REPORT TO CABINET 23RD JANUARY, 2001 8 MONTH MONITORING OF KEY BEST VALUE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Of the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) set by the Government, each Directorate, in consultation with their respective Lead Member, has identified key indicators which are intended to reflect performance. Achievement against the key BVPIs is reported to the respective Scrutiny Committee and to Cabinet 3 times per year (May / June, September and January). This report details performance on the key BVPIs for each of the Directorates for the first 8 months of 2000/01. Due to resource difficulties, the Community and Social Services Directorate have been unable to report on their performance against the key BVPIs. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 PERSONNEL SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 COMMENTS ON BVPIs In addition to those indicators detailed on the following pages, the Directorate is lead for reporting on the level achieved of the Commission for Racial Equality’s Standard for Service Delivery. In this respect the position is that corporately all Directorates have achieved Level 1 of the Standard. An Audit will be undertaken by March 2001 to establish progress made towards achievement of Level 2. (Members will recall that all Directorates have included the achievement of Level 2 within their Service Plans for completion by March 2001). The City Council’s eventual target is to achieve Levels 3, 4 and 5 by 2006. That the indicator dealing with women in Senior Management posts is likely to change for 2001/02 following Audit Commission clarification. That the indicator for average working days lost to sickness absence shows a continued improvement over the full year figure for 1999/2000. That 1999/2000 information on the composition of the workforce has been used for the current position pending more accurate information being available after implementation of the SAP system has been completed (i.e. after April 2001). T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The Percentage of Senior Management Posts Filled by Women 60 50 50 Percentage 40 27.78 30 28 25.92 18.18 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Salford Salford 5 2000/01 2000/01 Year (First Target Target Quarter) Comments: Since the target was drawn up a number of Senior Management Post's previously held by women have been vacated. This indicator is subject to clarification by the Audit Commission which may require an adjustment to the shorter term target. The number of working days lost due to sickness absence 16 14.33 14 13.55 13.38 13.75 13.59 13.55 13.61 12.74 12.54 Percentage 12 11.4 10.84 9.6 10 8 6 4 2 0 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Comments: The next full report scheduled for this issue is for the March meeting of the committee T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 2000/01 (First Quarter) Top Quartile Met Authorities Average Mets 1998/99 Salford 2000/01 Target Salford 5 Year Target 2000/01 (First Half Apr - Sep 2000) Employees from Ethnic Minorities as % of Total Workforce 2.5 2.2 Percentage 2 1.5 1.39 1.42 1.41 1.5 1.41 1.14 1.1 1.1 1 0.5 0 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Comments: As part of the implementation of the SAP computer system, the reliability of this information is being improved. However, the transfer from old to new system will not be completed until April 2001. Consequently, the last available figures have been used. Salford Salford 2000/01 2000/01 5 Year Target Target Employees Declaring DDA Status as % of Total Workforce 4.5 4 4 3.5 Percentage 3 2.5 2.5 2.33 2 2 1.66 1.67 1.67 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Comments: As part of the implementation of the SAP computer system, the reliability of this information is being improved. However, the transfer from old to new system will not be completed until April 2001. Consequently, the last available figures have been used. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Salford Salford 2000/01 2000/01 5 Year Target Target CORPORATE SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Percentage turnout for elections 30 25.09 25 Percentage 21.85 21.04 19.39 20 15 10 5 0 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Ranking against all GM Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Met Councils Quartile level for Salford Mets All Authorities Salford 99/00 AverageMets 98/99 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Higher Average Families 98/99 Top Salford Quartile - 00/01 (first Met 8 months) Authorities 98/99 This figure remains unchanged as there was no election between August and November 2000. The electoral matters working party has been working hard to adopt initiatives to improve electoral turnout e.g. the early communications initiative, aimed at double checking the accuracy of the register and encouraging the use of postal votes where appropriate. The working party will continue to try new initiatives where funding is available. Percentage of Council Tax which the Council has collected during the year 120 Percentage 100 91.07 93.7 94.5 94.35 95.3 94.2 96.3 71.96 80 60 40 20 0 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Ranking against all GM Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Met Councils Quartile level for Salford Mets All Authorities Salford 98/99 Salford 99/00 9th out of 10 11th out of 21 88.7%-98.2% 3rd 4th T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Average- Average Mets 98/99 Families 98/99 Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 Salford 00/01 (first 8 months) During the current financial year there has been no fundamental change in the approach taken when seeking payment of council tax. Prompt issue of bills together with regular issue of recovery notices has ensured that collections remain reasonably good. For the reasons stated in the commentary on Council Tax & Benefit claim processing (which follow), there has been some effect on service delivery. With the introduction of the Call Centre from 1st October, 2000, it is expected that this situation will begin to improve through the increased level of contact. Such service improvements will ensure that the customer has the greater ability to discuss payment matters with ourselves. Higher performance preferable Percentage of new claims for Council Tax Benefit dealt with within 14 days 100 92 89 90 78 78 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 80 82 80 81.86 Percentage 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Salford 96/97 Ranking against all GM Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Met Councils Quartile level for Salford Mets All Authorities T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Salford 99/00 9th out of 10 Joint 13th out of 21 57%-99% 2nd 3rd Higher Average-Mets Average Top Quartile - Salford 00/01 98/99 Families 98/99 Met Authorities (first 8 months) 98/99 During 2000/01 benefit processing performance, although remaining around top quartile levels, does show a slight decline on last year's performance. It is anticipated however as a result of the implementation of the Revenues and Benefits Call Centre during October, 2000, that this position will quickly stabilise and steady improvements can begin to be made. Percentage of successful claims for rent allowance paid within 14 days, or direct to landl 100 95 92 89 90 84 81 80 70 Percentage 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Salford 99/00 Ranking against all GM Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Met Councils Quartile level for Salford Mets All Authorities Comments: As per previous indicator T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Average-Mets 98/99 9th out of 10 Joint 13th out of 21 57%-99% 2nd 3rd Average Families 98/99 Top Q Auth T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 EDUCATION AND LEISURE SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 BVPI43a: Percentage of statements of special educational need prepared within 18 weeks excluding those affected by 'expectations to the rule' under the SEN code of practice 120 95.5 100 Percentage 86.7 86 90 95 80 58 60 62.7 40 15 20 3.8 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 98/99 98/99 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position BVPI37: Average GCSE points score of pupils in schools maintained by the authority 38 40 35 30 31.6 32.5 32 29.1 28.8 26.9 25 20 15 10 5 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Met Family Average Average 98/99 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position BVPI38: Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving five or more GCSEs at grades A* - C or equivalent 60 50 50 40 Percentage 40 30 34.5 34.8 28.6 30.7 31.3 36 36.1 33.8 20 10 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Met Family Average Average 98/99 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position BVPI39: Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving one or more GCSEs at grades A* - G or equivalent 120 100 85.6 89.4 89.8 100 93.8 95.6 96.8 Percentage 80 60 40 20 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 98/99 98/99 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position BVPI40: Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving level 4 or above in the Key stage 2 Mathematics test 90 78 80 72 70 70 63 59 Percentage 60 50 52 43 40 30 20 10 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 98/99 98/99 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position BVPI41: Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving level 4 or above in the Key stage 2 English test 90 84 80 74 71 70 65 60 Percentage 60 50 55 46 40 30 20 10 0 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Met Family Met top Average Average quartile 98/99 98/99 98/99 Salford 5 Salford Year current Target position COMMENTS ON BVPIs 1. Table 1 shown on the next page contains figures for those key indicators that the Directorate is currently able to provide before the end of the financial year. The table indicates whether the figure is final (i.e. the figure that will appear in the 2000 / 2001 year end report, subject to data checking and other alterations,) or an update (i.e. the most recent output from an ongoing monitoring system, reflecting performance since the beginning of the current financial year. 2. Salford continues to make good progress in terms of GCSE attainment. This is particularly true in terms of the proportion of pupils who achieve at least one pass of some kind, which is now above national levels. A great deal of work continues to be done in order to drive up standards to meet the five year target of 50% of pupils achieving five good passes. 3. Salford continues to make good progress in terms of Key Stage 2 attainment in English and Maths, which match national levels and improvements. 4. The efficiency with which statements of special educational need are prepared has been massively improved in recent years, to the point where the five year target has already been exceeded and will be revised. 5. There is only one Salford school identified by OFSTED as having serious weaknesses (and none placed in the category that require ‘special measures’). 6. The indicators that monitor visits to museums are new for the 2000 / 01 year, and as such conclusions cannot yet be drawn from these figures. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Table 1 BV Code BVP137 BVPI38 BVPI39 BVPI40 BVPI41 BVPI43a BVPI43b BVPI47 BVPI113 AC-14 Description Average GCSE points score of pupils in schools maintained by the authority Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving five or more GCSEs at grades A*-G or equivalent Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving one or more GCSEs at grades A*-G or equivalent Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving level 4 or above in the key stage 2 Mathematics test Proportion of pupils in maintained schools achieving level 4 or above in the key stage 2 English test Percentage of statements of special educational need prepared within 18 weeks excluding those affected by ‘exceptions to the rule’ under the SEN code of practice Percentage of statements of special educational need prepared within 18 weeks including those affected by ‘exceptions to the rule’ under the SEN code of practice. Percentage of schools maintained by the Authority with serious weakness Number of pupils visiting museums and galleries in organised school groups a. The number of visits to / useage of museums per 1,000 population b. The number of those visits that were in person per 1,000 population. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 1998 to 1999 31.6 1999 to 2000 32.0 2000 to 2001 32.5 2000 / 2001 Status Final 34.5% 34.8% 36.1% Final 93.8% 95.6% 96.8% Final 59% 70% 72% Final 65% 71% 74% Final Update 01/04/00to 03/10/00 (PC viruses in SEN team prevent further update at this time) Update 01/04/00 to 03/10/00 (OC viruses in SEN team prevent further update at this time) Update January 2001 Update April 2000 to October 2000 Updates April 2000 to October 2000 86.7% 95.5% 95.0% xx 11.4% 36.8% 0.9% 5,916 165 141 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The tonnes of waste collected per household that was recycled 30 25 25 20 17 15 10 5 6.61 6.5 3.06 1.87 1.56 Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 0 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMetsAll authorities- 8 (of 10) 5 (of 21) 2.2% to 10.9% 3 4 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position Comments: No actual percentage of materials recycled can be given as such percentages are based on calculations made against full years waste arisings which have yet to be confirmed for 2000/01. What can be reported however is that proportionally the tonnages of waste that had been recycled in the first 8 months of 1999/00 was approximately 5338 tonnes, whilst for the same period in 2000/01 the tonnage recycled is 16,313 tonnes. Although again an approximation, this dramatic increase does show the benefits the kerbside collection schemes for paper, and the recycling of green and organic waste, are having on the City's recycling levels. Higher performance is preferable The % of highways that are of a high or an acceptable standard of cleanliness 120 100 91.7 96.9 96 94 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 89.6 80 60 40 20 0 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMetsAll authorities- 3 (of 10) 6 (of 21) 73.5% to 99.8% n/a n/a 24% A Grade - No litter at all 64% B Grade - Small amounts of litter present 8% C Grade - Quite a lot of litter with small build-ups 4% D Grade - A lot of litter with big build-ups What this result shows is that 88% (Grades A & B) work still needs improving upon to reach the target of 96% within the next few years. Although it is anticipated the changes to the current method of service delivery via increasing mechanisation will result in improved cleanliness levels. Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Salford current position Comments: Due to major changes in the Contract Services Section, moving from a hard split arrangement (under CCT regulations) to a soft-split approach (under Best Value), those officers responsible for monitoring cleanliness levels in the past now have both a monitoring and supervisory role as Environmental Co-ordinators. During this period of change, certain aspects of their roles were put 'on hold' until the new structures and responsibilities were completed. Consequently no monitoring figures for 1999/00, or the first quarter of 2000/01 are available. However since the 1st October 2000, inspections on street cleansing levels have been carried out. Although not eligible to be put forward for 2000/01 performance indicator returns, due to the need for a full year to be monitored, what the inspections do show (1127 in all) are the following levels of street cleanliness. Higher performance is preferable T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The average number of visits per high and medium risk premises 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.82 0.8 0.6 0.52 0.4 0.35 0.36 1999/00 Met Average 98/99 0.55 0.52 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 0.4 0.44 0.2 0 1998/99 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMetsAll authorities- 4 (of 10) 6 (of 21) 0.82 to 0.05 2nd 1st Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford current position Comments: The work of Trading Standards is such that a balance has to be made between carrying out a programme of pro-active inspections and reacting to complaints and other requests for service. Performance in terms of the inspections programme in the first 8 months of this year is lower than anticipated due to the resignation of one enforcement officer at the beginning of May and increased activity in respect of counterfeit goods. Higher performance is preferable The kg of household waste collected per head 500 450 444 445 396 403 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMetsAll authorities- Met Average 98/99 ? (of 10) ? (of 21) Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford current position Comments: This figure can not be added to textually, as the returns for 2000/01 will not be available until mid 2001 at the earliest. However, the target of 396 kg over the next 5 years may need to be revisited. This is because, unless major waste minimisation programmes are investigated in the next few years, then waste arisings, both in Salford and the UK will continue to rise. The aim of the Directorate will be to contain this rise in the short-term, whilst waste minimisation embeds itself in the public psyche, and in addition to continue to increase recycling levels. Higher performance is preferable T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The percentage of responses to environmental health complaints/requests within target times 100 94.43 94.78 95 95 94.69 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMets- Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 ? (of 10) ? (of 21) Comments: this is a local indicator, and as such there are no comparisons against the other authorities, nor against national targets. All authorities- Higher performance is preferable The number of household waste collections which were missed per 100,000 collections (During May - September) 250 200 194 153.31 135 150 110 91 100 74.57 70 35 50 0 1998/99 1999/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for SalfordMetsAll authorities- Met Average 98/99 8 (of 10) 19 (of 21) 6 to 4620 4th 4th Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position Comments: The first quarter returns for this indicator showed a 30% improvement on the 1998/99 indicator figure. A good deal of this improvement was due to the introduction of a more fairer and accurate method of calculating missed bins. However, it has to be noted that the first quarter's figure of 92 bins missed per 100,000 has been further improved upon in the second quarter to read 91 bins missed per 100,000 - a further 1% improvement. The figures given for the 8 month period will form part of the 2nd indicator covering the months October to March (including April 2000). This shows quality of service has been sustained and improved upon slightly. It is anticipated further improvements will be achieved as new refuse collection supervisory and monitoring methods are refined. Higher performance is preferable T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 HOUSING SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The percentage of all repairs requested by tenants completed within target times set by the council 100% 98% 90% 88% 90% 83% 79.45% 80% 78% Percent 70% 66% 65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Salford 1998/99 Salford 1999/2000 Average Mets 1998/99 Average Families 1998/99 Top Quartile all authorities 1998/99 Comments: As previously reported this is a new local performance indicator, which measures the percentage performance from when the repair was reported by the tenant to when it was completed. The reason the target is low at 65% is to take into account work held. Our performance for the second 4 months of the year is 66%, which is a slight improvement on the 64% for the first 4 months of the financial year. new procedures are being introduced to deal with held work and the vast majority of repairs reported in the future will be issued to the contractors immediately. As a result of these new procedures the 5 year target has been set at 90%. Historically this indicator has measured the time from when the repair was issued to the contractor to when it was completed. Our performance when measured on this basis for the first 8 months is 95%, which is better than the top quartile performance for all authorities T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Salford's target 2000/01 Salford's 5 year target Salford's current position 00/01 Average relet times for local authority dwellings let in the financial year 100 94 90 77 80 70 60 53 50 44 56 56 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 41 40 29 30 20 10 0 1998/99 1999/00 Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford current position Comments: Housings current performance against this indicator is 77 days, which is an improvement on the first 4 months of the year when performance levels were at 110 calendar days to relet a property. This improvement has been brought about by the introduction of a new strategy for categorising void properties. It is further envisaged that the reorganisation and best value review will lead to performance improvements that should enable the target of 56 days to be reached. The average weekly management costs for each home £12.00 £11.11 £10.40 £10.14 £10.00 £8.35 £8.49 £7.41 £8.00 £6.00 £4.00 £2.00 £0.00 1998/99 1999/00 Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position Comments: Information on this performance indicator is only reported annually at the end of the financial year. The current average weekly management cost is £10.14 T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The proportion of unfit private sector dwellings made fit or demolished as a direct result of action by the local authority 500 450 450 400 350 300 250 183 200 150 100 50 0 1998/99 1999/00 Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position Comments: The second four months show a considerable improvement in Performance at 183 properties. The first 4 months performance was 34. At these performance levels it is fully anticipated that the target of 450 properties will be achieved by the end of the year. The percentage of all current tenants owing over 13 weeks rent 10 8.8% 9 8 7.2% 7 6.55% 6% 6.5% 5.5% 6 4.8% 5 4 3% 3 2 1 0 1998/99 1999/00 Met Average 98/99 Family Average 98/99 Met top quartile 98/99 Salford 5 Year Target Salford target 00/01 Salford current position Comments: The performance for the second four months of the year has shown an improvement from 6.8 to 6.5%. From this performance it would appear that the new procedures that were introduced I.e. (less emphasis on letter sending and, more personal contact by telephone and home visits) have lead to improvements. It is anticipated that the improvements will continue and the target of 6% will be achieved by the end of the year. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 The proportion of private sector dwellings that have been vacant for more than 6 months at 1st April 2000 that are returned into occupation during 2000/01 as a direct result of action by the local authority 8.00% 6.80% 7.00% 6.00% Percent 5.00% 4.00% 3% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% Salford 1998/99 Salford 1999/2000 Average Mets 1998/99 Average Families Top Quartile all 1998/99 authorities 1998/99 Comments: Performance against this indicator has improved from 0.34% for the first 4 months to 6.8% for the second 4 months. The 3% target set for the end of the year has been achieved. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Salford's target 2000/01 Salford's 5 year target Salford's current position DEVELOPMENT SERVICES T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 AUDIT COMMISSION INDICATOR AC-AB Performance is Poor The number of such buildings in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled persons 4.5 4 4 4 4 4 3.5 3 3 3 Number 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 95/96 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councills Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for Salford Salford 99/00 0 Average- Top Quartile Mets 98/99 - Met Authorities 98/99 0 Salford's 1 Year Target N/A N/A Mets- N/A All Authorities- N/A Salford's current position 00/01 Comments: This figure has dropped due to a compliant building being disposed of. Work is ongoing to assess how the Council's planned maintenance resources can be best utilised to achieve steady but effective progress on this indicator. £39,000 will be spent this year on improvements to the facilities for the disabled at the Civic Centre complex. Higher performance is preferable T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 AUDIT COMMISSION INDICATOR - AC - AA The number of the authority's buildings open to the public 180 165 165 165 165 165 165 160 139 140 Number 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 95/96 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Salford 99/00 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councills Ranking against family authorities Range for all Metropolitan Councils Quartile level for Salford Average- Average Mets 98/99 Families 98/99 N/A N/A N/A Mets- N/A All Authorities- N/A Comments:- The number of public buildings dropped from 165 to 139 due to closures and disposals. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 Salford's 1 Salford's Year current Target position 00/01 BVPI 105 Performance is Good The percentage of repairs to dangerous damage to roads and pavements which were carried out within 24 hours 120 100 99 99 98 92 92 97 95.63 88 75 80 Percentage 99 97 60 40 20 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 95/96 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Salford 99/00 AverageMets 98/99 Average Families 98/99 Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 Salford's 1 Year Target Salford's current position 00/01 4th (out of 10) Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils 4th (out of 21) Comments: 24 hour responses show good performance but with a slight fall Ranking against family authorities 19% to 100% Range for all Metropolitan Councils period. Mets- 1st Quartile level for Salford Higher Performance preferable All Authorities- 1st T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 BVPI 109 The percentage of all planning applications decided within 8 weeks Performance is Poor 90 80 80 77 69 70 60 60 63 Percentage 52 50 46 44.5 40 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 95/96 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 Salford 99/00 AverageMets 98/99 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councills 5th (out of 10) Ranking against family authorities 19th (out of 21) Range for all Metropolitan Councils N/A Quartile level for Salford N/A Average Families 98/99 Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 Salford's 1 Year Target Salford's current position 00/01 Comments: This is the best performance the Section has ever achieved, with performance close Higher Performance to meeting an extremely challenging target. Preferable T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 No comparative data BVPI 99 The number of road accident casualties per 100,000 people - killed / seriously injured 50 42.94 45 39.75 40 35 Number 30 25 21.25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 95/96 Salford 96/97 Salford 97/98 Salford 98/99 0 0 0 AverageMets 98/99 Average Families 98/99 Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 0 Salford 1999 Salford's 1 Year Target Salford's current position 2000 N/A Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils N/A Ranking against family authorities N/A Range for all Metropolitan Councils Mets- N/A Quartile level for Salford All Authorities- N/A Lower Performance Preferable Comment: Accident reduction results are broadly on target, but this indicator is subject to seasonal variation. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001 Performance is Good BVPI 98 The percentage of streetlights not working as planned 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 Percentage 1.2 1.07 1.02 1 1 0.87 0.82 0.76 0.8 0.78 0.75 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.08 0 Salford 94/95 Salford 96/97 Salford 98/99 AverageMets 98/99 Ranking against all Greater Manchester Councils 4th (out of 10) Ranking against family authorities 4th (out of 21) Range for all Metropolitan Councils 0.38-3.15 Quartile level for Salford Mets-2nd All Authorities-1st Top Quartile Met Authorities 98/99 Salford's current position 00/01 Comments: This demonstrates excellent performance as responsiveness within the top quartile has Lower Performance is Preferable been maintained. T:\DN\MIS\NAW\REPORT.23RDJANUARY 17 January 2001