PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE ON WEDNESDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER 2003 TITLE: REVENUE BUDGET 2003/04 : BUDGET MONITORING RECOMMENDATION: Members are asked to note the contents of the report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The report provides details of the current position relating to budget monitoring for the revenue budget and of the implementation of the agreed revenue budget savings for 2003-2004. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : Various working papers and reports. (Available for public inspection) CONTACT OFFICERS : Chris Hesketh 793 2668 Colin Kay Tel. 793 3245 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Key budgetary control risks are identified in an appendix to this report SOURCE OF FUNDING : Revenue Resources LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED : Not applicable FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED : This report concerns key aspects of the Council’s revenue finances and has been produced by the Finance Division of Corporate Services. WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) : KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : None specifically 2003/04 Revenue Budget REPORT DETAIL 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 At this time of year, following completion of final accounts, the work of the accountancy division is increasingly focused on budget monitoring. With expenditure data available for a greater proportion of the year, predictions of full-year effects are becoming more reliable. 1.2 To make maximum use of the resources available, budget monitoring concentrates on an examination of the major budget heads and on those budgets identified as risk areas. 1.3 The Council’s overall financial position imposes a need for agreed savings targets to be met and this report also includes an update on the progress being made on savings proposals. 1.4 Individual directorates now prepare, in one form or another, regular monthly monitoring reports to their Lead Members This report is a consolidation of the significant items from those directorate reports. 2 BUDGETARY CONTROL REPORTS 2.1 Development Services There is currently a slight overspend on the Salaries budget. This is being subjected to close monitoring to ensure that expenditure falls back in line with the available budget. There is still forecast to be a shortfall on the Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) budget of £130,000, mainly due to payments to the contractor to maintain deployment levels sufficient to generate budgeted income. The DPE shortfall will be offset in 2003/04 by favourable planning fee income streams, provided that this trend continues (and there is currently no sign of a downturn in the market). Pressure is still continuing on the Highways Maintenance budget because of the level of responsive repair work and to address the rising level of insurance tripping claims. Changes are in the process of being implemented to improve the accuracy of financial monitoring information and will be in place for the next report on 1st October. 2.2 Education The position previously reported with Special Education Needs Support Staff has now been resolved satisfactorily. The vast majority of staff have been successfully redeployed, although it has been necessary for 19 VER/severance applications to be approved. Concern continues that the Resources budget has not increased at the same rate as increased teachers’ pensions in respect of previous years VERs. The overspend is currently £43,000 and the situation is being monitored. There is mounting budget pressure relating to children placed in independent special schools. The situation is being investigated and will be subject to close monitoring in the coming months. Budmonsep03 2 There is a one-off overspend of £218,000 in the Secondary General budget owing to the write off of debts relating to high schools which have closed. Work is currently in hand to identify how this cost can be met. 2.3 Community and Social Services The agency staffing and Home Care cost pressures reported in July are continuing. There is currently an overspend of £262,000 in the Children’s Resources employees budget, caused by the use of agency staff. Specific monitoring and control has been introduced to remedy the situation. This overspend is partly offset by net underspends elsewhere in the employees budget. The current full-year projection for overspend on the Home Care budget is £800,000. The Directorate has instigated a package of measures to control and mitigate this, including virement of other budgets and reviews of service provision. Currently, the Directorate is managing to contain expenditure within its overall budget resource. 2.4 General Other directorates are not indicating that there are any significant problems and at present it is anticipated that net expenditure should be contained within budget allocations. 3 DIRECT LABOUR and DIRECT SERVICE ORGANISATIONS 3.1 The DLOs/DSOs under control of the Education Directorate are currently trading satisfactorily. 3.2 The Street Cleansing and Refuse Collection DSOs are trading satisfactorily and are favourable to the plan. The Grounds Maintenance DSO is in line with the seasonal profile. The previously-reported unfavourable variance on VMM DSO is currently being investigated and quantified. 3.3 As a consequence of the large loss incurred by City Highways in 2002/03, and early indications of unfavourable variances in 2003/04, changes and reviews to processes are being undertaken. Currently, the income shortfall has deteriorated, however this is a temporary position while the required changes and improvements are being implemented. 4 HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT 4.1 While the net budget position at July 2003 shows an adverse variation, it is still anticipated that the account balance will meet its budgeted level by the end of the year. A number of areas have been identified for continued monitoring to ensure that this is the case. 5 BUDGET RISKS 5.1 A full budget monitoring exercise is undertaken each month by all directorates to ensure that any issues are identified at an early stage so that corrective action may be taken. Budmonsep03 3 5.2 It is useful to identify areas that could represent risks in budgetary control in order that the budget monitoring exercise can subject them to greater scrutiny. The key budget risks identified by the various directorates were identified in the report to this committee in June. Appendix 1 contains the quarterly update for September. 6 PROGRESS ON AGREED SAVINGS 6.1 The attached Appendix 2 provides details of the approved savings included in the 2003-2004 revenue budget. 6.2 While there has not been a significant movement on savings, it should be noted that most have either already been achieved, or are on target to be achieved, or the effect may not be quantifiable at this stage in the year. 6.3 The appendix will continue to be updated during the year and it will be included as part of the regular monthly monitoring report until all the savings have been implemented and achieved. SUMMARY 7.1 The budgetary control exercise indicates some potential problem areas. Continuing close scrutiny will be needed to monitor possible overspends and to allow for early remedial action to be undertaken. 7.2 Some further progress has been made since last month in respect of the agreed savings for the year although it must be remembered that the majority have already been achieved or are on target to be implemented. Some of the proposals will need to be subject of close scrutiny to ensure that the full amount of the savings will be achieved. 8 RECOMMENDATION 8.1 Members are asked to note the contents of this report and request reports to the next meeting from:a) The Director of Education and Leisure; b) The Director of Community and Social Services; on how the budget pressures on the Education and Social Services budgets respectively will be managed. Alan Westwood Director of Corporate Services Budmonsep03 4 Appendix 1 BUDGET RISKS General Issues Capitalisation and the District Auditor Exit strategy on externally funded schemes for 2004/5 and beyond General capital funding pressures. Impact of Single Status reduction to 36 hours Chief Executive Limited resources - unable to meet full agenda Matched funding requirements External Government funding trends beyond our control, i.e., Community Safety Staff turnover particularly in regeneration - in short supply and a critical problem Cuts in other service areas through budget pressures Strategy & Resources is growing constantly and staff are funded externally but there may be issues later on if funding not sustained Not going to be as much funding after the next 12 months Community & Social Services Residential care home rates Residential care allowances - changes by Government Hospital discharges (from January 2004) Learning disabilities (lot of young people coming from children’s disabilities into adult disabilities) Growth in demand for home care needs lot of effort to control Recruitment for residential social workers Children - stayed in budget this financial year but it is a very risky area Preserved Rights – grant level for 2003/04 is £140,000 less than built into budget assumptions. A substantial part of this may be met from Supporting People grant. Corporate Services Strategic Partnering Potential loss of business (e.g. support services to schools, NPHL, leisure trust) NPHL call centre Adequacy of Schools Broadband budget provision Grant aided initiatives - E-Govt programme, National CRM Academy Document management – licence implications Council Tax / Benefits system – cost implications Legal Services Management system – cost implications CPO income (property where owners unknown) Income from licensing, registration, land charges etc. LIFT Development Services Tripping claims Property maintenance and disabled access Strategic partnering - resource implications Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Maintenance of level of planning fee income Delivery of the UDP (for 2004/05) General volatility of income Budmonsep03 5 Education & Leisure Arts & Leisure Leisure Trust costing £30k per month in consultancy Arts & Leisure savings will need close monthly monitoring and some of them are optimistic Libraries review Broadband Alternative savings to fitness suite, vending income and top-sliced savings still need to be found Education Schools funding formula and loss of standards fund is very significant and there will be an impact school by school Payroll SLA Second PFI for replacement of three high schools - resources requirement for advisors’ fees Standards Funds grants will be mainstreamed into FSS again in 2004/05 and this will give net loss for the City Council Transport budget review Broadwalk Training Centre management plan/ recharges Environmental Services Greater Manchester waste strategy - 25 year contract Priority should be given to contaminated land but extent unknown Waste management and recycling targets PSA achievement Income management (income around 25% of the budget) Industrial relations Security of assets Housing Rent income and void rate Homelessness Fee income from capital Supporting People grant Interest rates Asylum seekers Personnel & Performance CPA/ IDEA improvement agenda HR improvements and developments for the Authority in general Strategic Partnering will become resource intensive Restructuring - impact of procurement/communications/marketing SLA’s and devolved budgets Job Evaluation Accommodation ICT Budmonsep03 6 Appendix 2 SAVINGS (SUMMARY) Achieved Not Yet Achieved £ £ Total £ ARTS AND LEISURE 147 246 393 EDUCATION 190 30 220 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 101 98 199 CORPORATE SERVICES 328 0 328 6 0 6 75 86 161 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 149 88 237 COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES 201 25 226 CHIEF EXECUTIVE 131 0 131 1,328 573 1,901 HOUSING PERSONNEL TOTAL Budmonsep03 7 Ref. Description Achieved £000 Not Achieved Comments 0 175 56 0 0 19 19 25 0 0 25 Savings expected to be achieved 19 Budget reduced accordingly 19 Budget reduced accordingly 0 45 5 8 0 15 8 Alternative savings are being considered 45 Budget reduced accordingly and post deleted 20 Still under construction 3 0 5 18 8 Alternative savings now being considered 18 Alternative savings being sought 147 246 Reduction to the Salford Consortium budget and increase in LSC funding Discretionary Student Awards - delete remainder of contingency budget Deletion of two support posts wef 30/9/03 Share of top sliced savings 150 0 150 Budget reduced accordingly 20 0 20 Budget reduced accordingly 0 20 30 0 30 20 Budget reduced accordingly Total 190 30 Total ARTS & LEISURE Rates saving by transferring to Leisure Trust or PPP AL2 Reduction to events budget, deletion of post, reduction of grants budget, reduced sponsorship for events Review Library Service provision Removal of remaining budget for Clifton House Farm Reduction of Arts grants budget and delete one part time post - develop links with Lowry Centre Increased revenue from Fitness Suites Delete Town Twinning post and grants Reduction of subsidy to Working Class Movement Library General housekeeping savings and increased income Share of top sliced savings AL3 AL4 AL5 AL6 AL7 AL8 AL9 AL10 Total 175 Will be achieved if transfer to Trust is completed by 01/10/03 56 Achieved 393 SAVINGS (ANALYSIS) AL1 EDUCATION ED2 ED3 ED4 220 Appendix 2 Contd. ED1 Ref. Description Achieved £000 Not Achieved 0 98 Comments Total ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ES2 Increase in fees and charges 80 0 ES3 Increase in casual vacancy target (share of top sliced savings) 21 0 101 98 Energy savings initiative Reduction in Internal Audit Reduction in staffing costs arising from the termination of the recruitment & retention scheme Savings on the purchase of goods and services through corporate contract arrangements (share of top sliced savings) 67 33 200 0 0 0 67 Budget reduced accordingly 33 Budget reduced accordingly 200 Budget reduced accordingly 28 0 28 Budget reduced accordingly Total 328 0 Reduction in supplies and services budget (share of top sliced savings) 6 0 6 Budget reduced accordingly Total 6 0 6 Total 98 Savings expected following service changes arising from current review 80 Fees and charges have been reviewed. Income is being closely monitored 21 Budget reduced accordingly 199 CORPORATE SERVICES CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 328 HOUSING HO1 Budmonsep03 9 Appendix 2 Contd. Grounds Maintenance efficiency review SAVINGS (ANALYSIS) ES1 Ref. Description Achieved £000 Not Achieved Comments 48 27 0 0 0 56 56 0 15 0 15 15 To be top sliced across all directorates based on advertising spend over the last three years 15 75 86 161 0 0 38 50 38 Ongoing work to achieve full saving 50 Marketing strategy in progress. To be put out to tender with other security schemes: successful applicant to ensure self-financing 130 Budget reduced accordingly 19 Budget reduced accordingly Total PERSONNEL PE1 PE2 PE3 Proposals yet to be determined Total 48 Budget reduced accordingly and posts deleted 27 Budget reduced accordingly and post to be deleted DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Cease providing Eccles Town Centre Management To make the Quay Watch self financing DS3 DS4 Non filling of vacant posts Reduction in the supplies and services budget (share of top sliced savings) 130 19 0 0 Total 149 88 Budmonsep03 10 237 Appendix 2 Contd. DS1 DS2 SAVINGS (ANALYSIS) PE4 Deletion of two posts from the Job Evaluation team Deletion of one post following the VER of existing Assistant Director Efficiency and casual vacancy savings (including share of top sliced savings) Reduction in advertising costs Ref. Description Achieved £000 Not Achieved Comments Closure of Moorside and Calderwood Community Centres Reduction in planned painting programme Deletion of refurnishing scheme for Orchard Mount DC Reduction in equipment budget Reduction in the purchase of day care from an independent provider (SS2 to SS5 are share of top sliced savings) 100 0 67 7 27 0 0 0 0 25 67 7 27 25 Total 201 25 226 27 0 27 Budget reduced accordingly and post deleted 55 10 27 12 0 0 0 0 55 10 27 12 131 0 131 1,328 573 1,901 Total COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES SS1 Budget reduced accordingly Budget reduced accordingly Budget reduced accordingly On target CHIEF EXECUTIVE CE1 Total GRAND TOTAL Budmonsep03 11 Budget reduced accordingly Budget reduced accordingly Budget reduced accordingly Budget reduced accordingly Appendix 2 Contd. CE2 CE3 CE4 CE5 Deletion of ICT Co-ordinators post and associated IT budget Reduction in lottery budget Reduction in annual subscription to Midas Freeze vacant Economic Development Officer post Casual vacancies and efficiency measures including share of top sliced savings) SAVINGS (ANALYSIS) SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 100 Achieved