PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR EDUCATION TO THE CABINET MEETING ON 28 MAY 2003 TITLE : PRIMARY SCHOOL REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS : It is recommended: (i) That Members approve the detailed recommendations for each school in this report. (ii) That a public notice is published with regard to: a. the closure of Alder Park Community Primary School, b. the enlargement of Westwood Park Community Primary School. (iii) That Members approve the commencement of the process involving the Schools Adjudicator regarding the further reductions in admission numbers and alterations to schools as detailed in the report at paragraph 6.2. (iv) That progress in the Review Groups linked to regeneration be the subject of a further report to Cabinet at a later date. (v) That Members ask Salford Diocesan Schools Commission, Manchester C.E. Diocesan Board of Education and Jewish Community representatives to bring forward proposals to reduce surplus places in their schools within the Voluntary Aided sector where indicated. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (i) This report informs Members of the outcome of the second informal consultation process on primary review which took place between February and April 2003. Some commentary is provided on the responses received during consultation, but for full notes of the consultation meetings and written and e-mailed responses received, Members should see the Second Round Consultation Responses File lodged in the Members’ Room. The first round Consultation Responses Files are also available in the Members’ Room (ii) The report proposes detailed actions based on the consultation responses to reduce surplus places in community and voluntary controlled primary schools. However, detailed actions for the Voluntary Aided (VA) sector are not included as the LEA is not the admission authority for these schools and has no powers to bring forward proposals for them. However, discussions with the VA sector representatives continue to be pursued with a view to removing surplus places. (iii) The recommended level of surplus places across all schools in the City are as follows: (iv) a. As provided in the OfSTED Judgment Recording Statements (JRS) Criteria, the recommended level of surplus places is less than 10% surplus overall, no schools at all with greater than 25% surplus places and no schools overcrowded by more than 10%. b. As detailed in the School Organisation Plan, schools with surplus places in excess of 16% will be monitored and schools with surplus places in excess of 20% will trigger action in terms of surplus place removal. c. BVPI 34(a) takes account of the percentage of primary schools with 25% or more surplus places (and at least 30 unfilled places). For each school which falls into this category, the Council’s score is affected under the cost-effectiveness section of the Local Public Service Agreement. Detailed proposals for each school are in the main body of the report. If these proposals are implemented in full then the level of surplus across the City at primary level is projected as follows: 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Overall Community and Controlled only 9.8% 10.7% 12.0% 13.2% 14.4% 15.3% 16.7% 17.8% 7.2% 8.2% 9.7% 11.1% 12.6% 13.6% 15.2% 16.4% The above projections are based on the latest Schools’ Census figures (January 2003). Taking into account the impact of the revised Schools’ Census figures, some of 2 the recommendations in this report have changed from the previous report of 19 February 2003, and are underlined in the document. Full details of Salford Primary Surplus Places Projections (area by area and totals for the City overall) are attached to this report, at Appendix 1. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: School Organisation Plan 2002 – 2007, Strategic Review of Primary School Places Cabinet Report – 22 January 2002, Primary School Review Cabinet Report 10 September 2002, Primary Review Informal Consultation Document September 2002, Primary School Review Cabinet Report 19 February 2003 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: See paragraph (iii) of the Executive Summary. THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: Normal local budget allocations (including schools’ devolved formula capital and other sources) and DfES allocated Supplementary Credit Approvals (SCAs). LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: School Organisation Committee processes, Admission Arrangements new processes, Office of the Schools’ Adjudicator. FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Developed with Corporate Service inputs. CONTACT OFFICER: Judy Edmonds, Acting Deputy Director, Tel: 0161 778 0134 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): ALL KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Pledges 1 and 6, Education Development Plan, School Organisation Plan, Asset Management Plan DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) 3 Detail 1. CONSULTATION PROCESS 1.1 Public Meetings Five public meetings were held across the City between the period of March and April 2003. Details of the meetings and the concerns / issued raised are detailed below. (a) Public Meeting held on 17 March 2003 at Wentworth High School This meeting was attended by 35 participants. The concerns / issues expressed were: why close Alder Park? language unit and special needs pupils / Sure Start initiative disruption to pupils and staff why not close Westwood Park? funding will revenue savings go back to schools? timescales The full notes of the meeting and any correspondence received are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. (b) Public Meeting held on 18 March 2003 at Broadwalk Training Centre This meeting was attended by 18 participants. The concerns / issues expressed were: liaison with regeneration bodies and personnel complaints regarding communications constitution of the Review Group problems of getting to meeting refurbishment versus replacement of schools uncertainty for staff The full notes of the meeting and any correspondence received are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. (c) Public Meeting held on 24 March 2003 at The Albion High School (Mesnefield Road site) This meeting was not well attended, with fewer than 10 participants. The concerns / issues expressed were: the net capacity / admission process and the related primary review action timescales financial viability / small schools issues future prospects for pupil numbers 4 The full notes of the meeting and any correspondence received are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. (d) Public Meeting held on 25 March 2003 at Irlam and Cadishead Community High School This meeting was not well attended, with only one member of the public attending. The concerns / issues expressed were: the primary review in general the implications for Irlam and Cadishead The full notes of the meeting and any correspondence received are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. (e) Public Meeting held on 7 April 2003 at Harrop Fold High School (Longshaw Drive site) This meeting was not well attended, with fewer than 10 participants. The concerns / issues expressed were: when will the report go forward and what are the timescales? why is Alder Park not being amalgamated rather than a closure? practicalities of building work and suitabilities of both sites, and value for money future use of school sites and staffing arrangements future of Sure Start initiative The full notes of the meeting and any correspondence received are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. 1.2 Consultee Responses An analysis of the written and e-mailed responses received is detailed below. The full texts of these are available in the Second Round Consultation File in the Members’ Room. (i) Kersal, Pendleton, Broughton / Blackfriars No correspondence was received for this area. (ii) Swinton North, Swinton South, Pendlebury and Claremont Three written communications were received with regard to two schools in this area. The issues can be broadly summarised as: (iii) Proposal to remodel the school and lose surplus places at Summerville Primary School, Proposed increase in the admission number at Light Oaks Infants School. Eccles, Winton, Barton 12 written communications were received with regard to six schools in this area, along with one petition. An additional 21 posters were received from pupils at Alder Park Primary School. The issues can be broadly summarised as: 5 Proposed increase in the admission number at Monton Green Primary School, Proposed reduction of admission number at Barton Moss Primary School, Funding issues with regard to the closure of Alder Park Primary School and enlargement of Westwood Park Primary School, Proposals regarding Christ Church CE and Lewis Street Primary Schools, Objections to the closure of Alder Park Primary School. (iv) Weaste, Seedley, Langworthy, Ordsall Two written communications were received with regard to two schools in this area. The issues can be broadly summarised as: Response to the revised proposals for Seedley and Langworthy (with specific regard to the level of surplus places in the area, the geographical position of the school and other local schools, standards of education and contribution or other wise to regeneration), Lark Hill Community Primary School to be included in the Review Group. (v) Little Hulton No correspondence was received for this area. (vi) Worsley / Boothstown No correspondence was received for this area. (vii) Irlam and Cadishead One written communication was received with regard to one school in this area. The issues can be broadly summarised as: Proposal for Moorfield Primary School. (viii) Other Correspondence One written communication was received from C.E. Manchester Diocesan Board of Education. The issues can be broadly summarised as: Support for the majority of proposals, with specific issues in respect of Church of England provision in the Ordsall area. 2. REVIEW GROUPS 2.1 Review Groups are to be established to include the schools (including the VA schools, representatives of the Diocesan Boards) and the LEA and to seek contributions from representatives of New Deal for Communities, Seedley and Langworthy Initiative for the following areas: 2.2 Kersal, Broughton / Blackfriars, Weaste, Seedley, Langworthy, Ordsall. We would hope to draw up some initial proposals to reduce surplus places in these areas by September 2003. 6 3. WORSLEY AND BOOTHSTOWN 3.1 Recommendations for schools in Worsley / Boothstown are included in the report, and reflect the level of school place provision required. 4. PRIORITISATION OF AREAS 4.1 When prioritising the areas for implementing changes, it is clear based upon the current and projected number of surplus places, that the areas requiring most urgent attention are (a) Eccles, Winton and Barton, and (b) Weaste, Seedley, Langworthy, Ordsall. 4.2 It is therefore recommended that the Alder Park / Westwood Park and Radclyffe / St. Clement’s CE proposals are brought to the forefront for immediate action. 4.3 With specific regard to the Radclyffe / St. Clement’s CE proposal, the Targeted Capital Fund Bid (TCF) submitted to the DfES in December 2002 to fund the amalgamation of the schools was unsuccessful. However, it continues to be recommended to Members that this proposal goes forward and that the Council continues to seek ways to fund a new school on the ‘Tamworth Jennings’site. 5. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 5.1 Information regarding schools’ performance has been used to inform decisions made relating to the proposals within this report. This information is attached at Appendix 2. 6. TIMESCALES AND PROCESSES 6.1 These are indicative timescales and may be subject to amendment. 6.2 School Organisation Committee (SOC) Process The School Organisation Committee is the body which will determine major school changes such as closures, new schools, significant enlargements, relocations. The proposals arising from these recommendations which will need to go before the SOC are for Alder Park / Westwood Park and Radclyffe / St. Clement’s CE. Proposals cannot be put before the SOC unless funding is secure. Whereas it is possible to fund the Alder Park / Westwood Park proposals out of locally allocated budgets, the new school for the Radclyffe / St. Clement’s CE proposal is beyond that scope, and an agreement will need to be reached with the DfES about how this project is funded. SOC Timescale 6.3 Proposed changes in this report approved by Cabinet 28 May 2003 Decision Notice published, which is subject to 5 working days calling period Notices prepared for publication - June 2003 6 weeks objection / comment period - July 2003 Objections and comments to SOC – August 2003 SOC meets to consider proposals – October 2003 Schools Adjudicator Process The Office of the Schools Adjudicator determines whether the Council can now alter the admission numbers which were recently set for September 2004, for all community and voluntary controlled primary schools. This applies unless the changes are major ones in which case they go to the SOC as described above. This is a new process and at present it is 7 envisaged that the change will roll out as below. All schools with recommendations for alteration which are not named in the above SOC section will need to go through this process. Adjudicator Timescale Proposed changes in this report approved by Cabinet 28 May 2003 Re-consult headteachers / governing bodies and work up in detail the proposed changes and funding source. This includes the following actions: estimates drawings funding sources agreed including school contributions formal consultation with governing bodies (All to take place before school summer holidays - July 2003) All of these minor projects approved at Lead Member Briefing - August 2003 Refer proposed changes to Schools Adjudicator Notify all consultees about procedures – August 2003 Decision of Schools Adjudicator – approximate 7 week process Notify Governing Bodies and other consultees of the changed arrangements as determined by the Schools Adjudicator LEA informs the SOC of the decision of the Adjudicator 7. CONCLUSION 7.1 The review of community and controlled primary school places must continue to be an ongoing process which the LEA will pursue in conjunction with schools, governing bodies, partners and other stakeholders. 7.2 All schools generally need to be monitored and in some cases where small school situations are developing, there are instances of financial difficulties starting to occur. Given the changes to schools’ finance, e.g. standards fund, it is more difficult to reliably predict future school budgets from number on roll. However, we are aware currently of some schools which are projected to experience financial difficulties over the next 2 – 3 financial years, which may result in unviability. This situation needs to be continually monitored. 7.4 The proposals outlined in relation to schools in this report are recommended to Members for approval. 8 A. KERSAL, BROUGHTON / BLACKFRIARS (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 St. Paul’s CE Primary School ST. PAUL’S CE KERSAL A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 207 29 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) * C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 159 23% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 It is recommended that members ask officers and the schools governors to work cooperatively to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 175, and an admission limit of 25, which will reduce the surplus to 9%. 1.2 Brentnall Primary School BRENTNALL A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 175 25 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 155 11% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 At present, the school is showing a surplus of 11%. However, for the immediate future it is felt that overspill from Marlborough Road Primary School will necessitate the retention of these places. Accordingly, it is recommended that Brentnall remain with its current capacity and admission number, but that this situation continue to be monitored. 1.3 Marlborough Road Primary School MARLBOROUGH ROAD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 420 60 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 505 -20% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 9 1.3.1 It is recommended that the new admission limit for the school is 60. This will produce an initial overcrowding of 20%. 1.4 Lower Kersal Primary School LOWER KERSAL A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 243 34 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 181 25% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 It is recommended that members ask officers and the school governors to work together cooperatively to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 196 and an admission limit of 28, which will reduce the surplus to 7%. 1.5 St. George’s CE Primary School ST. GEORGE’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 175 25 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 177 -1% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.6 Charlestown Primary School CHARLESTOWN A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 181 25 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 174 3% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.6.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 10 1.7 The Friars Primary School THE FRIARS A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 197 6% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.7.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.8 North Grecian Street Primary School NORTH GRECIAN STREET A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 341 48 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 291 14% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.8.1 It is recommended that members ask officers and the school governors to work together cooperatively to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 315 and an admission limit of 45, which will reduce the surplus to 7%. 11 B. SWINTON NORTH, SWINTON SOUTH, PENDLEBURY, CLAREMONT (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOLS ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Summerville Primary School SUMMERVILLE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 237 33 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 190 19% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 It is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with the school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 210 and an admission limit of 30, which will reduce the surplus to 9%. 1.2 Light Oaks Infant School LIGHT OAKS INFANTS A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 270 90 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 250 7% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.3 Light Oaks Junior School LIGHT OAKS JUNIOR A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) 360 90 C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 328 8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.3.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 12 1.4 St. John’s CE Primary School ST. JOHN’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 196 28 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 212 -8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 Under the new Net Capacity calculation, the indicated admission limit is 28. However, local demand would appear to indicate an admission limit of 30 to meet with parental preference and that is what is proposed. 1.5 Grosvenor Road Primary School GROSVENOR ROAD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 600 85 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 454 24% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 490 and an admission limit of 70, which will reduce the surplus to 7%. 1.6 Moorside Primary School MOORSIDE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 385 55 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 297 22% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.6.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 315 and an admission limit of 45, which will reduce the surplus to 5%. 13 1.7 Broadoak Primary School BROADOAK A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 420 60 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 432 -2% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.7.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.8 The Deans Primary School THE DEANS A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 197 6% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.8.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.9 Mossfield Primary School MOSSFIELD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 432 61 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 380 12% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.9.1 It is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 420 and an admission limit of 60, which will reduce the surplus to 9%. 14 1.10 Wardley CE Primary School WARDLEY A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 198 28 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 190 4% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.10.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.11 Clifton Primary School CLIFTON A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 315 45 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 306 2% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.11.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 15 C. ECCLES, WINTON, BARTON (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Alder Park Primary School ALDER PARK A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 157 25% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 Alder Park is one of several local schools with surplus place issues. It is not possible to retain all of the local schools. Alder Park is the lowest performing of the schools in terms of pupil outcomes. It is therefore proposed for closure in this review. 1.2 Monton Green Primary School MONTON GREEN A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 280 40 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 255 8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. The school, however, have requested to remain at 38. 1.3 Westwood Park Primary School WESTWOOD PARK A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 315 45 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 276 12% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 16 1.3.1 Westwood Park is one of several local schools with surplus place issues. It is not possible to retain all of the local schools. Westwood Park’s performance has been above average over three years. It is therefore proposed to expand to accommodate pupils from Alder Park, which will close. 1.3.2 The school capacity will need to increase to 420 to accommodate pupils from both schools. Pupils will initially be accommodated by a mixture of refurbishment and extension / temporary accommodation on the Westwood Park site. However, longer term the Council would look to replace a school building of that age and profile. The Alder Park site should therefore be retained with a view to that purpose. 1.4 Beech Street Primary School BEECH STREET A Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure B Indicated Admission Limit (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) 307 43 C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 181 41% 1.4.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 189 and an admission limit of 27, which will reduce the surplus to 4%. This will have to be effected by alternative occupancy by other services, etc. 1.5 Lewis Street Primary School LEWIS STREET A Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure 210 B Indicated Admission Limit (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) 30 C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 181 13% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is recommended that members request officers to work in conjunction with the school governors and governors of Christ Church CE Primary and the Manchester Church of England Diocesan Board of Education to explore amalgamation of Lewis Street with Christ Church CE Primary School, preferably in a new building. 1.5.2 In the meantime, it is recommended that the indicated admission limit of 30 be applied. 17 1.6 Barton Moss Primary School BARTON MOSS A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 243 34 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 199 18% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.6.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 210 and an admission limit of 30, which will reduce the surplus to 5%. This will enable a community project involving nursery provision to take place, sufficient places for pupils living on the Brookhouse estate, and a surplus level of 8% on current projections. 1.7 St. Andrew’s CE Primary School (Eccles) ST. ANDREW’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 206 29 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 180 12% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.7.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 196 and an admission limit of 28, which will reduce the surplus to 8%. 1.8 Clarendon Road Primary School CLARENDON ROAD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 415 59 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 326 21% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.8.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 315 and an admission limit of 45, which will result in a slight overcrowding of 3%. 18 D. WEASTE, SEEDLEY, LANGWORTHY, ORDSALL (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Tootal Drive Primary School TOOTAL DRIVE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 166 20% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 This level of surplus must be addressed, as numbers are set to decline. Recommendations to resolve this situation must be an urgent priority for the Review Group. 1.2 Seedley Primary School SEEDLEY A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 383 54 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 274 28% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 This level of surplus must be addressed, as numbers are set to decline. Recommendations to resolve this situation must be an urgent priority for the Review Group. 1.3 St. Luke’s CE Primary School ST. LUKE’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 189 27 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 129 31% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 19 1.3.1 This level of surplus must be addressed, as numbers are set to decline. Recommendations to resolve this situation must be an urgent priority for the Review Group. 1.4 Larkhill Primary School LARKHILL A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 420 60 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 268 36% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 294 and an admission limit of 42, which will reduce the surplus to 8%. It is recommended that the school remain under review and participate in the Review Group. 1.5 Langworthy Road Primary School LANGWORTHY ROAD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 304 43 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 262 13% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 This level of surplus must be addressed, as numbers are set to decline. Recommendations to resolve this situation must be an urgent priority for the Review Group. 1.6 Radclyffe Primary School RADCLYFFE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 278 39 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 217 21% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.6.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. There remain some concerns about pupil numbers on this basis and it is recommended that the school amalgamates with the nearby St. Clement’s CE Primary School in a new building on the local ‘Tamworth Jennings’ site. 20 1.7 St. Clement’s CE Primary School ST. CLEMENT’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 151 28% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.7.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. There remain some concerns about pupil numbers on this basis and it is recommended that the school amalgamates with the nearby Radclyffe Primary School in a new building on the local ‘Tamworth Jennings’ site. 21 E. LITTLE HULTON (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Wharton Primary School WHARTON A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 354 50 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 251 29% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 270 and an admission limit of 38, which will reduce the surplus to 7%. 1.2 St. Paul’s Peel CE School ST. PAUL’S PEEL CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 289 41 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 287 0% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.3 Dukesgate Primary School DUKESGATE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 206 29 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 164 20% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 22 1.3.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 175 and an admission limit of 25, which will reduce the surplus to 6%. 1.4 Peel Hall Primary School PEEL HALL A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 237 -12% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.5 Hilton Lane Primary School HILTON LANE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 201 4% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is proposed that this admission figure be implemented. 1.6 St. Andrew’s Methodist Primary School ST. ANDREW’S METHODIST A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 209 29 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 200 4% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 23 1.6.1 Under the new Net Capacity calculation, the indicated admission limit is 29. However, local demand would appear to indicate an admission limit of 30 to meet with parental preference and that is what is proposed. 1.7 Bridgewater Primary School BRIDGEWATER A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 315 45 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 289 8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.7.1 It is proposed that this admission figure be implemented. 1.8 North Walkden Primary School NORTH WALKDEN A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 189 27 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 192 -1% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.8.1 Under the new Net Capacity calculation, the indicated admission limit is 27. However, local demand would appear to indicate an admission limit of 30 to meet with parental preference and that is what is proposed. 1.9 St. Paul’s CE Heathside Primary School ST. PAUL’S CE HEATHSIDE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 196 28 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 188 4% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.9.1 Under the new Net Capacity calculation, the indicated admission limit is 28, which would reduce this surplus to 4%. However, local demand would appear to indicate an admission limit of 30 to meet with parental preference and that is what is proposed. 24 F. WORSLEY AND BOOTHSTOWN (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 James Brindley JAMES BRINDLEY A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 206 1% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 It is proposed that this admission figure be implemented. 1.2 Ellenbrook ELLENBROOK A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 213 -1% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 It is proposed that this admission figure be implemented. 1.3 Boothstown Methodist BOOTHSTOWN METHODIST A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 190 27 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 207 -8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 25 1.3.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to maintain the Net Capacity at 210 and an admission limit of 30. 1.4 St. Andrew’s CE Boothstown ST. ANDREWS CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 399 57 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 411 -3% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to maintain the Net Capacity at 455 and an admission limit of 65. 1.5 Mesne Lea MESNE LEA A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 315 45 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 287 8% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is proposed that this admission figure be implemented. 26 IRLAM AND CADISHEAD (Please note: the proposals for schools in this area which have altered since the Cabinet report of 19 February 2003, are underlined). 1. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Moorfield Primary School MOORFIELD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 180 25 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 134 25% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.1.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 142 and an admission limit of 20, which will reduce the surplus to 5%. 1.2 Fiddlers Lane Primary School FIDDLERS LANE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 315 45 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 261 17% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.2.1 It is therefore proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 285 and an admission limit of 40, which will reduce the surplus to 8%. 1.3 Irlam Endowed Primary School IRLAM ENDOWED A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 223 -6% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 27 1.3.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.4 Irlam Primary School IRLAM A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 383 54 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 373 2% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.4.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 1.5 Cadishead Primary School CADISHEAD A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 398 56 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 319 19% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.5.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure is not implemented. Instead it is recommended that members ask officers to work co-operatively with school governors to reduce the Net Capacity to no higher than 364 and an admission limit of 52, which will reduce the surplus to 12%. 1.6 St. Mary’s CE Primary School ST. MARY’S CE A B Current Net Capacity (NC) Figure Indicated Admission Limit 210 30 (NC divided by 7 and rounded down) C D Number on Roll Percentage Surplus 198 5% * In accordance with DfES guidelines regarding calculation of admissions limits 1.6.1 It is proposed that this new admission figure be implemented. 28