DRAFT Appendix 3 Improving Health IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Corporately work towards the design of interior structures and a redesign of service delivery. 3 Year Aspiration Corporately work towards: All six buildings completed. Further service improvements to existing buildings. Study feasibility of next stage build potential. Implement the LIFT project Improving the health of residents Implement UDP Policy to improve air quality and reduce the impact on residents of Salford. Key Internal Targets Corporately implement the LIFT project in accordance with MAST SSDP in partnership with the Salford Primary Care Trust. National Objectives NHS LIFT aims to deliver a step change in the quality of the primary care estate, remedy some of the deficiencies in the existing arrangements and contribute to delivery of the investment targets identified within the NHS Plan, i.e. that by 2004 there would be: • up to £1 billion of investment in primary care • up to 3,000 GP premises would be refurbished or replaced • 500 new one stop care centres would have been established Manchester, Salford and Trafford are the first wave of LIFT projects. Lead Partners National Objectives (not attributed) Corporate Services/ Education and Leisure PCT LIFT Company Implement UDP Policy to improve air quality and reduce the impact on residents of Salford. Maintain sports & leisure facilities fit for purpose D:\98944415.doc DRAFT Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Reducing Crime IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Ensure that the buildings of Salford are not left insecure to reduce the opportunity for crime. D:\98944415.doc Reducing the average time from being notified a building is empty to demolition commencing on site. For a project which took 18 weeks in 2001/2002 this shall be reduced to 16.5 weeks in 2004/05. - 24 hours from receiving notification of existence of insecure property to commencement of legal proceedings – private dwelling - 24 hours from expiry of legal process to the securing of the property, in default – private dwelling - 24 hours from receiving notification to board up a dwelling to actual board up – local authority dwelling - Local PI Licensing- To inspect premise within 2 weeks of notification – 100% (not yet confirmed) 3 Year Aspiration Reduce the average time taken from being notified a building is empty to demolition commencing on site. For a project which took 18 weeks in 2001/02 this shall be reduced to 15.5 weeks by 2006/07 Maintain and where possible improve on the other standards. Key Internal Targets - The Average time from being notified a building is empty to demolition commencing on site. For a project which currently takes 18 weeks – target = 16.5 weeks - The average time from receiving notification of existence of insecure property to commencement of legal proceedings – private dwelling – 24 hours - The average time from expiry of legal process to the securing of the property, in default – private dwelling (24 hours) - The average time from receiving notification to board up a dwelling to actual board up – local authority dwelling (24 hours) - Local PI Licensing- To inspect premise within 2 weeks of notification – 100% (not yet confirmed) 2 National Objectives Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT To improve Community safety through design Manage Quaywatch responses across the city D:\98944415.doc Planning 100% of relevant planning applications to be consistent with the Designing Out Crime Supplementary Planning Guidance. Architectural and Landscape Design All schemes designed with safety in mind and in accordance with the Greater Manchester Police’s ‘Secure by Design’ principles Expand CCTV in Eccles, Little Hulton and Ordsall 100% of relevant planning applications to be consistent with the Designing Out Crime Supplementary Planning Guidance. Expand CCTV to include further areas of the city 3 DRAFT Learning and Creating IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Building Schools that provide a better future for the people of Salford If the Building Schools for the Future Programme Bid is approved by the DFES – identify sites for all new schools. Architectural and Landscape Design To ensure that the new Albion High School at Pendleton is on programme for opening in September 2003. Programme maintenance in accordance with priorities D:\98944415.doc 3 Year Aspiration Key Internal Targets Architectural and Landscape Design Designing and implementing high quality education and leisure schemes. Providing design and procurement advice to the Education Service in respect of Private Finance Initiative Schemes. Provide necessary data 4 National Objectives Key Partners National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Investing in young people IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Provide property advice and services to Early Years Steering Group and Project Building facilities that provide a better future for the young people of Salford. D:\98944415.doc Provide all necessary property data Architectural and Landscape Design To complete the design and implementation of the Sports and Arts facilities to be provided under the ‘SPACE’ Project at 4 Primary Schools. 3 Year Aspiration Key Internal Targets Deliver changes in property required where council is responsible body Architectural and Landscape Design Designing and implementing high quality schemes for young people. To design and implement the construction of the Beacon Resource Centre at Charlestown with a view to its completion in the third quarter of 2004/05. 5 National Objectives Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Promoting Inclusion IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target 3 Year Aspiration Key Internal Targets Development Planning Language Line facilities available for telephone conversations and reception enquiries. Development Planning - 100% of new published documents produced by the Development Planning Section to be available on the internet Building Control Maintain or improve standards where possible. Building Control 100% of services available on line by 2005/06 should increase. - Full Information on Ensuring that the Development Services Directorate offers a good service that is accessible to all members of the community service standards published and made available to users - Publish information in alternative languages. - 10% Services available on line - 90% customers considering overall service to be “good” or “excellent” - No formal complaints upheld Development Control - 100% of applications which to be submitted on line. - Implement a corporate strategy to ensure planning information is available to minority groups - 90% of customers satisfied with the service received. - No formal complaints D:\98944415.doc Development Control Increase customer satisfaction to 95% by 2006/07. Architectural and Landscape Design Achieve an overall customer satisfaction score of at least 8 out of 10. Ensure that at least 80% of residents are satisfied or more with the service as a whole (i.e. including the performance of the client and the contractor). As part of the briefing process for individual projects identify any customers likely to have difficulty accessing the service. - % of new published documents produced by the Development Planning Section that are available on the internet Building Control Information on service standards published and made available to users - Publish information in alternative languages. in various languages - The percentage of Services available on line - Percentage customers considering overall service to be good or excellent. -Number of formal complaints upheld. Development Control Number of hours the office is open to visitors. % of applications which can be submitted on line. Planning information available to minority groups The percentage of customers satisfied with the service received. Number of formal complaints about the service (nonombudsman and upheld) Number of awards of costs against City Council Number of complaints received and upheld relating to local Code of Conduct 6 National Objectives Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT about the service (nonombudsman and upheld) - 60% of major planning applications engaged with Development Team. - No awards of costs against City Council - No Complaints received and upheld relating to local Code of Conduct - No complaints received and referred to National Standards Committee and upheld - Improving the way in which applications are presented to Panel Architectural and Landscape Design Number of complaints received and referred to National Standards Committee and upheld. Produce a multi Language Line Leaflet for enclosure with all correspondence with residents. Ensure buildings which are open to the public are suitable and accessible for disabled people in accordance with part M of the building regulations 14% are open and accessible Ensure that all new buildings and open spaces are accessible to disabled people. Architectural and Landscape Design Design all buildings to meet the requirements of Part M of the Building Regulations As part of the briefing process for individual projects identify any requirements for access by disabled people in addition to that required D:\98944415.doc 7 DRAFT by Part M of the Building Regulations. D:\98944415.doc 8 DRAFT Creating Prosperity IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Ensuring that the planning service and building control service offers value for money for the people of Salford. Maximise Employment Opportunities Ensure that planning remains competitive with a figure of £6.78 (2nd quartile mets) on the cost of planning per head of population. - 84% housing market share achieved by the building control service. - 76% commercial and industrial market share achieved by the building control service. - 100% Building Regulation Self Financing Rate Annual development average of 11 hectare (net) Acquisitions of property within regeneration initiatives Spend acquisition funds Promote redevelopment with private sector Complete JV agreement Effective management of the non operational estate Produce £2.7M income Entering into partnerships with Developers to secure effective development. Develop partnerships in the following areas: Higher Broughton, Lower Broughton, Greengate and Ordsall. D:\98944415.doc 3 Year Aspiration Key Internal Targets National Objectives BVPI 107: Planning cost per head of population Maintain and improve standards where possible. - The percentage of the housing market share achieved by the building control service. - The percentage of commercial and industrial market share achieved by the building control service. - The Building Regulation Self Financing Rate Sufficient supply of land to accommodate 55 hectares of employment development Unemployment rate at or below the Greater Manchester average by 2011 9 Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Improving efficiency in Development Services Development Control: 80% of Tree Preservation Order Applications determined within 6 weeks - 2 days for the time from initial receipt of a planning application to and arriving with the case officer. - 60% of major planning applications given a decision within 13 weeks - 65% of minor planning applications given a decision within 8 weeks - 80% of other planning applications given a decision within 8 weeks - 90% of decisions delegated to officers as a percentage of all decisions Development Planning: - 85% of responses from development planning to development control made within 10 working days Building Control: 95% of sites reinspected within 3 months of last visit. - 62.5 compliance level with the Code of Practice: DETR, Building Control Performance Standards 1999 (Green Guide) - 90% of plans checked within 3 weeks of receipt. - 90% of building control plans given a decision within 5 or 8 weeks. D:\98944415.doc Development Control: Maintain and where possible improve standards. Development Control 100% of Tree Preservation Applications to be determined within 6 weeks Building Control: - 67.5 compliance level with the Code of Practice: DETR, Building Control Performance Standards 1999 (Green Guide) - 98% of building control plans checked within 3 weeks of receipt Development Planning: - 90% of responses from Development Planning to Development Control made within 10 working days. Architectural and Landscape Design Design and implement high quality schemes that contribute towards the economic prosperity of the city. Encourage the employment of local labour through the construction procurement process. Implement the ‘Rethinking Construction’ approach to procurement. Become financially selfsufficient by 31st March 2006. Development Control: - % of Tree Preservation Order Applications determined within 6 weeks - The time from initial receipt of a planning application to and arriving with the case officer. Building Control: - The % of sites re-inspected within 3 months of last visit. - Analyse compliance with the Code of Practice: DETR, Building Control Performance Standards 1999 (Green Guide) Implement appropriate systems and procedures, monitor level of compliance and customer satisfaction levels. National Indicator. Quality Performance MatrixQPM Index (May 2002) Development Planning: - % of responses from Development Planning to Development Control made within 10 working days. 10 - BVPI 109a: % of major planning applications given a decision within 13 weeks - BVPI 109b: % of minor planning applications given a decision within 8 weeks - BVPI 109c: % of other planning applications given a decision within 8 weeks - BVPI 188: % of decisions delegated to officers as a percentage of all decisions - BVPI 111: % of customers to be satisfied with the service received following a survey in 2003/4 Building Control: - The percentage of plans checked within 3 weeks of receipt. - The percentage of building control plans given a decision within 5 or 8 weeks. - Percentage of inspections undertaken on the same day as requested (when requested before 10:00am.) DRAFT - 100% inspections undertaken on the same day as requested (when requested before 10AM) - 85% of responses from Development Planning to Development Control made within 10 working days. D:\98944415.doc 11 DRAFT Enhancing Life IN Salford Building Block 1 Year Target Annualised target of 530 new homes each year to ensure in accordance with adopted Regional Planning Guidance (RPG), net of clearance replacement To meet the City’s Housing Needs and in addition, to contribute to the Central Salford Initiative D:\98944415.doc Directorate to contribute to the Central Salford Initiative. This will include: - delivering the approved HMRF programme - helping to set up and initiate the Central Salford SPV. - inputting into four major masterplanning exercises in Central Salford. - Advising on an international design competition 3 Year Aspiration - Continue annualised target of 530 new homes each year to (in accordance with RPG) up to 2016, net of clearance replacement. - An average of 40 dwellings per hectare through the implementation of UDP Policy on new housing. - Reduce to 5% residential property that is vacant by 2011 working towards a 3% regional target by 2021. - Continue to contribute to the Central Salford Initiative. Key Internal Targets - Regional Planning Guidance Target of 530 new homes each year in Salford. - Regional target of 3% residential property that is vacant by 2021. 12 National Objectives Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Architectural and Landscape Design Complete the Mount Skip Environmental Improvement Scheme (Phase 2) by February 2004. Providing better homes. D:\98944415.doc Architectural and Landscape Design Design and implement high quality improvements to housing areas (e.g. environmental improvement, refurbishment and adaptation schemes) Survey and implement the improvement of public and private housing stock. Complete the Spjke Island Environmental Improvement Programme (Ph 4 – 6) by Autumn 2004. Complete Peel Estate Environmental Improvement Scheme (Phase 4), Little Hulton by July 2004. 13 DRAFT Completion and adoption of the Urban Open Space Strategy (UOSS) by the end of 2004. Continue work to complete the Wider Greenspace Strategy. To Provide a Comprehensible Range of Accessible Local Facilities D:\98944415.doc Implementation of the UOSS through corporate working with Environmental Services and Education and Leisure: 100% of local playing pitch standards achieved by 2011 All households to be within walking distance catchments as set out in UOSS and Policy R2 by 2011. Monitoring the Urban Open Space Strategy through the UDP. Continue work to complete the Wider Greenspace Strategy. 85% of new retail and leisure floorspace located within the town centres, neighbourhood centres, Salford Quays, Chapel Street or Regent Road Retail Warehouse Park Increase by 200m the length of waterside with public access 14 DRAFT Guide Development, Conservation and Environmental Improvement Activity across the City D:\98944415.doc Complete the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Unitary Development Plan consultation stage. Prepare and complete for Public Local Inquiry Local Development Scheme in place by the end of 2004 Feeding into the ongoing review of RPG Setting up an award scheme for good buildings and places scheme to be implemented by September 2004. Deliver a new adopted plan by March 2006. Feeding into the ongoing review of RPG Local Development Framework in place by the end of 2007. Undertake on an annual basis - an award scheme for good buildings and places scheme. BVPI 200a: Development Plan adopted in the last 5 years? BVPI 200b: Replacement development plan within 3 years? PSA Target 6: Local Development Framework in place by the end of 2007. 15 DRAFT Ensure that the percentage of homes built on previously developed land remains within the top quartile at 90% in accordance with Draft Regional Planning Guidance Production of Salford’s Derelict Land Strategy Establishment of a programme of land reclamation To Secure Sustainable Resource Management - 85% of non-residential development on brownfield land. - Through Newlands Funding reclaim 205ha of neglected and underused land by 2008. - New Leaf Funding to treat the following by 2005: - Worsley Delph (0.4ha). Site investigation work at: Eccles Motorway Open Spaces (13ha) and Clifton Wardley Moss (84ha) - 50% of derelict land reclaimed by 2007. - Increase on 2001 levels the number of waste management developments that incorporate recycling. - 100% of mineral extractions in the Mosslands securing full restoration of the site to a high quality habitat - No loss of known economically viable mineral resources to development More sustainable development Architectural and Landscape Design Helping to improve the environment of the city through the quality of design and encouraging the use of sustainable design (e.g. recycling waste, the use of recycled materials and the conservation of energy and water). D:\98944415.doc BVPI 106: The % of new homes built on previously developed land. To achieve 60% by the year 2008. - To deliver 205ha of land reclamation through Newlands Funding by 2008 - To deliver soft end use reclamation through the New Leaf Funding to treat the following by 2005: - Worsley Delph (0.4ha). Site investigation work at: - Eccles Motorway Open Spaces (13ha) and Clifton Wardley Moss (84ha) - Create X miles of additional waterside recreational routes 16 DRAFT No net loss of Sites of Biological Importance and Sites of Special Scientific Interest Increase on 2001 levels of length of watercourses that are of good or fair quality. No listed buildings or scheduled ancient monuments lost as a result of planning approvals Whole length of Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal restored through Salford by 2011. To protect natural and historic environmental assets Ensuring that the residents of Salford are not put at risk from unsafe buildings Ensuring there are no fatalities or injuries on demolition sites under the direct supervision of Building Control. Ensuring 100% of inspections to dangerous premises are undertaken on the same day 100% of new major trip generating development within 400m of a high frequency public transport service No loss of protected public transport routes. By 2012, complete the implementation of the cycle route network, as defined in the Salford City Council Local Cycling Strategy (2003) To minimise the need to travel and develop a sustainable and integrated transport network Improve infrastructure in Salford Implement Phase II of Cadishead Way Bypass Produce Asset management Plan Maintain good assessment D:\98944415.doc - No fatalities or injuries on sites supervised by Building Control - % of dangerous buildings inspected within 1 hour (working time) and 2 hours (out of hours) – 99% Maintain good assessment 17 DRAFT Achieve space standards in existing office buildings Improve building condition of all property Ensuring that property owned or occupied by the council is used and managed efficiently and effectively to support service delivery and assist the council support the themes of the Community Plan. Our aim is to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured by accelerating the reduction in accident levels with not more than 84 casualties in 2004. (LPSA target) Our aim is to reduce the total number of casualties within the City by identifying areas having concentrations of accidents and implementing remedial measures to reduce it. Our aims reflect the targets set by the BVPI’s. 11M2/per person in existing buildings 9M2/per person in new and refurbished buildings Condition Category A-8% B-50% C-40% D-5% Backlog maintenance As a total value As a % in priority levels 1,2 &3 8M2/per person Repair & Maintenance Energy costs Water costs CO2 emissions Office accommodation costs per employee Office accommodation costs per M² <84 <74 by 2006 National targets to reduce Child KSI’s by 50% also Other KSI’s by 40% by 2010. (LPSA Target 11) (See table attached) (See table attached) BVPI’s 99 (a-e) Performance Indicator D:\98944415.doc 10M2/per person Target: Jan – Dec 2004 18 DRAFT The number of road accident casualties per 100,000 population for the following categories:Pedestrians killed/seriously injured (BVPI 99a i) Pedestrians slightly injured (BVPI 99a ii) Pedal cyclists killed/slightly injured (BVPI 99b i) Pedal cyclists slightly injured (BVPI 99b ii) 2 wheeled motor vehicle users killed/seriously injured (BVPI 99c i) 2 wheeled motor vehicle users slightly injured (BVPI 99c ii) Car users killed/seriously injured (BVPI 99d i) Car users slightly injured (BVPI 99d ii) Other vehicle users killed/seriously injured (BVPI 99e i) Other vehicle users slightly injured (BVPI 99e ii) D:\98944415.doc Less than 16.9 Less than 84.8 Less than 3.7 Less than 42.9 Less than 4.1 Less than 21.1 Less than 12.1 Less than 527.9 Less than 4.5 Less than 58.5 19 DRAFT Building Block 1 Year Target 3 Year Aspiration 84 84 To offer road safety education to all 14 secondary schools. To offer road safety education to all 14 secondary schools. To offer cycle training to all 84 primary schools. To offer cycle training to all 84 primary schools. Key Internal Targets Our aim is to deliver a programme of road safety schemes comprising the following activities:To provide road safety education to all year1, year 4 and year 6 classes to all 84 primary schools. To offer road safety education to all 14 secondary schools. To offer cycle training to all 84 primary schools. To support road safety publicity campaigns run nationally by the Department for Transport and locally by the Greater Manchester Association of District Engineers D:\98944415.doc 20 National Objectives Subobjectives National Objectives (not attributed) Targets (PAF & other) DRAFT Our aim is to reduce the total number of casualties within the City by undertaking detailed design and implement on site the following Local Safety Schemes:Trafford Road, Barton – traffic calming To be completed by March 2005 Wardley Industrial Estate – traffic management To be completed by March 2005 Cadishead North West Area Safety Scheme To be completed by March 2004 Oaklands Road, Kersal – traffic calming To be completed by March 2004 Our aim is to install facilities for disabled people at pedestrian crossings to meet BVPI 165 Our aim is to encourage organisations within Salford to adopt Travel Plans in line with the Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan D:\98944415.doc 81% compliance The number of organisations operating Travel Plans to be 7 by the end of 2004. To continue to upgrade the number of pedestrian crossings in accordance with BVPI 165 To continue to offer guidance and encourage organisations to adopt the development of a Travel Plan 21