29-10-03 ONE STOP SHOP
Angie Taylor
Jonathon Cantliff
Eileen Buchan
Victoria Harvey
Cheryl Foster
Nicola Devereux
Cllr Stan Witkowski
Ian Shaw
Beverley Hoyle
Aled Owen
Pat Kirkman
Salford City Council
Bridgewater Youth Centre
Salford Youth service
Education Welfare Service
Walkden Science Club
Walkden Science Club
Youth representative for Walkden/Little Hulton
Walkden High School (Chair)
Salford City Council (Minutes)
1. Welcome and Introductions.
2. Apologies received from Terry Gradwell.
3. Youth Forum Update
Eileen informed the group of the work currently being done to reach/contact young
people who do not attend youth centres, along with breaking down barriers in the long
term forming a Youth Forum. This will enable young people to have their say on
things that affect them in the community; this could possibly be linked into the
Citizenship work already being done in schools.
A separate piece of work will be done to try and reach those young people who are or
about to be involved in the anti social behaviour orders, this would involve more
intense work on a small group basis and will hopefully start in the new year.
4. Youth Action Key Fund
Angie informed the group that from the £21,000 available, £14,000 has been spent on
the Lighting equipment for Harrop Fold School drama project, £6,371 for the
Bridgwater Youth Centre’s drama taster sessions. There is approx £655 left for
5. Transport
Beverley and Ian attended the meeting and discussed the work they are doing in the
area in regards to the recent transport problems. They will be providing an
educational package to schools and informing young people of the consequences that
occur when they take part in vandalism etc towards buses. Videos will be available to
schools in the near future showing “short story” films complete with teaching
materials, this will be targeted at High Schools although there is a package available
for primary schools. A web site is also available
Contact details for Beverley are or tel on 0161 242
6. Sports Development
Terry has just finished his half term programme, with sessions at Harrop Fold, Parr
Fold Park and Kenyon Way. In total 42 young people attended these sessions on
various days. There will be a multi-sports session on a Wednesday night at Fit City in
Walkden starting on the 12th November from 5.30pm-6.30pm. Terry has also made
contact with St Georges High School and will be helping to organise a junior sports
leaders award with some of the pupils. Terry and Amy have made several tours to
estates on a Friday evening and have not come across any large gangs of young
 Angie to inform Bill Baillie of any “Hot Spot” areas for gangs of young
people congregating.
 Pat to send out action plan for transport issues.
7. Project Work Update – Eileen Buchan.
Following 2 weeks of outreach work in Parr Fold Park we were able to make contact
with 30 young people for Youth Work during the summer holidays, in total 50 young
people previously unknown to staff were registered.
A partnership was developed with NACRO who provided sports workers for 3 days a
week. Unfortunately after the first 2 wks we were unable to gain access to the
rec.centre while building work took place. A trip was organised to Southport,
bowling and to the golf range at the Trafford Centre.
Discussions took place with young people around issues involving appropriate
behaviour, crime, bullying, school, respecting workers, buildings and each other.
Future work will include a group of young people attending Deans Activity Centre for
6 sessions looking at team building exercises. We will be continuing to identify a
suitable building to use as a base for work with young people in the Walkden area.
8. Any Other Business
A) Discussion held around the Science Club in Walkden Congregational Church
for primary school ages, 2 groups 5-8yrs and 8-10yrs. These are taster sessions
that make science fun to learn and are open from 10-12noon on a Saturday.
An article on the science club to be put in the next newsletter, if any funding
needed a community committee application grant to be filled in.
B) Victoria discussed her role within the education welfare service. Victoria will
be looking at improving secondary school attendance and creating good
practice between schools and their communities.
9. Next meeting will be on the 3rd December 03 at the One Stop Shop at 7pm.