REGULATORY PANEL (PLANNING AND 15 SEPTEMBER 2005 TRANSPORTATION) SUBJECT: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT REPORT OF: THE DIRECTOR OF URBAN VISION 1.0. PART 1 OPERATIONAL POLICY FOR DECISION PURPOSE OF REPORT. This report details the proceedings of the Traffic Management Unit on the 31 August 2005 and puts forward the recommendation of the Unit regarding the following:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Strawberry Road, Salford Seedley Park Road, Salford Crown Street, Salford Old Wellington Road, Eccles Broadway, Salford Bristol Street, Salford Hill Top Road, Walkden 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS. 2.1 That approval be given to recommendations of the Unit on each item considered in the report. 3.0. ROUTE. 3.1 Regulatory Panel (Planning and Transportation) 4.0. IMPLICATIONS. 4.1. Resources: 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. Performance Review: Environmental: Equal Opportunities: Community Strategy: Anti-Poverty: CustomerConsultation and Involvement: Unless otherwise stated, all schemes to be funded from the existing Revenue budget. No implications. Improved road safety and environmental conditions. No implications. No implications. No implications. No implications. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES PLEASE CONTACT BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: AS ENCLOSED MRS T PATEL 0161 793 3839 QUALITY CONTROL Report prepared by: MISS G BURGESS Reviewed by: MRS T PATEL Development Services Directorate, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5BW a) WARD(S) AFFECTED: IRWELL RIVERSIDE WARD COUNCILLORS: J HOLT, J MURPHY, J HULMES CONTACT OFFICER: CHRIS PAYNE (X3845) STRAWBERRY ROAD, PENDLETON Over the course of the last few years the parking situation on Strawberry Road has gradually deteriorated to the point that during the course of the day both the footway and carriageway are severely obstructed preventing access to vehicles and use by pedestrians. Observations have been conducted and established that vehicles park on both sides of Strawberry Road and the surrounding area. Vehicles are also parked on the junctions thus disrupting the required visibility splay and compromising highway safety Due to the narrow road width of Strawberry Road, at certain points where vehicles are parked only a small vehicle can negotiate a path along Strawberry Road. During the times observations were conducted delivery vehicles were seen having to reverse back onto Frederick Road due to their inability to access Strawberry Road. The same situation would also be experienced by emergency service vehicles should they require access into the road. Under normal circumstances where the offence of obstruction is committed this matter is enforceable by the Police Service and over the last couple of years the Local Community Constable has attempted to address this problem by carrying out enforcement action. This has had no effect at deterring inappropriate parking which obstructs both the footway and carriageway. Investigation has established that the main generator of parked vehicles in this area comes from people who are attending Salford University which coincides with the parking problem ceasing when the University closes for the holiday period. Each year the residents contact the Local Authority when the parking situation resumes but to date the matter has not been able to be satisfactorily resolved with a solution acceptable to the residents. Gerrard St and Nichols Street also experience a similar situation but due to their wider carriageway width vehicles can travel along these roads. The area for concern at this location is the junction of these roads where vehicles park within 10m of the junction disrupting the visibility and available space for vehicle manoeuvrability. The Greater Manchester Police have now written to the Local Authority highlighting their concerns and requesting measures to control the situation. With proposed further developments of Salford University it is envisaged that the situation will escalate even further. A consultation has been conducted with the 21 properties on Strawberry Road, 2 properties on Nichols St and 1 property on Gerard St . Within the consultation two options were submitted to the residents showing different variations in no waiting at any time regulations that could be introduced to address the situation. A total of 9 responses were received from the residents of Strawberry Road with 7 in favour of option 1 and 2 against any of the proposals. No response was received from the properties on Nichols St and Gerard St. In view of the response from the residents and the requirement to maintain highway safety it is therefore proposed to introduce option 1 from the consultation which is a series of no waiting at anytime regulations. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation. 3 Year Accident Analysis There have been no recorded personal injury collisions at this particular location within the last three years. Estimated Cost Approximately £600 RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION OF NO WAITING AT ANY TIME Strawberry Road: North side, from its junction with Frederick Road to its junction with Gore Street. South side, from its junction with Frederick Road to a point 10m north west of the northerly kerbline of Gerrard St. Gerard Street: South side, from a point 10m south west of the southerly kerbline of Gerard Street for a distance of 26 m in a north easterly direction b) WARD(S) AFFECTED: LANGWORTHY WARD COUNCILLORS: G LOVEDAY, A SALMON, J WARMISHAM CONTACT OFFICER: GAYNOR BURGESS (X3864) SEEDLEY PARK ROAD, SALFORD On 31 January 2005 Lead Member approved the introduction of traffic calming measures in the Langworthy Road area. The scheme comprised of road humps, speed cushions, speed tables, chicanes, a 20 mph speed limit and is now ready to be implemented on site. Originally it was proposed to introduce 4 sets of speed cushions and 3 chicanes on Seedley Park Road. During the final design stage of the scheme, it became apparent the proposed chicane on Seedley Park Road at its junction with Trail Street would hinder turning manoeuvres. It is therefore proposed to remove the chicane and replace it with 2 sets of speed cushions on Seedley Park Road. Rather than delay the scheme and re-advertise the original traffic regulation order covering the whole area it is proposed to advertise the 2 additional speed cushions separately. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation. 3 Year Accident Analysis No recorded accidents at this junction. Estimated Cost £3000 RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION OF SPEED CUSHIONS Seedley Park Road - Additional 2 sets c) WARD(S) AFFECTED: IRWELL RIVERSIDE WARD COUNCILLORS: J HOLT, J HULMES, J MURPHY CONTACT OFFICER: GAYNOR BURGESS (X3864) CROWN STREET, SALFORD 3 A complaint has been received regarding parked cars causing access problems on Crown Street, Salford. A loading area and off road parking is accessed from Crown Street and there are working day waiting restrictions on both sides. It is claimed approximately 2 months ago the time plates governing the restrictions were removed and vehicles now park on Crown Street all day making access very difficult. Parking Services have carried out a site inspection and confirmed the signs are missing and the restrictions are in very poor condition making enforcement impossible. They have replaced the signs on numerous occasions and it is their opinion any further replacements would be removed. Site observations have confirmed the claims and it is therefore proposed to introduce no waiting at any time restrictions as shown on the attached plan. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation. 3 Year Accident Analysis No recorded accidents Estimated Cost £600 RECOMMENDATION AMENDMENT OF THE CITY OF SALFORD (MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE STAGE II) BLACKFRIARS ROAD TO GORE STREET SECTION) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) ORDER, 1988 No Waiting 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 12.30pm Saturdays In so far as it relates to:Delete: Crown Street, both sides, from Bury Street for its entire length Amend: Bury Street, both sides, between William Street and Cross Street To read: Bury Street, both sides, from its junction with Cross Street in a north westerly direction for a distance of 140 metres. Amend: William Street, both sides from Bury Street to its cul-de-sac end To read: William Street, both sides from a point 3 metres south west of Boom Street to a point 27 metres north east of Sullivan Way and William Street both sides from a point 28 metres south west of the western kerbline of Crown Street for a distance of 75 metres in a south westerly direction. INTRODUCTION OF NO WAITING AT ANY TIME Crown Street, both sides, from Bury Street for its entire length. William Street, both sides, from the western kerbline of Crown Street in a westerly direction for a distance of 28 metres. Bury Street, both sides, from its junction with Crown Street/William Street to a point 23 metres north west of the western kerbline of Garden Lane. d) WARD(S) AFFECTED: ECCLES WARD COUNCILLORS: A BROUGHTON, J MURPHY, E SHEEHY CONTACT OFFICER: CHRIS PAYNE (x3845) OLD WELLINGTON ROAD, ECCLES Old Wellington Road is the main access road for the Lyntown Industrial Estate and is used by most categories of vehicles in particular rigid and articulated goods vehicles. Go Goodwins a coach company situated on Old Wellington Road have written to the Local Authority highlighting difficulties that their coach drivers experience due to parked vehicles when they are travelling along Old Wellington Road exiting the estate. For vehicles which are exiting the estate the final stages of Old Wellington Road are formed on a slight right hand bend which continues onto a straight section of road inclined to the point where the road sharply deviates to the right. The road then continues to the junction with Chadwick Road. During a recent site investigation a coach driver for Go Goodwins conducted a demonstration drive to highlight the problems as they approach and travel along the section of road previously described. Due to parked vehicles on the north side of Old Wellington Road, as the coach approached the first slight hand bend the driver had to position his vehicle on the offside within the opposing lane to negotiate a path past the vehicles. It was noted that when the coach is positioned on the offside the forward visibility for the driver is reduced resulting in situations where the vehicle continues onto the straight section road to be met by vehicles travelling in the opposite direction. When this occurs the driver has to reverse his vehicle as there are no points available for him to pull in and wait. Due to the vehicles length and highway layout this causes difficulty for the driver and compromises highway safety due to the length of reversing manoeuvre that has to be conducted. The second point of conflict occurs as a vehicle travels towards the sharp deviation. On the approach to this area situations are occurring when vehicles travelling in opposing directions suddenly meet and have to brake sharply. Again due to parked vehicles the area available for a vehicle to pull in safely is insufficient to avoid conflicting situations. The situations experienced by the coach driver have also been observed occurring to other drivers on Old Wellington Road. To address this situation it is proposed to introduce two sections of no waiting at any time regulations as a means of alleviating the problems previously described. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation. 3 Year Accident Analysis There has been one recorded personal injury collisions within the last three years in a different section of Old Wellington Road Estimated Cost Approximately £1000 RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION OF NO WAITING AT ANY TIME Old Wellington Road, north side from a point 134 metres north and then north west of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Russell Street for a distance of 26 metres in a north westerly direction. Old Wellington Road, north side from a point 232 metres north and then north west of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Russell Street for a distance of 44 metres in a north westerly then easterly direction. e) WARD(S) AFFECTED: ORDSALL WARD COUNCILLORS: A CLAGUE, P DOBBS, T HAROLD CONTACT OFFICER: CHRIS PAYNE (X3845) BROADWAY, SALFORD Councillor Salmon has forwarded to the Local Authority an email from a company representative of Insul 8 Ltd expressing concerns about the junction of Michigan Avenue with Broadway, Salford. The complainant identified the fact that within the last couple of years the number of parked vehicles on Broadway has increased and as a consequence of this motorists experience difficulty when attempting to enter into Broadway from Michigan Avenue. A site inspection has recently been conducted and it was found that due to number of parked vehicles and their position on the carriageway the visibility splay at the junction was severely disrupted. Motorists were seen to experience difficulty when attempting to enter Broadway due to the parked vehicles and the associated speeds of vehicles travelling along Broadway. It is therefore proposed to introduce no waiting at anytime regulations to achieve the maximum possible visibility splay at this junction. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation. 3 Year Accident Analysis There have been two recorded personal injury collisions at this particular location within the last three years. Estimated Cost Approximately £600 RECOMMENDATION AMENDMENT OF THE CITY OF SALFORD (BROADWAY, SALFORD 5) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) ORDER 2003 IN SO FAR AS IT RELATES TO: Broadway, south side, from a point 45m west of the western kerbline of Michigan Avenue, in an easterly direction to a point 15 meteres east of the eastern kerbline of Michigan Avenue. To read: Broadway, south side, from a point 45m west of the western kerbline of Michigan Avenue, in an easterly direction to a point 90 metres east of the eastern kerbline of Michigan Avenue. f) WARD(S) AFFECTED: BROUGHTON WARD COUNCILLORS: J KING, J MERRY, B MURPHY CONTACT OFFICER: CHRIS PAYNE (X3845) BRISTOL STREET,SALFORD Councillor King has recently brought to the Local Authorities attention a concern raised by a resident in respect of Bristol Street at its junction with Leicester Road. The resident highlighted the fact that vehicles are parking on Bristol Street just prior to the width restrictions which are located 10 metres away from the junction with Leicester Road. As a consequence of this if a vehicle is attempting to turn into Bristol Street from Leicester Road this causes manoureving and forward visibility difficulties for the motorist. Likewise if there is a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction on Bristol Street vehicles have to wait on Leicester Road before they can turn into the junction which is resulting in the traffic having to wait on Leicester Road. Site observations have been conducted and it was seen on both occasions that vehicles were parking in the area identified on Bristol Street. This would cause difficulties for motorists manoeuvring within the junction. It was also noted that vehicle are parking on Leicester Road immediately next to the junction with Bristol Street which was disrupting the visibility splay This was seen to cause difficulties for drivers when proceeding onto Leicester Road. In view of these matters and to ensure highway safety it is proposed to introduce no waiting at anytime regulations around the junction. 3 Year Accident Analysis There has been one recorded personal injury collision at this particular location within the last three years. Estimated Cost Approximately £600 RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION OF NO WAITING AT ANY TIME Bristol Street, both sides, from the junction with the easterly kerbline of Leicester Road for a distance of 10m in an easterly direction. Leicester Road, west side, from the junction with the northerly kerbline of Bristol Street for a distance of 22m in a northerly direction. Leicester Road, west side, from the junction with the southerly kerbline of Bristol Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction. g) WARD(S) AFFECTED: WALKDEN NORTH WARD COUNCILLORS: V DEVINE, B MILLER, B PENNINGTON CONTACT OFFICER: CHRIS PAYNE (X3845) HILL TOP ROAD, WALKDEN In 1997 outline planning permission was granted for the erection of an education and visitors centre and alteration to the access road to the Blackleach Country Park situated off John Street Walkden. Planning Application Number E 37179 refers. During the consultation stages with the Local Residents it was agreed that a traffic calming scheme would also be implemented along Hill Top Road as part of the development at the Country Park The proposed works at the Country Park were part of a lottery bid which subsequently failed which resulted in the planning permission and traffic calming scheme never being progressed. The issue of the Traffic Calming Scheme was recently raised by Councillor Miller and it has subsequently been agreed that a scheme covering the section of Hill Top Road between Bolton Road and John Street would be funded from the Highways Maintenance Budget. It is therefore proposed that two flat top humps are introduced on Hill Top Road and a consultation will be carried out with local residents. Emergency services have no objections to the recommendation as long as the traffic calming measures comply with regulations. 3 Year Accident Analysis There have been no recorded personal injury collisions at this particular location within the last three years. Estimated Cost Approximately £3000 RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION OF FLAT TOP ROAD HUMPS Hill Top Road, Walkden - 2 No