority will be allocated between the proposed priority groups (in relation to the apportionment of vacant properties between groups) for .. homeseekers requiring some level of adaptation (and ground floor accom.) on medical grounds – can the mechanism of appropriately “labelling” properties be used to achieve this? Parts of the eligibility chapter in policy rewritten in line with legal advice The priority bands have been aligned to the reasonable preference categories as per legal opinion The policy is explicit in terms of how priority is awarded and the proportion of vacant properties assigned to each group On advert, properties will be labelled and, where special needs, the type of special need will be indicated so that homeseekers are clear about the appropriateness of the property being advertised Vulnerable and Excluded People homeseekers can utilise the arrangements for taking applications from enrolment methods they prefer vulnerable and excluded people need to be –this will be explained in preclarified launch literature Emergency Housing - notwithstanding the The 2 things are not need for transparency highlighted in incompatible – where Counsel’s opinion, it is obviously critical that emergency housing situations Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback the safety and privacy of individuals is not compromised in any way by the new scheme Community Lettings Policy - We hope that the present mechanisms for resident involvement in the allocations process will continue - clarification needed as to whether the operation of the new policy will result in reduced resident involvement Salford Housing Providers Group SCC, NPHL, Salford RSL’s and HA’s Registered social landlords NPHL, SCC, Salford RSL’s and HA’s series of monthly meetings 07/10/04 21/10/04 11/11/04 07/03/05 10/03/05 15/03/05 Presentation, workshops & meeting workshops – to revise the noms agreement signed in 1992. consultation packs, presentations Reviews and Appeals - This important area appears not to be covered in the consultation draft In-principle agreement to collaborate in developing city-wide scheme RSLs reluctant to reintroduce redundant 1992 nominations agreement sustainability and other management issues not adequately addressed in 1992 agreement – especially the impact on relet times and operational estate 2 changes to proposed policy arise, feedback will be provided to scheme members to indicate property let under management arrangements without being specific resident involvement in lettings through CLP can continue similar to current arrangements although it is not expected that CLP could veto an allocation that was otherwise agreeable. CLP arrangements will be reviewed regularly post-introduction of CBL to ensure best practice Section 8.3 of the policy deals with appeals Allocations Steering Group established to develop allocations policy RSLs encouraged to enter voluntary interim arrangement with the property shop pending revisions to agreement RSLs responsible for processing their empty properties for adverts and running shortlists on closing of Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation 3 feedback changes to proposed policy management – will Choice further exacerbate this? impact of (CBL) on local lettings policies clarification of right to nominate against the right to allocate loss of control for RSLs in managing the composition of estates - preventing an ‘over-concentration’ of needs on estates will Choice mean a common housing register and/or a common allocations policy Communication gap – having enough information to effectively manage the process bidding cycles – this way RSLs manage the process managing suspended/excluded applicants ensuring integrity of allocation and reference checking how to make sure that applicants with support needs have the support package in place prior to allocation cost of implementing CBL – who it falls on and how to make sure the product serves the needs of RSLs RSLs can apply reasonable local lettings criteria as long as no adverse diversity impacts ensue – however plans to harmonise allocations across regions so policy reflects this. In-principle agreement for a common housing register web-based scheme so all information readily available on all homeseeker and vacancy – also use preallocation viewing; virtual viewing; group viewings plans to centralise referencing and ID checks – the scheme will agree protocol for checking and storing references homeseekers with support needs can be identified and appropriate service package prepared prior to allocation as now easier to predict likelihood of successful allocation Various models for running service currently under consideration and will be subject of report to lead member 4 Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Joint Referral reps (JR) Representation SCC, Special Needs team, Mental Health services, Learning Difficulties Team Supported Tenancies, Homeless Persons, Next Steps, PCT, NPHL when method of consultation feedback 18/03/05 & 19/04/05 Presentation and discussion forum require additional priority for children leaving care (from Group B to Group A) within the policy none as already given reasonable preference having adequate assistance available on registration for bidding for vulnerable homeseekers role and responsibility of joint referral agencies scheme now proposes to have trained personnel at all officebased and telephone service point. Other measures integrated into service to assist vulnerable households - propose a single person to coordinate JR process across Salford may require amendment to the JR process – to be tied in with the review of supporting people strategy ensure trained assistance available – effective management of the JR process role of JR agreement in assisting service users with support needs to find suitable accom Where People Live Group Social Workers/team leaders Care providers Community Housing Dev – reps Carers People with learning disabilities Carers Centre 25/04/05 Presentations and discussions Delegates given consultation pack and asked to comment Red card systems to ensure how to make sure that the level of support needed to assist the registration and bidding process for people with learning difficulties is maintained who would pay for any addition support requirement (if deemed outside current scope of support service contract) changes to proposed policy support would be met within existing budget streams but may require budget realignment 5 Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when Manager Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) Housing Steering Group method of consultation feedback attendees able to fully participate in discussions if adults with a learning difficulty were to move out of the borough, who pays the support service costs? Presentations and discussions Delegates given consultation pack as asked to comment access to service for prisoners and people with drugs and alcohol dependency issues will plans for central referencing further exacerbate the problem of homehunting for ex-offenders No policy amendment made No action required as new policy makes specific reference to the methods by which sheltered accommodation will be dealt with by the system No specific actions emerged from meeting DAAT Coordinator DIP Manager Supporting People Manager Director, Beacon Support STASH Inclusion Manager CJIT Manager Criminal Justice Worker, SDS Housing Social Strategy Officer Providers of sheltered housing including NPHL and HA’s 04/05//05 06/05/05 Presentation along with consultation pack of documents Queries mainly to do with access by vulnerable applicants & general needs applicants being unable to view these properties Eccles Housing Office NPHL 11/05/05 Presentations, discussions and handouts. Delegates given consultation pack as asked to comment Queries mainly to do with local lettings policies - namely changing of age restrictions on blocks Peoples Forum Council tenants from 11/05/05 Sheltered Housing Operational Group changes to proposed policy concerns about proposed changes to pursue the challenge of subregional service e.g. floating support – alternatively changes required to national supporting people policy Web-based service so everyone will have access as long as they can access internet Thorough & detailed Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation Salford; elected members; NPHL Homeless Providers Group – Operational Managers Homeless Project Eccles Diversity Forum Operational Managers of homeless provision 12/05/05 Consultation pack (including draft policy) sent BME residents Voluntary sector organisations SCC officers 17/05/05 Presentation and discussion feedback 6 changes to proposed policy community lettings policies; impact of homelessness, vulnerable applicants and local lettings arrangements – especially child at height but otherwise fairly positive meeting No direct feedback received as group did not require us to attend at that time but meeting arranged for Nov 2005 explanation of how each is dealt with by the policy, therefore no changes required due to the low number of Pakistani tenants, would it be justified to have a choice based lettings system dedicated solely to such groups The CBL scheme is transparent – this give lend legitimacy to the process. To have a CBL scheme for a specific group would be counter-productive and illegal The waiting period to be re-housed is too long, even in cases where BME tenants are experiencing crime and disorder from their neighbours and have health problems. How will choice based lettings alleviate the problem of lengthy waiting lists? people can choose the properties they want to live in, so the idea of a ‘waiting list’ is redundant. Nevertheless, the scheme needs a good supply of vacant properties to make it offer real choice Pakistani tenants need to have larger homes to accommodate their generally larger family units. Service providers need to appreciate this Homeseekers will bid for properties that match their requirements .. where larger properties are needed, the scheme will evidence this and can then be fed into the strategic plan for housing Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback Salford Providers of care for Providers Forum learning difficulties 18/05/05 Presentation at evening meeting – handouts and Q&A session Sheltered Housing Tenants Forum tenants from various sheltered schemes across the City 18/05/05 Salford South Housing Office NPHL – estate management 18/05/05 Presentation at evening meeting – handouts and Q&A session Presentation. Handouts, Q&A session How will choice impact on Providers / Landlords ? how to prevent referrals that have a charge to support packages (including housing) causing problems will providers will receive training The Where People Live Task Group needs to take issues on board and get better about putting bids together for housing We should start to open up discussions around people having choice, if they choose not to share a house with someone, what steps do we take? will people in sheltered housing have to bid for properties? how does system cater for older people who are unable to use computers? Worsley Housing Office NPHL 01/06/05 Presentation. handouts and discussions Issues concerned access to the housing register; ID verification; Properties for older persons; extending the definition of family type of accommodation; Furnished homes; housing priority; Getting a home; the proportion of vacant properties to be let through CBL; Selecting successful customers; Community lettings arrangements, pets and monitoring the policy Queries mainly to do with local lettings policies; ensure vulnerable people are catered for, and; when references would be carried out and by whom 7 changes to proposed policy the issues were largely of implementation rather than of policy Local lettings to be retained; references & ID checks will be taken up just before an allocation Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation 8 feedback changes to proposed policy A range of housing options will be included in CBL – there will be links to ‘My Home’ to expand range of service available at point of contact Market Support Team - internal SCC 06/06/05 Presentation, handouts and group discussion Queries mainly to do with other information, which can be accessed around housing information & services, links to ‘My Home’ Swinton Community Committee Local tenants organisations, SCC officers, Councillors, NPHL 14/06/05 Swinton Housing Office NPHL 15/06/05 Presentation. handouts included the Presentation. handouts and discussions Presentation. handouts and discussions Queries mainly to do with local lettings policies; ensure vulnerable people are catered for, and; when references would be carried out and by whom. Also queries around homelessness, queue jumping and transparency Main issues were local lettings policies; taking up references and reasonable preference Salford North Housing Office NPHL 15/06/05 Presentation. handouts and discussions Salford South Local Board Local tenants and their representatives, Elected Councillors, NPHL 28/06/05 Presentation, handouts and discussions Private Landlords Working Group Private Landlords in Salford 04/07/05 Presentation, discussion and handout Queries mainly to do with local lettings policies; ensure vulnerable people are catered for, and; when references would be carried out and by whom. Plus queries around marketing & advertising Queries regarding; will the policy do away with local lettings and community lettings; why is the policy considering allowing children into multi-storey blocks as multis are not appropriate for young people or children what are the benefits to private landlords through CBL? What provision is there in the policy for managing nuisance not caused by the tenant but a third party, e.g. a visiting Local lettings will be retained and there is a place for community lettings policies. The council will continue to consider how to make best use of the housing stock access to a wider pool of homeseekers than current. Plans to centralising reference and ID checks should result in more robust management of exclusion under the Housing Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback 9 changes to proposed policy boyfriend or someone else who resides at the property at what point would CBL exclude a tenant? Act. So homeseekers will not have recent eviction history for anti-social behaviour, rent arrears etc. impact of local housing allowance on choice? minimal impact as rent will be advertised; vulnerable homeseekers who will potentially be on benefits ought to have a support package agreed prior to the allocation including benefit claims private landlords will retain full control over allocations to their properties – and should imagine the scheme as a tenant finding service The CBL will be made readily available. It will be managed by a specialist team and landlords will be able to use as little or as much of the scheme as they choose. However, the tenancy once the property is let, the tenancy is a matter between the landlord and tenant the assumption that homeseekers on the housing register are ‘high risk’ is unfounded as the housing to what degree would the landlord be involved in selecting his tenant, if they were to use the CBL scheme what kind of support would the authority would provide for landlords, who wish to participate in the scheme? It was noted that the duty of care was to provide the support package to the tenant and not the landlord – is it realistic to ask landlords to recruit tenants from a high-risk Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback group (as, for instance, insurers or credit authorities tend to avoid high risk groups) Local Housing Allowance – Vulnerability Focus Group Welfare Rights; Homelessness; Housing Benefits; 04/07/05 Briefing and discussion what assurances are there for landlords that someone who abandons a tenancy without giving proper notice would not be able to use the scheme again. the support for vulnerable people within the policy 10 changes to proposed policy register comprises a variety of folks – in any event, CBL provides a simple and transparent one-stop-shop that landlords are encouraged to use – the council expects a ‘wait & see’ approach by some housing providers. tighten up regulations about exclusion and checking previous tenancy history Community Housing Development Team; Consideration should be given within the service to train voluntary statutory agencies in the process as support workers could assist vulnerable tenants in completing an application Assistance would also be considered at various outstations and the provision of lower keypads etc at kiosks. The team are currently completing Impact Assessments to identify any gaps to include processes for example a more in depth interview where required. where accommodation is for a specific need group and may only be suitable for a tenant with a disability can anyone It was also discussed that the call centre through the Customer Support Assessment CSA could offer support where needed. DW and AS left the meeting DW stated this type of accommodation would not be included in the bidding process 11 Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Lunch Time Learning – Salford Involvement Network Independent Living Board Tenant Management Co-operatives Representation when method of consultation Salford Council for Voluntary Services, Passionately Curious, Salford Primary Care Trust, Bolton, Salford & Trafford Mental Health Trust, Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, Salford University, Age Concern Salford, Salford City Council, Greater Manchester Police and many other local agencies and organisations representation from PCT, Social Services, Housing, voluntary agencies and service users 07/07/05 Presentation and discussion - handouts 11/07/05 Presentation & discussion. handouts New Barrack Street and Windsor & Albion TMOs; SCC officers 13/07/05 Presentation & discussion. Handouts – feedback bid for this property Generally positive about the idea of choice especially its transparency and simplicity of use changes to proposed policy none Need to find ways of encouraging younger people into seeking council properties Meeting with board representatives Using ground floor accommodation for meeting needs of people needing that type of property; need to revisit the special needs housing policy to make sure that medical assessments were awarding appropriate priority to homeseekers with a disability; what is role of allocations in the grants aid process the cooperative has 3 main allocation criteria i.e. housing priority; waiting time and evidence of co-operability/ participation – the CBL policy recognises 2. How to incorporate evidence of cooperability? a sub-group of the independent living board will respond to the council's consultation documents on behalf of the group On enrolling for CBL, homeseekers will be asked if interested in TMOs. If yes, information will be provided as well as the arrangements governing this type of management and criteria for Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback The process of considering transfers within the TMO scheme as priority above other homeseekers has helped to create viable estates – will CBL prevent this Older Peoples Development Board PCT, Social services, Housing 20/07/05 Presentation, discussion and gave handouts The cooperative must be able to interview prospective members and to accept into membership those who will share in some measure in that vision – CBL appears to rule this out how will you make sure that older people aren’t disadvantaged – especially those who are less mobile will there be any special arrangements for letting sheltered accommodation does policy make better use of previously adapted properties 12 changes to proposed policy allocation. However, retention of the 3 criteria is subject to no diversity impacts No unless the policy contravenes the RRA (2000) The CBL will include a register of homeseekers with a disability and will prompt whenever suitable accommodation becomes available. Proxy bidding will enable organisations, carers or family members to bid on behalf of vulnerable homeseekers who desire it Sheltered and disabled persons’ accommodation will be allocated through choice and only qualifying homeseekers will be able to bid for this type of accommodation CBL will be ‘aware’ of properties that have been Appendix 2 Consultation overview for allocations policy Stakeholder consulted Representation when method of consultation feedback how will the council change things if CBL isn’t working Mental Health Social Forum Social Services; Support Workers; PCT 27/07/05 Community Occupational Therapy Service Social Services & PCT 27/7/05 Sample survey 10% of register Legal opinion Presentation and group discussion Concern about safeguards for people with learning difficulties; what is the role of joint referrals in the process whether we need to revise the special needs policy to those in greatest need of housing priority are homeseekers with learning difficulties likely to get the priority they deserve under this scheme and how will they be picked up See section 3.7 of main report See appendix 3a & 3b 13 changes to proposed policy adapted and will treat them as special needs accommodation The policy and the scheme will be monitored and reported regularly to stakeholders. Annual reviews will help to adjust policy areas; outcomes reports will enable members of the scheme to monitor on a property by property basis how fair the process is and the pattern of lets will be regularly checked to ensure that an appropriate proportions of vacant properties is allocated to each group The special needs policy has not been changed but there will be a revision of the criteria for high priority under the scheme